Ah, the inaugural protests. Imagine being a low-information swing voter: a gettable, albeit lightly racist Obama voter in Youngstown who has bought Trump's lie that he is going to bring back good manufacturing jobs via cutting taxes and getting better trade agreements. And then on Jan 20 you see an inauguration turn into what appears to be a violent race riot. Then the demagogue starts to have a plausible scapegoat and a distraction for the voter to blame for why Trump's policies aren't working fast enough. I've already seen a video of white Trump guy getting beaten by black guys be shared a ton among conservative circles. We're only a step away from Trump himself tweeting that video. And my worry is Trump's scapegoating will work better as the pain and fear increase, not worse, so conservative policy failure will become a feature, not a bug. That's how things seem to play here in Appalachia: the older, sicker, poorer, more fucked over by opioids, education cuts, brain drain, and hopelessness the whitest counties get, the more tied to raw conservative cultural appeals they get.Well, we'll see what kind of tweets the inaugural protests result in.
^this is what not learning from this shit looks like
I actually liked your post lol.Oh hush. Anything to inject some hope into this darkest of timelines.
Then let's go with that. Shuffle the platform a little, focus on the economy and send in a better messenger. Until proven otherwise, I'm going to assume swing voters just don't care that much about policy; they just need the shiniest candidate around to raise enthusiasm and get them to the polls.You following Kander on Twitter? I'm following a bunch of Dems now, seeing what they're saying and doing.
Also, a Kander/Kamala ticket? Charisma off the fucking charts with that.
Wikileaks proves otherwise.
Hillary being a woman didn't magically make her platform better for women compared to Bernie. She wasn't arguing for paid maternal leave like Sanders was. In fact, fucking Trump ended up doing that. Trump was able to attack Hillary from the left on issues like that and Iraq and the TPP because she's a milquetoast centrist.
The United States is the only developed nation in the world with no guaranteed paid leave of any kind. Supporting families isnt a luxuryits an economic necessity. Its past time for our policies to catch up to the way families live and work today.
If you want to learn from this, first learn what happened in the '70s.^this is what not learning from this shit looks like
Show me the email where they communicated with Ezra Klein. Because the only thing I found is someone asking who is the person that holds journalists accountable, like Lloyd Grove used to. And someone else responded with Ezra Klein. As for this:
Did you even read her policies?
Not only did she also argue for paid family leave, she gave very specific numbers, like 12 weeks of leave, workers getting at least 2/3rds of their pay while on leave, and others.
Is it just me or is anyone else hoping that the Trump kids have more input and power than Pence in leading the transition efforts?
These were an interesting pair of tweets, don't know if they were posted.
‏@AliWatkins 2h2 hours ago Washington, DC
On appointments: literally no one has a clue. Names you're hearing are 98% DC echo chamber and speculation. No. One. Knows. Anything.
@AliWatkins 2h2 hours ago Washington, DC
Literally, high-level GOP NatSec staffers are asking ME if I've heard anything, saying I'd know before them. This is where we are.
I was afraid of that... In which case, I just have this to say:I actually liked your post lol.
Meant that for the one above you.
They are. The problem, which I'm willing to admit, is that Clinton had a terrible amount of manufactured scandals that people like Comey were able to exploit to excite R turnout and depress D turnout. If she didn't have those, she would have won. But she did, so she lost.
Alternatively, if someone like Tim Kaine himself ran and won the nominee, since he's squeaky clean, he would have won. The problem wasn't the policies for the message or whatever, which were exactly what they needed to be but a candidate drowned in scandals that prevented that message from getting out and overtaking it entirely along with other mistakes such as running far too many negative ads and not enough positive ones.
That much can be accepted by everyone right? The problem is that some aren't stopping there and then going a step beyond to say that not only do we need a candidate who's not flawed but we need a candidate who's both not flawed AND able to appeal to working class whites.
But that's not what the info we're getting is telling us. Clinton's loss margins in key states are small. If she weren't so flawed, if she didn't have the scandals and e-mail stuff that would have pushed her over the edge. She did, which is why it was able to be exploited and she lost. But if she didn't she would have had the edge she needed to win.
That some are thus using this to not come to the conclusion of nominating someone pretty much free of scandal like Tim Kaine (obviously not anymore since he's probably poisoned goods now, but just as an example of the type of candidate) but instead jumping at the first opportunity to use this as a sign to completely change the party's platform and shift the focus to WWC voters when the data shows such a large change isn't necessary to win but so many are pushing for it to be the direction the party needs to go anyway is very, VERY concerning to me as a minority and has truly opened my eyes to who's an ally and who isn't and who's willing to throw me under the bus the first time they get even the slightest, most tenuous cover and opportunity to do so even when it's nit actually necessary and not the right thing to do, but charging full-steam ahead because apparently it's not enough to win but winning the largest margins possible is the goal, and if throwing minorities under the bus isn't necessary to win but would help secure even larger margins and you have the cover and opportunity to do it, then do be it, and that's terrifying and very eye-opening to me. Just... terrifying.
Oh, Hillary has a lot of personal problems that bit her, but I feel we just need a candidate that has...less issues to put it blunt. I think Kander's that guy but he's not boring at all either.When polls were saying people trusted Trump more than Hillary we shouldn't have just said "those people are nuts, what the hell" and actually sat down and tried to figure out how Hillary could look more honest.
Because it's not hard to see how people think Hillary is shady. She's super paranoid about everything. She hides stuff all the time and never releases them even when there's no point not to. Trump just says whatever is on his mind. And if you already believe him, when he says he can't share his taxes due to an audit, you believe him because you already think he's honest.
Maaaaaaaybe Ivanka, but I sure as fuck don't want Eric or Donald Jr controlling shit. Also, they really shouldn't be involved at all given their business interests.Is it just me or is anyone else hoping that the Trump kids have more input and power than Pence in leading the transition efforts?
Maaaaaaaybe Ivanka, but I sure as fuck don't want Eric or Donald Jr controlling shit. Also, they really shouldn't be involved at all given their business interests.
I actually liked your post lol.
Meant that for the one above you.
Proves what? That Ezra Klein is a Technocratic Liberal?
You didn't need Wikileaks for that, or to understand why he'd hate Bernie.
Is it just me or is anyone else hoping that the Trump kids have more input and power than Pence in leading the transition efforts?
These were an interesting pair of tweets, don't know if they were posted.
‏@AliWatkins 2h2 hours ago Washington, DC
On appointments: literally no one has a clue. Names you're hearing are 98% DC echo chamber and speculation. No. One. Knows. Anything.
@AliWatkins 2h2 hours ago Washington, DC
Literally, high-level GOP NatSec staffers are asking ME if I've heard anything, saying I'd know before them. This is where we are.
Which one is the one that posts white supremacist memes?
Which one is the one that posts white supremacist memes?
His neo-nazi retweeting children? We're kinda just bouncing off the floor here.
Eric is vile, too. I mean he was recently calling for David Duke to be murdered. Yes, David Duke is an awful human being, but I don't want someone near the White House who proudly calls for the assassination of political enemies/liabilities.Trump Jr. is the NeoNazi. Eric Trump is the dumbass who gets owned all the time.
The word is neoliberal. Or Third Way Dems. The DLC. The very people who kicked unions out of the Democratic Party and the working class along with them.
People thought Obama was going to bring progressivism back to the party in 2008 and they came out in droves. He failed them; didn't even hold Wall St accountable for the crash.
I'm referring to the fact that sanders weakened the party.
Trump fucking broke his party and they still came together. Don't think Sanders was the problem - and if you go back I was freaking the fuck out that he was ruining her chances.
'The perfect is the enemy of the good.' - VoltairePeople thought Obama was going to bring progressivism back to the party in 2008 and they came out in droves. He failed them; didn't even hold Wall St accountable for the crash. The people are disillusioned with people like Obama and Hillary and this was clear for over a year now.
You drop minorities you lose....
The party is not the party of white people.
It is not the party of white liberals
You drop minorities both parties do in fact become the same and minorities will stay home in droves and understandably so.
Minorities have been dragging Dems to whst success they've had.
If in the face of a White Nationalist you go hmmm maybe we should just drop the minority stuff you're my enemy.
Do you mean the rock climbing by Takahashi, or my long reply?^this is what not learning from this shit looks like
"Neoliberal" is a phrase that means nothing.The word is neoliberal. Or Third Way Dems. The DLC. The very people who kicked unions out of the Democratic Party and the working class along with them.
People thought Obama was going to bring progressivism back to the party in 2008 and they came out in droves. He failed them; didn't even hold Wall St accountable for the crash. The people are disillusioned with people like Obama and Hillary and this was clear for over a year now.
“Democrats for a long time have viewed candidates like an Autobot that you assemble from different parts – ‘well, we need a white male from the south that can bring North Carolina and get whites in Ohio...’ – no. We need a person that comes across as a fucking human being. You need someone who you look at and are going to think, ‘this person cares about me, he understands where I’m coming from, he believes in me’, and I think that 30 years in the spotlight, 30 years of being demagogue’d, 30 years of not frankly not having driven yourself in a car, you do lose touch with what people feel in these places. And I’m not saying that gender and race and some of the darker forces that have been swimming in this election the whole time could possibly have a big piece in this.
We put these people together on paper. My college thesis was ‘Working-Class Defection from the Democrat Party’. So then I go join John Kerry and then when he picked John Edwards I was like, ‘this is the greatest VP pick ever’. And then after when we lost in ’04, I stated, ‘we need someone like Edwards in ’08 because Edwards is a white southerner who’s populist and that’s what we need.’ And then I met Barrack Obama and then I thought, this guy doesn’t fit that bill at all. From Illinois, grew up on the south side of Chicago, he’s not going to connect with white, working-class people. And guess what? He won two elections. And look at the success of Bernie Sanders. 75-year-old, socialist Jewish guy from Vermont, did anyone expect that he would connect with white, working-class voters? We do need this connection as a party, but I also don’t want us as a party to start looking and assemble fucking resumes as a way to solve this problem.”
Washington (CNN)The high command of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign believe there's plenty of blame to go around for their stunning loss to Donald Trump.
They're pointing fingers at FBI Director James Comey, unfair media coverage and voters resistant to electing the first woman president.
But many Democrats believe the list should begin with this: Clinton and her campaign.
As a new political order falls over Washington, advisers close to Clinton are trying to get ahead of a bitter round of finger-pointing inside a newly-decimated Democratic Party. In a conference call with top donors Friday, campaign chairman John Podesta said a "hostile press corps" contributed to Clinton's defeat. Other top advisers said Comey's decision to take another look at Clinton's emails stopped the campaign's momentum and motivated Trump voters.
Democrats close to Bill Clinton said Thursday that one mistake Clinton's top aides made was not listening to the former president more when he urged the campaign to spend more time focusing on disaffected white, working class voters.
Many in Clinton's campaign viewed these voters as Trump's base, people so committed to the Republican nominee that no amount of visits or messaging could sway them. Clinton made no visits to Wisconsin as the Democratic nominee, and only pushed a late charge in Michigan once internal polling showed the race tightening.
If you feel that Democrats are abandoning minorities by appealing to white people, than Im sorry you feel that way. But that just isnt what will happen.
From Keeping it 1600 podcast
Inside the Clinton loss: Who's to blame?
An assumption that Trump appealed to WWC, which meant they ignored the WWC, and it becamse a self-fulfilling prophecy.
From Keeping it 1600 podcast
I hope to God this is the beginning of backtracking from the kind of staff picks that were rumored. Going from Breitbart rejects to this guy makes me feel a lot better.CNN is saying Preibus is the lock for Chief of Staff.
I hope to God this is the beginning of backtracking from the kind of staff picks that were rumored. Going from Breitbart rejects to this guy makes me feel a lot better.
CNN is saying Preibus is the lock for Chief of Staff.
Then why didn't they vote for a more progressive platform as Hillary ran this time? Because of Obama? So it isn't Clinton's fault is what you are saying?
"Neoliberal" is a phrase that means nothing.
Dems didn't kick the unions out, the unions died because the world changed.
And there you go.
Like I said, more and more it looks like America is simply not a country in which people of color can live safely. Our rights are simply not important enough for white people to defend.
I really wish that more establishment republicans had stuck by him. I honestly don't think that Trump is considering the types of people who are being rumored because of their views or policy beliefs. Just purely that they were loyal and stuck by him. There isn't a large list of people who did but I'm praying he at the very least picks people capable of doing the jobs they are asked to do.Same. Kind of sad isn't it?...
Why did Hillary even run? Her slogan was I'm With Her. It was always about her. We owed this to her. She just held a Trump-shaped gun to our heads and as it turns out, that wasn't all too motivating.
All Dems do anymore is ride on the accomplishments of the actual left. Social Security, Medicare, the New Deal. They do this while dismissing leftists and their concerns, calling them silly dreamers, and touting the market above all. Their hubris is astounding, and they'll continue blaming everybody but themselves til the end of time.
If all this stuff is true then Clinton and her team is at the top of my blame list. Entitled idiot, just like in 08, thought she was owed the presidency and just thought she could coast to the finish line. She learned absolutely nothing from her '08 loss.
How do Democrats appeal to white people? What do you think white people want to hear that Democrats aren't saying?Nobody is saying to drop minorities.
Nobody is saying to abandon minorities.
What we are saying is that you need to appeal to white people as well. That if you laser focus only minorities, you lose like Clinton did, and you will continue losing. Because surprise, minorities are just that- a minority. Not the majority.
Saying all that, that doesnt mean you abandon minorities. It means you have to appeal to both white people, and to minorities.
Right now there is a sentiment of "us vs. Them" that is being created, and that is as dangerous of all hell. The reality is, democrats are never ever going to win by just appealing to minorities. Theyre going to have to appeal to rural Americans, who happen to be white.
This whole generalization of all white rural Americans=racist isnt going to help Democrats in the future. Its that demonization that will guarantee the party to lose.
"But thats what Republicans do, they demonize minorities." Yes. They do that. Do you know why? Because white people are the majority. Because they can afford to do that. We cant afford to demonize the majority or tragedies like this will happen again and again.
If you feel that Democrats are abandoning minorities by appealing to white people, than Im sorry you feel that way. But that just isnt what will happen.
And I'll post that graph when it comes in and it will spell the same thing. Dem voters stayed home.
How do Democrats appeal to white people? What do you think white people want to hear that Democrats aren't saying?
If all this stuff is true then Clinton and her team is at the top of my blame list. Entitled idiot, just like in 08, thought she was owed the presidency and just thought she could coast to the finish line. She learned absolutely nothing from her '08 loss.
"Asked if there was anything they could have done in states like Michigan and Wisconsin to beat Trump, a top aide offered: "Not had Comey send his letter."
But aides said the Clinton campaign's top strategists largely ignored the former president, instead focusing on consolidating the base of voters that helped elect President Barack Obama to the White House