The cast of the West Wing campaigned with Hilldawg today.
Well, except Rob Lowe of course.
Someone on MSNBC compared the debate to a bullfight and I think that metaphor works quite well. You don't fight the Bull at first. You poke it and prod it to enrage it, then you style on it and kill it. It's a process that makes the bull look pathetic and the matador look suave.
The "how will you get guns away from domestic abusers" question is good and extremely important to me, please upvote that if you can. Please. I want the townhall to consider it.
But we need to hear more about emails
I hope Hill's team have more surprises for Trump like Machado for the remaining debates. I'd like her to drop something out of the blue like that at each debate and hear him saying "Where did you find this?" over and over and the campaign forced to deal with it for days on end each time.
Okay, I'm pretty sure 98% of the population is misunderstanding "Where did you find this?"
Trump remembered that the NYT included Machado in their "Trump hates women" piece. He also ranted and raved against the piece and had "evidence" that the piece was biased and totally wrong and from a failing paper. Trump wanted Hillary to say that she found out about the piece from the NYT article so he could start bashing the article.
The NYT piece on Trump hating women is one of the few campaign issues Trump has actually cared about.
I honestly believe (hope) that they actually do have oppo ready for each debate. It may not be as elegant every time as last question -> new oppo -> commercial -> full PR blitz , but I bet they have stuff ready just in case.
I have full faith in the campaign from here on out. I expect full on assault at all moments from here until November.
Only Rosie O'Donnell.I'm still surprised Machado blew up in his face like it did.
I thought it was such common knowledge that Trump was disrespectful to women that he wouldn't even bother denying it because he didn't think anyone would care.
Obama ordered the flag at half-staff for former PM Shimon Peres but not former PM Margaret Thatcher. Both were allies.
Suggest one. She reads this thread.Neither are "Well that's your opinion.", "Well that is just not accurate." "There are different views about what's good for our country."
She really need to prepare more specific, forceful answers to his trade attacks than she had during the debate.
Suggest one. She reads this thread.
Suggest one. She reads this thread.
Oh, that does explain the red pantsuit!
The counterattack to trade is easy "Why are you making your supposedly luxury clothing in bangladesh instead of america?"
Letterman already showed how to do it
Trump called a reporter the C word in 88. Short of him using it during a debate though, nobody will care.
and I don't know, I don't think there's a good answer on trade. I think she made a mistake when she turned her back on TPP because of Bernie. It was a classic flip flop, done purely for political reasons, and everybody knows it.
I'm kind of feeling the same way as more comes out. I'd still prefer they vote Johnson, but at this point more because he'd be spoiling Trump than a legitimately superior choice (well, he probably is, but barely so rather than significantly so.)Kurt Eichenwald ‏@kurteichenwald
I used to recommend to conservatives repulsed by Trump to consider @GovGaryJohnson. Apologies -- he's an idiot. Just stay home this year.
So the Trump/Cuba story isn't the only bomb Kurt dropped today...
Suggest one. She reads this thread.
Accuser Juanita Broaddrick, whose claim of a 1978 sexual assault has been denied by the Clintons, thinks Hillary Clinton was too passive. I always felt if shed been a stronger person . . . she could have done something about his behavior, she said.
Here's why r/donald thinks that Trump is actually leading by 8 points in LATimes poll, and not 4 points as per their overall chart.
The current overall chart has 47.3 Trump / 41.7 Clinton.
I don't think the LA Times poll is a good methodology though, if I'm understanding it correctly.
1. It asks the % that the subject is in favor of either Trump or Clinton (sums to 100%).
2. It asks the % chance that the subject will vote at all.
It then asks this every day for a panel of subjects with a running average that takes 1 and 2 into consideration.
The problem I see is it seems to me that a small number of rabid supporters will affect the LA Times poll more than a larger number of lukewarm supporters. And this is inaccurate because there are no fractional votes in the real election, it's either a vote for Clinton, or a vote for Trump.
I don't have anything of substance (it's really hard to defend free trade in a short easy to digest answer), but just rhetorically I have something:
She said "Well, that's your opinion" twice when Trump was attacking NAFTA.
She might have said something like "Donald, NAFTA was signed in 1992. If you remember, we had 8 straight years of economic and job growth while my husband was in office."
"Well, that, that is just not accurate" is filler. She should have immediately launched into "Donald, I wrote in 2014 that we should reserve judgement on the TPP. They finished it, I read it, and now I oppose it. You had nothing to do with my decision."
Basically, responses like "Well, that's your opinion." and "Well, that, that is just not accurate" are fillers that don't actually say anything and make it look like you don't have a good response, even if later on you do.
I don't think this happened in any other part of the debate, and it contributed to people's perceptions that Trump had the initiative during the trade segment.
We update the data each day based on the weighted average of poll responses over the previous week. That means results have less volatility than some other polls, but also means the poll lags somewhat in responding to major events in the campaign.
So he's going with the classic slutshaming tactic? Can't wait to see Clinton's response.
Hill Republicans bet it all on Pence
So this is the reason why Cruz and some prominent Republicans are going all in for Trump.
Amazing how the word "impeach" doesn't come up in this article at all. I guess they want to keep it under wraps until, I dunno, March 15?
Holy shit at latest tweet storm