Okay, I think I'm ready to come back to PoliGAF now. I needed a break due to the pain of the election; coming here would've just made it worse. But anyways, election day stories from me working at the polls (I shared some on Twitter, but can go into more detail here):
* There was no Kids' Vote this year, so it was sad (but cute) seeing a toddler with a pacifier begging her mom to let her vote when she couldn't
* Someone graffiti-ed "Trump Sucks" in one of our voting booths. We had to wipe it off.
* There was a guy wearing a shirt saying "This is America, speak English or get the F*ck out!" who came to vote. In retrospect I probably should have come up with some excuse to turn him away, like the new NH electioneering law (although apparently that only applies to names of candidates). Unfortunately I didn't have the presence of mind to do anything...
* Also on the topic of the electioneering law, some mom had made her 3 daughters some cute patchwork dresses with the Hillary logo on them. But since the logo isn't her name, we let the mom vote, too.
* A lot of people seemed confused about what exactly party registration means in the general election (which is absolutely nothing). There were a lot of people asking, "So, if I'm registered as this party, I have to vote for this party, right?" as if their party registration were legally binding. Which, I mean, I guess it is relevant in the primaries, but even then it's still only for which ballot you get. You could still write in Republicans on your Democratic Party ballot in the primary if you really wanted to.
* Almost 2,000 people voted at my polling place this year, but not quite. Most of the turnout was actually early in the morning just as the polls opened...
* At least I should be getting paid for my time checking people in. That's the main bright spot I see coming out of this whole debacle.
Anyways, stay strong, PoliGAF...