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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Is this better than 2012? Or what am I even looking at.
GOP is tracking about even with 2012, Democrats are down.

But I guess there were some shenanigans/different circumstances between 2012 and 2016 (and even 2014) so it's hard to draw a direct parallel.

So long as Democrats keep running ahead of the other two in requested ballots (between today and Monday they've accounted for ~50% of new ballot requests with the GOP/NPA splitting roughly even) they should be fine by Election Day. The more concerning thing should be former Obama voters going third party or even Trump.


That would be the plan, but thing is I think Trump is just so good at weaseling himself out of things. I do think though he is planning on going into the debate more of the "telepromter" type trump apposed to what we saw in the RNC debates. I think he is going to try and make people think he cares, give a somber tone but at the same time be "straight forward." All by exaggerating, of course, but I think thats his game plan. I think he has been warned at attacking Hillary unless she really goes at him.

As far as undecideds? I have no idea what they are looking for. I think they are looking to vote for someone they hate less, apposed to voting for someone they like more.

There is no teleprompter Trump without an actual teleprompter.


Time for Hillary to turn the CO and VA ads back on?

I want her to turn them all back on everywhere in the final weeks. I don't want anything left to chance. I know things being close likely puts a fire under people but it scares the hell out of me.

Also I'm really seriously considering not watching the debate and just following the threads while trying to do something else that night. I still need to finish Xenoblade Chronicles X. Maybe I should play that and just check in here and the discord.
GOP is tracking about even with 2012, Democrats are down.

But I guess there were some shenanigans/different circumstances between 2012 and 2016 (and even 2014) so it's hard to draw a direct parallel.

So long as Democrats keep running ahead of the other two in requested ballots (between today and Monday they've accounted for ~50% of new ballot requests with the GOP/NPA splitting roughly even) they should be fine by Election Day. The more concerning thing should be former Obama voters going third party or even Trump.
Obama/Biden need to get out and get those voters back. Blanket the state with interviews and press.

Brand is strong with "Last Man Standing's" tagline

There was a lot of back and forth with Colorado polling with Obama/Romney, right? I think he ended up winning by a decent margin though. (of course, Hillary is not Obama, so not a great metric this election)


If she wins +5-7 nationally, then she'll win Iowa and Ohio. Book it.

Just give me a blue Ohio. I told my step dad that there aren't enough racists and rich white men to in the country to elect Trump. I would love to be able to follow that up with there not being enough racists in Ohio for him as well.
There was a lot of back and forth with Colorado polling with Obama/Romney, right? I think he ended up winning by a decent margin though. (of course, Hillary is not Obama, so not a great metric this election)

Here's an inside metric I can actually provide from having lived in Colorado. The voters are very bernie-esque, and in addition, hundreds of thousands of the young have flooded Denver even in the last 4 years. I believe between 2013 and Jan 2016 when I left, something like 200-400k new people moved to Colorado. I would say a substantial % of those were young people, likely to vote Democrat. The state is in a massive torrent of change.
But what if that lead is only that big cause heavily populated liberal states like Cali skew the numbers?

Because pollsters weight by region, generally.

This is what caused the big problem for Romney's Gallup numbers. Gallup attributed something like 40% of their national vote to the South which skewed their numbers improperly.

If California is being oversampled, the pollsters correct for it unless they're stupid.

Generally, they try to get a certain amount of responses from each region (based on area codes) to avoid having to adjust much.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Because pollsters weight by region, generally.

This is what caused the big problem for Romney's Gallup numbers. Gallup attributed something like 40% of their national vote to the South which skewed their numbers improperly.

If California is being oversampled, the pollsters correct for it unless they're stupid.

Generally, they try to get a certain amount of responses from each region (based on area codes) to avoid having to adjust much.

Ah okay, thanks.
I want her to turn them all back on everywhere in the final weeks. I don't want anything left to chance. I know things being close likely puts a fire under people but it scares the hell out of me.

Also I'm really seriously considering not watching the debate and just following the threads while trying to do something else that night. I still need to finish Xenoblade Chronicles X. Maybe I should play that and just check in here and the discord.

Ditto, the debates are too nerve wracking for me. I will not watch it but will continue to monitor PoliGAF to see how she's doing. I can't stand Trump's voice at all.


Honestly, if national polls showing her up 5+ keep coming out, we don't need to really worry about state polls. She aint winning the popular vote by that much and losing the election.

Honestly one thing I wonder about is if she gets higher than usual percentage of votes in guaranteed blue states but loses states like florida, ohio, wisconsin, Iowa and whatever other close ones there are and then comes within a few percentage points in high population states like texas, Georgia and semi populous states like arizona that used to swing heavy republican, what margin might she win the popular vote but lose the election. Is it conceivable that she could win by 3 to 4 million votes or more and still lose in a close electoral college.

I am not afraid of this yet but I can't help but feel that this scenario may be partially happening due to how much the national polls differ from state and I can't help but think that nate silver may be thinking a little of the same. I don't give his stats as much weight in my mind as I did in past elections but I'm not going to write him off. Everyone has consistently under estimated and written off trump yet here he is the republican candidate. I can't see how he can win but I also don't have much faith in the American electorate.
Gore won the popular vote by a smidge and lost by 3 EVs. I feel the probability of Clinton losing while winning the PV by several million would have to be pretty low.


Honestly one thing I wonder about is if she gets higher than usual percentage of votes in guaranteed blue states but loses states like florida, ohio, wisconsin, Iowa and whatever other close ones there are and then comes within a few percentage points in high population states like texas, Georgia and semi populous states like arizona that used to swing heavy republican, what margin might she win the popular vote but lose the election. Is it conceivable that she could win by 3 to 4 million votes or more and still lose in a close electoral college.

I am not afraid of this yet but I can't help but feel that this scenario may be partially happening due to how much the national polls differ from state and I can't help but think that nate silver may be thinking a little of the same. I don't give his stats as much weight in my mind as I did in past elections but I'm not going to write him off. Everyone has consistently under estimated and written off trump yet here he is the republican candidate. I can't see how he can win but I also don't have much faith in the American electorate.

not likely.


Honestly one thing I wonder about is if she gets higher than usual percentage of votes in guaranteed blue states but loses states like florida, ohio, wisconsin, Iowa and whatever other close ones there are and then comes within a few percentage points in high population states like texas, Georgia and semi populous states like arizona that used to swing heavy republican, what margin might she win the popular vote but lose the election. Is it conceivable that she could win by 3 to 4 million votes or more and still lose in a close electoral college.

I am not afraid of this yet but I can't help but feel that this scenario may be partially happening due to how much the national polls differ from state and I can't help but think that nate silver may be thinking a little of the same. I don't give his stats as much weight in my mind as I did in past elections but I'm not going to write him off. Everyone has consistently under estimated and written off trump yet here he is the republican candidate. I can't see how he can win but I also don't have much faith in the American electorate.

It's almost impossible. If hilary is winnng by that many votes she's most likely getting votes in enough states to break 270. I don't think I have seen an example of what you are describing in US politcs but I have heard examples of this in canadian politics before like this one.


That example occured because PET got destroyed in the west in that election. The winner of that election lost the popular vote by over 4%..


Unconfirmed Member
There is no teleprompter Trump without an actual teleprompter.

He became pretty safe in the last few primary debates, just like how Palin played it pretty safe in the vp debate.

Basically you just have to answer everything with your prepared talking points, even if it has nothing to do with the question being asked.
It's physically impossible. If hilary is winnng by that many votes she's most likely getting votes in enough states to break 270.
Also consider that most Obama states have Dem leans. Only Ohio and Florida voted more Republican than the nation of the Obama states. Some states will shift around (Iowa being the obvious candidate) but a 3-4 million PV lead would keep those states pretty secure.

Not to mention states like NC which are trending Democratic.
Worst fear is neither gets 270 and congress picks. Country would be in an uproar. It already is going to be, but damn. If Hillary wins popular vote and they pick Trump. Worse yet, Hillary wins popular vote and congress picks Pence or some establishments darling.


Worst fear is neither gets 270 and congress picks. Country would be in an uproar. It already is going to be, but damn. If Hillary wins popular vote and they pick Trump. Worse yet, Hillary wins popular vote and congress picks Pence or some establishments darling.

I mean, yeah that would be bad, but the actual odds of that happening are slim to none so I really would not worry about it.
Worst fear is neither gets 270 and congress picks. Country would be in an uproar. It already is going to be, but damn. If Hillary wins popular vote and they pick Trump. Worse yet, Hillary wins popular vote and congress picks Pence or some establishments darling.

They can't, legally, pick Pence. Their choices would be Trump, Clinton or Johnson. Only the top 3 candidates are eligible.


That's what I said. Why even watch it if people assume Trump will "win" and dominate the headlines next week.

I hope people's assumptions about trump somehow managing to win the debate get destroyed because this reminds me off some of the stuff said about trudeau related to the debates in the federal election last year in Canada and he managed to do decent in them.


Why bother having debates if everyone's minds are already made up

I'm listening to Keepin' it 1600, and they're talking about Obama's bad performance in the 2012 first debate. America was bedwetting like it never bedwetted before, and everyone thought he lost the race after that...but he still won decisively (albeit, with 2 good follow up debates)

I think we are over-hyping this first debate in thinking it will be the deciding moment in this election. It might not have as much sway as we think. But It will be a historic event in television lol. Numbers will be huge.

Just my hot take


the one who doesn't prepare for the debate, loses. Obama only lost the 1st round of the debate because he was not ready at all. That's all there is to it.

I would eat crow if Hillary underperforms.


I'm not worried about the debates after thinking about how different the format will be from the Republican primary debates.

Serious questions requiring thoughtful answers in front of a serious audience.

Trump's rambling, incoherent non-answers held up in direct contrast to...well, am actual adult. No hooting after every answer he gives.

Matt Lauer moderating the concessions stand in the lobby.

It would take a herculean effort for even the media to give Trump a winning edit.
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