Hillary advocated paid family leave, which benefited both male and female parents.Hillary being a woman didn't magically make her platform better for women compared to Bernie. She wasn't arguing for paid maternal leave like Sanders was. In fact, fucking Trump ended up doing that. Trump was able to attack Hillary from the left on issues like that and Iraq and the TPP because she's a milquetoast centrist.
It's very frustrating to read that this isn't about race, or that Clinton lacked enthusiasm. Clinton beat Obama's numbers in FL. Easily. And Trump nearly matched them in PA. A big part of the story is that people wanted their "country back." We all know what this means. The campaign said that's what they wanted. The supporters made it clear that's what they wanted. The voting distribution shows it. Why are people trying to pretend this is not an important part of the election?Yup. I don't know what we can do about that except hope that Trump enact a lot of Paul Ryan's agenda and you can portray him as the corrupt billionaire elitist he portrayed Clinton as.
I never ever suggested give up on minority rights or abortion. We need to be a party of civil rights and labour. Those are the two most important issues and needs to be our constant focus.
I don't see an issue bringing more bluedogs under the umbrella on certain issues because there are certain areas of the country where change of approach on certain parts of the country.
I'm not for conceding a single fucking inch on minority rights. Not anywhere not ever.
I have not read too much into the '68 - '72 elections however I am under the impression we are currently seeing some parallels here. Young liberals essentially took over the DNC and put forth McGovern (grassroots candidate) who then got absolutely hammered by an incumbent president. Am I understanding this correctly?
If so I think we should tread lightly with 2020.
It's very frustrating to read that this isn't about race, or that Clinton lacked enthusiasm. Clinton beat Obama's numbers in FL. Easily. And Trump nearly matched them in PA. A big part of the story is that people wanted their "country back." We all know what this means. The campaign said that's what they wanted. The supporters made it clear that's what they wanted. The voting distribution shows it. Why are people trying to pretend this is not an important part of the election?
No, she was not. She didn't appeal to everyone, but that doesn't make her uncharismatic. I thought her strong, funny, and empathetic. Not everyone got that, though.
How is it even supposed to be possible to appeal to "WWC" voters anyway, for the people pushing that as a focus? I mean, people don't want to call them racist or whatever. Fine, let's go with that for a moment here. Even if that is the case, these are still people, for whatever reasons that they may have, do not trust the traditional mainstream media. At all. They have no confidence in it whatsoever. If they're getting news, it's from sources like Drudge Report. Or Fox News. Or, especially now that Trump is President, places like Breitbart as well. These places will ALWAYS be biased against our candidates, no matter who they are, no matter what policies they espouse, and will always trout out whatever conspiracy theory nonsense based on the slimmest of threads possible that they can fine. That's what this group accepts as reliable news and trusts if anything and that will only be increasingly the case during the Trump years as these places no doubt grow due to the influence of people like Trump and Bannon.
That being the case, how can we ever possibly reach out to this demographic when the information they consume, and will increasingly consume during these intermediate years, are inherently titled against whoever we run, no matter who they are? How in any way is that a winning strategy? How can we possibly counteract that influence when they flat-out refuse to trust anything else from the beginning? That's a hell of a handicap going after that particular demographic that will only be slipping more and more away from us during the Trump years due to only increased power and influence, and I just can't see how that's done since that will involve someway making them trust sources like the NYT or Washington Post or whatever and that flat-out isn't going to happen and if anything is going to get worse not only because of the influence of people like Bannon but also Trump's own statements on how he wants to restrict the freedom of the press and since we're talking about people who voted Trump this year and support him it'll be the sources that Trump and Bannon will be leading them to and that doesn't bode well for us being able to break that influence.
I just don't get how that's supposed to work out and make any sense at all. It's just a flat-out rejection of the reality and a strategy doomed to failure since they voted for Trump, accepted him, and Trump and his cabinet and followers will just push them farther toward sources like Drudge and Breitbart and Fox News, not less, and there's just not much to be done if that's indeed the case. There's no winning move to get these people, short of becoming a flat-out clone of the Republican party (and even that would probably fail for being seen as too sudden and too transparent). None.
I have not read too much into the '68 - '72 elections however I am under the impression we are currently seeing some parallels here. Young liberals essentially took over the DNC and put forth McGovern (grassroots candidate) who then got absolutely hammered by an incumbent president. Am I understanding this correctly?
If so I think we should tread lightly with 2020.
Sorry there's like several different people arguing several different core Democratic issues that ought to be dropped or demphasized... it's hard to keep track.
Fundamentally disagree on softening on abortion... you do that and it's gone.
The exact same thing happened after Brexit. People who were terrified of us making the same mistake were 100% right.
This is simplifying things, but I have to say I'm pretty disappointed on women as a political group.
Yeah... I truly believed the diversity firewall would be enough...
I was wrong
This is simplifying things, but I have to say I'm pretty disappointed on women as a political group.
Softer views on guns and abortion.
We're currently projecting a turnout above 2012 levels (in terms of total vote, dk turnout rate)
Trump did better among low income whites than affluent whites (whites by income, national exit poll)
Turnout was up in Pennsylvania and very healthy in Philadelphia.
Dems need to grapple with the fact that they lost this election because voters who supported Obama in 2012 voted Trump.
Turnout can always be better. But turnout in FL/PA was very strong--higher than '12--and Clinton lost because Obama voters flipped.
I can go on and on with this. It's not the turnout.
Trump won more voters than Romney in MI, PA, FL, NC, WI, IA, OH, NH. And that's despite Johnson
Bernie was an outsider that went up against a giant and then proceeded to take the minority vote for granted.
Obama went up against the same person 8 years ago and succeeded because he knew he didn't have any space to fuck around. Be real.
You are reading this 100% correctly.I have not read too much into the '68 - '72 elections however I am under the impression we are currently seeing some parallels here. Young liberals essentially took over the DNC and put forth McGovern (grassroots candidate) who then got absolutely hammered by an incumbent president. Am I understanding this correctly?
If so I think we should tread lightly with 2020.
Sorry there's like several different people arguing several different core Democratic issues that ought to be dropped or demphasized... it's hard to keep track on who wants to concede on what.
Fundamentally disagree on softening on abortion... you do that and it's gone.
Sorry, white women.
X.Reminder. After 2004. We dropped nothing and got Obama.
This was not a wide scale repudiation of democratic priorities. No one should act like it. No one should think it. Not for a second.
Hell, just get people who actually own and use guns on a regular basis to be involved in creating gun legislation would be a major step up. The insanity of the assault weapons ban (you can have one of either a grenade launcher or a bayonet, but not both) turned people off.
As for the "Bernie is responsible" - everyone needs to realize that Clinton will probably end with close to as many votes as Obama 2012. Nate Cohn has been definitively proving that it had nothing to do with low turnout
Reminder. After 2004. We dropped nothing and got Obama.
This was not a wide scale repudiation of democratic priorities. No one should act like it. No one should think it. Not for a second.
Don't read this:Lednerg rewriting history on why one of the most progressive candidates we've put out lost is interesting. Can't wait for our next candidate to say he doesn't see race.
Not suggesting we drop abortion rights as a key platform plank, but why weren't we screaming from the rooftops about how they'd dropped like 30% under Obama. Try to pull in people who are clearly turned off by it by pointing out how contraceptives and social safety nets can reduce them.
We ran a bunch of blue dogs and got them elected and Democrats were terrified to look like they supported marriage equality until 2012. There absolutely was some post-2004 adjustments.Reminder. After 2004. We dropped nothing and got Obama.
This was not a wide scale repudiation of democratic priorities. No one should act like it. No one should think it. Not for a second.
Not suggesting we drop abortion rights as a key platform plank, but why weren't we screaming from the rooftops about how they'd dropped like 30% under Obama. Try to pull in people who are clearly turned off by it by pointing out how contraceptives and social safety nets can reduce them.
We ran a bunch of blue dogs and got them elected and Democrats were terrified to look like they supported marriage equality until 2012. There absolutely was some post-2004 adjustments.
Bernie ran with zero corporate funding or name recognition and was still able to come damn close to the most powerful and recognizable Democratic Party figure besides Obama and Bill Clinton. He did so on his platform alone, which resonated like Hillary's never did. He came off as being the guy we thought we elected in 2008, a populist with a vision.
As far as taking minorities for granted goes, well that's the Democratic Party in a nutshell. Bernie was very outspoken on the issues affecting minorities from all sides. Hillary's team got out there on social media and successfully convinced people otherwise.
It's very frustrating to read that this isn't about race, or that Clinton lacked enthusiasm. Clinton beat Obama's numbers in FL. Easily. And Trump nearly matched them in PA. A big part of the story is that people wanted their "country back." We all know what this means. The campaign said that's what they wanted. The supporters made it clear that's what they wanted. The voting distribution shows it. Why are people trying to pretend this is not an important part of the election?
The fuck?Reading more of the OT and getting a general sense of what the Democrats are going to do next, I've come to the following conclusion.
I'm done with the party. You guys can keep your punt on gun control & your WWC outreach belief that socialism will work. My views and stations in life are far different than WWC.
The party of Jeremy Corbyn - United States version.
Second Redemption here we come.
Reading more of the OT and getting a general sense of what the Democrats are going to do next, I've come to the following conclusion.
I'm done with the party. You guys can keep your punt on gun control & your WWC outreach belief that socialism will work. My views and stations in life are far different than WWC.
The party of Jeremy Corbyn - United States version.
Second Redemption here we come.
Bernie had to have two BLM supporters interrupting him to finally get him to directly say anything about the movement, and right afterwards I had to listen to his supporters act absolutely livid that those two women dared not to just assume that he was there for them.
Bernie had to have two BLM supporters interrupting him to finally get him to directly say anything about the movement, and right afterwards I had to listen to his supporters act absolutely livid that those two women dared not to just assume that he was there for them.
I have not read too much into the '68 - '72 elections however I am under the impression we are currently seeing some parallels here. Young liberals essentially took over the DNC and put forth McGovern (grassroots candidate) who then got absolutely hammered by an incumbent president. Am I understanding this correctly?
If so I think we should tread lightly with 2020.
Issues are going to matter far more to the primary voters, as does all the party support she had locked up long before the primary began.
Clinton is extraordinarily uncharismatic. We ignored it because in an ideal world it wouldn't matter, and because a lot of the reasons people don't like her are extremely unfair.
Anecdotal, but I definitely know hispanic Catholics that are vehemently anti-abortion but would probably be otherwise more pliable. Same with white Catholics but probably less so.I'm not convinced anti-abortion is even an issue for anyone who isn't a white evangelist who wouldn't vote Dem if it was the only party on the ticket.
Evangelists (and people who want to appeal to them) are the only ones I ever hear talk about it.
Reading more of the OT and getting a general sense of what the Democrats are going to do next, I've come to the following conclusion.
I'm done with the party. You guys can keep your punt on gun control & your WWC outreach belief that socialism will work. My views and stations in life are far different than WWC.
The party of Jeremy Corbyn - United States version.
Second Redemption here we come.
Or when Bernie said that southern Democrats shouldn't matter because they're more conservative.
We all know what a "southern Democrat" is and what that means.
No, she was not. She didn't appeal to everyone, but that doesn't make her uncharismatic.
Sandy Hook.
Smh at you guys. If I could warp back in time a few days and show you guys your posts you would be so angry at yourself. Don't give up the fight on guns. They are a blight.
Why would he stick around?
This was a rather personal blow to him. I don't think he's going to get involved in politics again.
Now, we got Bernie folks in the OT trying to berniesplain away rural racism. We got guys like Michael Moore ascendant again, peddling the, "We need to reach out to racists or racist apologist" crap. People are buying into Michael Moore because he got lucky in his prediction.
After the Trump election, I don't think you will get minorities like me to sit down and work on a political level with racists. We don't trust them. We know for a fact they will ditch us at the first opportunity. We would rather not participate than work with them.
I'm sorry, it's an "us or them" for me.
What if Tammy Duckworth emerges as the queen we need and deserve?
I have not read too much into the '68 - '72 elections however I am under the impression we are currently seeing some parallels here. Young liberals essentially took over the DNC and put forth McGovern (grassroots candidate) who then got absolutely hammered by an incumbent president. Am I understanding this correctly?
If so I think we should tread lightly with 2020.