Christ I can't believe I've reached a reality where Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham almost appear sane
Christ I can't believe I've reached a reality where Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham almost appear sane
At least we have the decency to bury him.God I forgot about Edwards
Fucking Edwards, man
That dude had maybe the most dramatic fall from "maybe he's the new face of our party!" to "whoa holy shit this man is human garbage"
I just don't see how they survive repealing ACA in it's entirety. 20m people is roughly a third of all the people who voted for Trump. Don't care how many deplorables there are, he can't survive the political fallout.
That will be the biggest expansion of federal government in years. Ryan will kill it in his sleep.lord have mercy if the GOP tried to do a national ID card
lord have mercy if the GOP tried to do a national ID card
I'm still incredibly skeptical that Paul, Graham, or really anyone will disagree with Trump when it actually matters (IE, with their vote). It would only take a few holdouts siding with the dems to block some of these atrocious appointments, but they are going to remember their constituents don't want them to ever work with those dirty fucking liberals and come home to Jesus like they always do.
Ok guys so I've been reading up on the Supreme Court and how it amends or overrules previous court decisions. My concern is specifically Roe v. Wade. The right case needs to come up and be accepted to be considered by the courts, correct? So if neither of those things happen, it's safe even with a super majority conservative court?
Again, most of these folks (that actually matter policy wise) need to be confirmed outside of a recess appointment.
The GOP does not have a large enough majority to outright pass controversial picks to be honest. May get lots of failures from Trump until he learns (probably angrily) how the Senate works...or waits for a recess which the Dems can try to delay for a long time...
This would never, ever, ever pass, ever. Americans would NEVER go with this and the GOP would fracture their base over this because it would be a massive government overreach.
The Court usually proceeds cautiously, but it can ultimately do what it wants, when it wants (when cases are brought).Ok guys so I've been reading up on the Supreme Court and how it amends or overrules previous court decisions. My concern is specifically Roe v. Wade. The right case needs to come up and be accepted to be considered by the courts, correct? So if neither of those things happen, it's safe even with a super majority conservative court?
They don't care. They're so drunk with power right now that they're going to govern with a shoot first and ask questions later mentality. I have no confidence in them to do anything remotely practical even if it hurts them.Yeah; the repeal of Obamacare is a no-win situation for them. They can either repeal it and kick 20m people off their insurance, pissing all of them off, or they can try to repeal the 'unpopular' parts, like the mandate (which is necessary for the thing to work) and it'll be a disaster, or they can do nothing and face backlash for not doing anything.
I'm really scared about a proposed English as Official language bill being passed too. Hopefully California can properly protect people from this shit.It can. We said trump will never be elected.
Stop saying that it will never happen.
It is happening
Still with this fantasy world where Republicans pay a political price for anything.
They block Obama at every turn, get rewarded with the House. The take the nation to the brink of default multiple times, get our credit rating reduced, shut down the government, and get rewarded with the Senate. They nominate an unqualified, infantile bully who runs on a campaign of racism and xenophobia and get rewarded with the Presidency.
They can repeal the ACA on January 20. They'll keep the house and Senate in 2018, probably expand their margins. If it doesn't happen 3 days before the election, it might as well not happen.
Ok guys so I've been reading up on the Supreme Court and how it amends or overrules previous court decisions. My concern is specifically Roe v. Wade. The right case needs to come up and be accepted to be considered by the courts, correct? So if neither of those things happen, it's safe even with a super majority conservative court?
I don't see what good a national Id does the GOP.
The process of getting them all out would take years and cost a lot of money and time. I could see their own voters being annoyed.
Still with this fantasy world where Republicans pay a political price for anything.
If the prevailing wisdom becomes that the Supreme Court is ready to overturn Roe v Wade, a case will be presented in short order.
Still with this fantasy world where Republicans pay a political price for anything.
They block Obama at every turn, get rewarded with the House. The take the nation to the brink of default multiple times, get our credit rating reduced, shut down the government, and get rewarded with the Senate. They nominate an unqualified, infantile bully who runs on a campaign of racism and xenophobia and get rewarded with the Presidency.
They can repeal the ACA on January 20. They'll keep the house and Senate in 2018, probably expand their margins. If it doesn't happen 3 days before the election, it might as well not happen.
fucking lol on both sides
fucking lol on both sides
So what happens when the economy doesn't get better?fucking lol on both sides
So trump's win changed people's perceptions about the economy. Lol.
Y'all have more confidence in the electorate than I do. I had a little confidence before, but then Trump happened.
In an unbalanced world where the right wing doesn't need to worry about facts, it seems so hopeless. You have Fox News and friends punching hard at the left, and you have mainstream media trying to equivocate. The scales are tilted.
So what happens when the economy doesn't get better?
They don't care. They're so drunk with power right now that they're going to govern with a shoot first and ask questions later mentality. I have no confidence in them to do anything remotely practical even if it hurts them.
They're almost at a point where if they keep winning elections they can flirt with amending the constitution. Dems cannot afford to keep losing.
This isn't just a dark period for the US. There's a disturbing far-right political wave blanketing the western world.
It may not make it through to a decision for a couple of years, but that's peanuts in Court time.
Plus there are probably a number of big cases "ready to go" on a variety of topics on both sides which were awaiting the election and a nominee.
So what happens when the economy doesn't get better?
Y'all have more confidence in the electorate than I do. I had a little confidence before, but then Trump happened.
In an unbalanced world where the right wing doesn't need to worry about facts, it seems so hopeless. You have Fox News and friends punching hard at the left, and you have mainstream media trying to equivocate. The scales are tilted.
Why? 7 million voters that voted for Obama that didn't vote this time still exist. Swing voters that hate the "Clinton" name still exist. I'm less worried about the electorate and more with the representatives they've given power.
alright, made some changes
This is good to see:
Fox News: "Obama recession?"
I despise Rand Paul and McConnell but I am their constituent. Do you think it would help if I harassed their offices about holding the line on deficits? That seems to be the big potential fault line to exploit, right?
Why are we still quoting this 7 million non voters.
Turnout is going to surpass 2012.
Source? I'm not disbelieving, just interested in seeing the numbers.Why are we still quoting this 7 million non voters.
Turnout is going to surpass 2012.
They should leave Obamacare exactly the same and just called it Trumpcare.