Just had a conversation with a PA Trump voter at work and I think I got some seeds of doubt planted in him. He knows I like politics so he came up to me and asked what I thought about the protests. I told him I think they're good and that people are expressing their fears. He told me he heard they were paid off and I told him to be careful about fake news sources and showed him the WaPo article about the fake news guy admitting he posted fake ads for protestors on Craigslist, which surprised him. Gave him some more examples of fake news and what he has too ok out for. We talked about cabinet appointments and he thought that some of them were bad but really wants Trey Gowdy to be AG to take down Crooked Hillary. I told him how the emails and Benghazi were overblown and gave some reasons and he was, again, surprised about the Comey/Wikileaks/Russia stuff.
He told me he thinks Trump won because people are disgusted with Hillary's corruption and I went on for a while about why it was the Rust Belt in particular that lost it for her. I avoided talking about race since he didn't bring it up, but I would have to have been careful about that since I'm at work. He agreed that it was those states that caused her to lose because "NAFTA is the worst trade deal ever and she called it the gold standard". I spent like 15 minutes after that telling him how NAFTA actually works, why the job losses are more related to automation and somewhat China, and how the jobs won't come back and UBI is needed. I am sure you will also be happy to know that I did NOT PROPOSE COMMUNISM as a solution because I didn't want to scare him off, but I did explain how we need something like UBI because businesses are privately owned and people will continue to become more desperate as jobs are automated away without a replacement since they can't control the capital. He asked me for more info on UBI and said he'd look into it and seemed genuinely troubled by some of the stuff I told him about Trump's positions and how it will be difficult anyway with much of the GOP being against his economics.
So we'll see how that goes. His absolute reliance on talking points was very telling though.