nature boy
Lyin' Don!
Mark Berman ‏@markberman 1h1 hour ago
Days since the election: 14
News conferences: 0
Public complaints about the media: 13
Mark Berman ‏@markberman 1h1 hour ago
Days since the election: 14
News conferences: 0
Public complaints about the media: 13
Lyin' Don!
The normalization continues:
If you can't see change in moving from Obama to Trump, something is seriously wrong with you.
If pure populism is a better tactic for Dems than "identity politics," why did Feingold do even worse in WI than Clinton?
The Mr. Robot view of the world (corporations as the "true" evil) is absolute poison for the Dems if it takes hold.Good question indeed. Bernie Bros ain't asking it either.
Bahhhh... One by one my dreams die.
On a different topic:
Call for a Congressional Investigation: An Open Letter from Concerned Scholars
Good question indeed. Bernie Bros ain't asking it either.
Good question indeed. Bernie Bros ain't asking it either.
Morning joe souce says : Trump will not pursue Clinton investigations
Oh wow trump, let it go.
Good question indeed. Bernie Bros ain't asking it either.
I want Gabbard because she is the best name is have heard and people can finally shut up about her running in 2020
Now Nina Turner can be the presidential candidate
Bernie's entire platform was that populism was the solution to all problems. Just redistributing wealth down would solve everything, whether it made sense or not. Racism, for example. We were super duper racist at the times in our history when we had the most money in the hands of the most people.Thank god Bernie never said pure populism was better and the only option to go forward! But let's see where the usual people misrepresenting Bernie's words leads now that there's not a political figure (Clinton) they can rally behind (Dean maybe? Lol).
What do they mean 'arrived' lol
Are we actually in TPp? How can you withdraw if we're not a signatory?
There will be a political figure to rally behind come January.
Private citizen Barack Obama.
So how do you withdraw from it if you're not really in it? The US signed the trade agreement, Congress has to ratify it (or not).
Bradd Jaffy ‏@BraddJaffy 3m3 minutes ago
Siren from @Fahrenthold: Trump Foundation apparently admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new IRS filing shows
Post-purchase rationalisation: the poll.
Pew study on views of the election:
These are views of those polled on "voters" and how they behaved during the campaign."Voters"
Are these likely voters? Because those didnt show up.
From the WaPo
From the WaPo
So how do you withdraw from it if you're not really in it
Seems like leaving a party you never went to
From the WaPo
I wonder if the Civil Rights Act is in danger.
It's never brought up, but they could very easily start picking away at the laws against segregation, especially if they start shifting the courts to their side.
I wonder if the Civil Rights Act is in danger.
It's never brought up, but they could very easily start picking away at the laws against segregation, especially if they start shifting the courts to their side.
lolWhat do they mean 'arrived' lol
Manafort lives there
I don't think so but any lgbt protections are in danger
Brian Stelter ‏@brianstelter 29m29 minutes ago
Hope Hicks confirms that the Trump/NYT meeting is back ON... Trump is heading over to NYT HQ shortly...
This is why we need to scrap Obamacare.
It's the true solution to the republican menace.
health is failing in poorer populations. their premiums are flying. there is a reason why they dont like obamacare.
It's called captolasim!health is failing in poorer populations. their premiums are flying. there is a reason why they dont like obamacare.
In theory, an interpretation of the CRA would also apply to sexual orientation, since non-discrimination is in the spirit of the law (as it includes race and gender).
The thing with lgbt issues is, imo, attacking those is the biggest hot button to get liberals to vote. Mike Pence being so against gay people has gotten my sister, who normally really doesn't care about politics, to be all ready to go to bat for gay rights. And even for me, if a person has a history of being against gay marriage, they will NEVER get my vote. Ever. You are instantly off my list and I won't even consider your other positions. And neither my sister, nor I, are gay. Nobody in our family is gay.
And we saw in NC, that it brought Democrats out to vote when trans rights were attacked.
It's like the left's version of abortion. Democrats really, really like gay people. It's one of the best examples of a Democrat success story in modern times. In a decade the country went from basically nothing to full marriage rights across the entire country. It's probably the one hot button issue that actually gets Democrats moving in an organized fashion with results.
health is failing in poorer populations. their premiums are flying. there is a reason why they dont like obamacare.
Well I guess they can go back to having nothing then. Should probably cut medicare as well since that also costs money.