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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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She's a bought out corporate shill and has gotten $15 million from special interests recently and will work for the billionaires and not the people if she is elected.

Not an attack though. Still hasn't attacked her.

That's how he attacks her. Just brings up that stuff and expects everyone to put it together. She called it an "artful smear" at the MSNBC debate.


She's a bought out corporate shill and has gotten $15 million from special interests recently and will work for the billionaires and not the people if she is elected.

Not an attack though. Still hasn't attacked her.

While not throwing away the support of Super PACs that back him.

He denounces their existence, while letting them on the campaign trail.
Difference #1: Priorities USA, HRC's Super PAC, raised $25 MILLION, from special interests, including $15MIL from Wall Street #FeelTheBern
Difference #2: Our disastrous trade policies have cost this country millions of decent paying jobs. Bernie opposed NAFTA #FeelTheBern
Those are the two so far
If only Jeb! could have lasted til super tuesday. Oh well.

Kasich, Carson, and Cruz just need to stay in as long as possible.

I still can't believe some people here actually thought Jeb! had a shot. He was so dead in the water for years. Nobody wants Bushes back in office, plain and simple!

Some important things I've noticed regarding the GOP race. Late deciders break for Rubio and Trump doesn't get late deciders (something I argued would happen). If you're for Trump, you don't decide that last minute.

So Trump doesn't have this in the bag, yet. Just needs a fractured field for a little but longer and to maintain these leads closely.

Cruz, right now, is the one really destroying Rubio. I think, should Cruz drop out, Kasich would be forced out. Maybe even Carson (they just have to promise him fox news money). But so long as Cruz is in, he fucks rubio over even in a 3 man race.

If Cruz was any normal person, he could leverage this into a big thing like SCOTUS appointment promise, VP, or SoS or something. But he's so full of himself I don't think he cares.

If Trump ends up winning basically because Cruz is his own man fighting for himself, what does the GOP do going forward. I see two possible scenarios. In the first, the GOP tries to punish him harshly. Put him in the corner in the Senate, maybe even try to primary him. On the other hand, let's say it's 2020 and things are going well and Hillary is well likes. They can nominate Cruz for President to go to the slaughter and destroy his career.

I don't see how this doesn't end poorly for Cruz. He can't win the nomination now (math does not work) and everyone in the GOP will hate him even more if Trump is the nominee and they lose the Senate and House gets close and it will be his fault!


If only Jeb! could have lasted til super tuesday. Oh well.

Kasich, Carson, and Cruz just need to stay in as long as possible.

I still can't believe some people here actually thought Jeb! had a shot. He was so dead in the water for years. Nobody wants Bushes back in office, plain and simple!

Some important things I've noticed regarding the GOP race. Late deciders break for Rubio and Trump doesn't get late deciders (something I argued would happen). If you're for Trump, you don't decide that last minute.

So Trump doesn't have this in the bag, yet. Just needs a fractured field for a little but longer and to maintain these leads closely.

Cruz, right now, is the one really destroying Rubio. I think, should Cruz drop out, Kasich would be forced out. Maybe even Carson (they just have to promise him fox news money). But so long as Cruz is in, he fucks rubio over even in a 3 man race.

If Cruz was any normal person, he could leverage this into a big thing like SCOTUS appointment promise, VP, or SoS or something. But he's so full of himself I don't think he cares.

If Trump ends up winning basically because Cruz is his own man fighting for himself, what does the GOP do going forward. I see two possible scenarios. In the first, the GOP tries to punish him harshly. Put him in the corner in the Senate, maybe even try to primary him. On the other hand, let's say it's 2020 and things are going well and Hillary is well likes. They can nominate Cruz for President to go to the slaughter and destroy his career.

I don't see how this doesn't end poorly for Cruz. He can't win the nomination now (math does not work) and everyone in the GOP will hate him even more if Trump is the nominee and they lose the Senate and House gets close and it will be his fault!

if only texas did not have runoff rules.......


How does this stuff not hurt Hillary? I know 2008 was rough, but Obama is not Hillary. And the climate in 2008 was NOT the climate we have now, specifically with respect to establishment politics?
It doesn't not hurt her.

This is why you have been hearing tons of stories about enraged dems, and why Hillary had steam coming out of her ears at the debate after the "not a progressive" thing- he's poisoning the well w/ attacks because he doesn't actually care about the collective.

Hillary/Obama was a brutal slugfest, but aside from the racist group (who I suspect moved to Sanders this cycle), it was kept above the belt.


Danny Freeman ‏@DannyEFreeman 6m6 minutes ago
Have never seen Sanders go after Clinton this directly before.

Danny Freeman ‏@DannyEFreeman 8m8 minutes ago
.@BernieSanders says that how a candidate raises campaign funds is linked to how he/she would govern



If only Jeb! could have lasted til super tuesday. Oh well.

Kasich, Carson, and Cruz just need to stay in as long as possible.

I still can't believe some people here actually thought Jeb! had a shot. He was so dead in the water for years. Nobody wants Bushes back in office, plain and simple!

Some important things I've noticed regarding the GOP race. Late deciders break for Rubio and Trump doesn't get late deciders (something I argued would happen). If you're for Trump, you don't decide that last minute.

So Trump doesn't have this in the bag, yet. Just needs a fractured field for a little but longer and to maintain these leads closely.

Cruz, right now, is the one really destroying Rubio. I think, should Cruz drop out, Kasich would be forced out. Maybe even Carson (they just have to promise him fox news money). But so long as Cruz is in, he fucks rubio over even in a 3 man race.

If Cruz was any normal person, he could leverage this into a big thing like SCOTUS appointment promise, VP, or SoS or something. But he's so full of himself I don't think he cares.

If Trump ends up winning basically because Cruz is his own man fighting for himself, what does the GOP do going forward. I see two possible scenarios. In the first, the GOP tries to punish him harshly. Put him in the corner in the Senate, maybe even try to primary him. On the other hand, let's say it's 2020 and things are going well and Hillary is well likes. They can nominate Cruz for President to go to the slaughter and destroy his career.

I don't see how this doesn't end poorly for Cruz. He can't win the nomination now (math does not work) and everyone in the GOP will hate him even more if Trump is the nominee and they lose the Senate and House gets close and it will be his fault!

If I was Cruz I'd think outside the box.

Make a deal with Trump. Trump is all about deals, right? Endorse Trump in exchange for the VP nomination.

Establishment Ragnarök.
If Cruz was any normal person, he could leverage this into a big thing like SCOTUS appointment promise, VP, or SoS or something. But he's so full of himself I don't think he cares.

Given how much of a cynical bastard Cruz is, wouldn't be surprised if he were perfectly aware that hills has this (largely) in the bag, and wanted a more favourable exchange, already considering that Rubio would be defeated. Question then becomes what the creature could ask for, given this outcome.

As for putting him in the corner in the senate, haven't they largely done that already? Plus he can just refuse to run for prez in 2020.
"We believe that we won a majority of the Latino vote and we're very proud of that," @BernieSanders tells the press in Boston.

Sanders asked if he has a path to victory. Simple answer "is a three letter word," he says - "Y-E-S" + they are in it for the long haul

That seems to be Bernie going forward
If only Jeb! could have lasted til super tuesday. Oh well.

Kasich, Carson, and Cruz just need to stay in as long as possible.

I still can't believe some people here actually thought Jeb! had a shot. He was so dead in the water for years. Nobody wants Bushes back in office, plain and simple!

Some important things I've noticed regarding the GOP race. Late deciders break for Rubio and Trump doesn't get late deciders (something I argued would happen). If you're for Trump, you don't decide that last minute.

So Trump doesn't have this in the bag, yet. Just needs a fractured field for a little but longer and to maintain these leads closely.

Cruz, right now, is the one really destroying Rubio. I think, should Cruz drop out, Kasich would be forced out. Maybe even Carson (they just have to promise him fox news money). But so long as Cruz is in, he fucks rubio over even in a 3 man race.

If Cruz was any normal person, he could leverage this into a big thing like SCOTUS appointment promise, VP, or SoS or something. But he's so full of himself I don't think he cares.

If Trump ends up winning basically because Cruz is his own man fighting for himself, what does the GOP do going forward. I see two possible scenarios. In the first, the GOP tries to punish him harshly. Put him in the corner in the Senate, maybe even try to primary him. On the other hand, let's say it's 2020 and things are going well and Hillary is well likes. They can nominate Cruz for President to go to the slaughter and destroy his career.

I don't see how this doesn't end poorly for Cruz. He can't win the nomination now (math does not work) and everyone in the GOP will hate him even more if Trump is the nominee and they lose the Senate and House gets close and it will be his fault!

I think they hate Cruz so much they won't even give him the dignity of being put on the national stage and get a republican nomination even if its a scenario where it looks like it will be a loss.

I think that getting someone to primary him is probably a more likely scenario. They want him buried.


Just have these visions of Bernie soundbites getting played over and over in the general to an audience that already sort of thinks this system is rigged.


How long are people going to allow Bernie to claim he won hispanics based on really bad entrance polling.

Hillary routed him in the hispanic areas in Clark county. She would not have carried the state if Bernie won Hispanics.

Who believes this crap?


He can say that now, and talk all about delegates. Because he does have a lot of small donors he must keep fighting for.

But the delegate math doesn't work in his favor, (though it may not work for her either), at least in terms of ultimately reaching the amount to win. So if Bernie does drag this along to the convention (where she'd prevail anyway) and do nothing but talk shit and damage her in the process, I'll lose a lot of respect for him.

The way he and his campaign have already been acting post-Nevada has been really disconcerting. They've lost touch with reality and are kinda acting like those embittered Bernie Bros on reddit.

It's not a response befitting the high-minded and principled campaign he's claimed he's wanted to run so far. Maybe that's on his campaign managers and shit, but he still bears some responsibility for things. Go down fighting sure, but not like this.


I think one of the problems with Bernie's campaign is that we're back to where we were before the process started -- Bernie has little-to-no chance of winning the nomination. Iowa and New Hampshire were always going to be VERY friendly towards Bernie. And I think that go into everyone's head that this was possible, when it always was a huge uphill battle from the beginning.

And Bernie probably bought into that, no doubt from his shitty campaign team. And now he's flailing.
So maybe I'm just ignorant to it all, but is it typical in political discourse online to always assume the front-runner is going to lose despite the evidence?

I mean we have
- Bernie beating Hillary discussion despite evidence to the contrary
- Rubio beating Trump despite evidence to the contrary
- Trump beating Hillary despite evidence to the contrary

The Trump thing especially drives me crazy. All this talk about "energized bases" and whatnot yet nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that we will very likely have people coming out to specifically vote against Trump, especially minorities. Assuming that Trump wins the primary.
If I was Cruz I'd think outside the box.

Make a deal with Trump. Trump is all about deals, right? Endorse Trump in exchange for the VP nomination.

Establishment Ragnarök.

The deal would be not to leave the race. More Cruz voters go to Rubio than probably any other block except maybe Carson's.

Cruz staying in, rather than endorsement, is the deal to make.

I think they hate Cruz so much they won't even give him the dignity of being put on the national stage and get a republican nomination even if its a scenario where it looks like it will be a loss.

I think that getting someone to primary him is probably a more likely scenario. They want him buried.

I agree. Just musing about 2020 if Hillary is popular. In such a case, Rubio/Haley etc should wait it out. Maybe let Jeb! take his final beating, lol.


I was just thinking about later down the road when Obama starts campaigning for Hillary.

I hope it starts in Unity to mirror when Hillary endorsed Obama. I think it would be touching.

Also I'm hoping she references putting more cracks in that ceiling. Good theme she doesnt much reference like she did in her concession last time around.


So maybe I'm just ignorant to it all, but is it typical in political discourse online to always assume the front-runner is going to lose despite the evidence?

I mean we have
- Bernie beating Hillary discussion despite evidence to the contrary
- Rubio beating Trump despite evidence to the contrary
- Trump beating Hillary despite evidence to the contrary

The Trump thing especially drives me crazy. All this talk about "energized bases" and whatnot yet nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that we will very likely have people coming out to specifically vote against Trump, especially minorities. Assuming that Trump wins the primary.

Well discourse flows through the media, mainstream or otherwise. So what's more interesting, a dead heat or a blowout? If the media keeps pushing these tight race stories, that drives traffic

What's the transcirpts thing Bernie is all about?

Hillary has given paid speeches to Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs. Bernie supporters want the transcripts public because they believe there's a smoking gun proving Hillary is in the pockets of Wall Street, a la Mittens' "47%" comment in 2012


I also think hitting Wall St. transcripts is a dead end for his campaign. The handful of people who really care about that are already voting for Bernie anyways.

Leave that to your surrogates.
He can say that now, and talk all about delegates. Because he does have a lot of small donors he must keep fighting for.

But the delegate math doesn't work in his favor, (though it may not work for her either), at least in terms of ultimately reaching the amount to win. So if Bernie does drag this along to the convention (where she'd prevail anyway) and do nothing but talk shit and damage her in the process, I'll lose a lot of respect for him.

The way he and his campaign have already been acting post-Nevada has been really disconcerting. They've lost touch with reality and are kinda acting like those embittered Bernie Bros on reddit.

It's not a response befitting the high-minded and principled campaign he's claimed he's wanted to run so far. Maybe that's on his campaign managers and shit, but he still bears some responsibility for things. Go down fighting sure, but not like this.

When has Bernie ever talked shit on Hilary? Usually he's been pretty tame when it comes to any kind of attacks.

Mostly it's been Hilary doing the slinging... Though things can change... I just don't see Bernie himself personally doing that.
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