Joe Shlabotnik
If that holds up, that's about a 2% popular vote margin win, better than ten other Presidents (including Trump), and possibly edging out Jimmy Carter, too.
Uuugh I just paid first month's rent and the deposit for my new apartment. RIP me. Make me feel better PoliGAF.
It looks like John Morgan is now running in the FL Governor race in 2018 now.
Tbf I'm a bit of an isolationist myself, in that Syria is just simply a power struggle between Russia and American interests. If either the US or Russia could make Syria into their puppet government today, they would. And hey, look at what happened in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen. Government-backed forces fought against soviet-backed forces and it was all just a disaster.
Like yeah it sucks that the citizens are caught inbetween russia, the us, and the dictator.
I agree with what Obama is doing. Keep it cool, be blameless. Once you're out and shit starts hitting the fan, you can attack him, and it will come from someone who helped him out earlier by being professional. He's handling this the right way. If he didn't do this, any criticism he would throw later would have a very
Obama does have a tricky position. He can't make this look like a resistance to the transfer of power, but once he's a private citizen he can raise hell.
It was a disaster because as soon as we defeated Soviet Union, we pulled the fukk out. Charlie Wilson's War (movie) shows how greatly we fucked up. The mujahideen including OBL, just uneducated, illiterate goat farmers and warlords with all the weapons we gave them took it upon themselves to create a barely functioning government where they can derive power. We did not have a transistional council, funds for schools, civil institutions, social organizations. If you give a bunch of poor, conservative, rural, uneducated, illiterate farmers a bunch of weapons and a country to govern they will fall back on one thing they all have in common: their religion. And with that, all sorts of wacky things ensue.Tbf I'm a bit of an isolationist myself, in that Syria is just simply a power struggle between Russia and American interests. If either the US or Russia could make Syria into their puppet government today, they would. And hey, look at what happened in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen. Government-backed forces fought against soviet-backed forces and it was all just a disaster.
Like yeah it sucks that the citizens are caught inbetween russia, the us, and the dictator.
Now I wanna see Trump do that with a Democrat.As much as I dislike Trump, hasn't there always been a tradition that the outgoing president refrains from any criticism or second-guessing of the new administration? It seems to me that H.W. Bush, Clinton, and W. all eased into a relatively quiet life after leaving office, and if an ex-president were to have a public profile, it would be with some sort of charity work.
I know a lot of us would like to see Obama open up on Trump, but so far he's handling the transition with class and restraint, and I wonder how much he'll be willing to go against tradition in private life. Is there precedent for a former prez openly criticizing his successor?
I knooooow but I don't think I have the capital to get my husband to go along with buying a new game after getting a new tickets to Canada for Christmas.... Christmas gifts....FFXV comes out in 8 days.
It looks like John Morgan is now running in the FL Governor race in 2018 now.
FFXV comes out in 8 days.
I knooooow but I don't think I have the capital to get my husband to go along with buying a new game after getting a new tickets to Canada for Christmas.... Christmas gifts....
Uuugh I just paid first month's rent and the deposit for my new apartment. RIP me. Make me feel better PoliGAF.
FFXV is gonna be so awful. I've been spoiling myself silly out of hope that my expectations would be proven wrong by watching footage, but it's been having the opposite effect.![]()
Uuugh I just paid first month's rent and the deposit for my new apartment. RIP me. Make me feel better PoliGAF.
FFXV comes out in 8 days.
wtf I googled the owner of my apartment and he's some CEO of a video streaming site based in San Francisco. lol
Oh ye of little faith
I believe!Oh ye of little faith
Five morons on the Supreme Court who thought racism was over.Anyone care to give a quick history lesson on who thought it would be a great idea to repeal the Voting Rights Act?
Anyone care to give a quick history lesson on who thought it would be a great idea to repeal the Voting Rights Act?
Thomas did though think the entire idea of pre-clearence is wrong.
Seeing the actions of NC GOP, I have to wonder if Dems should not push for a Faithless Elector scenario with the Popular Vote being the primary reason, and Trump's significant conflicts of interest and abuses being the second.
8 years ago, I would have guessed no party would ever consider it. But i'd bet Money, if the GOP won the popular vote and lost the EC, they would push for the same thing.
Violating every single Political Standard and Practice was not the least bit punished, so perhaps it's time we get done what needs to get done.
Gonna be a bigger bomb than Hillary's two bids for president.
Seeing the actions of NC GOP, I have to wonder if Dems should not push for a Faithless Elector scenario with the Popular Vote being the primary reason, and Trump's significant conflicts of interest and abuses being the second.
8 years ago, I would have guessed no party would ever consider it. But i'd bet Money, if the GOP won the popular vote and lost the EC, they would push for the same thing.
Violating every single Political Standard and Practice was not the least bit punished, so perhaps it's time we get done what needs to get done.
Trump picks his own electors. They're not going to be faithless. Attempting to do this will fail, and make the Democrats look both incompetent and undemocratic at the same time. There's doing what needs to be done, and there's being stupid.
I think, after (or during) this 4 years, there's going to be a massive push for changing the EC voting system. To willfully ignore how abhorrent Trump and his administration will be is a total moral failure of the electors, and a systemic failure to stop someone who could do actual harm to millions of people.
I mean, let's be honest - if the worst actually happens, we're talking the equivalent of a Nazi administration in terms of propagation of hate.
To change it, the Democrats need to win the state legislatures of enough states to have 270-electoral college votes, and then also the governors of those same states, or the governors will veto any bill. It is likely that the NPVIC would then be challenged at the Supreme Court, under Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution, and if the Republicans control the Supreme Court, it would be probably be found unconstitutional, so the Democrats would also need to control the Supreme Court. At any point after this, if the Democrats lost both the state legislatures and governorships of any of those 270 electoral votes-worth of states, the NPVIC could be repealed in that state. I also wouldn't be entirely surprised if the Republicans started taking the NPVIC before the Supreme Court as soon as Trump's nominee is appointed to shoot it down now, knowing that makes it more difficult for a later Democratic Supreme Court to change their judgement.
The only people who are going to push to change the EC system are the Democrats. As we've just learnt from this election, that's not enough.
So the argument here is that it would count as a treaty , alliance or confederation ? That seems kind of risky to get on the books since it nukes any agreement between states not done through the federal government.
Sarah Kendzior ‏@sarahkendzior 9h9 hours ago
Scholars of authoritarian regimes and cyber-security call for investigation into election. RT and send to your reps
Dear Senators and Representatives,
We, the undersigned scholars who conduct research on cyber-security, national defense, authoritarian regimes, and free and fair elections, are deeply troubled by reports of hacking by foreign powers apparently intent on influencing our November 2016 elections. Reports are serious enough that former senior national security aide Michael Allen, as well as Senators Bob Corker and Lindsey Graham, have raised concerns that Russia in particular may have been involved.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 23m23 minutes ago
I cancelled today's meeting with the failing @nytimes when the terms and conditions of the meeting were changed at the last moment. Not nice
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 9m9 minutes ago
Perhaps a new meeting will be set up with the @nytimes. In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
The failing @nytimes just announced that complaints about them are at a 15 year high. I can fully understand that - but why announce?
Good on your first point. Arresting Clinton or some ridiculous nonsense like that would put us in full dictatorship mode. Just lock up your opponents, who cares.Morning joe souce says : Trump will not pursue Clinton investigations
Oh wow trump, let it go.