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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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1 in 10 men (at least) would rape if they got away with it.

I mean, in a bowl of Skittles of men, that means you're getting like a dozen rapist Skittles in there.

Obviously, we need to imprison all men.

Another important point:

doesn't your dad want to deregulate food, which would actually literally poison actual skittles @DonaldJTrumpJr

I just kinda think people who want to dismantle the FDA should avoid this metaphor @DonaldJTrumpJr
Assuming it means "level below district", then mine is Cowley, Oxford East. Easy peasy.

Fuck knows what my parish ward is though.

Ah this is why you're not getting it.

Precient is basically the lowest level of voting district. It's each different polling place so if you don't know if you vote at the middle school around the corner or the community center, you'd say no to that question.

So yeah I don't buy 80% of people know where they're voting.
The other campaign seems to be an avalanche of insults...This campaign is not about insults on our side; It’s about ideas.-@mike_pence in IA

Trump Jr.'s bold idea of "Muslims=candy that is trying to murder you" is an idea and thus fits with the Trump-Pence campaign.


Junior Member
Austin city mayor Steve Adler gave an impassioned speech in defense of taco trucks on every corner at a Democratic fundraiser.

With rhetorical bows to Pericles, Ecclesiastes, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Shakespeare and Tom Joad, Austin Mayor Steve Adler defended the taco truck and the desirability of having one on every corner in a mock epic speech at the Texas Democratic Party’s annual Johnson-Jordan Dinner Saturday night at the JW Marriott Austin.

“We in this room know taco trucks for what they are: the very ambassadors of community, of justice, and of guacamole — truly all that makes life worth living, the very bedrocks of our democracy, and of our breakfast,” declared Adler, who then, channeling his inner Churchill, continued, “And so I enjoin you friends to stand with me, to tell the enemies of taco trucks that we will fight them on the street corners. We will fight them in the parks. We will fight them with tortillas, cheese, and chorizo. We will fight them with growing confidence at breakfast and at lunch, and most of all, after closing time.

“We. Will. Never. Surrender. And when it is over, we shall say, never before have so many eaten so well so often.”

I like Austin. And goddamn do I love taco trucks.


force push the doodoo rock
Filling out my absentee ballot right now and I have to say, it's kind of fucked up how little information there is on local races for things like aldermen and school board members.

Also there's a referendum that seems highly suspect, but I can't find any information as to why it's being offered on google.

"Shall the Shelby County Charter be amended to require both the County Mayor and County Comission's approval to dismiss the County Attorney from Office?"

I'm leaning on No because it sounds like someone is just butt-hurt about their pick being previously ousted, but have no idea why this is being brought up in the first place.


Replies: 289 | Posters: 113

What a bunch of cucks. Can't even get 130 deplorables to do their shitty pranks.

I mean it's true. But it's also true that basically every potential indicator that Trump could win anything anywhere would be worse for markets everywhere.
Wasn't a Trump presidency ranked as one of the top 5 worst things to happen to the global economy? Like right alongside Brexit.


So, I've mostly stepped away from politics until the debates happen.

But I might as well get a quick summary. Did Trump's poll numbers go back down now that Hillary has been resurrected through dark magic?


These two posts stuck out as being particularly evil




Good. I almost jumped in the thread there but for my health I am not viewing it again.

Definitely for the best. I'd encourage others to send messages using the contact-us link as well. It can't hurt even though any damage these fucks may do is ultimately microscopic. I was looking through the 4Chan thread a bit and it really only seemed like a few were actually doing anything. Still what vile disgusting pieces of shit.


I think hilary's campaign will close whatever holes are in their phone banking system so this stuff doesn't happen again.

Definitely for the best. I'd encourage others to send messages using the contact-us link as well. It can't hurt even though any damage these fucks may do is ultimately microscopic. I was looking through the 4Chan thread a bit and it really only seemed like a few were actually doing anything. Still what vile disgusting pieces of shit.

Would contact them but I'm not a US citizen so it would be pointless to notify them about this.


Definitely for the best. I'd encourage others to send messages using the contact-us link as well. It can't hurt even though any damage these fucks may do is ultimately microscopic. I was looking through the 4Chan thread a bit and it really only seemed like a few were actually doing anything. Still what vile disgusting pieces of shit.
They put up personal info of an 82 year old woman. Apparently they called and harassed her too.


North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has withdrawn his lawsuit against the Obama administration over the state’s law that curbs legal protections for transgender people.

Lawyers for McCrory said in a court filing on Friday that North Carolina was dropping the lawsuit, citing “substantial costs” to the state. They wrote that continuing the litigation is unnecessary since North Carolina will have the chance to defend its transgender law, known as HB2, as part of a separate lawsuit that the Justice Department has brought against the state.

North Carolina drops suit against Obama administration over ‘bathroom bill’
I have noticed something peculiar while canvassing for Angie Craig.

While my questions focus solely on Angie's campaign, there is one that asks (generically) about the State Senate election, which I generally don't ask about unless they're strong supporters (we're targeting people deemed as persuadables which includes Republicans, so we try not to make it about Democrats as a whole).

But every single answer I've seen recorded for a question about Hernandez (the DFL candidate) is Strong GOP. Even though the question I'm supposed to ask is just "do you support the Democrats for State Senate," I'm guessing we have some crossover data from the Hernandez campaign that shows up in our files.

Might be something I'll ask my boss about later.


I have noticed something peculiar while canvassing for Angie Craig.

While my questions focus solely on Angie's campaign, there is one that asks (generically) about the State Senate election, which I generally don't ask about unless they're strong supporters (we're targeting people deemed as persuadables which includes Republicans, so we try not to make it about Democrats as a whole).

But every single answer I've seen recorded for a question about Hernandez (the DFL candidate) is Strong GOP. Even though the question I'm supposed to ask is just "do you support the Democrats for State Senate," I'm guessing we have some crossover data from the Hernandez campaign that shows up in our files.

Might be something I'll ask my boss about later.

It's possible that some republicans are actually abandoning the republican party in some states in this election cycle and switching to voting for the democrats in the downballot and the presidential races instead.



The media keeps asking what I’m doing to prepare for my debate.

Here’s my answer:

While Hillary is listening to a team of psychologists and advisors to teach her what to say, I’m turning to the very people who got me where I am today… YOU.

I’m asking you to take the TRUMP Debate Preparation Survey within the next 24 hours to help me prepare for the biggest night of our campaign.

Take the TRUMP Debate Preparation Survey Now >>

We will only win this debate if our strongest supporters offer their thoughtful input on the issues Americans care about most.

I asked my campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, to provide me with a list of our strongest supporters across the country.

Your name is on that list. And I need your help now more than ever.

Please take the TRUMP Debate Preparation Survey immediately to help me win the debate against Hillary.


Donald J. Trump

I get Trump emails in my spam folder. Crowdsourcing for the debates, who knew?

[Sample Question: Do you think Trump should refer to Hillary as “Crooked Hillary” on stage?]
I get Trump emails in my spam folder. Crowdsourcing for the debates, who knew?

[Sample Question: Do you think Trump should refer to Hillary as “Crooked Hillary” on stage?]

If there was justice in this world, that link would get trolled so hard. We need people to get him to on stage accuse Obama of causing 9/11.


Just call him Mr. Brexit.

This election. This FUCKING election. If Trump wins, his Presidency -- be it one term or two -- will do real and lasting damage to this country. It will be profound and will last the rest of our adult lives.

We live in a nation of precedents. The precedent it would set is profound beyond anything we can imagine.
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