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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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From what I understand Iowa was not one of the earliest target states for Clinton. Mobilization there will ramp up in coming weeks. I think the utter lack of any registration machine or GOTV focus on Trump's end will make up for it.

To kinda go back to Cybit's point earlier...if Cruz was the nominee he'd win Iowa easily. Trump is fucking this up in epic fashion.

It would be sort of amazing if GOTV was able to swing a 6-7 point deficit for Clinton, but I'm suspect.

Obama lost the first debate by chasing rabbits and Clinton is at her worst when she's chasing rabbits. Like it or not, "Make America Great Again" is a simple and clear message and if Trump hits that while Clinton just tries to fact check every detail, her message will get muddled. I agree with Adam: she needs to correct him on the egregious lies, but otherwise just say "there he goes again", or "no Donald, that's not true" and then go into her positive message.

Where I think she can excel in the debate is by highlighting everything that is currently good in the country while Donald keeps talking doom and gloom. The contrast there will be stark and she does have the facts on her side. The country is demonstrably in a better place today than 2008, but we will have work to do. Make that point, talk about how to achieve a better future, and raise the country's spirits. Let Trump talk about how shitty everything is and he'll be stuck chasing his own rabbits.

Exactly. Quickly correct him or make a comment about how he's wrong.

Worse off than 2008?

"No Mr Trump, we're not worse off. When Obama took off, 900k people were losing jobs per month. When he took office, we were left by the worst recession ever since the GD. Today, we've had X months of job growth, cut UE in half, deficit in half, etc etc. But that doesn't mean we still don't have lots of work to do. Many folks rightfully feel they have been left behind. That's why I have a plan for student loans where Y. And a plan for infrastructure where Z. ETC."

"No, Mr. Trump. Crime is not the worst it's ever been. In fact, crime is way down. According to X, crime is Y right now. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for less crime. And my plan to do that is Z. We will not racially profile. We will work with both law enforcement and the community to come together because that's how these things will be solved. Together. All of us, Americans, together. Because we are greater when we all work together."

Stuff like that.
I feel this would go over very poorly.

Not if she actually does it when Trump says something completely incoherent. Which there's a high likelihood of.

She could do it in a number of ways. For instance:

"Well, I'm not sure how to respond to Mr. Trump because he completely ignored your question. But I'm happy to address the question you asked."
It would be sort of amazing if GOTV was able to swing a 6-7 point deficit for Clinton, but I'm suspect.
My hope is that Clinton wins back the undecideds/3rd party voters who were previously pulling for her. Iowa seems to be the same as the national situation where Clinton's numbers fluctuate whereas Trump's stay the same, only far more volatile.


My hope is that Clinton wins back the undecideds/3rd party voters who were previously pulling for her. Iowa seems to be the same as the national situation where Clinton's numbers fluctuate whereas Trump's stay the same, only far more volatile.

I continue to think that the DNC was the blueprint for the rest of the election.
- Positive messaging and policy proposals: 90% of the time
- Disqualifying Trump: 10% of the time
- Use of celebrities and AAA surrogates: 100% of the time


The Debate prep episodes of the West Wing were always my favorite. I just find that whole process fascinating. Wish I could be a fly on the wall for this year's.

Also, we still have no idea who Clinton camp got to play Trump. Wonder when we'll find out.


Debate 1: Emails
Debate 2: Emails 2: The Rebirth
Debate 3: Emails 3: Tokyo Drift

Domestic policy, Town hall, Foreign policy

She should kill it in all 3, but I suspect she'll do particularly well in the Town Hall and Foreign policy one.



ayyy. Wang has been brutal to Nate this season
Debate 1: Emails
Debate 2: Emails 2: The Rebirth
Debate 3: Emails 3: Tokyo Drift

Domestic policy, Town hall, Foreign policy

They're actually dropping the numbering at Debate 3 so the audience doesn't feel like they have to watch the first two debates to understand the third.


domestic policy? No problem.

Foreign policy? Bracing myself...

I'm not too worried about it. He'll bring up Benghazi again. He'll say she and Obama created ISIS, etc. He'll say we need to bomb the hell out of them and stop the refugees from coming in. That's pretty much what he'll say.

I suspect Clinton will show her knowledge very well in this arena as well.


She should kill it in all 3, but I suspect she'll do particularly well in the Town Hall and Foreign policy one.

Based on the audience questions in the CIC forum, the town hall will be

"Hillary, why are you so unlikable"
"Mr. Trump, why is Hillary so unlikable"
more awful from Cheeto Jesus regarding the Charlotte protests:

"The people who will suffer the most as a result of these riots are law-abiding African-American residents who live in these communities where the crime is so rampant," Trump declared at an energy conference in Pittsburgh. He added, "Drugs are a very, very big factor in what you're watching on television at night."

I read this as "they're criminals, they're drug addicts/dealers, and some, I assume, are good people."
He became pretty safe in the last few primary debates, just like how Palin played it pretty safe in the vp debate.

Basically you just have to answer everything with your prepared talking points, even if it has nothing to do with the question being asked.

The difference is that Biden would have been savaged by the public and press if he bullied Palin off of her talking points. That will be fair game for Clinton.


Honestly I am kind of tired of Nate and Wang constantly throwing shit at each other

I'd be far more interested in a one on one discussion with each other about why their models differ and what the strengths and weaknesses of each are but when you have nate saying "anyone who disagrees with my model just doesn't like the results" and Wang essentially saying "I think 538's model sucks" I doubt that'll ever happen.
Honestly I am kind of tired of Nate and Wang constantly throwing shit at each other

I'd be far more interested in a one on one discussion with each other about why their models differ and what the strengths and weaknesses of each are but when you have nate saying "anyone who disagrees with my model just doesn't like the results" and Wang essentially saying "I think 538's model sucks" I doubt that'll ever happen.

Wang has explained, though. Any forecast that is volatile to anything but obvious major shifts isn't very good.

Basically, the polling has been more volatile this election and Nate's model is being exposed as a result.

Wang's right. What he's arguing is that Nate's model apparently isn't that useful for predictions way in advance because it's not really predicting the future, it's interpreting the present.

Now, if you mean on the technical details, I haven't noticed him making one. But I will say this, I think the big flaw is Nate used a loess regression which turns in aggressive results. For one, I think using such a regression is incorrect in this situation and for another, his inputs into the regression are completely wrong.

Wang is an actual professor that has advanced knowledge of statistics. Silver is a very smart guy who learned stats but doesn't understand stats (if you understand what I'm saying) and often misapplies them (not just in politics, he does it in sports too!).

He was lucky that 4 years ago the model wasn't volatile largely because the incumbent input was there and the polling was better.
The takeaway from the debate has to be more "Okay, Hillary has actual real ideas with goals and a method and Trump just says he'll fix things without telling us how or even what the problem exactly is."

If that happens, she wins easily.


I agree. She's prepared to be president, and he isn't -- and even his own base knows that, to some degree. Clearly demonstrating the difference between a bullshitter and a president would be very discouraging for his base, and very encouraging for ours.


Wang has explained, though. Any forecast that is volatile to anything but obvious major shifts isn't very good.

Basically, the polling has been more volatile this election and Nate's model is being exposed as a result.

Wang's right. What he's arguing is that Nate's model apparently isn't that useful for predictions way in advance because it's not really predicting the future, it's interpreting the present.

Now, if you mean on the technical details, I haven't noticed him making one. But I will say this, I think the big flaw is Nate used a loess regression which turns in aggressive results. For one, I think using such a regression is incorrect in this situation and for another, his argument for using it is awful.

Wang is an actual professor that has advanced knowledge of statistics. Silver is a very smart guy who learned stats but doesn't understand stats (if you understand what I'm saying) and often misapplies them (not just in politics, he does it in sports too!).

He was lucky that 4 years ago the model wasn't volatile largely because the incumbent input was there and the polling was better.

Basically, you're not a good weatherman if you can't predict shit beyond the obvious when it isn't normal weather outside.

Like Southern California weathermen who are great at predicting light showers from time to time and mostly just sunny days year round, but suddenly are as good as looking outside the window when a few freak storms pass through.

That's ok, but Nate's model is starting to look as good as a simple poll aggregate in this more volatile election. Which, again, wouldn't be a bad thing if he didn't like as a perfect oracle everyday.

I mean, he just published this:

Clinton’s Leading In Exactly The States She Needs To Win

Oh, really Nate?

Of course, he ads the Here’s why that isn’t as good as it sounds just so you freak out a bit.


@Redistrict Dave Wasserman
The individual data isn't promising either. There are 47M non-college whites who didn't vote in '12 & no reg spike. (Ex-Trump strategist ->)



@Nate_Cohn Nate Cohn
Right now, reg voters are steadily getting more diverse. Trump surge would have to come from already reg. whites



@Nate_Cohn just not seeing a surge of older White voters in the FL or NC data


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Y'all should watch Designated Survivor. It was good.

And not Adam level good. Actually good. Fiance even liked it.

DVR'd it and may watch it tonight. Nice to hear some positive impressions of it.
Basically, you're not a good weatherman if you can't predict shit beyond the obvious when it isn't normal weather outside.

Like Southern California weathermen who are great at predicting light showers from time to time and mostly just sunny days year round, but suddenly are as good as looking outside the window when a few freak storms pass through.

That's ok, but Nate's model is starting to look as good as a simple poll aggregate in this more volatile election. Which, again, wouldn't be a bad thing if he didn't like as a perfect oracle everyday.

I mean, he just published this:

Clinton’s Leading In Exactly The States She Needs To Win

Oh, really Nate?

Of course, he ads the Here’s why that isn’t as good as it sounds just so you freak out a bit.


My problems with Nate this year is

1. He seems to think his model is the best no matter what and is immune to any criticism

2. He's become a pundit.

3. He writes BS headlines and paragraphs because his site is desperate for clicks. He never did this in the past that I can recall.
I just.


The first head-to-head presidential debate is days away, and in keeping with their starkly different campaigns, the candidates are taking dramatically different approaches to debate prep.

Hillary Clinton has cleared her schedule and taken herself off the campaign trail today, Friday and through the weekend ahead of Monday night's debate in Long Island, New York.

She's doing intensive debate prep, which includes mock debates complete with a Donald Trump stand-in as well as reviews of Trump's performance in Republican primary debates.

By contrast, Trump had two campaign events scheduled for today and he's added events to his schedule over the weekend.

Sources have told ABC News that his debate prep has been slim and he has not delved into policy or participated in mock debates.

The one study tactic that they both share is a review of their opponent's past performances. But while aides say Clinton has been actively reviewing Trump's work, senior level Trump sources say he was given an iPad loaded with footage of old Clinton debates though it's unclear how much time he has spent watching them.
They were smart to keep the OMG POLITICS N BOMBS N OMG to a minimum. They let it unfold organically, while showing that the politics are going to be the crux of the series. I'd say 8/10. Definitely going to stick with it.

But, what's up with all political dramas and the main character playing with their wedding ring? It's like lazy political writer trope 101.



My problems with Nate this year is

1. He seems to think his model is the best no matter what and is immune to any criticism

2. He's become a pundit.

3. He writes BS headlines and paragraphs because his site is desperate for clicks. He never did this in the past that I can recall.
I know I've never said anything about Nate until now, but I pretty much have the same issues too. It's a damn shame.:/
Can you imagine being the Donald Trump stand-in for a mock debate with Hillary Clinton? How does that work? What do you say?

You pick random words out of a hat and say them?

Seriously, I don't think it's so hard. Trump's very predictable in many ways.

Ask me a debate question and I'll answer it like Trump!
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