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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I need to figure out a formula to do the math for the EC if we reallocated the house by say, putting it up to 1500 reps.
I can do that for you easily enough (I have a spreadsheet).

Using the 2010 census, with 1500 reps and 102 additional EC votes for each senator and two for D.C. (to match the states with the lowest electoral votes as required by the 23rd Amendment), Trump would have ended up with at least 904 electoral votes (not sure how Maine would divide it's 9 electoral votes), well over the 802 needed to win.


I can do that for you easily enough (I have a spreadsheet).

Using the 2010 census, with 1500 reps and 102 additional EC votes for each senator and two for D.C. (to match the states with the lowest electoral votes as required by the 23rd Amendment), Trump would have ended up with at least 904 electoral votes (not sure how Maine would divide it's 9 electoral votes), well over the 802 needed to win.
They won't be evenly divided. That's the hard part.

This is what actually works for Trump. He distracts people and then spews fake news from his twitter. Most people are too stupid to fact check


Dont tell me you think trump is some master tactician who uses masterful ploys like sending pence to see hamilton knowing the outcome of events that will let him tweet that the cast insulted pence in order to distract everything

Ya'll underestimated him during the campaign

And now ya'll are overestimating him.
Trump needed the KGB and FBI to beat a woman that the media hated so much that they thought her work saving African children showed she was an evil criminal. Super genius.



Dont tell me you think trump is some master tactician who uses masterful ploys like sending pence to see hamilton knowing the outcome of events that will let him tweet that the cast insulted pence in order to distract everything

Ya'll underestimated him during the campaign

And now ya'll are overestimating him.

On the other hand, you thinking Pence going to a Hamilton show in NYC was not a plan is laughable. Is Pence a musical fan now?


I'm done talking any sort of politics with my family. They can't even talk about the tenets of democracy without mud slinging and name calling. Thanksgiving is going to be fucking terrible. At least I have my brothers to talk to.

I don't know why I even bothered in the first place to talk about politics at all. They turn into completely different people.



Dont tell me you think trump is some master tactician who uses masterful ploys like sending pence to see hamilton knowing the outcome of events that will let him tweet that the cast insulted pence in order to distract everything

Ya'll underestimated him during the campaign

And now ya'll are overestimating him.

Nobody but you is saying anything about Trump being a master tactician.

Trump is a moron.

But Trump is a moron who has been in the media spotlight for most of the 70 years he's been on this earth. And with that kind of exposure it doesn't take a brainiack to know how the media works.

Scandal >>>>>>>> Real reporting

On top of that, Trump has Bannon. And Bannon IS a tactician when it comes to these things.
On the other hand, you thinking Pence going to a Hamilton show in NYC was not a plan is laughable. Is Pence a musical fan now?


Guess pence cant go to movies either cause hes probably not a movie fan. He should just stay home all day.

Nobody but you is saying anything about Trump being a master tactician.

Trump is a moron.

But Trump is a moron who has been in the media spotlight for most of the 70 years he's been on this earth. And with that kind of exposure it doesn't take a brainiack to know how the media works.

Scandal >>>>>>>> Real reporting

On top of that, Trump has Bannon. And Bannon IS a tactician when it comes to these things.

When there are people on twitter and on here acting like this is all some master ploy by trump, yeah Im gonna assume those people think hes a master tactician.

And you give too much credit to the media. They been garbage for a while who go for hits instead of actual reporting. Also it hasnt been the media thats picked this up since it happened last night, its been mainly twitter.


I mean, Rick Perry went to Hamilton alone a few weeks ago and loved it.

Rick Perry didn't have protests against him. In no scenario possible that this wasn't going to be news. If we're saying that Pence or any people around him would not have seen this coming would be severely underestimating them to the extent of saying they have no brains.


Guess pence cant go to movies either cause hes probably not a movie fan. He should just stay home all day.

You can see movies in many places where there were no organized protests against you, which includes your own home.

Anyway I said this is a distraction so I will stop responding, feel free to think what you want.

Dont tell me you think trump is some master tactician who uses masterful ploys like sending pence to see hamilton knowing the outcome of events that will let him tweet that the cast insulted pence in order to distract everything

Ya'll underestimated him during the campaign

And now ya'll are overestimating him.
I think he's actually damn good, maybe masterful, at selling and branding.

Things make a lot more sense when you view things through that lens.


Rick Perry didn't have protests against him. In no scenario possible that this wasn't going to be news. If we're saying that Pence or any people around him would not have seen this coming would be severely underestimating them to the extent of saying they have no brains.

I dunno, they seem to be as close to ignorant brainless white men as its possible to get, so I don't think it's that much of an underestimation.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
They won't be evenly divided. That's the hard part.
I would think either five to the winner and two for each district or three to the winner and three for each district would work. That would give Trump 906 or 907 electoral votes.

Nebraska would have 11 in this scenario. They could do the former or two for the winner and three for each district.


Unconfirmed Member
The theater should be a safe space. I think that's the only thing Lincoln would recognize in the modern Republican party.

Edit: maybe he will recognize suspending habeus corpus and declaring martial law, depending on how things go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just because Trump is stupid as a log doesn't mean he doesn't know how to play people. There's a reason why he likes applying the same adjectives to people/publications he doesn't like (Lyin' Ted Cruz, Crooked Hillary, Failin' New York) every time he mentions them.

He may not be David Xanatos, but it's important to be able to parse between what's important and what's not since this guy is gonna spend at least 4 years using a whole country as a platform to shitpost and grovel for attention.


I would think either five for the winner and two for each district or three to the winner and three to each district would work. That would give Trump 906 or 907 electoral votes.

Nebraska would have 11 in this scenario. They could do the former or two to the winner and three to each district.
No, I mean that you can't just x3 the current amount of reps. Cali will get more new ones (proportionally) than Wyoming.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
No, I mean that you can't just x3 the current amount of reps. Cali will get more new ones (proportionally) than Wyoming.
Cali would have 181 in the House and Wyoming would have 3.

EDIT: Actually Cali might have more than that. I'd have to check it over again.

EDIT2: I was correct. I was wrong about Maine: they have would have eight, not nine electoral votes. Including the other changes Trump would win by 907 or 908 electoral votes. I messed up including D.C. when dividing up the house by 1500 seats.


Yeah I'm not saying it was some brilliant plan, just that Trump uses distractions to his advantage and he can lie constantly on social media and many people just believe it.

We gotta be talking about his fraud case and dangerous cabinet appointments, not some boo-troversy
Anyway, people should spend all of their energy telling people in their 40s and 50s that Trump wants to take their Medicare when Paul Ryan puts the bill into committee, but it's two months until Trump is president and clowning on him is fine now.

We can save our energy for the all hands on deck defense on Medicare for when it happens.
Okay, I think I'm ready to come back to PoliGAF now. I needed a break due to the pain of the election; coming here would've just made it worse. But anyways, election day stories from me working at the polls (I shared some on Twitter, but can go into more detail here):
* There was no Kids' Vote this year, so it was sad (but cute) seeing a toddler with a pacifier begging her mom to let her vote when she couldn't
* Someone graffiti-ed "Trump Sucks" in one of our voting booths. We had to wipe it off.
* There was a guy wearing a shirt saying "This is America, speak English or get the F*ck out!" who came to vote. In retrospect I probably should have come up with some excuse to turn him away, like the new NH electioneering law (although apparently that only applies to names of candidates). Unfortunately I didn't have the presence of mind to do anything...
* Also on the topic of the electioneering law, some mom had made her 3 daughters some cute patchwork dresses with the Hillary logo on them. But since the logo isn't her name, we let the mom vote, too.
* A lot of people seemed confused about what exactly party registration means in the general election (which is absolutely nothing). There were a lot of people asking, "So, if I'm registered as this party, I have to vote for this party, right?" as if their party registration were legally binding. Which, I mean, I guess it is relevant in the primaries, but even then it's still only for which ballot you get. You could still write in Republicans on your Democratic Party ballot in the primary if you really wanted to.
* Almost 2,000 people voted at my polling place this year, but not quite. Most of the turnout was actually early in the morning just as the polls opened...
* At least I should be getting paid for my time checking people in. That's the main bright spot I see coming out of this whole debacle.

Anyways, stay strong, PoliGAF...
I have a couple of questions. Onama said he would help democrats organize, what exactly does that entail? Also what kind of roll will biden play?
Obama is teaming up with Eric Holder to lead a nationwide grassroots movement. It means their effort will yield proper democratic candidates for local townships, school boards, county boards, utility boards, state legislatures, treasurers, all the way up to US Congress. Its a herculean task but if anyone can do it, it's Barack Friggin Obama.



A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Okay, I think I'm ready to come back to PoliGAF now. I needed a break due to the pain of the election; coming here would've just made it worse. But anyways, election day stories from me working at the polls (I shared some on Twitter, but can go into more detail here):
* There was no Kids' Vote this year, so it was sad (but cute) seeing a toddler with a pacifier begging her mom to let her vote when she couldn't
* Someone graffiti-ed "Trump Sucks" in one of our voting booths. We had to wipe it off.
* There was a guy wearing a shirt saying "This is America, speak English or get the F*ck out!" who came to vote. In retrospect I probably should have come up with some excuse to turn him away, like the new NH electioneering law (although apparently that only applies to names of candidates). Unfortunately I didn't have the presence of mind to do anything...
* Also on the topic of the electioneering law, some mom had made her 3 daughters some cute patchwork dresses with the Hillary logo on them. But since the logo isn't her name, we let the mom vote, too.
* A lot of people seemed confused about what exactly party registration means in the general election (which is absolutely nothing). There were a lot of people asking, "So, if I'm registered as this party, I have to vote for this party, right?" as if their party registration were legally binding. Which, I mean, I guess it is relevant in the primaries, but even then it's still only for which ballot you get. You could still write in Republicans on your Democratic Party ballot in the primary if you really wanted to.
* Almost 2,000 people voted at my polling place this year, but not quite. Most of the turnout was actually early in the morning just as the polls opened...
* At least I should be getting paid for my time checking people in. That's the main bright spot I see coming out of this whole debacle.

Anyways, stay strong, PoliGAF...
Be happy she won our state!

Unfortunately, Republicans are likely getting rid of same day registration here. 😔
I have a couple of questions. Onama said he would help democrats organize, what exactly does that entail? Also what kind of roll will biden play?

Rusty already covered what Superallah Obama is doing, but Biden is probably going to retire from the public eye, for the most part. Dude's had a rough life.


Sucks about Sununu because Sununus are just the worst. But New Hampshire is represented by an all-female Democratic congregation and voted for a female Democrat for President! That's cool.


Madison, WI had 79% turnout.
Our polling place had 824 absentee ballots (huge hassle to process that many, we didn't leave until 12:20AM)
Over 20,000 people were registered on election day.
There were more than 65,000 absentee ballots.

We only rejected one absentee ballot and that was because the witness that signed the envelope only included their city/state/zip and not their address. We also turned several people away because they didn't have the needed documents to register. Can only cast a provisional ballot if you are registered.
I heard a lot bad things about Michelle Rhee

I think she's fine. Vouchers were a disaster, but she was just trying a bunch of stuff to see what worked. Charter schools often have better outcomes for minority children and are worth exploring. And some teachers probably should be fired.

She has to know that joining Trump's administration would be suicide for her causes though, I don't know what she's thinking.
Trump's "minority outreach" was just "vouchers for black children and more police" so I don't think the vouchers would cause Trump to give her a thumbs down.

Common Core on the other hand...

Charter schools vary in quality greatly.

They do, but some different education stuff is worth exploring when you're dealing with schools that aren't doing well and citizens that don't want to pay more property taxes.
I can't wait until George Borjas realizes that he's not white in Trump's America.

On top of that, the senator [Jeff Sessions] is a very nice and approachable man, both in a professional and social setting. I always came away thinking that this must be what the “Southern gentleman” type is all about.


Fuck you, George. Go fist yourself with brass knuckles, you worthless prick.


Any news on how the Romney meeting went? I still think Trump just brought him there to gloat and insult than offer him anything.

Trump walked the former governor of Massachusetts outside and told the press: "It went great."

Romney, also addressing the press, added that "we had a far-reaching conversation with regards to the various theaters in the world where there are interests of the U.S."

He said it was a "very thorough and in-depth discussion in the time we had and appreciate the chance to speak with the president-elect and look forward to the coming administration."

I still think Romney should have told him to kick rocks and he only brought him there to kiss his ring and humiliate him.

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