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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Pretty much, everyone from the campaign to the average guy on the street thought America was better than this. Turns out we aren't.
That's my biggest takeaway from this election.

I wonder if there are enough votes still to be counted to get Hillary within a million votes of Obama's total in 2012. As of right now she's at 63.54 while he got 65.92.
I don't think people underestimated Trump for the most part they overestimated America.

Pretty much, everyone from the campaign to the average guy on the street thought America was better than this. Turns out we aren't.

Yup. It's going to be a clown show for the next 4 years. It's not that Trump is playing the media or outsmarting everyone, it's that Trumps been doing the same thing he has been for the past 5 years. Shit like tweeting 'Sources tell me obama wasn't born in hawaii' and stuff like that. Except now that he's a president elect, everyone has to pay attention to that shit.

And the media is playing into it. This is the next 4 years. Pence steps out of his car in new york or california, there will be protests and shouts at him. trump goes eat in la, people will be shouting at him while he's tweeting angrily. It's not so much that it's some ploy to distract people, it's that people hate them and will continue to keep protesting them.

And the media will keep playing it up. That will be their news story of the day. It turns out that 'Trump settles lawsuit' isn't as interesting a story as 'Hamilton cast comes together to protest Pence/audience at show protests pence'. It's the medias fault most.

There are no ploys, there are no distractions, that's just how it is. A helicopter of drama.


In good news, I just got a new apartment! Which is great because my landlady was going to increase my rent dramatically come January.
Congress is neither going to initiate the impeachment process nor find him guilty. Regardless of what he does. The checks and balances are broken due to insane partisanship.

Kind of got me thinking. There really isn't a check to a malevolent party in the constitution. The founding fathers put protections from tyranny of the majority and tyranny of an individual but they did not envision a party working to disrupt the government.

Calling him a stupid motherfucker is being too kind. This kind of false equivalence makes me want to scream. Mike Pence believes in GAY CONVERSION THERAPY. Believing that marriage is only between a man and a woman is NOT THE SAME THING.

FWIW, Snopes rates that as a half-truth:



WHAT'S TRUE: Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

WHAT'S FALSE: Pence never stated that he supported the use of electric shocks or "gay conversion" therapy.
America is now a joke country like Russia or Venezuela or Iran or those other countries with fucked up governments that complain about how the Jews were behind their leader farting.

And the media will keep playing it up. That will be their news story of the day. It turns out that 'Trump settles lawsuit' isn't as interesting a story as 'Hamilton cast comes together to protest Pence/audience at show protests pence'. It's the medias fault most.

Look at GAF. Look at the OT front page. The thread on Hamilton has many, many times more views and replies than the one on Trump's settlement, despite being a younger topic. And it's not because of Fox, NBC, CNN, MSNBC et al. Maybe it's time we stop pointing fingers at the media and acknowledge that we are active participants in a culture that disfavors actual, substantial news.


Pretty much, everyone from the campaign to the average guy on the street thought America was better than this. Turns out we aren't.

My father in law was talking about how he really thought the redneck voter would see through the bs. He felt Trump was mocking the blue collar worker throughout the campaign with his antics. Said it felt like the Duke boys just voted for Boss Hogg.

Calling him a stupid motherfucker is being too kind. This kind of false equivalence makes me want to scream. Mike Pence believes in GAY CONVERSION THERAPY. Believing that marriage is only between a man and a woman is NOT THE SAME THING.

msnbc with Joe Scarborough and Andrea Emailz Mitchell has ruined the media landscape in favor of Trump so much. Their false equivalence has played spendidly to Trump's advantage. Obama never persecuted the transgendered and the minorities when he held those views. Which these idiots fail to understand. Mike Pence would not have so much stank on him if he held those views personally but never pursued them in public setting, making lives miserable for everyone. Like, Tim Kaine is against abortion but he never campaigned on making it ILLEGAL for everyone.

I am really done with mainstream media after this election. I will watch a segment now and then but yeah this is idiocy.

Again the ultimate irony is that all of the mainstream media outlets sold their souls for ratings this election cycle and the result was electing a man that wants to take away the freedom of the press . GG mainstream media.
Trump's reaction to the Hamilton cast is really as relevant a topic as his settlement. There's much to be said about his tangled web of conflicts of interest to be sure.

But when one sets aside the ridiculousness, he's assailing the right to peaceful protest and free speech. And trying to use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to simply bully.


The other thing to note about Pence's conversion therapy, is that it isn't just that he wanted to use government funds for it, he wanted to divert funds from care for people with HIV/AIDS.
• Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.

• Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual’s as a “discreet and insular minority” entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities.

• Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.


How far behind is Donald Trump’s presidential transition?

Election Day +3

2008: Obama holds his first post-election press conference; these were more innocent times, when an unfortunate joke about Nancy Reagan holding seances in the White House required an apology from the president-elect.

2016: Trump has yet to hold a single press conference with reporters since his election. But there’s action today: Scandal-tainted New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is ousted from his job leading the transition, and the duties are handed over to Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Trump also announces his transition advisory board, which includes three of his children and his son-in-law, and an eight-person staff.
Election Day +6

2008: Obama meets with President Bush in the Oval office to discuss the transition. His transition team members begin meeting with the executive branch staffers on an agency level to put the transition in place.

2016: Trump takes a phone call from Russian President Vladimir Putin on an unsecured line at his home in Trump Tower. He speaks to several other world leaders on the same line. (During his transition, Obama went to an FBI office in Chicago to speak with world leaders in a secure communications facility.)

Election Day +7

2008: Obama makes a statement on the importance of Veterans’ Day and laid a wreath on a memorial in Chicago. (Trump did not issue a Veterans’ Day statement or attend any memorial events.)

2016: Pence signs a memorandum of understanding that is needed to begin the legal transition process; the document had previously been signed by Christie and was made invalid when he was removed from his position. Trump meets with advisers at his home.
Hey, I think we may have a bigger issue. Remember those reports of factions in the FBI cause some operatives were reacting to Breitbart "news" have we considered that these people are coordinating with other agencies as well? There's an odd news Adm. Michael S. Rogers and how he went to visit Trump tower without informing his superiors and how it brings questions in regards to data theft incidents that happened within the agency in the past 2 years.
In defense of Hamilton thread being more popular than the Trump U thread:

Trump U shows the POTUS is a crook, the Hamilton rants remind people that the POTUS is a madman.
The mixed part is about the details of electrocution -- afaik he's never gone into detail, but he has absolutely supported the high level concept of conversion therapy and advocating tax dollars go toward it. Also http://www.politifact.com/californi...true-mike-pence-advocated-conversion-therapy/

I've often heard conversion therapy mentioned hand-in-hand with electroshock treatment, but after reading your link and thinking about it more, I suppose any support for attempting to change sexual orientation is indeed "conversion".


Congress is neither going to initiate the impeachment process nor find him guilty. Regardless of what he does. The checks and balances are broken due to insane partisanship.

Yeah, this kind of terrifies me. Not only will be there no impeachment, there will be absolutely no recourse for any terrible thing Trump inevitably does the next four years. The GOP knows they have a rubber stamp in the White House for any fucking thing they want to do, and even the thought of possibly standing up to Trump is stamped out by the fear of facing a primary challenger.

In defense of Hamilton thread being more popular than the Trump U thread:

Trump U shows the POTUS is a crook, the Hamilton rants remind people that the POTUS is a madman.

The Hamilton tweet is also (further) evidence of how hostile Trump is toward anyone who isn't kissing his feet, which is exponentially scarier now that he's the fucking president.

Reading this made me feel a bit better though: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/obama-loyalists-trump-resistance-231642
I mean the only hope for a check is that someone like John McCain, self-serving though he may have been in this election, should really give no fucks now.
He's 80.
He's just been elected to a new term, and will probably retire at the end of it, or even during it really.
And his seat will probably go blue in the absence of the incumbency advantage whenever it's next up.
The only thing that I think will stop nuclear war is that Trump is a coward who refuses to follow through on things.

Like, he's never imprisoning Hillary or suing those accusers.


The only thing that I think will stop nuclear war is that Trump is a coward who refuses to follow through on things.

Like, he's never imprisoning Hillary or suing those accusers.

In that context, does anyone who still supported him actually cares about Hillary? The new tweets shows him fighting the good fight. "How dare urban america disrespect Mike Pence? Shameless attitude by them, anger anger." Probably as much as a distraction for us as it is for them.


Water is not wet!
Saw a good suggestion on a TYT video that just came out about dealing with a Muslim registration. A viewer tweeted them:

"Once the Muslim registration begins we ALL need to register. Overwhelm the system."

i think that is a good idea.


it sure has been quiet on the email front lately.

we went from daily updates to nothing.

wonder what happened?


Mike M

Nick N
Re: Trump having access to nukes and filling natsec advisory positions with lunatics, surely despite his multitude of flaws Pence knows we can never deploy them, right? How much power behind the throne does Pence have?


I mean the only hope for a check is that someone like John McCain, self-serving though he may have been in this election, should really give no fucks now.
He's 80.
He's just been elected to a new term, and will probably retire at the end of it, or even during it really.
And his seat will probably go blue in the absence of the incumbency advantage whenever it's next up.
He has nothing to lose. He's going to look like a hero every time he goes after Trump and he doesn't have to worry about the consequences.
The next terror attack on American soil by a Muslim is going to be up there with the Cuban Missile Crisis and 9/11 as the scariest moments in American post-WW2 history.... Jesus.
Can the dems block the Sessions pick?

Manchin and Donnelly (the two most racist Dem Senators) would need to persuaded to be be against the pick (they're for Sessions as of now) and they would need two Republicans. Flake and Graham are the most moderate Republican Senators and both like Sessions for the pick. Would need Rand Paul to be pressured by libertarian groups to stop Sessions for being anti-weed... And then you'd need one more guy.

It's going to be really hard. But they should definitely fight it.


The next terror attack on American soil by a Muslim is going to be up there with the Cuban Missile Crisis and 9/11 as the scariest moments in American post-WW2 history.... Jesus.

What happens when Trump orders a nuclear strike? Not necessarily for anything to do with terrorism specifically, but it's hard to imagine there won't be some scenario where Trump will want to use nukes in the next 4 years.
Find libertarian groups that Rand Paul is loyal to and start calling them to say that you're very pro-weed and are furious about the Sessions pick.

What happens when Trump orders a nuclear strike for whatever reason? Not necessarily for anything to do with terrorism specifically, but it's hard to imagine there won't be some scenario where Trump will want to use nukes in the next 4 years.

Sure, but he's probably too much of a coward to do launch the nukes.


Re: Trump having access to nukes and filling natsec advisory positions with lunatics, surely despite his multitude of flaws Pence knows we can never deploy them, right? How much power behind the throne does Pence have?
Trump clearly doesn't give a shit about Pence ("He and I haven't spoken"), and in any event, Trump and Trump alone can make the call to launch nukes. He doesn't have to consult or let anyone else know, they don't have to be in the room with him.

My hope is that he doesn't even take an interest in that nuclear protocol briefing so that he'd have no idea how to launch a nuclear strike.


No Scrubs
My father in law was talking about how he really thought the redneck voter would see through the bs. He felt Trump was mocking the blue collar worker throughout the campaign with his antics. Said it felt like the Duke boys just voted for Boss Hogg.

That's a good analogy. I'll have to steal that one :lol

We didn't need an adviser to tell us that was the reason for the meeting. I hope he doesn't, but he probably will. Romney could have killed Trump had he gone out there and campaigned against him (not even for Hillary, he could have said both sides suck and to go for Johnson).
If rural America is gone forever, can we eliminate all farm subsidies once we're back in power?

Also, when Trump claims Islam is a political ideology and not a religion when he tries to strip constitutional rights from Muslim Americans, do you think any Republicans will have the decency to be shamed into taking hardcore drugs?


No Scrubs
If rural America is gone forever, can we eliminate all farm subsidies once we're back in power?

Also, when Trump claims Islam is a political ideology and not a religion when he tries to strip constitutional rights from Muslim Americans, do you think any Republicans will have the decency to be shamed into taking hardcore drugs?

I don't think it's rural America that's gone forever, I think it's the rural rustbelt that's been slipping away for a few cycles now. Luckily there's a lot of room to make up the losses in the Southwest and parts of the South.
The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.
There were initial reports from senior officials within Mr. Trump’s orbit that Mr. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s most fervent supporter in the campaign’s final weeks, was the leading candidate for secretary of state. But the headlines about Mr. Giuliani’s business interests bothered Mr. Trump...
They say that Mr. Trump believes that Mr. Romney, with his patrician bearing, looks the part of a top diplomat right out of “central casting”
Mr. Trump was angered when Mr. Christie did not defend him after 11-year-old audio emerged of the candidate boasting about committing sexual assaults.
...after he became upset by Mr. Giuliani’s headlines, his aides leaked the news that he was considering Gov. Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina for secretary of state...
He is worried, his aides say, that he will not be able to keep his Android phone once he gets to the White House and wonders aloud how isolated he will become — and whether he will be able to keep in touch with his friends — without it as president. He continues to discuss with the Secret Service how much he can return on weekends to Trump Tower, and still expects to use the Bedminister golf club and his private Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., as vacation retreats.

The Trump International Hotel in Washington, just five blocks from the White House, could also take on an outsize role in the Trump administration. His children may stay there when they come to the nation’s capital, and there is chatter that it may supplant Blair House, which traditionally hosts foreign dignitaries visiting the president.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.


No Scrubs
The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.

Not only that but it looks like he's looking to fleece the government for as much money as possible if that Trump International Hotel thing is true.
At this point, I'm willing to deal with that asshole Pence being dragged out of his shadow presidency to the official role if it means that I don't have to live with the embarrassment of Trump having a full term.


The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.

Oh my god

This is fucking insanity

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