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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Tidbits of Thomas B. Edsall's new column.
Despite their declining share of the electorate, these voters continue to exercise an outsize influence: as the Silent Majority of 1968 and 1972; the Reagan Democrats of 1980; the Angry White Men of 1994; the Tea Party insurgents of 2010; and now the triumphant Trump Republicans of 2016.

Let’s take a look at the history of this trend.

In 1968, these white voters — often low or moderate income, disproportionately male and clustered in exurban and rural areas, then as now — were crucial to the birth of the modern conservative coalition.

That year, famously, southern whites angered by enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act abandoned the Democratic Party in droves, and they were soon joined by many northern whites opposed to court-ordered busing.

The Democratic Party’s commitment to civil rights prompted millions of white voters to cast ballots either for Richard Nixon, running as the Republican nominee, or for George Wallace
In the two elections before 1968, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, both Democrats, averaged 55 percent of the white working class vote. According to Ruy Teixeira, a senior fellow at the pro-Democratic Center for American Progress, Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern, both Democrats, averaged 35 percent of that vote, in 1968 and 1972. Since that time, many Republican candidates have tapped into anti-black bias without running as overt segregationists.
The march of working and middle class whites toward the Republican Party took another giant step forward in the Tea Party election of 2010, when they voted against Democratic congressional candidates by 30 points (65-35), providing crucial ballast for the Republicans as they gained 63 seats in the House.
In 1985, Democrats conducted two major studies of white working class discontent, one by Greenberg, which looked at white U.A.W. workers and retirees in Macomb County Michigan, the other of 33 focus groups nationwide conducted by CRG, a marketing and polling firm.

Greenberg found that for these voters, “Blacks constitute the explanation of their vulnerability and for almost everything that has gone wrong in their lives.”


"special status of blacks is perceived by almost all of these individuals as a serious obstacle to their personal advancement. Indeed, discrimination against whites has become a well-assimilated and ready explanation for their status, vulnerability and failures."

The CRG study was equally brutal. These voters

"have a whole set of middle-class economic problems today, and their party is not helping them. Instead it is helping blacks, Hispanics and the poor. They feel betrayed."

CRG found that in the view of the white working class, the “Democrats are the giveaway party and ‘giveaway’ means too much middle class money going to blacks and the poor.”
I do wonder what a new study commissioned today would show. How much has changed? (Would they even talk to a liberal elite sociologist anyway?)

Kid Heart

Besides Adam, who else did we lose after the election?

I'm still here, but I will be taking a vacation next week for the Holidays. I need some time away from this nightmare.

Also, we're at the point were we are rooting for Romney, huh? Don't get me wrong, he's far and away better then pretty much everyone else Trump has put up for his cabinet so far, but the fact that the Democrats now have to root for him makes it feel like we've entered bizzaro world. Who knows if Trump's thin skin will even allow him to let Romney's comments against him go though...
yeah, i never watch cable news (I just get my daily dose of news updates from PoliGAF). I can't stand Trump's voice or anyone's voice that supports the Republicans. I was really hoping after the elections, I can sorta start watching TV casually now. But now I feel i will have to be a media recluse even more now. ugh

So glad it's not just me, as I thought I was being a baby about it, avoiding so much media. I just can't take it anymore, I pretty much just watch Vice News each night and that's enough.

On the plus side, I've got more time to game and read and fondle my wife.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Of course Romney is a total cuck who would happily serve under President Trump.

Several on Twitter are saying Romney won't be given a position. This is just an act of reaching out to all republicans.
Japan just shot themselves in the foot by coming to meet Trump before he is even sworn in...

I don't know, how much you know about making America Great again but I'm an expert and Japan coming to kiss the ring proves how soft a leader Obama was. Now King Trump has a higher bargaining position to get Japan to pay for our protection.



I genuinely don't know enough about JP politics besides hearing Abe's economic plans fell flat as a motherfucker and he's been arguing for more militarization of Japanese forces iirc.

Curious as to how they'd react if Trump was okay with them gearing up.


No Scrubs
I genuinely don't know enough about JP politics besides hearing Abe's economic plans fell flat as a motherfucker and he's been arguing for more militarization of Japanese forces iirc.

Curious as to how they'd react if Trump was okay with them gearing up.

Trump thinks NATO is a protection racket that needs to be run by a better gangster, so start from there and extrapolate out.
Despite their declining share of the electorate, these voters continue to exercise an outsize influence: as the Silent Majority of 1968 and 1972; the Reagan Democrats of 1980; the Angry White Men of 1994; the Tea Party insurgents of 2010; and now the triumphant Trump Republicans of 2016.
Was that their official collective moniker back then
Several on Twitter are saying Romney won't be given a position. This is just an act of reaching out to all republicans.
I don't believe it. The fact is that there is no one qualified inside Trump circle that knows about various world treaties, diplomatic positions, foreign policy etc., to take on the role of SoS. All of them hate rest of the world too much to go visit them.


Was that their official collective moniker back then


You'd think with all the modern changes going on around the 90s they could have been more inventive in naming their demographics.
Also those angry white men apparently carried that Hillary grudge to 2016.

Also image because I couldn't copy paste from work.
Check out the story itself, some of those quotes are... jeez.



You'd think with all the modern changes going on around the 90s they could have been more inventive in naming their demographics.
Also those angry white men apparently carried that Hillary grudge to 2016.

So Bill Clinton is the reason why Hillary lost, everything is clear now.
Besides Adam, who else did we lose after the election?

pigeon. Spoiled Milk.

I could do a comparison between this thread & the other. Come up with a lot more names.

A fair amount of people have also revised their positions on the fly & are being deceitful about it.
Was that their official collective moniker back then
1994 was dubbed the Year of the Angry White Male. It was perhaps unsurprisingly after 1992 was dubbed in politics the Year of the Woman.
He was awarded all the prizes, even the big one: the Capitol. The pundits, pollsters and politicians unanimously gave him the heavyweight crown. Indeed, anyone who broke ranks with this panel of judges was asking for a few body blows.
If un- and underemployment are the roots of all anger, try this figure. In 1993, 43 percent of working-age black men were out of the work force - twice the percentage of white men. But the white man's anger is considered legitimate, while the black man's anger is assumed to be criminal.

In the right-leaning spirit of the times, an Angry White Man is seen as someone who must be appeased. An Angry Black Man is seen as someone who must be controlled. The AWM gets a tax cut. The ABM gets a new jail.
Welcome back to 1994.


I don't think anyone else left. Most people just aren't as active as they were pre-election for obvious reasons.

Genuinely hope adam comes back before 2020. I didn't always agree with him but I can't imagine how he feels right now.

Yeah, I was actually already planning on taking weeks off from this thread and politics before the election and when hope was still alive for a Hillary win, thinking I could happily lay back and rest.

But I've actually stuck around more for the post-mortem than I've thought. I've been forcing myself to quickly get over the shock, but I'm also going to go on vacation for the first week of December to Mexico City, as far away as a I can from the U.S. for a while...

pigeon. Spoiled Milk.

I could do a comparison between this thread & the other. Come up with a lot more names.

A fair amount of people have also revised their positions on the fly & are being deceitful about it.

I don't think anybody needs to apologize for anything or any belief we had in the Clinton campaign. Not even Trump thought he was going to win on election night, but he deserves at least the credit of never giving up on his sole path to victory. I've come to accept that and not hide the fact that we were overly confident, or that we thought the Clinton campaign knew what it was doing.

But I do feel bad for Adam especially, as well as people who actually poured money, time and energy into Hillary's campaign.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
pigeon. Spoiled Milk.

I could do a comparison between this thread & the other. Come up with a lot more names.

A fair amount of people have also revised their positions on the fly & are being deceitful about it.

About what?
Vox going all in:

We have 100 days to stop Donald Trump from systemically corrupting our institutions
The transition period is our last best chance to save the republic

If anyone feels like reading it and seeing if it checks out and wants to make a thread about it then go for it, I don't have time to read it right now but it at least seems like a relatively significant stance to take 8 days in.

Who's going to rebel lol

people are generally spineless and I doubt any of them would massively riot in a way to stop trump from reaching office.

Nelo Ice

Who's going to rebel lol

people are generally spineless and I doubt any of them would massively riot in a way to stop trump from reaching office.
And this is why I've been consumed by this. I'm not sure how to resume a normal life when the republic is at risk and it doesn't feel like an exaggeration.


Who's going to rebel lol

people are generally spineless and I doubt any of them would massively riot in a way to stop trump from reaching office.

Until Trump has an actual cabinet and policies, there's nothing much for America in general to rebel against except what we already know about Trump.

Trump doesn't look like he will have a cabinet ready until December at the earliest, probably even January. In the meantime, Democrats should focus on regrouping quickly while keeping pressure on Trump's transition mess.


Clickhole stays great.

First Steps: Donald Trump Has To Go Around The White House’s Neighborhood Letting Residents Know He Is Moving In Down The Street

Donald Trump’s inauguration may be months from now, but it looks like his Oval Office transition is already well under way. In addition to naming Reince Priebus his chief of staff and meeting with advisors on policy issues, Trump had to schedule in some time this week to go around to houses in the White House’s neighborhood and inform residents that he’s moving in down the street.

Looks like Trump is not wasting any time preparing for his big move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

“Hello, my name is Donald Trump, and as a new resident in this community, I am required to inform you that I have a history of sexually assaulting women,” said the president-elect while standing on one of his new neighbor’s doorsteps. “In the past, I have grabbed women inappropriately, made multiple unwanted advances toward women, and harassed women with vulgar and inflammatory language. For this reason, I have to go door to door telling residents of my new presence in the neighborhood. Sorry to bother you, and have a nice day.”

After spending most of Tuesday exploring potential cabinet picks, Trump was later spotted going around the White House’s neighborhood and knocking on doors, continuing to alert his new neighbors to his history of sexual assault. Standing awkwardly on front porches and avoiding eye contact, Trump promised local residents that he wouldn’t cause any trouble for them or their families and planned to mostly keep to himself for the next four years as president of the United States. He then finished the day by meeting with several economic advisors.

It’ll be interesting to see what a Trump presidency might look like as he spends the next few days crafting policy goals and reassuring his new neighbors that his motorcade will take alternate routes to ensure that he is never within a hundred yards of a school.
If he keeps making the rounds at this pace, it won’t be long before all of the residents of Pennsylvania Avenue have been made aware of his record of sexual assault.

President Obama still has a few more months left in the White House, but pretty soon Trump will be moving in. So far, the president-elect seems determined to make that transition as smooth as possible for him, his fellow Republicans, and the local residents whom he has been individually informing of his status as a sexual predator.



Here is one of my fears. We now live in a post truth society where facts are twisted to reflect the will of this brand new fascist right wing movement. I don't know how we can effectively counter it.


Abe loves using guys like Erdogan and Duterte for his own needs, so it's no surprise he sees a potential outlet for manipulation in Trump.
Here is one of my fears. We now live in a post truth society where facts are twisted to reflect the will of this brand new fascist right wing movement. I don't know how we can effectively counter it.
Me neither. I feel sick all the time about this. He can flout every norm and it only helps him. Our institutions are powerless to stop someone with no restraint. That Yglesias article is terrifying.

Nelo Ice

Here is one of my fears. We now live in a post truth society where facts are twisted to reflect the will of this brand new fascist right wing movement. I don't know how we can effectively counter it.
And my panic level is reaching crticial mass. I can't ignore any of this when we are facing an existential threat.

boiled goose

good with gravy
That's what this board's been since november 9th dawg

As expected, but for me personally the symptoms have been physical beyond even my mood and mental state.

Feeling heavy, constantly tired, no motivation, sleeping late, huge burden on shoulders, etc.

I was wondering why this week had felt so weird and awful.

The first Steven Universe episode post-election has Steven's uncle ranting about illegal immigrants and trying to kick characters of their home.

Too soon, cartoons :mad:

boiled goose

good with gravy
I'm wavering between being mentally and physically colored l crippled or anger and spreading that and panic so we can stop this madness.

For me it's becoming a weird tradeoff between isolating myself to retain my productivity and sanity, or staying up to date and aware enough to do something and fight.
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