This Elon poll Likely Voter screen is bananas. A screen this tight doesn't help you understand the electorate. Can you name your precinct?
What's the deal with Iowa?
Yeah that's bogus.WELL HMM
Gang bangers! Black people are simultaneously terrifying precise super criminals, and inept bunglers who can't shoot straight.Trump is very mad that the U.S. bombed Russia aligned Syrian and Hezbollah troops for some reason:
Is that such a terrible screen? I mean, 644 of 799 met those conditions, which means "turnout" is 80.6%. That's... pretty generous.
Lots of this is veering into poll "unskewing" now. It's probably just a truth Clinton is doing quite poorly at the moment. It's also a truth that's probably enough to beat Trump. Even if we did want to point and laugh at pollsters for bad LV screens, that screen would definitely not be first on the list.That would be Gravis.
Is that such a terrible screen? I mean, 644 of 799 met those conditions, which means "turnout" is 80.6%. That's... pretty generous.
Lots of this is veering into poll "unskewing" now. It's probably just a truth Clinton is doing quite poorly at the moment. It's also a truth that's probably enough to beat Trump. Even if we did want to point and laugh at pollsters for bad LV screens, that screen would definitely not be first on the list.That would be Gravis.
The fact that so many people met the criteria suggests to me that some of them are lying.That LV screen would cut me out since I have no idea what my precinct is. I don't imagine the "average" voter commits their precinct to memory
Is that such a terrible screen? I mean, 644 of 799 met those conditions, which means "turnout" is 80.6%. That's... pretty generous.
Lots of this is veering into poll "unskewing" now. It's probably just a truth Clinton is doing quite poorly at the moment. It's also a truth that's probably enough to beat Trump. Even if we did want to point and laugh at pollsters for bad LV screens, that screen would definitely not be first on the list.That would be Gravis.
Hillary vs. Trump wasn't polled and the poll was fine for the Dems as it showed them tied for Senate and Governor.
There's nothing to unskew, it's just some pollsters think that it was done badly.
That LV screen would cut me out since I have no idea what my precinct is. I don't imagine the "average" voter commits their precinct to memory
When the hell did one random idiot unskewing polls become a dome of impervious defense for bad pollsters?
It's like scientists calling everyone who criticizes a finding in their study a flat-earther. Feels like a cheap cop out.
Is that such a terrible screen? I mean, 644 of 799 met those conditions, which means "turnout" is 80.6%. That's... pretty generous.
Lots of this is veering into poll "unskewing" now. It's probably just a truth Clinton is doing quite poorly at the moment. It's also a truth that's probably enough to beat Trump. Even if we did want to point and laugh at pollsters for bad LV screens, that screen would definitely not be first on the list.That would be Gravis.
WELL HMMCan you name your precinct?
When the hell did one random idiot unskewing polls become a dome of impervious defense for bad pollsters?
It's like scientists calling everyone who criticizes a finding in their study a flat-earther. Feels like a cheap cop out.
When the hell did one random idiot unskewing polls become a dome of impervious defense for bad pollsters?
It's like scientists calling everyone who criticizes a finding in their study a flat-earther. Feels like a cheap cop out.
Based on "NATIONAL TRENDZ"Does Trash Nate tell us how he skews and weights polls in his trash model for trash bedwetting.
This image says it all. Let's end the politically correct agenda that doesn't put America first. #trump2016
Eh, there's nothing wrong with examining a poll. Nate Silver literally skews every poll in his model for bias, and he's doing it based on the same things most people here are.
If your method is garbage, your results will be garbage, and not every poll should count. If I run 40 polls real quick with bad methodology, then these should be excluded. I think even you can see why that USC thing and the Ipsos thing are poorly done. As Adam pointed out a few times, the Ipsos one even gets unskewed twice before getting counted, and that's pretty strange.
As someone from the UK, you should be more comfortable with polling misses!
This whole family needs to be shot into the sun. Can't wait for them to lose.
Trump and Hillary's Must Win States.
Is that something his son just retweeted or does that come straight from the campaign?
Depends on how well his model holds up, I suppose. And unfortunately this time he has 3 so he can just pretend he's on the mark if any of them are close.does nate silver disappear when this election is over? the pandering this website is doing now is ridiculous.
Okay this is legitimately the first tweet that makes me really, really mad in weeks from either of these goons. Fuck them.
Depends on how well his model holds up, I suppose. And unfortunately this time he has 3 so he can just pretend he's on the mark if any of them are close.
Okay this is legitimately the first tweet that makes me really, really mad in weeks from either of these goons. Fuck them.