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Jon Huntsman: I could get behind Donald Trump

I saw that yesterday. He sounds like a spineless republican. His argument is literally that because he is a republican he should support whoever the nominee is even if it's Trump. I thought Huntsman was suppose to be a principled republican. Here he just sounds like an idiot.


Oh god, that Bernie poll thread...

I really thought we had a rule at this point that you couldn't create threads on individual polls. Repeatedly sanders fans keep creating these utterly pointless threads where they proclaim Sanders to be surging, even though they don't seem to understand some of the basic fundamentals of how American politics (or primaries!) actually works.

Also, every-time someone posts how Sanders is just like Obama a kitten dies. I can only imagine its from people who couldn't actually vote in 2008, or were locked in an isolation tank or something, because Sanders is so far away from Obama its scary.


No Scrubs
I like the idea of Voldemort just because it seems in keeping with the themes of the absurdist political farce we now call reality that Trump would have an imaginary person as the other half of his ticket.

They don't mean actual Voldemort, they mean Rick Scott.



WASHINGTON — The day after Donald Trump’s third decisive win in early state primaries, the prospect of the billionaire’s inevitability as the Republican presidential nominee began to sink in on Capitol Hill.

Members of Congress have rushed to endorse Sen. Marco Rubio in recent days, but with several candidates still splitting the vote and Trump racking up delegates, Republican lawmakers now believe Trump is close to being unstoppable and are grappling with what that could mean for the party’s down-ballot candidates.

“Unless the field consolidates, Trump is the inevitable nominee,” Sen. Lindsey Graham told reporters on Wednesday. “There’s a small chance you can stop him, but that would mean a massive consolidation of the field.”

“I’m not going to tell anyone how to run their campaign. I didn’t do a very good job with mine,” he joked. “People have got to make these decisions.”

Rep. Greg Walden, chairman of the campaign arm for House Republicans, previewed how Republicans might handle a potential Trump nomination — by quickly pivoting to Clinton.

“Hillary’s got her own set of problems with half of Democratic voters thinking they should be socialists and vote against her…only older, rich folks voted for her in New Hampshire, and the FBI is continuing to expand their review of the email situation,” Walden told reporters. “If I were a Democrat, I’d be pretty concerned that my nominee would be in trouble.”

“Both parties are going to have issues with their nominee — whoever the nominee is,” he repeatedly stressed.

Graham, however, didn’t sugar coat Trump’s affect on the party. “We won’t lose. We’ll get slaughtered.”
I saw that yesterday. He sounds like a spineless republican. His argument is literally that because he is a republican he should support whoever the nominee is even if it's Trump. I thought Huntsman was suppose to be a principled republican. Here he just sounds like an idiot.

Impossible to have principles AND be a republican in the current climate. It's one or the other.

Kasich and Huntsman are both just faking the "moderate" angle.


I really thought we had a rule at this point that you couldn't create threads on individual polls. Repeatedly sanders fans keep creating these utterly pointless threads where they proclaim Sanders to be surging, even though they don't seem to understand some of the basic fundamentals of how American politics (or primaries!) actually works.

Also, every-time someone posts how Sanders is just like Obama a kitten dies. I can only imagine its from people who couldn't actually vote in 2008, or were locked in an isolation tank or something, because Sanders is so far away from Obama its scary.

At one point, either in that thread or one similar, someone tried to say the two campaign paths(Obama and Bernie) were the same.

Ignoring that Obama handily won Iowa, won SC, and the majority of Super Tuesday states.
Also, every-time someone posts how Sanders is just like Obama a kitten dies. I can only imagine its from people who couldn't actually vote in 2008, or were locked in an isolation tank or something, because Sanders is so far away from Obama its scary.

There's a lot of revisionist history on the 2008 primary. People seem to think that Clinton started with a much larger lead than she actually did and that Obama came out of nowhere instead of being widely acknowledged as a rising star dating back to 2004.


If, and it looks increasingly likely she will, Hillary wins the nomination, her "problems" within the democratic party will largely fade away after the convention. There is very little to indicate the party won't come together around her as the nominee.
President Obama wrote a piece for SCOTUS Blog.


First and foremost, the person I appoint will be eminently qualified. He or she will have an independent mind, rigorous intellect, impeccable credentials, and a record of excellence and integrity. I’m looking for a mastery of the law, with an ability to hone in on the key issues before the Court, and provide clear answers to complex legal questions.

Second, the person I appoint will be someone who recognizes the limits of the judiciary’s role; who understands that a judge’s job is to interpret the law, not make the law. I seek judges who approach decisions without any particular ideology or agenda, but rather a commitment to impartial justice, a respect for precedent, and a determination to faithfully apply the law to the facts at hand.

But I’m also mindful that there will be cases that reach the Supreme Court in which the law is not clear. There will be cases in which a judge’s analysis necessarily will be shaped by his or her own perspective, ethics, and judgment. That’s why the third quality I seek in a judge is a keen understanding that justice is not about abstract legal theory, nor some footnote in a dusty casebook. It’s the kind of life experience earned outside the classroom and the courtroom; experience that suggests he or she views the law not only as an intellectual exercise, but also grasps the way it affects the daily reality of people’s lives in a big, complicated democracy, and in rapidly changing times. That, I believe, is an essential element for arriving at just decisions and fair outcomes.


I really thought we had a rule at this point that you couldn't create threads on individual polls. Repeatedly sanders fans keep creating these utterly pointless threads where they proclaim Sanders to be surging, even though they don't seem to understand some of the basic fundamentals of how American politics (or primaries!) actually works.

Also, every-time someone posts how Sanders is just like Obama a kitten dies. I can only imagine its from people who couldn't actually vote in 2008, or were locked in an isolation tank or something, because Sanders is so far away from Obama its scary.

The one thing about that particular poll that I thought was odd was that it has 22% "wouldn't vote". Not "don't know"..."wouldn't vote." Were these Democrats they were polling?


The one thing about that particular poll that I thought was odd was that it has 22% "wouldn't vote". Not "don't know"..."wouldn't vote." Were these Democrats they were polling?

Nope you need to add a filter to see democrats or likely dem primary voters

You can guess what that gets you
The one thing about that particular poll that I thought was odd was that it has 22% "wouldn't vote". Not "don't know"..."wouldn't vote." Were these Democrats they were polling?

Nope. Once you limit it to democrats it lowers that to 8.8%, which is more realistic. Bernie still up 47-44 though.

And yeah, changing it likely primary voters changes it even more. 4.4% wouldn't vote, Hillary up 51-44.
If, and it looks increasingly likely she will, Hillary wins the nomination, her "problems" within the democratic party will largely fade away after the convention. There is very little to indicate the party won't come together around her as the nominee.

It's a given the Democratic Party will come together around Clinton, I'm pretty sure hard economically left Democrats gave up on being not-disappointed a long time ago (probably around Bill's presidency at the latest) and the social justice left seem pleased with her.

You might lose more Sanders voters than you did Obama voters (because Sanders voters skew more Independent). I suspect some of them are to the left of the Democratic party and will at worst not vote / vote Green , rather than vote Trump, so that makes you no worse off than you were before. I dunno how many will vote Trump though,


And we criticize Republicans for living in a bubble:

(that poor guy who tries to make them listen to reason)



romney on Fox putting the shiv in on the Donald over tax returns.


Oh the hypocrisy. I guess that Reid attack really got under Romneys skin

If I recall though, Trump brags that he won't release his returns because he is great at dodging taxes or something anyway


No one ever talks about the Trump University scams, his cost overrun lawsuits, or anything. There's a lot to attack Trump on that everyone avoids. I hope Clinton takes off the gloves.

The Trump University scam is going to be unavoidable when he takes the stand. Probably won't hurt him among his base though.


The Trump University scam is going to be unavoidable when he takes the stand. Probably won't hurt him among his base though.

His base isn't big enough to win the general. It's not even big enough to win the republican nomination in a head to head race.


No one ever talks about the Trump University scams, his cost overrun lawsuits, or anything. There's a lot to attack Trump on that everyone avoids. I hope Clinton takes off the gloves.

I don't think any of that would stick in a general election.

You need to identify his sources of strength and destroy them. Find incidents where he "lost" and was a "loser" and didn't win. Turn him into Wiley E. Coyote.

Maybe remind everyone how Obama chased him out of the race last time around. Bring out the AFL stuff. Any time he's ever fucked up, bring it out and make him look like a total loser.
I don't think any of that would stick in a general election.

You need to identify his sources of strength and destroy them. Find incidents where he "lost" and was a "loser" and didn't win. Turn him into Wiley E. Coyote.

Maybe remind everyone how Obama chased him out of the race last time around. Bring out the AFL stuff. Any time he's ever fucked up, bring it out and make him look like a total loser.


Lord Fagan

Junior Member
I don't think any of that would stick in a general election.

You need to identify his sources of strength and destroy them. Find incidents where he "lost" and was a "loser" and didn't win. Turn him into Wiley E. Coyote.

Maybe remind everyone how Obama chased him out of the race last time around. Bring out the AFL stuff. Any time he's ever fucked up, bring it out and make him look like a total loser.

She'll start a dialogue and it'll be very interesting.
My goodness that warms my heart. I hope one of the results of this election is that Cruz becomes an even bigger pariah and a one term senator.

I'm pretty sure the only way you'd take down Cruz is by either being to his right or by being Donald Trump.

Texas's last Democratic Senator was in 1993 and that was because the original incumbent was elected in 1970 and basically never left (the last Democratic Senator was appointed to finish the term and failed to win the election to keep the seat).


No one ever talks about the Trump University scams, his cost overrun lawsuits, or anything. There's a lot to attack Trump on that everyone avoids. I hope Clinton takes off the gloves.

The republicans have held off because Trump is so popular with their base, they lose by attacking him. They fear that attacking him would only further mobilize his support. Democrats don't have to fear this in the GE.
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