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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Obama won't choose Sandoval. They leaked this so they can get the Republicans to expose their hypocrisy by saying they would consider Sandoval but no one else. It's a trap.
The debates don't matter for Trump. He'll enter the stage as the front runner and exit the stage as the front runner. However this is a huge debate for Rubio. If he folds under pressure perhaps we could see more movement for Kasich. I haven't really been impressed by Rubio and expect he will do decent enough for things not to change.

Cruz is melting. I'm amazed that even Evangelicals don't care that he's the only true believer left. I'm guessing we'll get another bombastic performance of him saying everything the base wants to hear as Trump dazzles them with tricks.

Kasich has to switch things up. It's time to go on the attack; he has to convince the establishment that he's the guy. I wouldn't rip Rubio to shreds though. Kasich should question Rubio's record and lack of accomplishments while also showing he can take on Trump better than Jeb did.
Reagan was only allowed to nominate a justice in the last year because it was Kennedy. Who sided with democrats on many issues. This is sort of an equivalent of that. Regardless of his labor views, it's probably a fair appointment

User 406

I'd also much rather have a more consistently liberal nominee, but holy shit a magic fuckin' 8-ball in a black robe would still be a massive upgrade from Scalia.


The debates don't matter for Trump. He'll enter the stage as the front runner and exit the stage as the front runner. However this is a huge debate for Rubio. If he folds under pressure perhaps we could see more movement for Kasich. I haven't really been impressed by Rubio and expect he will do decent enough for things not to change.

Cruz is melting. I'm amazed that even Evangelicals don't care that he's the only true believer left. I'm guessing we'll get another bombastic performance of him saying everything the base wants to hear as Trump dazzles them with tricks.

Kasich has to switch things up. It's time to go on the attack; he has to convince the establishment that he's the guy. I wouldn't rip Rubio to shreds though. Kasich should question Rubio's record and lack of accomplishments while also showing he can take on Trump better than Jeb did.

Kasich isn't touching Trump. I feel like he would go after Rubio. Actually, I feel like most of these establishment dudes aren't scared of Rubes bc they see him as a child.
Sandoval would be like 10x better than Scalia

Republicans would never approve him because he is Pro-Choice

Actually, I am not even sure why he is a Republican.
Seriously--who in the world cares if Sandoval is a republican? Look at what he has sided with democrats on in the past. THAT is what really matters. "Republican" means a totally different thing in certain areas of the United States.
He'd continue to decimate unions, side with businesses in disputes, I know nothing on his use or first amendment jurisprudence, religious liberty, immigrations, 2nd amendment etc.

He'd be a terrible pick.


I'm all for leaking Sandoval as part of the "game" with Republicans, but I'd be really upset if he was the nominee
This gigantic feature coincided with it- http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/02/nevada-primary-brian-sandoval-213668

There's another game being played here- I think he's flipping parties when he runs for Reid's seat.

He's actively letting himself be used as a weapon against the GOP leadership in the Senate, which he wouldn't do if he'd need their help.


Also, ignoring his prospects as an actual judge on the court, the politics will be BRUTAL for the GOP. How is it going to play for Mark Kirk, Ron Johnson, or Kelly Ayotte to have them say they aren't even going to meet with a popular latino Republican governor? How is that going to play in the summer after they keep getting hit with it for 3 months? What about 6 months later in the midst of the genera when independents are being courted? They already have an uphill battle and this will play TERRIBLY for moderates.
Sandoval would be like 10x better than Scalia

Republicans would never approve him because he is Pro-Choice

Actually, I am not even sure why he is a Republican.
Yeah this is what I'm thinking. I do t even think they'll approve of him. But there's a chance maybe.

This would be like if the tables were turned and republicans wanted to nominate Jim Webb .. Or somebody like him. Idk, Don't think most democrats would care that he's a democrat officially.



Just asked Deb Fischer, Nebraska Republican, if she'd consider Sandoval as a Supreme Court nom. She said no. "It's not about the person."

Holy Din, they are DUMB. I can't believe she admitted this, and so damn soon out of the gate!
Sandoval is a trial balloon. No problems vetting him. Appear considering both conservative as well as liberal justices for the job. Make Mitch McConnell answer for politicizing the issue despite a candidate seems to be idealogically republican. Also get a pulse of the democratic base in a centrist choice. 3 birds with one stone. He's not going to nominate him.


I think this is just his own team trying to leak all of this to increase his star power.
I edited my post above- he's actively letting himself be used as a weapon against the GOP leadership in the Senate, which he wouldn't do if he'd need their help. You don't want to be a pariah like Cruz.





Called it.

Has no one learned that Obama's plans or attempts to work across the aisle are always met with a wall.

We're in this still 2017. So enjoy the ride.
You just know Obama's going to be slowly building a case for the Autumn campaign. He's collecting sound bites, stories, evidence - ammunition.
You just know Obama's going to be slowly building a case for the Autumn campaign. He's collecting sound bites, stories, evidence - ammunition.

But will it be that effective in the GOP losing seats or power?

I don't think so.

We're talking about the American public here. Something else will happen between now and then where this will eventually be a non issue.

Or it drives up voter turnout on both sides.


In which a flailing Glenn Greenwald makes the same stupid electability argument about Sanders, and then tries to handwave away any criticism with "Obama":

With Donald Trump looming, should Dems take a huge electability gamble by nominating Hillary Clinton? http://interc.pt/24pCmy6 by @ggreenwald

Rather than data, the assertion relies on highly speculative, evidence-free claims: Sanders will also become unpopular once he’s the target of GOP attacks; nobody who self-identifies as a “socialist” can win a national election; he’s too old or too ethnic to win, etc. The very same supporters of Hillary Clinton were saying very similar things just eight years ago about an unknown African-American first-term Senator with the name Barack Hussein Obama.


The last This American Life podcast was fascinating. A black, gay young adult who was adopted by evangelical parents and is a hardcore Trump supporter. The most 'voting against your interests' example of all time, and even more remarkable when the reasoning behind his decisions starts falling apart.
You never really know which way someone who's towards the center might float over time when given the complete political freedom and protection the Supreme Court gives you.

At this point maybe it would just be better to let the republicans run out the clock and try to reap the benefits politically from it in November. We're all fucking dead if Trump wins anyway so might as well plan on Hillary winning and getting to nominate whoever she wants
The last This American Life podcast was fascinating. A black, gay young adult who was adopted by evangelical parents and is a hardcore Trump supporter. The most 'voting against your interests' example of all time, and even more remarkable when the reasoning behind his decisions starts falling apart.

I have a homosexual friend who listens to Rush and is always staunchly GOP.

I love him... But sometimes I'm just like dude. Stahp.


I think the most damning thing the GOP has said in the past 24hours is not that they won't even hold hearings (which is historic), but that they won't even SPEAK to the nominee regardless of who it is. Who, beyond the most extreme republican activists, thinks that that is an appropriate position? That quote/soundbite from Mitch McTurtle will be played all year long.
In which a flailing Glenn Greenwald makes the same stupid electability argument about Sanders, and then tries to handwave away any criticism with "Obama":

I dont think the argument for Sanders is stupid. He has angry white votes that could block a Trump surging in November. I think Clinton is a fairly weak candidate in an election which narrative is pro-outsider, when voters in both spectrums of the electorate are craving for anti-establishment.

Believing that Clinton will just stump on Trump by the power of reasonable debate is delusional, specially with an electorate that is so responsive to emotionally driven campaigning.


I dont think the argument for Sanders is stupid. He has angry white votes that could block a Trump surging in November. I think Clinton is a fairly weak candidate in an election which narrative is pro-outsider, when voters in both spectrums of the electorate are craving for anti-establishment.

Believing that Clinton will just stump on Trump by the power of reasonable debate is delusional, specially with an electorate that is so responsive to emotionally driven campaigning.

Trying to prop up a candidate who has thusfar only been attacked by a pillow from his candidate in the primary as the more "electable" one is one of the most intellectually disingenuous things that Glenn could post, but there it is.

It's a stupid argument. The most attacking Hillary has done to Bernie has been a firm hug.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well actually my perspective is now that sanders doesn't seem to be able to motivate enough people to vote so I don't get his argument as clearly as I did before. He's exciting a vocal base that's still not turning out in enough proportion to actually get him to win. He's not Obama. There's no movement here. I wish there were because then it'd be an easy choice.


It's a stupid argument. The most attacking Hillary has done to Bernie has been a firm hug.

I think the closest thing to an attack I've seen out of her was the "artful smear" comment about the no true Scotsman of progressives thing. And that wasn't an attack. That was calling a spade a spade.
Trying to prop up a candidate who has thusfar only been attacked by a pillow from his candidate in the primary as the more "electable" one is one of the most intellectually disingenuous things that Glenn could post, but there it is.

It's a stupid argument. The most attacking Hillary has done to Bernie has been a firm hug.

Yep, Bernie would get wrecked in a general election.


There has been no polling to suggest Hillary can't win MN. We've only had one CO 49-43 Bernie when we know caucuses are hard to poll. MA is a tie. OK is a slight Hillary lead.
How close to the election do you think we could be before the GOP excuse of "its too close to the election for a SCOTUS nominee" becomes convincing for the American electorate. Like, people maybe be against waiting now, but in September, I'm willing to bet people would accept it. Have to keep that in mind when considering the GOP delay strategy. The longer they keep it going, the more reasonable it may appear to be to people.


I'm glad Greenwald has finally managed to carve a little niche for himself at the Intercept. Would've been hard to justify its existence otherwise.
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