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bad news for Rubio
Benji, nice Always Sunny references before.

Here's the more interesting question. Let's say polling against the GOP senate turns bad. Real bad. Further, the presidential campaign turns against them, too. Trump gets nominated, then literally shits on the constitution. Something like that. The Senate finds themselves in a position where they know that Democrats are taking the Senate and presidency. So, being the rational decision makers they are, they decide they'd rather have a moderate Obama appointee now than a liberal appointee in 2017. Suddenly it in the Democrats favor to delay a nominee. Who here supports that? Would it be cool for Obama to refuse to nominate someone because he'd rather have the next president put a liberal in?

In that situation, Obama wouldn't be able to delay; presumably he would have already nominated someone which the Republicans can choose to push through. Which is why he should nominate a solid liberal from the get-go.

Although honestly, a moderate Justice would not be so bad. It would still be a huge improvement on Scalia and Hilldawg will get a couple of appointments at least.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Interesting. The remaining ~50% or so undecided? I know that Trump has been polling the worst among people that have taken the longest to decide, but I'm just having so much difficulty seeing how Rubio wins the nomination merely because everyone else forfeits? That's one hell of a strategy, I guess.

The rest were divided between Carson, Kasich, and Jeb.

That is horrific news for Rubio.
Can you tell me what's stupid about it? Im generally curious.

It's just a bunch of hypotheticals and assumptions? Would Clinton's unfavoribility matter when Trump would be the most unpopular presidential candidate in decades? What reason does he believe that Trump would pull away black support? Why does he think Clinton would meekly fight back Trump's dirty tactics with policy when the Clintons are no strangers to getting dirty themselves? Why is he pretending to know Trump's strategy in the GE?

He's just assuming the disaster scenario and writing it, you can do that with any match-up.


Can you tell me what's stupid about it? Im generally curious.

What are swing states?

any article that's basis is electability for a candidate based on this wave of anti-establishment fervor where said candidate is LOSING is not a good start for an article.
Why is that bad news for Rubitron?

Is it that that is high turnout or the early voting will follow the current polls which show Trump up?

Both. The high turnout and early voting now leaves less late deciders to vote for Rubio and gives Trump more tailwind going in. It may not be as bad for Rubio as that suggests though, the reason conservative voters tend to prefer mail in ballots is because they are older and rural, which means the establishment types (who are more urban) who may coalesce around Rubio are less likely to be in those early voters. Its unusually high turn out among people voting in person in those more urban areas that Rubio needs to worry about , if they've already voted for Kasich those are votes he can't get back even if Kasich drops.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think Trump/Kasich will happen if Trump wins, and Kasich already knows it.

If Rubio/ Cruz team up against Trump, Kasich on his side could be helpful, much like Christie was.


Can you tell me what's stupid about it? Im generally curious.

What are swing states?
Your answer to me, "What are swing states?" is the same reason why you cannot understand why that article is stupid.

The US is comprised of 50 states. "Swing states" (can also be referred to as "toss ups") refer to the states in the general election that usually determine the winner.

The reason for that is that there are states that are solidly liberal (California, New York, Massachusetts, etc.) and are considered, for current elections, to always be Democratic. Similarly, there are states that are solidly conservative (Alabama, Tennessee, etc.) and will always go Republican. Therefore, from the start of the election, each side has a 'baseline score', and the first to achieve a 'score' of 270 wins.

Where swing states come in are that they are, through various metrics, the states most likely to be able to go either Dem or Rep, depending on the political climate.

An example of how this works is best illustrated by this table that Cook Political Report has. If you scroll down you will be able to see the geographical representation of their assessment, and the numbers that they consider to be 'baseline' for each side.

Democrats unquestionably have the advantage. To understand why, you have to get a bit historical. In the Cook chart, D starts with 223, R with 206. In the "toss ups" column, there's actually two states there that are somehow considered "swing state" because of various factors, but historically, Pennsylvania hasn't voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1988, and Wisconsin hasn't voted for a Republican candidate since 1984. What that means is that you can estimate the baseline of Democrats to be at 253 instead of 223. Which means they are much, much closer to 270 than the Republicans are.

For Republicans to win, they have to literally win all of the swing states. It's a tall order even for a non-extreme Republican, so if you're thinking the extreme Trump being able to do it, it's pretty much impossible.

The author of the article you linked uses no math in his arguments about how Hillary v. Trump equals a Trump win. He doesn't not sit down and consider if certain states may shake loose from the Democratic column and go Trump in a hypothetical Hillary v. Trump match up, because in a HvT match up, none of those states would shake loose—in fact they would solidify in Hillary's camp even more so. If Trump is bad enough, it's possible to even threaten Republican territory by driving up minority vote (Arizona, Georgia).

I think oftentimes when people evaluate the general election from this far away, with few polls, they don't properly assess the situation. Elections are war; if you want to evaluate it, then you should learn the rules, the conditions, the battlefield. fanto, you're falling into the same trap as the primaries; people who suddenly learned about superdelegates should have known about them from the start. Don't do the same for the general election.

If you're feeling up for some learning, here's a link to see past presidential elections and how the states voted. The same site has an interactive feature on its main page for you to toggle states to test your own ideas.

Here's the more interesting question. Let's say polling against the GOP senate turns bad. Real bad. Further, the presidential campaign turns against them, too. Trump gets nominated, then literally shits on the constitution. Something like that. The Senate finds themselves in a position where they know that Democrats are taking the Senate and presidency. So, being the rational decision makers they are, they decide they'd rather have a moderate Obama appointee now than a liberal appointee in 2017. Suddenly it in the Democrats favor to delay a nominee. Who here supports that? Would it be cool for Obama to refuse to nominate someone because he'd rather have the next president put a liberal in?
I think I said this earlier in the thread, but you guys are mind-gaming yourselves too hard


I say go for Sandoval. Pro choice GOPer? Luxury of being a lifetime appointment and therefore not bound by political bullshit unless you're lame like Alito or Thomas? Go for it Obama.

He's to the left of Scalia so that is a very good thing. We get another swing vote.
I dont think the argument for Sanders is stupid. He has angry white votes that could block a Trump surging in November. I think Clinton is a fairly weak candidate in an election which narrative is pro-outsider, when voters in both spectrums of the electorate are craving for anti-establishment.

Believing that Clinton will just stump on Trump by the power of reasonable debate is delusional, specially with an electorate that is so responsive to emotionally driven campaigning.

That narrative is built by a segment of Republicans and some independents. I think people are mistakenly attributing the anti-Establishment feelings from the primary GOP to the entire electorate. I partially blame the media, pundits, politicians, and voters using neutral and broad terms like it applies to everyone. Democrats don't have that issue in such an extreme because if they did they would be supporting Bernie over Hillary, and if Bernie loses many states in the primary than as a whole the Dem primary electorate does not have the same feelings as part of the GOP does and poll shows that Hillary has large support from Democrats. So that won't work on Democrats; if Bernie whose whole platform is built on billionaire's, wallstreet, the little man, and the "establishment" can't beat Hillary in the near future than it won't work on Hillary. On the Republican side many people still support establishment candidates and everyone knows those guys have a huge amount of donors including supporters. That rhetoric will mostly work on people who won't vote for Hillary to begin with.

What Donald Trump is doing is taking advantage of the dysfunction.


Is it really that advantageous to say Obama's vetting a Republican as a SCOTUS nominee? Why not just put forward who he actually wants, presumably someone who is a Democrat? I mean, I've been reading for years about how important it is to have a Democrat in the White House for this precise moment, so if we've all been working so hard to get this point, GO FOR IT, right?


Is it really that advantageous to say Obama's vetting a Republican as a SCOTUS nominee? Why not just put forward who he actually wants, presumably someone who is a Democrat? I mean, I've been reading for years about how important it is to have a Democrat in the White House for this precise moment, so if we've all been working so hard to get this point, GO FOR IT, right?

Seems really stupid to me.
Rank Trump VP options in likelihood:

Morning Joe
Duncan Hunter


(Most to Least)
Morning Joe
Christie (Based on nuking Rubio for him)
Kasich (If Rubio's nuking doesn't stick and Kasich ends up carrying it for him, then swap them)
Duncan Hunter (Trump knows no loyalty only power)
Voldemort / Huckabee (neither of them are likely to bring anything to Trump's existing base)
I think I said this earlier in the thread, but you guys are mind-gaming yourselves too hard

Haha, probably. I don't think that'll actually happen. Just curious about the hypothetical. It seems tempted to say Obama should delay, but then that feels crazy hypocritical. The one poster (I'm on mobile and don't feel like quitting my typing of this response to look up who) probably had the right strategy if this unlikely event happen: Obama would just keep nominating liberals
Is it really that advantageous to say Obama's vetting a Republican as a SCOTUS nominee? Why not just put forward who he actually wants, presumably someone who is a Democrat? I mean, I've been reading for years about how important it is to have a Democrat in the White House for this precise moment, so if we've all been working so hard to get this point, GO FOR IT, right?

You float a Republican out there - other Republican's like Deb Fischer say really dumb things. You get to the say the Republican's are so extreme that they'll say they won't even nominate a respected moderate who has all the qualifications in the world, being a current Governor and a former Circuit Judge.

As a result, the polls move against Republican's in states like New Hampshire, Illinois, and the like, making those Republican's go to McConnell and say, "we need to look like we support hearings on a nominee."

From there, you can then nominate a moderate like Siri or if things look really bad for the GOP, float an actual liberal up there whose less liberal than who Hillary the Destroyer would nominate with a Democratic Congress.


Is it really that advantageous to say Obama's vetting a Republican as a SCOTUS nominee? Why not just put forward who he actually wants, presumably someone who is a Democrat? I mean, I've been reading for years about how important it is to have a Democrat in the White House for this precise moment, so if we've all been working so hard to get this point, GO FOR IT, right?
Yeah, to hell with this Sandoval talk and anyone more moderate than Srinivasan. If Democrats can't win with a soft opponent like Trump as the nominee and with the Republican party splintered in disarray, then it's just time to pack it up anyway.

Obama needs to nominate Lynch or someone to make Republicans pay the maximum price in November, and then have Hillary nominate a staunch liberal next year with a Democratic Senate.


Rank Trump VP options in likelihood:

Morning Joe
Duncan Hunter

I like the idea of Voldemort just because it seems in keeping with the themes of the absurdist political farce we now call reality that Trump would have an imaginary person as the other half of his ticket.
Also, why the hell hasn't there been an Arrested Development themed debate thread? Jeb Bush literally is Gob Bluth. His name is his initials, he made a huge mistake, Columba is Marta, his mother doesn't care for him, he's desperate for his father's approval, he lives in the shadow of his more accomplished brother, he knocked up a Catholic girl (and they stay pregnant), then converted to her church, they both demand to be taken seriously, his family is tied to Iraq, and neither of them really want to be president (but they'd like to be asked!)


Also, why the hell hasn't there been an Arrested Development themed debate thread? Jeb Bush literally is Gob Bluth. His name is his initials, he made a huge mistake, Columba is Marta, his mother doesn't care for him, he's desperate for his father's approval, he lives in the shadow of his more accomplished brother, he knocked up a Catholic girl (and they stay pregnant), then converted to her church, they both demand to be taken seriously, his family is tied to Iraq, and neither of them really want to be president (but they'd like to be asked!)
Jeb is Tobias


Thanks for the responses, all. It still seems better to me to go for someone better ASAP, but hopefully the predictions of damaging to some Republicans comes true since I think more people are paying attention to politics in a general election year.
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