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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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No Scrubs
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Even though I am not mandated by law to do so, I will be leaving my busineses before January 20th so that I can focus full time on the......
11:26 PM · Dec 12, 2016


He is actually mandated by law...

at least I think so


will gain confidence one day
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Even though I am not mandated by law to do so, I will be leaving my busineses before January 20th so that I can focus full time on the......
11:26 PM · Dec 12, 2016


How... nice...? of him? eh?

Sometimes you realize that he really does talk to his followers as if they're 4 years old, and that also that's apparently the appropriate way to talk to them.


I don't think he is.

There's the emoluments clause, which given his wide-ranging business interests is very relevant. And we've already seen what could happen with that and his conflicts of interest - For foreign diplomats, Trump hotel is place to be.

Back when many expected Trump to lose the election, speculation was rife that business would suffer at the hotels, condos and golf courses that bear his name. Now, those venues offer the prospect of something else: a chance to curry favor or access with the next president.

But this of course requires people in power to give a damn.

More and more, I think the only people willing and able to move on a Constitutional issue against Trump would be Obama or Hillary.


I don't think he is.

I am not sure its 'mandated' so much as the mechanism in place when he is officially the president will make him susceptible to bribery, racketeering and unfair competitive clauses that he will at best get his entire company sued to high heaven, and at worst have impeachment level offenses the moment he is sworn into office. Its why I always found it less about being evil that he won't lose his business, but that him being president is actually an even larger liability to his company in the long run and thus he would be extremely stupid/arrogant not to divest his assets, which fits who he is to a letter.


What the fucking fuck?


"byeee bitch"
Hayes: "Sanders, what do you think about political correctness?"

Sanders: "Republicans and some Democrats were selling Free Trade as a good thing, shame on them I say"

Hayes (asking the audience): "How many people think of free trade when they think of PC culture?"


Hayes (asking the audience): "How many people think of what you can/can't say about minority groups when they think of PC culture?"

*everybody raises their hands*

My lord, that might have been the worst answer regarding PCness I've ever seen. I'm super glad Sanders and Hayes are doing this town hall but already it kind of reminded me why I didn't vote for him in the primary :(

To be fair though, they are in Wisconsin

Also, no this isn't an invitation to relitigate the primary :p

That's not actually real is it?


Man wouldn't it be awesome if I believed any single mechanism designed to prevent this sort of shitstorm of a presidency was going to operate as intended

If Trump goes down at any point in the next 4 years, chances are good he'll take the GOP with him. And in that case, the only sane move the party has is if they back Dems efforts to solidify some of the PEOTUS/POTUS norms into actual laws, and do something about the EC.

Hopeful, sure, but at some point the shit will stick to him, and he'll be just too toxic.
Eichenwald's reporting was pretty mediocre during the election, so I'm really not expecting a lot from this even if there's a story there. It'll probably be a lot of conjecture with not enough to really connect the dots.
Obviously the best time to investigate and report on a Presidential candidate is after they've been elected. Unless it involves emails, but that goes without saying.


Professional Schmuck
Eichenwald's reporting was pretty mediocre during the election, so I'm really not expecting a lot from this even if there's a story there. It'll probably be a lot of conjecture with not enough to really connect the dots.

Enough to get Trump to cancel his conflicts presser? There's a little smoke here. I'll give him that much.


This is semantics, and nothing more
He is actually mandated by law...

at least I think so

WaPo Fact Checker: Trump’s claim that "the president can’t have a conflict of interest"

Congress, under Title 18 Section 208 of the U.S. code, did exempt the president and vice president from conflict-of-interest laws on the theory that the presidency has so much power that any possible executive action might pose a potential conflict.

“As a general rule, public officials in the executive branch are subject to criminal penalties if they personally and substantially participate in matters in which they (or their immediate families, business partners or associated organizations) hold financial interests,” the Congressional Research Service said in an October report. “However, because of concerns regarding interference with the exercise of constitutional duties, Congress has not applied these restrictions to the President. Consequently, there is no current legal requirement that would compel the President to relinquish financial interests because of a conflict of interest.”

To remind everyone, the Department of Energy was the specific department that Rick Perry couldn't remember. He may have trouble finding his office.

For all his flaws, Donald Trump is a master troll.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Obviously the best time to investigate and report on a Presidential candidate is after they've been elected. Unless it involves emails, but that goes without saying.

Oh, don't forget the possibility of something going wrong, like with the Clinton Foundation.


He is actually mandated by law...

at least I think so

The argument rests on the Title of Nobility Clause, which states that a person holding any office may not receive "emoluments" (which is to say, payments) from foreign states without the consent of Congress.

There are a few arguments in either direction. Also, there's probably nobody with standing to sue under it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hayes: "Sanders, what do you think about political correctness?"

Sanders: "Republicans and some Democrats were selling Free Trade as a good thing, shame on them I say"

Hayes (asking the audience): "How many people think of free trade when they think of PC culture?"


Hayes (asking the audience): "How many people think of what you can/can't say about minority groups when they think of PC culture?"

*everybody raises their hands*

My lord, that might have been the worst answer regarding PCness I've ever seen. I'm super glad Sanders and Hayes are doing this town hall but already it kind of reminded me why I didn't vote for him in the primary :(

To be fair though, they are in Wisconsin

Also, no this isn't an invitation to relitigate the primary :p

That was great. Really glad Hayes did that. But still, in Bernie's defense, he was playing to the crowd. He knows damn well what political correctness is, but didn't want to let it divert from his message on the economy.

The other great part was right after the muslim woman spoke about how she was scared of the crazy shit Trump said he was going to do, and 3 of the 4 Trump supporters insisted that he was just lying (same people who also support him for "telling it like it is") and that no one seriously believes Trump would do what he said he would do, then the 4th Trump supporter comes out and says that actually, she believes Trump and hopes Trump he follows through.
The other great part was right after the muslim woman spoke about how she was scared of the crazy shit Trump said he was going to do, and 3 of the 4 Trump supporters insisted that he was just lying (same people who also support him for "telling it like it is") and that no one seriously believes Trump would do what he said he would do, then the 4th Trump supporter comes out and says that actually, she believes Trump and hopes Trump he follows through.
Jesus Christ...my heart...


That was great. Really glad Hayes did that. But still, in Bernie's defense, he was playing to the crowd. He knows damn well what political correctness is, but didn't want to let it divert from his message on the economy.

The other great part was right after the muslim woman spoke about how she was scared of the crazy shit Trump said he was going to do, and 3 of the 4 Trump supporters insisted that he was just lying (same people who also support him for "telling it like it is") and that no one seriously believes Trump would do what he said he would do, then the 4th Trump supporter comes out and says that actually, she believes Trump and hopes Trump he follows through.

Of course, her reasons are precisely why she was for Trump in the way she was.

She believes the immigrants forced her wages to be depressed. Of course, this isn't entirely true, and she is also dangerously oblivious to the fact that in manufacturing, the goal is to axe her and the immigrant wholesale. They're both done for, more or less.

But her views are precisely what happens when you allow precarity and social scarcity to actually infect the lives of others. It becomes a game of egocentrism, of self/ingroup vs. other/outgroup. This game is of course happening at a beach as a tsunami starts to arrive, taking out all players in the process. She wants to sustain herself and sees the "other" as the threat, failing to realize the issue is not people, but where we're going fighting what we frighteningly adhere to.

We can sit here and try to call that woman a heartless witch, but when people have to fight for table scraps, tribalism gets formed. We should absolutely be looking at the cultural and social causes that produce such behavior and way of thinking.


That was great. Really glad Hayes did that. But still, in Bernie's defense, he was playing to the crowd. He knows damn well what political correctness is, but didn't want to let it divert from his message on the economy.

This may be where part of the distrust about politicians stems from (not this situation specifically, but ones like it). Bernie has a message, and political correctness wasn't part of it, but to just ignore what's being asked and give a canned response creates a really bad perception. If he didn't want to answer the question then he should say so, but don't pretend it wasn't asked, and don't pretend that what you're saying has any relation to the question. It's patently evasive, gives folks the impression that you're trying to con them, and assumes that your audience is stupid.

Politicians do it all the time, and it never looks good. Hillary did it during the debates (most obviously when she was asked about Bill's affairs/accusations), and it was pretty bad.


The Republican National Committee is overseeing an expansive whip operation designed to lock down Donald Trump’s Electoral College majority and ensure that the 306 Republican electors cast their votes for the president-elect.

Two RNC sources familiar with the effort said the committee — with the assistance of state Republican parties and the Trump campaign — has been in touch with most of the GOP electors multiple times, and has concluded that only one is a risk to cast a vote against Trump on Dec. 19, when the Electoral College meets.


I don't see why anyone ever thought anything else would happen. Like the recounts, this is all a bizarre weird press story thing that they are covering in a dry season.

Trump is the next president. Short of him dying before then, nothing will change that.


Holy shit

What does a trump supporter say to this?

I mean, it's about blind faith here. At it's heart a conflict of interest is just that, a conflict, not an outcome, and it depends on the person as to whether that conflict truly influences their job. To them, Clinton didn't have the integrity and Trump does. Period. Any deal he makes with Turkey will be good.

Besides, I doubt any of his supporters give two shits about keeping a wierdo Muslim cleric safe from Turkey, they'd probably give Trump props for getting something in return for kicking a Muslim out of the country.


It’s official. Press release just out. @realDonaldTrump officially nominates Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon, to be Secretary of State.


How the fuck is an Exxon CEO going to be an effective Secretary of State

"The country ought to be run like a business!"

You know this is how people will justify it. Of course, these are the same mouth breeders that neoliberal corporatism has spiked quite a few unfun sexual toys into as they look for a minority to blame for their ills.

We also have to question what effective means. I assume you mean "doing his job for the wellbeing of the public."

I imagine he will, and should be, effective at crashing and putting a great deal of society into ruins and further precarity.


Trump team wants to get rid of NATO's no. 2 official, appointed by Obama in 2014, ... because ... hold onto your seats ...
The move against Gottemoeller is not so much about Trump’s positions on NATO as it is about long-standing complaints by Republican members of Congress and conservative arms control officials about Gottemoeller herself. She has long been criticized by Republican hawks as being too soft on Russia and she stands accused of withholding information about Russian cheating on treaties from both Congress and NATO allies.


Dems should have got rid of it under Obama.

It isn't working as intended, but the republicans have benefitted from it twice recently and I imagine won't toss it.

There is absolutely no chance, under any president, of it going. It would require constitutional change. At best you have to get enough states to sign up to the popular vote compact, but even that doesn't really help because it's mostly democrat states so all it would do is make it harder for democrats to win by giving republicans votes from california (but not democratic votes from texas).
There is absolutely no chance, under any president, of it going. It would require constitutional change. At best you have to get enough states to sign up to the popular vote compact, but even that doesn't really help because it's mostly democrat states so all it would do is make it harder for democrats to win by giving republicans votes from california (but not democratic votes from texas).

I don't think that's how the pact would work. IIRC California et al. (totaling 270) would just automatically assign all their electors to the winner of the national popular vote. It would definitely help Democrats.

The states that sign onto the pact don't matter. All that matters is that they total 270.


So, that Newsweek/Eichenwald piece...

This is just related to Turkey, btw... There's a lot more to the article it seems, but let's focus on this:
In a telephone call that same day with Erdogan, Trump passed on compliments to the Turkish president from a senior official with his company’s business partner on the Istanbul project, whom the president-elect was reported to have called “a close friend.” The official, Mehmet Ali Yalcindag, is the son-in-law of Dogan Holding owner Aydin Dogan and was instrumental in the development of the Trump complex in Turkey. That Trump delivered messages from his business partner to Erdogan has been reported in numerous media outlets in Turkey, including some closely tied to the government, and has not been denied by Turkish officials or the Trump transition team.

According to the Middle Eastern financier with contacts in the Erdogan administration, Trump’s casual praise of a member of the Dogan family prompted Erdogan to believe this relationship might give him leverage over the president-elect. In the past, Erdogan has placed enormous pressure on the Dogan Group, which owns media operations that have been critical of him, by imposing a $2.5 billion tax fine and calling for supporters to boycott its newspapers and television stations. Then, just weeks after hearing Trump’s kind words about his Dogan business partner, Erdogan lashed out at the Turkish company again.

Once again, follow the dominoes as they tip over. Erdogan is frustrated in his efforts to grab Gülen; Trump praises a Turkish executive who works with his business partner there, Dogan. A few weeks later, a senior Dogan executive is detained on threadbare allegations. If Erdogan’s government puts more pressure on the company that’s paying millions of dollars to Trump and his children, revenue flowing from the tower complex in Istanbul could be cut off. That means Erdogan has leverage with Trump, who will soon have the power to get Gülen extradited. The financier with contacts in the Turkish government explained the dynamic to Newsweek: “Erdogan has something he believes Trump wants, and Trump has someone Erdogan desperately wants.”

And this seems to be exactly the kind of conflict of interest problems that all of Trump's businesses could provide.


So Putin approved the SoS.

I wonder if Trump will act on his stupid comment of invade, destroy, and steal resources.

Also: Who reads Newsweek? Failing publication. Sad!


what's the award Putin gave Tillerson? The "Good Friends Medal" or something like that? I thought I read something like that a few days ago... or maybe it was a joke.


What are the reactions to the CEO of a major company being SoS from the "drain the swamp" crowd?

I haven't heard a single thing from the "drain the swamp" crowd in weeks. I'm tempted to say that they're just hypocritical as fuck, and are of the belief that if a Dem/librul did any of this, they'd scream bloody blue murder, but since it's a Republican, it's all fine.

Meanwhile... via Vox: Why Obamacare enrollees voted for Trump

The health care law has helped lots of people in Whitley County, where Oller works. The uninsured rate has fallen from 25 percent in 2013 to 10 percent today, according to data from the nonprofit Enroll America. Overall, Kentucky is now tied with West Virginia for the biggest increase in health coverage.

But Obamacare’s success in Whitley County and across Kentucky hasn’t translated into political support for the law. In fact, 82 percent of Whitley voters supported Donald Trump in the presidential election, even though he promised to repeal it.

Oller voted for Trump too.

“I found with Trump, he says a lot of stuff,” she said. “I just think all politicians promise you everything and then we’ll see. It’s like when you get married — ‘Oh, honey, I won’t do this, oh, honey, I won’t do that.’”
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