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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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I despise Rand Paul and McConnell but I am their constituent. Do you think it would help if I harassed their offices about holding the line on deficits? That seems to be the big potential fault line to exploit, right?

Seriously, call them regularly. Make buddies with their staffers. Got to their events. Encourage your friends to do the same. Make your voices heard on issues they may respond to like kleptocracy, nepotism, in particular, and others like overt racism in the white house.
This just started to go viral...

Source? I'm not disbelieving, just interested in seeing the numbers.

Nate Cohn, an election analyst at the New York Times, estimates that once all votes have been counted, 63.4 million Americans will have voted for Mrs Clinton and 61.2 million for Mr Trump, giving the Democrat a ‘winning’ margin of 1.5 per cent.

That total would be more than the votes received by any other presidential candidate in history except for Mr Obama in 2008 and 2012.

The total number of votes cast is expected to easily exceed the 129 million from 2012.


Everyone started shouting low turnout before the west was counted because 24 hours news requires an instant narrative.


Source? I'm not disbelieving, just interested in seeing the numbers.

Clinton is at 61,329,657. Obama in 2012 received 65,915,795. The 7 million number on election night has dropped. Trump is about 400k behind Romney. As of November 12th California had 4 million votes still pending and we know the majority (65%+) will probably go to Clinton. It'll be pretty stinking close to 2012 numbers. The problem is she increased her votes in states that weren't battleground states and that means nothing in the electoral college system
Seriously, call them regularly. Make buddies with their staffers. Got to their events. Encourage your friends to do the same. Make your voices heard on issues they may respond to like kleptocracy, nepotism, in particular, and others like overt racism in the white house.
I am probably not going to make friends with McConnell or Paul staffers, but harping about corruption and deficits and potentially war at their events and to the local offices sounds pretty good.


The issue wasn't low turnout. The issue is that a lot of rural workers who voted for Obama in the rust belt voted for Trump this year because Hillary didn't make enough of an effort to appeal to them. And the margins are small enough (10-30k, last I checked) that those states could easily flip back to blue if the next democratic candidate makes a concentrated effort to appeal to them (which he or she definitely will). Which goes back to my opinion on the last page, that the electorate isn't hopeless. This isn't Reagan/Mondale.

Everyone started shouting low turnout before the west was counted because 24 hours news requires an instant narrative.

I heard that number a few pages ago slightly after the election, and if that is the case we might have a better idea about what happened.

Also some lobbyist left the team, they might get rid of some more. The irony is that they are the one of the only ones will any experience and knowledge. Ruby might get rejected because of his ties with Venezuela, Qatar, and some Iranian exiles I think.


Lost in transition: Team Trump a no-show at DoD

They are not feeling the love over at the Pentagon these days.

Under orders from the big boss to welcome the transition team from President-elect Trump with model efficiency and military precision, the armed services and civilian officials have prepared office space, briefing books and get-acquainted guides.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter is traveling, but he directed his chief of staff to stay home so he could be at the Pentagon in case anyone from Team Trump shows up.

But so far, the phone hasn't rung.


gonna need to see pics or something if this was really being recorded...
I won't say for sure about the incident described in the FB post, but Huma's residence is in NYC (if I recall correctly) and there's a record of celebrities riding the subway. Huma is less recognizable than most of the people there, I wouldn't be surprised if she rides the subway.

Damn it...
I'm not here to pop your bubble. This is why purity tests are bad, because no human on this world who reaches adulthood is perfect. It's silly to expect so.
Thinking about it . Trump has literally no one to replace Obama's people .

Here are his loyalists and the big people that helped Trump while being part of his campaign( besides some of his economic advisors):

Michael T. Flynn
Newt Gingrich
Chris Christie
Ben Carson
Reince Priebus
Jeff Sessions
Stephen K. Bannon
Rudolph W. Giuliani

Reince and Bannon already have the job. Chris got demoted and his people lost the work to work on transition. I think is the only one's to have done the work. Ben Carson looks to be out and Ruby has ties to foreign governments; he might not make it.

That leaves Flynn, Gringrich, maybe Christie, and Sessions. Some of which may not want to be part of the government anymore. Also because of the shake-up in the team the process has basically slowed. Mike Pence and Priebus is going to have to make tons of calls.

The man that tweeted about getting yelled at; it says to me that many may not come forward to work or they might get rejected flat-out. With Trump being the way he is, and the news about Bannon. I don't know if many is going to get involved.


Thinking about it . Trump has literally no one to replace Obama's people .

Here are his loyalists and the big people that helped Trump while being part of his campaign( besides some of his economic advisors:

Michael T. Flynn
Newt Gingrich
Chris Christie
Ben Carson
Reince Priebus
Jeff Sessions
Stephen K. Bannon
Rudolph W. Giuliani

Reince and Bannon already have the job. Chris got demoted and his people lost the work to work on transition. I think is the only one's to have done the work. Ben Carson looks to be out and Ruby has ties to foreign governments; he might not make it.

That leaves Flynn, Gringrich, maybe Christie, and Sessions. Some of which may not want to be part of the government anymore. Also because of the shake-up in the team the process has basically slowed. Mike Pence and Priebus is going to have to make tons of calls.

The man that tweeted about getting yelled at says to me that many may not come forward to work or they might get rejected flat-out. With Trump being the way he is, and the news about Bannon. I don't know if many is going to get involved.

It's insane when you think about it. One of the most basic things you do as president is put your team together. These are such influential positions that people would be jumping for joy to join an administration to help drive change in a particular aspect of the country. The difficulty they are having says so much...
Thinking about it . Trump has literally no one to replace Obama's people .

Here are his loyalists and the big people that helped Trump while being part of his campaign( besides some of his economic advisors:

Michael T. Flynn
Newt Gingrich
Chris Christie
Ben Carson
Reince Priebus
Jeff Sessions
Stephen K. Bannon
Rudolph W. Giuliani

Reince and Bannon already have the job. Chris got demoted and his people lost the work to work on transition. I think is the only one's to have done the work. Ben Carson looks to be out and Ruby has ties to foreign governments; he might not make it.

That leaves Flynn, Gringrich, maybe Christie, and Sessions. Some of which may not want to be part of the government anymore. Also because of the shake-up in the team the process has basically slowed. Mike Pence and Priebus is going to have to make tons of calls.

The man that tweeted about getting yelled at says to me that many may not come forward to work or they might get rejected flat-out. With Trump being the way he is, and the news about Bannon. I don't know if many is going to get involved.

It's funny the EC was put in place to avoid candidates like this from actually taking power.

I'm not saying they should but it's funny nonetheless.


Toxi had a great suggestion in one of the other threads- why not just increase the size of the House?

It mostly fixes the proportionality problem.


Part of me wants Harry Reid to get a major role, I kinda like his personal and play-dirty attitude.

Reid might be the best single person for DNC chair. He gives no fucks, plays bareknuckled, built an incredible machine in NV, and can take it as a full time job.

Dunno if it's the role he wants, but either way, too "establishment"
It's insane when you think about it. One of the most basic things you do as president is put your team together. These are such influential positions that people would be jumping for joy to join an administration to help drive change in a particular aspect of the country. The difficulty they are having says so much...

Yet people bought into his bs "I hire the best people" narrative. Can't hire the best people if you've literally pissed off every person qualified to take those jobs.


I'm not sure if it would be a blessing or a curse if no one qualified even wants to be near his administration.

How much do the people running the DNC or RNC matter in the end? Seems like 90% of it just being at the whim of public sentiment and how they want to vote.


I can't afford to be optimistic that Trump won't get anything done considering it blinded me through the entire election...

Hope for the best, expect the worst...


What do off season GOTV efforts typically look like? I was talking to a friend who wanted to know how he could volunteer to get more people registered and engaged to vote in 2018.


Toxi had a great suggestion in one of the other threads- why not just increase the size of the House?

It mostly fixes the proportionality problem.
It doesn't fix the issue of Presidential votes not mattering in heavy red or blue states, but it does give states like Texas, New York, California, and Florida the power they're frankly supposed to have.


How much do the people running the DNC or RNC matter in the end? Seems like 90% of it just being at the whim of public sentiment and how they want to vote.

Quite a bit. A competent DNC chair can rebuild the local/state parties, who then can recruit good candidates for office.


Trump Team

The turmoil burst to the surface Tuesday with the abrupt departure of former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, who had been tapped by Christie to lead national security planning for the transition. Two people close to the transition, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel matters, described Rogers’ departure as a firing, a move that came about because of friction between Christie and Kushner, husband of Ivanka Trump and one of the most influential voices in the campaign.

As U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, Christie in 2004 prosecuted Kushner’s father, Charles, for tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign contributions. A plea agreement led to a two-year prison sentence. Kushner is believed to have been one of the leading voices who kept Christie off Trump’s presidential ticket.

Kushner didn’t respond to requests for comment. Some transition aides said that a Kushner grudge wasn’t to blame for the purge of Christie allies. Instead, they said, the transition hadn’t progressed as much as Trump wanted, and the president-elect wanted to see more results.

wow all kinds of fun!



The DNC/RNC chair matters but not for political optics... at least I hope so. We don't want someone that's heavily polarizing for DNC chair that needs to turn away some states just because the states inherently despise the person or his political viewpoints.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Toxi had a great suggestion in one of the other threads- why not just increase the size of the House?

It mostly fixes the proportionality problem.

The more you increase the size of the House, the more you increase the extent to which the electoral outcome does not match the vote well. If you picked any 10km^2 area and looked at the people there, very few of these areas will have average demographics that will match America's average demographics, because similar people economically, socially, and racially tend to cluster. You get a sorting effect, where each district will tend to be more lopsided than if they were larger with fewer and fewer close district, and social demographics that feature less clustering will receive a disproportionately large amount of representation. In America, that's the Republicans.

(There's a fairly complicated proof of this, but you can sort of imagine: if America was a single district that elected a single person, they'd be D, because America is. If you cut America into two districts, you'd either have D/D or D/R - there's no way to cut it into R/R. If you cut America into three districts, you could have D/R/R, D/D/R, or D/D/D - you can start packing Democratic voters into just one of the districts to create more and more Republican voters. As you increase the number of districts, the extent to which the house becomes dominated by the least packed party increases. This process happens naturally just through population movement patterns.)

So if you increase the membership of the House, you do give more power to larger states, but you also make larger states more Republican in the House at the same time.

As an N.B., this proof doesn't hold if the districts get *really* small - if there was one district per voter, then the results couldn't be biased because if a party got 52% of the vote it is literally impossible for it to do anything other than won 52% of the seats. IIRC, the exact relationship follows Pascal's triangle and there's a formula for it, but I've not read this paper in a really long time.


Student walkout happening in DC right now:

Silver linings in a dark time. The Obama coalition knows who their friends are now more than ever. This is the same way workers rights cemented together the Irish/Italian/Polish communities in FDR's time. Solidarity. Black lives matter and pride flags flying side by side is truly beautiful.
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