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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Nelo Ice

Rmoney is an actual sane human being who really needs to be in Trump's cabinet somehow just because that keeps one extra weirdo out.
I'm starting to think some somewhat reasonable people need to bite the bullet and work for Trump. Otherwise more nightmares will come. Sessions alone scares the shit out of me as a minority.
I'm starting to think some somewhat reasonable people need to bite the bullet and work for Trump. Otherwise more nightmares will come. Sessions alone scares the shit out of me as a minority.

It's a fucked up situation. Imagine someone raped people you care about, and the only way to reduce the chances that he'd rape even more people is if you offer him your help and support. Every fiber in your being is telling you to rip his head off and to fuck off, but for the greater good you have to smile and join his team.


How is Mitt not a spineless coward?

I feel like there is a difference between him doing some of the most to oppose him pre-election (on the GOP side) and him taking a role in the administration to represent the US with a modicum of dignity. I also don't think that he'll be a shield for the Trump administration that will somehow legitimize him, at least not yet.

Nelo Ice

It's a fucked up situation. Imagine someone raped people you care about, and the only way to reduce the chances that he'd rape even more people is if you offer him your help and support. Every fiber in your being is telling you to rip his head off and to fuck off, but for the greater good you have to smile and join his team.
Yeah and we'd look at them like cowards even if they are intentionally jumping on the grenade to save us. With that said if that doesn't happen then I'm gonna want to jump out of the window every time I see a new cabinet hire. And o god judges too and whoever else he can appoint.
McCain: If Trump Begins Waterboarding He'll Be In Court In 'A New York Minute'

Speaking at the Halifax International Security Forum, McCain said that he and others in the Senate will push back against anyone who wants to go back to waterboarding, noting that it is illegal.

"I don't give a damn what the president wants to do," he said. "We will not waterboard. We will not torture people."
"If they started waterboarding, I swear to you that we'd have them in court in a New York minute," McCain said.
Sucks about Sununu because Sununus are just the worst. But New Hampshire is represented by an all-female Democratic congregation and voted for a female Democrat for President! That's cool.
I'm guessing Dems weren't as excited to vote for Van Ostern because he wasn't a woman. (NH Dems are basically a women's party here)


Man it sure is difficult to find any shred of positive news right now. President-elect Trump already is mired in more scandal than all eight years of Obama. How did we go from Obama to this? What a sad country we live in.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Wouldn't it be nice, haha, oh oh, if some republicans, for a change, looked into their pants and miraculously discovered their fucking balls, with regards to standing up to their own party being Literally Evil.

Seems unlikely. But stranger things have happened.
Had an old man in red MAGA hat scream at me on the bus

"Don't sit next to me, faggot!"

I don't know why he went with a homophobic slur. I figured I was a straight as they come.
Right now, it's really hard to take any kind of statement of resistance from the Republicans seriously. They just spent the last 8 years in absolute perfect lockstep, and now they've got this crazy new base to deal with. On the other hand, maybe it's just that it was easier for them to be united in opposition, and now that they're actually governing you'll see the cracks appear...

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Imagine if we could make some more white people in Mississippi anti-racist.

That would be two more Senators.

In Louisiana, if ~30% of white people had voted for Obama in 2012 he would have won the state: he got roughly 13%. Bill got 33% of them the year he beat Dole. I don't have demographic data for this year, but I imagine <40% would have been needed for a Hillary victory.


Unconfirmed Member
Had an old man in red MAGA hat scream at me on the bus

"Don't sit next to me, faggot!"

I don't know why he went with a homophobic slur. I figured I was a straight as they come.
I take you aren't brown? His go to slurs didn't even make sense to him so he had to go third tier.
In Louisiana, if ~30% of white people had voted for Obama in 2012 he would have won the state: he got roughly 13%. Bill got 33% of them the year he beat Dole. I don't have demographic data for this year, but I imagine <40% would have been needed for a Hillary victory.

Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia are the white whales.

If white people there were even just indifferent to black people, we would dominate the Deep South.

But, well... you know :/
I think Romney would actually do a pretty decent job as SoS. The problem is even if he gets the job, I think he would be locked out of making any actual consequential foreign policy decisions. He will never be a part of the inner circle of Trump.


Romney's brave as fuck if he takes that job. That'd basically be agreeing to clean up after every Trump mess on an international scale. How do you even attempt to do that? I feel he's almost guaranteed to end with a worse reputation than he started simply because of Trump's decisions.


No Scrubs
Romney's brave as fuck if he takes that job. That'd basically be agreeing to clean up after every Trump mess on an international scale. How do you even attempt to do that? I feel he's almost guaranteed to end with a worse reputation than he started simply because of Trump's decisions.

Romney's basically going to have to tell everyone that nothing Trump says counts since in 2020 everything will go back to normal (we all hope) when he leaves office. It's going to be the international relations version of Community's gas leak year.


Presented without commment.

White nationalist bloodied during DC protest

A member of a white nationalist group was bloodied Saturday while confronting a large group of protesters outside the site of a Washington conference celebrating Donald Trump's presidential victory.

The conference, hosted by the white nationalist organization National Policy Institute, met inside the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center downtown, a block from Trump's new International Hotel. NPI's leader is Richard Spencer, known for coining the term "alt-right" and promoting white supremacist views.

The event drew hundreds of protesters holding anti-facist signs and yelling chants including, "No Donald Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!" One held a sign reading "alt-wrong."
The group was generally peaceful until a man and a woman from NPI approached the group with a video camera and microphone, prompting protesters to yell "Nazi's go home." The woman, who wouldn't give CNN her name but wore a badge saying "Emily," appeared to interview a protester asking him if he is a "self-hating white person."

Another protester knocked the man's video camera, and a scuffle ensued between the two. A few other protesters entered the fray yelling "Die, Nazi, die," and the man from NPI re-emerged with a bloody gash on his forehead. He declined to give his name. Two protesters were handcuffed by police. CNN videotaped the incident.
The pair from NPI was later escorted to a waiting ambulance by police, while the rest of the protesters continued marching peacefully along Pennsylvania Avenue.


"Emily," who referred to the protesters as communists. said she is concerned about the decreasing white population in the United States but less so "now that Donald Trump is president."

Protester Carl Goldman said, "That's what they said in Nazi Germany, where my relatives grew up."



If Trump has a cabinet full of white nationalist, tin foil hat wearing loons and corrupt assholes who the hell he going to stand up to them?



If Trump has a cabinet full of white nationalist, tin foil hat wearing loons and corrupt assholes who the hell he going to stand up to them?

Linda McMahon is likely the person most qualified for the position they're being rumored to be in contention for. (of the non-Romney names.)

That's terrifying.


Like I said before, we're in the darkest timeline. We aren't going to be graced with the presence of RMoney the og.

Amazing how much changes in 4 years. I fucking hated that man and Glenn Beck so much then, and now they seem like god damn saints.


Like I said before, we're in the darkest timeline. We aren't going to be graced with the presence of RMoney the og.

Amazing how much changes in 4 years. I fucking hated that man and Glenn Beck so much then, and now they seem like god damn saints.
I mean, I don't think anyone ever thought Romney was an actively bad person (much like with Dubya) - Beck appears to have legitimately been mentally ill.

Calling him a stupid motherfucker is being too kind. This kind of false equivalence makes me want to scream. Mike Pence believes in GAY CONVERSION THERAPY. Believing that marriage is only between a man and a woman is NOT THE SAME THING.
msnbc with Joe Scarborough and Andrea Emailz Mitchell has ruined the media landscape in favor of Trump so much. Their false equivalence has played spendidly to Trump's advantage. Obama never persecuted the transgendered and the minorities when he held those views. Which these idiots fail to understand. Mike Pence would not have so much stank on him if he held those views personally but never pursued them in public setting, making lives miserable for everyone. Like, Tim Kaine is against abortion but he never campaigned on making it ILLEGAL for everyone.

I am really done with mainstream media after this election. I will watch a segment now and then but yeah this is idiocy.


I mean, I don't think anyone ever thought Romney was an actively bad person (much like with Dubya) - Beck appears to have legitimately been mentally ill.

I thought Romney was just an asshole and didn't give a shit about anyone but the rich or Mormon like him. I hated him within the realms of politics, I never even really considered what I'd think of him as a human being because we never reached that point. I could articulate this better with hand gestures, but what I'm saying is Trump has broken that fucking boundary to such an insane degree that my retroactive perception of people like Romney and Bush has changed completely. Like Maher said, we don't know how good we had it. Even Cheney seems better because he was evil but smart. Trump and his people are not only way more evil than Cheney, but fucking stupid about it.


I thought Romney was just an asshole and didn't give a shit about anyone but the rich or Mormon like him. I hated him within the realms of politics, I never even really considered what I'd think of him as a human being because we never reached that point. I could articulate this better with hand gestures, but what I'm saying is Trump has broken that fucking boundary to such an insane degree that my retroactive perception of people like Romney and Bush has changed completely. Like Maher said, we don't know how good we had it. Even Cheney seems better because he was evil but smart. Trump and his people are not only way more evil than Cheney, but fucking stupid about it.
Romneycare was beta Obamacare lol.

Bush was a well-intentioned idiot. Not a bad person, just completely incompetent.


msnbc with Joe Scarborough and Andrea Emailz Mitchell has ruined the media landscape in favor of Trump so much. Their false equivalence has played spendidly to Trump's advantage. Obama never persecuted the transgendered and the minorities when he held those views. Which these idiots fail to understand. Mike Pence would not have so much stank on him if he held those views personally but never pursued them in public setting, making lives miserable for everyone. Like, Tim Kaine is against abortion but he never campaigned on making it ILLEGAL for everyone.

I am really done with mainstream media after this election. I will watch a segment now and then but yeah this is idiocy.

I can't even listen to the panels with Trump surrogates anymore. I just can't. Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Brian Williams, and maybe one or two CNN programs are the only MSM shows I can still tolerate.

That reminds me, Maddow giggling and laughing about the election results as it was happening was fucking bizarre to me. Was that an expression of disbelief, or coping with it? I never saw her as someone who just wouldn't care.
Beck is a grifter who realizes that there's no room left on the right for crazy conspiracy theorists. I'm pretty sure there will be demand for conspiracies from the left in the next few years and Beck can provide the conspiracies.

Bush started a war over a feud.

Romney is fine.
Congress is neither going to initiate the impeachment process nor find him guilty. Regardless of what he does. The checks and balances are broken due to insane partisanship.

Dont tell me you think trump is some master tactician who uses masterful ploys like sending pence to see hamilton knowing the outcome of events that will let him tweet that the cast insulted pence in order to distract everything

Ya'll underestimated him during the campaign

And now ya'll are overestimating him.
I don't think people underestimated Trump for the most part they overestimated America.


Well, the majority is. White rural america sure as hell ain't.

In order to get anything done, the system is moving more and more towards a parliamentary system. And that's fine.
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