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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Even LGBT folk who voted for Trump probably don't think it's an issue anymore. They willingly put into power people who want to take away their rights.

Log Cabin Republicans are the literal personification if both cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome.

My mom thinks Mike Pence is gay. She says someone who hates gay people that much can't possibly be straight.

He does have that silverfox aspect to him.
LGBT rights are a big enough issue that companies are willing to relocate or pull business from areas that pass bigoted laws.

Not even racism necessarily has that same backing.

Didn't a bunch of businesses and conventions pull out (or threaten to pull out) of Indianapolis because of Mike Pence? I know when I went to Gencon everyone was still talking about it (and how much they hated Mike Pence.)
Would explain the Hamilton visit.
Log Cabin Republicans are the literal personification if both cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome.

I remember Dan Savage doing an editorial during the RNC where he ranted about how LCRs spent 3 decades doing this stupid infiltration operation only to get rewarded with the most anti-gay policy platform from the GOP yet.
Is there any hope that Roberts would rule partisan redistricting (aka gerrymandering) unconstitutional when this Missouri case goes to the supreme court?

I'm afraid our best hope is that we don't end up with a legal precedent protecting gerrymandering. Fuck we lost so much with the GOP stealing that court pick.



President-elect Donald Trump’s charitable foundation has admitted to the IRS that it violated a legal prohibition against “self-dealing,” which bars nonprofit leaders from using their charity’s money to help themselves, their businesses or their families.

That admission was contained in the Donald J. Trump Foundation’s IRS tax filings for 2015, which were recently posted online at the nonprofit-tracking site GuideStar. A GuideStar spokesman said the forms were uploaded by the Trump Foundation’s law firm, Morgan, Lewis and Bockius.

The Post could not immediately confirm if the same forms had actually been sent to the IRS.

In one section of the form, the IRS asked if the Trump Foundation had transferred “income or assets to a disqualified person.” A disqualified person, in this context, might be Trump — the foundation’s president — or a member of his family, or a Trump-owned business.

The foundation checked “yes.”

Another line on the form asked if the Trump Foundation had engaged in any acts of self-dealing in prior years. The Trump Foundation checked “yes” again.

Philip Hackney, who formerly worked in the IRS chief counsel’s office and now teaches at Louisiana State University, said he wanted to know why the Trump Foundation was now admitting to self-dealing in prior years — when, in all prior years, it had told the IRS it had done nothing of the kind.

“What transactions led to the self-dealing that they’re admitting to? Why weren’t they able to recognize them in prior years,” Hackney said. He said that, since the prior years’ returns were signed by Trump, that opened the president-elect to questions about what he had missed and how.

WaPo doing God's work.

How many pulitzers is Fahrenthold going to get in the 4 years?
because gay people can be white.

It's impossible to isolate yourself. You can't just go move to a gated community in the middle of a white suburb and "get away" from gay people. Because they make up every demographic, and anyone's family can have someone who is gay. And any child can grow up to be gay. There's no escape for bigots. No matter what they do, there is no way to avoid a gay person. And they may grow to like someone who is gay before they know, and at that point, they are put in an awkward spot that doesn't make them comfortable. It's not immediate identifiable at a distance what someone's sexual preference is. Unlike race, where it's pretty much impossible to hide in most cases.


So NYT about to have the first interview with Trump in 2 weeks?
Do I have that right? NO ONE has formally interviewed him beyond that 60 minutes bit from the press live in 2 fucking weeks?
He hasn't actually even held a formal press conference beyond that.


Angela Rye eviscerating a Trump supporter on CNN right now.

Will probably be a thread later :)

Scottie was fucking mauled alive on CNN last night. We're going to have 4 years of Trump surrogates getting fucking chewed up and spit out. I'd quit after seeing how much bullshit they have to spew only to become punching bags for warranted criticism.
So NYT about to have the first interview with Trump in 2 weeks?
Do I have that right? NO ONE has formally interviewed him beyond that 60 minutes bit from the press live in 2 fucking weeks?
He hasn't actually even held a formal press conference beyond that.

But he is twittering. Probably has shares.
Well I guess they can go back to having nothing then. Should probably cut medicare and medicaid as well since that also costs money.

A lot (if not most, depending on the state) of people would rather pay $5-20 a month for a catastrophic plan that doesn't do much of anything for them, vs have actual health care.

At this point the law is virtually dead and will likely prevent another attempt at (democrat) reform in the next decade, perhaps two.


Color me completely unsurprised, but Trump is looking to oveturn Obama's overtime rules.

Good job, middle America who are forced to work more than 40 hours a week, don't get paid, and aren't exempt!

You played yourself.
Color me completely unsurprised, but Trump is looking to oveturn Obama's overtime rules.

Good job, middle America who are forced to work more than 40 hours a week, don't get paid, and aren't exempt!

You played yourself.

As a gay salary worker, I'm going to get hit by two repeals at the same time, so that's fun.


Color me completely unsurprised, but Trump is looking to oveturn Obama's overtime rules.

Good job, middle America who are forced to work more than 40 hours a week, don't get paid, and aren't exempt!

You played yourself.

Any middle class citizen who voted for him (or didn't vote at all) deserves to suffer. I just feel bad for those who Voted for Hillary though...
Color me completely unsurprised, but Trump is looking to oveturn Obama's overtime rules.

Good job, middle America who are forced to work more than 40 hours a week, don't get paid, and aren't exempt!

You played yourself.

People aren't going to appreciate every Obama has done until it starts disappearing.

The generation that are 10-15 right now are going to look back with nostalgia on Obama when they turn 18 and are ready to vote, and that'll help.


As a gay salary worker, I'm going to get hit by two repeals at the same time, so that's fun.

I'm affected by the rules in that I am not legally allowed to work over 40 hours a week becauase I make below the threshold and SSA does not offer overtime pay.

Bad for production if I wanted to put in a few extra hours or get ahead before a vacation, good in that I am not forced by my employeer to work more than a standard workweek without compensation.

Not that my job would force people to do that, anyway. But I know of people who worked 80h+ in other jobs and didn't get any compensation and this would have helped them not get fucked.
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