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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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At this point, I'm willing to deal with that asshole Pence being dragged out of his shadow presidency to the official role if it means that I don't have to live with the embarrassment of Trump having a full term.

Absolutely. Pence may be an even worse monster than Trump but I mean at least I wouldn't feel like my fucking country is a joke.


The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.

It's not all bad.

He can use the presidency to vastly enrich his family.


At this point, I'm willing to deal with that asshole Pence being dragged out of his shadow presidency to the official role if it means that I don't have to live with the embarrassment of Trump having a full term.

I think I agree. I'll take the rational evil of Pence over the unhinged joke of Trump.

This whole Hamilton episode sums it up for me: Trump immediately takes to Twitter to whine about (and threaten?) cast members who dared to politely ask their new VP-Elect to look after their inalienable rights. Pence, on the other hand, hasn't said a fucking thing! And maybe he feels the exact same thing himself, but at least he knows the presidential look ISN'T to bitch and moan on Twitter about it.
The Trump International Hotel in Washington, just five blocks from the White House, could also take on an outsize role in the Trump administration. His children may stay there when they come to the nation’s capital, and there is chatter that it may supplant Blair House, which traditionally hosts foreign dignitaries visiting the president.
This entire presidency is about to be a ponzi scheme. america is a joke.

I cant wait for him to do his victory tour in front of his properties. one huge promotion bonanza. white america got played.


The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.

This article also confirms, at least for me, that underneath mounds and mounds of pettiness, Trump is capable of some level of strategic movement.

So people shouldn't be so quick to dismiss everything Trump does as the aimless actions of a moron, moving forward.
This article also confirms, at least for me, that underneath mounds and mounds of pettiness, Trump is capable of some level of strategic movement.

So people shouldn't be so quick to dismiss everything Trump does as the aimless actions of a moron, moving forward.

No doubt he is very intentional in being an inhuman, racist, fascist scumbag.


The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.

I don't think the SS will care if he goes to his vacation homes. I mean, look at how many times Obama went on vacation when a national tragedy was occurring, like terrorist attacks, BLMs protests, cop killings, etc. (/s)
His children may stay there when they come to the nation’s capital, and there is chatter that it may supplant Blair House, which traditionally hosts foreign dignitaries visiting the president.

It's just so....defeating reading this. He won't be held accountable and continues to desecrate the office.


Unconfirmed Member

Macklemore put out a new song recently reflecting on the election and at the risk of promoting a rapper that has been derided as corny and maudlin, I think it's pretty good
Finally a rapper with... you know what, I can't even enjoy memes anymore.
Thanks Tru... god damnit!

It's just so....defeating reading this. He won't be held accountable and continues to desecrate the office.
Yep. I don't care that taxpayer money is spent putting up the presidents family or foreign dignitaries, that's part of the deal. But that that money is essentially flowing directly into the presidents pocket is deeply concerning.


One silver lining from shinra's post (is there a link to the full article?) is that at least it sounds like Giuliani isn't getting anything.

That, and Christie continues to get fucked over and over. I hope he snaps one day soon and launches into a huge tirade against Trump.

Kid Heart

The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.

So he'll pretty much ostracize anyone who doesn't lick his boots completely and utterly? Even Rudy wasn't pure enough? The guy who was staning for Trump after pretty much everybody else abandoned him? I almost feel sorry for Rudy.

Well, almost.

Actually, no not really.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Guys can we stop using the word "post truth" ? Let's call it what it is and say that it's just another word for "lies". It has been noted that conservatives often use very aggressive words like "attack on Christmas" and so on when they describe things they don't like. Well I don't know who invented the term "post truth" but liberals need to stop dancing around the central truth that "post truth" is another word for "lies". Call a spade a spade. I'm so pissed right now ugghhhh.


Guys can we stop using the word "post truth" ? Let's call it what it is and say that it's just another word for "lies". It has been noted that conservatives often use very aggressive words like "attack on Christmas" and so on when they describe things they don't like. Well I don't know who invented the term "post truth" but liberals need to stop dancing around the central truth that "post truth" is another word for "lies". Call a spade a spade. I'm so pissed right now ugghhhh.

Another peeve of mine: normalizing white supremacy, white nationalism, fascism, and nazism under vagaries like "alt-right".
Guys can we stop using the word "post truth" ? Let's call it what it is and say that it's just another word for "lies". It has been noted that conservatives often use very aggressive words like "attack on Christmas" and so on when they describe things they don't like. Well I don't know who invented the term "post truth" but liberals need to stop dancing around the central truth that "post truth" is another word for "lies". Call a spade a spade. I'm so pissed right now ugghhhh.

Post-Truth, Truthiness, lies... I think the main point is that people actively believe things they know to be lies, or believe Dems are lying just as fully.


Guys can we stop using the word "post truth" ? Let's call it what it is and say that it's just another word for "lies". It has been noted that conservatives often use very aggressive words like "attack on Christmas" and so on when they describe things they don't like. Well I don't know who invented the term "post truth" but liberals need to stop dancing around the central truth that "post truth" is another word for "lies". Call a spade a spade. I'm so pissed right now ugghhhh.

But it's the word of the year!


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Another peeve of mine: normalizing white supremacy, white nationalism, fascism, and nazism under vagaries like "alt-right".

Post-Truth, Truthiness, lies... I think the main point is that people actively believe things they know to be lies, or believe Dems are lying just as fully.

I was very angry at Colbert for using the term "post truth" and explaining what it is on his show the other night. Just drop that term already since it's nothing more than saying people believe in lies.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The media has latched onto "post truth", I suspect, because it just loves having new trends to talk about and fill up the 24 hour news cycle. Sadly, even otherwise sane and informed pundits and commentators fall victim to the same thing. They often don't stop to consider whether a buzzword really represents something new or different.

Post-Truth, Truthiness, lies... I think the main point is that people actively believe things they know to be lies, or believe Dems are lying just as fully.

Ultimately it all seems to fall under the general super category of magical thinking. In this case, it is people believing that anything they disagree with must be a lie, because the only things that are true support their existing beliefs and never contradict them.

It's more or less a simple failure of capacity for critical thinking, and I honestly think a lot of it stems from poor education. There's a reason that, in some southern states, the GOP specifically says critical thinking is a dangerous thing to teach children because it leads them to questioning "fixed beliefs". Their wording, not mine.

The internet is an incredibly dangerous place for people who have never even heard of the most basic principles of critical thinking yet are living their lives making judgments on everything they see. An excellent example was a women I saw interviewed who had gotten burned by her anti-vax beliefs. Her child got sick. When she explained herself, she said she had done plenty of research on the Internet, but admitted the only information she searched for was that claimed vaccines cause autism. She refused to read anything that said they did not. Why? It simply never occurred to her. Someone told her something that scared her as a parent and her only thought was to confirm her fear so that she could see just how afraid she should be. Not whether she should be afraid at all.


That Hypernormalization documentary is kinda wrecking my perception of the general goodness of people. It makes me depressed that we just can't change the system we are heading into (Trump's) and that this cycle must conclude before we can start again, with whatever irreversible damage has been caused attached. My biggest concern now is that people are firmly entrenched in their bubbles and the mediums to penetrate them are becoming less effective.

How to you combat a president that lies and states false statements as certainty? It's not even about being lied to, it's that a significant number know the truth but choose to ignore it because they are too disaffected with the alternative, reality. Reality is becoming too much of a burden.

I hope I can just snap out of it, but it gets harder not to just give into the despair of it all.

It's going to be a long 4-8 years.

Mike M

Nick N
"Post-truth" to me is less a synonym for lies and more a term describing the fact that we're past the point where what's true even matters anymore.

Frankly I'm having trouble coping with the fact that it's functionally impossible to debunk anything anymore because so many people just don't fucking care if something's true or not. I don't even know how to function under such a paradigm, let alone how to combat it. It'd be one thing if it were limited to the lunatic fringe, but it's gone full-blown mainstream and I genuinely don't think there's any getting the genie back in the bottle.


"Post-truth" to me is less a synonym for lies and more a term describing the fact that we're past the point where what's true even matters anymore.

Exactly what I perceive it as. Truth, fact, expert opinion, none of it seems to matter anymore. The thing is, at some point we will in fact have to reconcile with the reality of ignoring these things.


"Post-truth" to me is less a synonym for lies and more a term describing the fact that we're past the point where what's true even matters anymore.

This is how I think of "post-truth" as well.

I think that, in this reality where what's true really doesn't matter to a shockingly large group of people, truth can no longer be the standard. Representation has to take it's place. And, again, that burden is on the media.

The media may not be able to control what Americans regard as true, but they CAN control what gets represented. What they give airtime to. A big failing of the media this election cycle was that they gave equal ground to truth and lies, and that's just grossly irresponsible. Who gives a fuck what the average dumb-as-fuck American thinks; if you know something to be a blatant untruth, do not report on it as though it is truth.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
"Post-truth" to me is less a synonym for lies and more a term describing the fact that we're past the point where what's true even matters anymore.

Frankly I'm having trouble coping with the fact that it's functionally impossible to debunk anything anymore because so many people just don't fucking care if something's true or not. I don't even know how to function under such a paradigm, let alone how to combat it.
Sure I get that the word has a more specific usage. However, if somebody is rejecting the truth about, then they are accepting a lie. For example, we don't tell the anti-vaccine people that they're "post-truth". We tell them as it is, that they are believing lies. Apply that to everything that people would rather believe in something emotionally than the truth.
I wonder what person is stupid enough to buy into this meme.


This meme creator almost seems to be searching for the dumbest people possible by seeing who believes this meme.
Alexander Hamilton explains why Trump not selling off his businesses before becoming president has a chance to destroy America.

"In the general course of human nature, a power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will." - Alexander Hamilton

This was tweeted by... Donald Trump in 2013.


Oh, I think we all know the answer to that.

It has to be the most hardcore of the hardcore who would believe this. I think even someone that thinks Hillary killed Vince Foster would be skeptical about this meme.
Though lies should be called out as lies, "post-truth" is a cultural mindset and a term worth using in reasonable contexts. It's a depressing evolution of truthiness from a decade ago. Individual truthiness expanded across the masses and focused in specific areas, curated by entities that have no qualms filling the world with bullshit. Those leading the charge have, unfortunately, become the next presidential administration.

How do we place the inherent misogyny in the alt-right formula? Agree that the dominant message has turned racist (and that racism should be called out as racism), but ideology against women and cultural frustration with the LBGT community seem to come with the package quite often.
Trump's fraud settlement is in the corner on NYT': website and their front page today. Double standards surrounding us this year.

Or maybe they're just terrified of Trump.
Why do Trump dumbfucks always say "well, we're spending this money on X,Y,Z to help minorities when we could be spending it helping homeless vets!"

... Trump doesn't want to spend any money on homeless vets.
Another peeve of mine: normalizing white supremacy, white nationalism, fascism, and nazism under vagaries like "alt-right".
Language can't evolve?
Alt-Right is synonymous with those terms with a new edge to reflect this specific group which isn't the same as every white supremacist segment, and I've never seen anyone on the left use it any way not to reflect it's repulsiveness.
This site is the only place I've seen people complain about it "normalizing" anything.


Language can't evolve?
Alt-Right is synonymous with those terms with a new edge to reflect this specific group which isn't the same as every white supremacist segment, and I've never seen anyone on the left use it any way not to reflect it's repulsiveness.
This site is the only place I've seen people complain about it "normalizing" anything.

I think alt-right just feels "safer" than, for instance, "fascism," or "Nazism". Less shocking. But, on the flip-side, neither fascism nor Nazism were explicitly anti-women, anti-feminism, or anti-LGBTQ, though this is most likely due to the 1930s/40s being implicitly all those things anyway. It does mean that we need to think of terminology "better", and push educating people - "Do you know what the alt-right is? It's not just anti-Jew, it's anti-women..." etc.

Though this should be a job for the media, I honestly don't trust them to really ram down people's throats in an honest way what the alt-right stands for. At least, not til it's too late... Which it almost is.


Language can't evolve?
Alt-Right is synonymous with those terms with a new edge to reflect this specific group which isn't the same as every white supremacist segment, and I've never seen anyone on the left use it any way not to reflect it's repulsiveness.
This site is the only place I've seen people complain about it "normalizing" anything.

Of course language can (and does) evolve. Not all evolution is a net bonus.
I guess in an era were the truth no longer matters, a stupid unscientific phone survey is as good a reason as any to take away healthcare from millions of people.


Unconfirmed Member
The NYT article as a whole highlights the farce.

His primary concern seems to be whether he can still talk to his friends and whether he can still live in Trump Tower.

He leaked Haley's name just to pour water on Giuliani. And as much schadenfreude as I have for them both, the pettiness is astounding.

I know this is stuff we already kind of know. It's just reaffirmed daily though how he should not be President of the United States.
Link? I'm burning all my free articles looking for it 😩


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
New York Times - Donald Trump Meeting Suggests He Is Keeping Up His Business Ties
WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump met in the last week in his office at Trump Tower with three Indian business partners who are building a Trump-branded luxury apartment complex south of Mumbai, raising new questions about how he will separate his business dealings from the work of the government once he is in the White House.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Trump described the meeting as a courtesy call by the three Indian real estate executives, who flew from India to congratulate Mr. Trump on his election victory. In a picture posted on Twitter, all four men are smiling and giving a thumbs-up.

“It was not a formal meeting of any kind,” Breanna Butler, a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization, said when asked about the meeting on Saturday.
The three Indian executives — Sagar Chordia, Atul Chordia, and Kalpesh Mehta — have been quoted in Indian newspapers, including The Economic Times, as saying they have discussed expanding their partnership with the Trump Organization now that Mr. Trump is president-elect.

Sagar Chordia did not respond to a request for a telephone interview. But in a series of text messages with The New York Times early Sunday, he confirmed that the meeting with Mr. Trump and members of his family had taken place, and that an article written about it in the Indian newspaper, which reported that one of his partners said they had discussed the desire to expand the deals with the Trump family, was accurate.

Washington ethics lawyers said that a meeting with Indian real estate partners, regardless of what was discussed, raised conflict of interest questions for Mr. Trump, who could be perceived as using the presidency to advance his business interests.
Trump took a meeting this week with Indian real estate partners to discuss expanding the relationship now that he'll be president. Shit is ridiculous.

Link? I'm burning all my free articles looking for it 😩


He's up early.

The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior
His international business matters! Another things that barely came up during the campaign and the media didn't make any effort to discuss. Trump has a history of doing deals overseas with people that end up bankrupt and/or in jail.

If an extremely polite critique about inclusion that included a specific call no not jeer the man has Trump this upset, we're fucked. And of course it's Trump mad and not Pence. That man knew what he was walking into and will wish all protests against the new administration will be so formal. Trump seems likely to blow a gasket every time someone boos him and lord help us.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Yeah, this kind of terrifies me. Not only will be there no impeachment, there will be absolutely no recourse for any terrible thing Trump inevitably does the next four years. The GOP knows they have a rubber stamp in the White House for any fucking thing they want to do, and even the thought of possibly standing up to Trump is stamped out by the fear of facing a primary challenger.

This is unnecessarily pessimistic. If inflation and the deficit spike because of the proposed huge stimulus spending and general malaise in the markets about uncertainty, the Tea Party types will lose their minds and make life hell for him like they did for Boehner.

And if the economy deteriorates (even if it's only tangentially related to anything Trump actually does), he will be on a short leash with the electorate and the Republican caucus.


Out of curiousity... What happens if it becomes obvious Trump is breaking the Title of Nobility Clause in the Constitution? Does it still require impeachment proceedings by Congress? Or is there some other recourse? It seems hellishly unlikely the GOP will impeach straight away, and the longer they leave it, the more Trump will break rules, and the more it'll be normalised.

Hillary must be alternately laughing and weeping at how stupid voters are.
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