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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I think the thing with Trump and bankruptcy is that he comes from a world where risk is an inherent feature of everything you do, so he doesn't really "get" how several major bankruptcies look from the other side.
That thing with Megyn Kelly is so goofy to me. Is he just afraid of women or what

I don't know that he's afraid of all women. I think that his way of attacking women is to call them emotional liberal wackjobs. That works against someone like Hillary or Rosie. I don't think he legitimately has any idea how to deal with a conservative woman who is often ideologically in line with him, but just disagrees with him. The Right doesn't see bluster in the same way if it's directed at one of their own. The shit he said to Megyn would have been fine if it was directed at Rachel Maddow or even Andrea Mitchell. So, what I think he did was get his ass out of a situation in which he acknowledged he was ill equipped to deal. I think he made the right call that night because Fox was bringing the god damn tapes.
Trump just needs to survive tomorrow, and Super Tuesday is his. Will be interesting to see how he operates without his usual foil (jeb). The debate has a good probability to center on Cruz' antics and people calling him a liar.

As long as Trump doesnt throw slurs around he should be ok.
I'd also like to note that I'm not Diablosing about Trump. Barring some unpredictable happening, I don't see a probable path to him doing any better than terrible in a general election. My point was just that I think he knows his weaknesses in comparison to Hillary and that his strategy to overcome them will be better than some think.


I remember it differently. She got wrecked and immediately fell into obscurity.

As I remember it she actually got a polling bounce from her debate performance in September where she was incredibly prominent and vocal against Trump, but then people looked at her record.

Then like Carson got swallowed up in the later parts of the year following Paris and San Bernadino.
I'd also like to note that I'm not Diablosing about Trump. Barring some unpredictable happening, I don't see a probable path to him doing any better than terrible in a general election. My point was just that I think he knows his weaknesses in comparison to Hillary and that his strategy to overcome them will be better than we think.
Regardless of what strategy he works up, he has already made the bed he's going to sleep in. All the incendiary talk during the primary is going to bite him in the ass so hard.
As I remember it she actually got a polling bounce from her debate performance in September where she was incredibly prominent and vocal against Trump, but then people looked at her record.

Then like Carson got swallowed up in the later parts of the year following Paris and San Bernadino.
Fiorina only got a debate bump from the first undercard debate where the media shoved her down our throats.
Fiorina fell back into obscurity because she was 1) a pretty crap candidate for the GOP this cycle since she's only not in The Establishment™ because she failed to win her Senate race, 2) a pretty crappy candidate just in general as a failed businessperson, and 3) she didn't do anything at all to capitalise on her brief time in the spotlight and modicum of momentum.

But I think only her and Carson have managed to do anything to Trump throughout the primary. And Megyn Kelly.

She got onto the main stage by engaging Trump publicly.
Not remotely the case.

it actually was. People forget that Fiorina put on a strong debate at the "kids table" during the PRIOR debate and got a lot of media exposure. it was that performance that kicked her up to the big boy's debate.

unfortunately, she pretty much peaked there, for a number of reasons. Yeah she got tagged as a liar, but her performance was still pretty good and the press was ready to crown her a new frontrunner. I think it was her inability to really capitalize on that exposure IMMEDIATELY that did her in- Trump in particular was off to the next crazy thing that got him media attention and everyone forgot about Carly. She never recovered.


Fiorina fell back into obscurity because she was 1) a pretty crap candidate for the GOP this cycle since she's only not in The Establishment™ because she failed to win her Senate race, 2) a pretty crappy candidate just in general as a failed businessperson, and 3) she didn't do anything at all to capitalise on her brief time in the spotlight and modicum of momentum.

But I think only her and Carson have managed to do anything to Trump throughout the primary. And Megyn Kelly.

She got onto the main stage by engaging Trump publicly.

Pretty much my read on it. She was a bad candidate that collapsed because of her weaknesses and failure to capitalise on momentum, but she wasn't destroyed by Trump. In fact her insistence on standing against him seems to be the only thing that gave her a fleeting blast of relevance.
The survey, conducted in the three days after 23 million people tuned in to Wednesday night's GOP debate on CNN, shows that Trump is still the party's front-runner with 24% support. That, though, is an 8 percentage point decrease from earlier in the month when a similar poll had him at 32%.

Fiorina ranks second with 15% support -- up from 3% in early September. She's just ahead of Ben Carson's 14%, though Carson's support has also declined from 19% in the previous poll.

Driving Trump's drop and Fiorina's rise: a debate in which 31% of Republicans who watched said Trump was the loser, and 52% identified Fiorina as the winner.


Fiorina crushed Trump in that debate, but then was found out to be horrible liar right afterward and that was the end of her.

It's interesting how Florina is seen as a liar and Carson/Trump as truth tellers when Florina lied slightly less than those dudes and how Sanders is seen as a truth teller whereas Hillary is a liar when Politifact rates them as exactly the same level of telling the truth.

I think assertive women can be believed to be liars much more easily.

Here's most of the polls of Florina shortly after the debate and showing how she had fallen to 2% right before the debate:


Fiorina crushed Trump in that debate, but then was found out to be horrible liar right afterward and that was the end of her.

It's interesting how Florina is seen as a liar and Carson/Trump as truth tellers when Florina lied slightly less than those dudes and how Sanders is seen as a truth teller whereas Hillary is a liar when Politifact rates them as exactly the same level of telling the truth.

I think assertive women can be believed to be liars much more easily.

Here's most of the polls of Florina shortly after the debate and showing how she had fallen to 2% right before the debate:

You're right, I just checked and Politifact's profiles for Hillary and Bernie are about even.

Which makes it even better/more infuriating when you see all the Berniestans in Reddit and OT pledge their loyalty to Trump, who's had like 80% of his claims rated false. "I won't vote for Hillary because she's a lying bitch! Not like Trump who TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! Plus it'd be funny! Wackity-schmackity-doo!"

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You're right, I just checked and Politifact's profiles for Hillary and Bernie are about even.

Which makes it even better/more infuriating when you see all the Berniestans in Reddit and OT pledge their loyalty to Trump, who's had like 80% of his claims rated false. "I won't vote for Hillary because she's a lying bitch! Not like Trump who TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! Plus it'd be funny! Wackity-schmackity-doo!"

No ideology is safe from truthiness


The Washington Post has an editorial out regarding the GOP frontrunner.

GOP leaders, you must do everything in your power to stop Trump

THE UNTHINKABLE is starting to look like the inevitable: Absent an extraordinary effort from people who understand the menace he represents, Donald Trump is likely to be the presidential nominee of the Republican Party. At this stage, even an extraordinary effort might fall short. But history will not look kindly on GOP leaders who fail to do everything in their power to prevent a bullying demagogue from becoming their standard-bearer.

A few days ago we criticized Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus for his assertion that a Trump victory in November would silence the doubters. “Winning is the antidote to a lot of things,” Mr. Priebus had said. We argued that winning would not erase the bigotry and ugliness of Mr. Trump’s campaign, nor remove the dangers of a Trump presidency. On Wednesday, the GOP chairman, perhaps wanting to show that he can match Mr. Trump in eloquence, responded: “That is the stupidest editorial that I have ever seen.”

I can't remember a time in the modern era where a newspaper has implored a party to thwart the nomination of its frontrunner.

Of course, the folks in the FreeRepublic thread are treating it like an anti-endorsement. Shocking, I know.
SurveyUSA has found the foundation of Trump's support

SurveyUSA said:
Trump runs 20 points stronger among voters who watched “The Apprentice” TV show “almost always” when Trump was the host, compared to voters who “almost never” watched “The Apprentice.” Among viewers who almost always watched the show when Trump was the host, Trump leads Clinton by 24 points, 58% to 34%. Among voters who almost never watched “The Apprentice” when Trump was host, Clinton leads Trump by 15 points, 53% to 38%.

Rutgers Eagleton has a new poll of NJ out that really shows the overall weakness of Trump as a candidate. He's crushing the GOP primary at 38% with Rubio second at 11%. But here are his favorables among Democratic voting groups:

Minorities: 14/74
Women: 25/65
Millennials: 22/66

Obviously this a deep blue state, but there isn't any sign that he's catching on outside the Republican base and a few white, male independents.



remember me
This posted yet?

With Donald Trump Looming, Should Dems Take a Huge Electability Gamble by Nominating Hillary Clinton?


To which I respond


As opposed to the sure-fire general election success of a man who relies on voters who historically don't vote, is a self-described socialist, and could quite easily be portrayed as atheist as well.

and has written off a key constituency of the party in the South for the primary.
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