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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Most people in rural areas who use guns are convinced Democrats want to take their guns away.

Because of the ones at the top, aka, Obama and Hillary, took such hard line stances on them and did absolutely nothing to make any sort of appeals that they didn't hate everything about guns. And proposed terrible laws like the "no fly no buy", list. Which honestly, if you want to feed people's conspiracy theories, creating an undemocratic list with no due process and no way of getting off of it that says you now can't buy a gun isn't exactly twisting reality that much that they are interested in circumventing 2nd Amendment rights.

Kander ran above Hillary by 16 points and that ad where he assembled a gun blindfolded was absolutely massive in making the race as close as it was. Democrats can prove that hey don't hate guns. And not spilling the blood of elementary school students on peoples hands in a democratic primary if they have less than an F- from the NRA is probably something we should look into.
The priority is to do whats best for the community. The "Fuck you, got mine" sentiment is way less apparent in Europe.
Thats why Europe has universal healthcare for everyone without notable differences in quality of care, no matter whether you are rich or poor.
Thats why Europe has a free or almost free education system, where everyone gets the same opportunities regardless of financial situation.
Thats why europeans are fine with paying up to over 50% in taxes so the government can give 36 months of unemployment benefits followed by an unconditional base payment called "Sozialhilfe - "Social support".

I get pretty annoyed when people say "such and such is a moderate, at best, in Europe, but you Americans are so conservative"

Europe and America couldn't possibly be different in their values and ideals. Policies that appeal to Europeans don't appeal to Americans.

And American policies don't appeal to Europeans. How many countries have birthright citizenship?
Oh, look at that. Not a single country with 100% unrestricted birthright citizenship in all of Europe. And yet it's a core value of America (and all of the western hemisphere)

How many European countries have a state religion?
Oh, look at all of those liberal paradises in Scandinavia with their official religions.

Total freedom of religion, without question, in the US. Not even the most conservative Supreme Court in our history would ever allow a state sponsored religion.

You'd get laughed out of the courts if you tried to ban burkas in the US. The same in Europe? Nope. On this issue, freaking Alabama is more liberal than Europe. Think about that. Who suggested banning an article of clothing? Was it France? Was it Alabama? Oh wait, it was France.

If you're Canadian? Sure, go ahead and brag. You're everything America ever hoped to be. If the sequel to the movie "America" was better than the original, it would be named "Canada." I love you guys and I wish I was part of your family often. Even before Trump.

But the Europeans have no business snubbing their noses at the US and our politics. Their entire continent is broken and getting even more broken and they're hiding in Germany and Sweden and pretending everything is going just fine while Putin knocks on their door and countries in their union are dying with no end in sight. And the UK just completely exploded. Even worse than we messed up because ours is a set back of maybe 4 years, possible 2 if we do good in midterms. There's is an upheaval of their entire country and their liberal party is so busted it may never return to relevance.

Sorry, I just super peeved when Europeans come into American political discussions and pretend Europe is the best ever and America needs to be more like Europe.

America needs to ignore Europe and just use binoculars to copy every piece of legislation that passes Trudeau's desk. Like a failing student copying a straight A student's test.

America is a massive country of major cities and farmers. We have people from every country on the planet. My office has 10 employees, and half of us are different races. I've likely met someone from every continent on the planet. Nothing in Europe will ever compare to that. Not a single country. And when you have that much diversity, there are issues and there are people who don't like it, and you have to work around them. And bad people use this anger to drive issues that these people do not care about, but they tied them to race, and so now they do care.
It's pretty disheartening that diet racism from the left is creeping out more and more. Minorities didn't vote for Hillary in the primary because "they were scared into it by the DNC and the media", if you peddle that garbage you are playing a dangerous game


Hill didn't really inspire that piece either tho

Not saying Bernie is the answer fwiw

I felt she certainly did more to listen to minorities, i remember how she visited Harlem and discussed with Black folks about their problems. Regardless of the crime bill, she and her husband reached out to them. And 88 percent of black voters voted Hillary.

Maybe Bernie had the right idea regarding rural white voters but I think he had nowhere the same attention regarding minorities that Hillary did. It seems pointless to defend her record at this point, but I'll stick by that she definitely secured the part of the Obama coalition.


3 days later, everything still hurts. I'm also finding Reddit to be completely insufferable. Seems like Trump's win has multiplied its alt right user base tenfold.


I get pretty annoyed when people say "such and such is a moderate, at best, in Europe, but you Americans are so conservative"

Europe and America couldn't possibly be different in their values and ideals. Policies that appeal to Europeans don't appeal to Americans.

Yeah, there's so much different it's shocking. Religious Right, Gun Rights, State Rights, Civil Rights.

And this is coming from a UK citizen. You can't look at the US through any political perspective than it's own, if you're wanting change. Compare and contrast Corbyn/Bernie, yeah, but anything beyond that...

It's pretty disheartening that diet racism from the left is creeping out more and more. Minorities didn't vote for Hillary in the primary because "they were scared into it by the DNC and the media", if you peddle that garbage you are playing a dangerous game

Fundamentally missing why Hillary was so exciting for parts of the voter base. Disrespects everyone, including Hillary herself. Hardcore Bernie fans can't understand it, which shows a massive lack of empathy, I think.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's pretty disheartening that diet racism from the left is creeping out more and more. Minorities didn't vote for Hillary in the primary because "they were scared into it by the DNC and the media", if you peddle that garbage you are playing a dangerous game
That's not even diet racism IMO.

We tried to warn you, but you kept at it with the identity politics and so on.

God you are in for a real surprise in the 2020 primaries if you think a Sanders clone who moves even further away from what you call identity politics is going to win the primary.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Really seems like we're in for a Bush-Cheney dynamic. I didn't see this coming.

Is this sarcasm? Because when Trump's son interviewed Pence for the job, he flat out told him he'd be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.


No Scrubs
There are reports that they saw collapses after the Comey thing. Hopefully we get the data eventually.

If it comes out that Comey is what killed us I won't even be shocked. That thing was timed to do maximum damage while allowing for little to no recovery time. Clinton's team shouldn't be let off the hook at all, were they stronger in the rust belt they'd have been fine, but who would think the GOP would go as low as to get the FBI to fuck us?


Sanders was able to energize the very same people that Hillary lost, the Obama coalition of 2008, people who have been suffering for ages as the technocrats congratulated themselves. Call it sexism or racism or whatever the fuck. Just get high off your own supply and keep punching left and down. Never learn.
Bernie failed to earn the base of the party in the primary he ran in. He didn't have any coherent ad strategy, and his campaign was a strategic mess. He wanted to be commander-in-chief but couldn't be bothered to take international policy seriously. These are substantial failings as a candidate. It is unclear why you apparently believe there would not be any others.

I don't think re-litigating the primary is helpful right now. I think every Hillary supporter who was devastated is focused on doing better and believes that incorporating Bernie's earnest economic populism has a role to play in what comes next for the party.

No one can see what an alternative timeline would have lead to. The list of grievances for the results of this election is lengthy, and many such forces would have been a persistent problem in alternative nominee scenarios, even my Biden-Warren fantasy ticket.

We are in this together and everyone owning the shortcomings of their efforts is part of that. But so is acknowledging the power and seriousness of the racial populism we're up against.

To put it another way, you should reevaluate who is punching down right now.
Is this sarcasm? Because when Trump's son interviewed Pence for the job, he flat out told him he'd be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

That was Kasich. We don't know what he told Pence. Probably the same thing, but it wasn't Pence that we know about.

If it comes out that Comey is what killed us I won't even be shocked. That thing was timed to do maximum damage while allowing for little to no recovery time. Clinton's team shouldn't be let off the hook at all, were they stronger in the rust belt they'd have been fine, but who would think the GOP would go as low as to get the FBI to fuck us?

Anthony Wiener doomed us all


Is this sarcasm? Because when Trump's son interviewed Pence for the job, he flat out told him he'd be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Trump would just let him do everything as long as he gets richer. At least George Bush stopped listening to Cheney eventhough it was too little, too late.


Clinton lost millenials to Sanders and women to Trump...

She won millennials vs Trump (her final opponent) and she women overall (she only lost WHITE women)

Because we don't follow the dogmatic believe that the US is special snowflake where stuff that works everywhere else doesn't work.

It's not a matter of being special but rather different countries have different cultures and history - a one size fits all approach doesn't work

Just because minorities and Europe aren't always distinguishable by a single phenotypical trait(skin color) doesn't mean Europe isn't diverse.

The United States is much more ethnically diverse than any one European nation

The priority is to do whats best for the community. The "Fuck you, got mine" sentiment is way less apparent in Europe.
Thats why Europe has universal healthcare for everyone without notable differences in quality of care, no matter whether you are rich or poor.
Thats why Europe has a free or almost free education system, where everyone gets the same opportunities regardless of financial situation.
Thats why europeans are fine with paying up to over 50% in taxes so the government can give 36 months of unemployment benefits followed by an unconditional base payment called "Sozialhilfe - "Social support".

So you acknowledge US culture is different than many other cultures and those require different solutions? Or at least solutions that account for this difference even if the end goal is the same?

Why do you think Germany leaves minorities behind and ignores them?
To be honest I rarely get what the perceived problem with minorities in Germany is for Americans. We don't have systemic racism like we see it in the US.
It seems like you are criticizing more the fact that black people are such a small minority in Germany than the way they are treated in Germany.

My experience in talking with Europeans as well as the few family members I have who live in or used to live in Europe (including my father) is that most Europeans greatly underestimate how much racism is in their own countries. I don't know too much about German culture but my experience tells me things are probably worse than you think they are.

I don't get this argument.
If they weren't a sizable chuck, that would mean if they weren't 42 million people.
So lets say they were less than 1 million people, would that change anything?

Her point was that is harder to ignore issues important to AA and other minority groups because they make up a much bigger part of the American electorate compared to other nations.

All the more reason for democrats to push for an education reform so that everyone gets the same education opportunities.

They already try to do this

Its about not taking money from special interest groups.
Do you really believe Wall Street poured money on Clinton and didn't expect anything in return?
Its fucking bankers, the calculate return on investment in their sleep. Thats literally all they do.

Ah yes the "bankers are the route of all evil" mantra. Unless the organization is inherently evil, I need to see a link between money and policy before I get really concerned. Financial reform was part of Clinton's platform and she brought on a lot of Sanders ideas in working on the platform.

Racists are racists no matter what, but politicians have to be smart and look at the reasons for the racism. People don't just become openly racist, its usually problems they face and demagogues who are telling them to blame minorities for it.

Racism doesn't disappear or get fixed even if you fix economic concerns. This is something Sanders failed to address in his messaging and I think it hurt him.

Thats what Michael Moores point was. Yes they are assholes, but if want to be their president you need to also be willing to address their problems and not just shrug them off as the racist assholes they are.

We are and have been trying to address their concerns. The messaging and campaign could have been better - we will try harder next time. That doesn't absolve them of voting for a racist

I don't know much about UK politics, but I don't know how that connects to the US.
Sanders would have definitely won against Trump, his idealism wouldn't have weakened the party against Trump.

We can debate all we want but nobody can actually know this. Sanders was better than Clinton in some ways and worse in others.

Because the centrist approach gave us Trump now, while the left approach is what works like a charm in Scandinavia and other places.

Again, US =/= Scandinavia.

Shifting ones principles based on inside reconsideration resonates more with voters than shifting positions on topics according to poll numbers.

Clinton had a LONG history in politics. Moving your position in accordance with those you serve is what you do as a politician. It is something Sanders did as well but he hadn't been under fire by the GOP for 30+ years.

As long as he doesn't have to meet special interest groups.
I mean, if the 2 million dollars from Pfizer would get them the same influence as the 10 dollars gave 40 year old Mary from Minnesota, then Pfizer wouldn't give the 2 million dollars.
Money buying influence is the problem.

Clinton was just as interested in nixing Citizen's United as anyone else. Otherwise I refer you to my bit about the banks.

Yeah oddly enough Sanders appealed the the left and independents, while Hillary appealed to the centrist part of the democrats.
In the primaries his group was smaller than Hillarys, but in the general election these independents even some of the far left went to Trump, leaving Clinton with only the centrist part of the democrats.
Sanders however would have had the left, the centrists and the independents, because if Hillary had lost the primaries, her voters would have never supported Trump.
Or in short: Sanders appeal was actually broader than Clintons.

Putting aside we have no idea how many Sanders supporters went to Trump, it was clear Sanders support was more narrow since he failed to appeal to minorities in the primary. What he was good at doing was appealing to demographics that Clinton had trouble with. This is what I mean Sanders was strong tan Clinton in some ways but weaker in others.

My replies are in bold


then why did she visit Ohio at all in the last days of the campaign down 8 points? just to project strength? whatever the reason, it was dumb.

She's not dumb, not by a long-shot, so it genuinely makes no sense, from what we know. So, we need to know more, obviously.


Bernie didn't have to go through the general and a barrage of attacks. Just as an example, Bernie's specific plan would've raised taxes on the middle class. Tell me how you sell that to rust belt voters. They don't care what they get in return, they just hear that their taxes are being raised. And he wouldn't be able to deny it

What needed to be sold to rust belt voters was ANY FUCKING PLAN. Hillary failed to do provide anything but more of the same. Obama 2.0. Trump didn't win as much as Hillary lost:

Trump didn't usher in a ton of racists or sexists out of nowhere. Hillary was simply a shitty, establishment candidate to run in the current political environment, and she was backed by all the talking heads on liberal media. The narrative, that is still being spread here, was that Hillary was more electable than Bernie. It is horseshit. He has just about the highest approval rating among US politicians to this day.


No Scrubs
What needed to be sold to rust belt voters was ANY FUCKING PLAN. Hillary failed to do provide anything but more of the same. Obama 2.0. Trump didn't win as much as Hillary lost:


Trump didn't usher in a ton of racists or sexists out of nowhere. Hillary was simply a shitty, establishment candidate to run in the current political environment, and she was backed by all the talking heads on liberal media. The narrative, that is still being spread here, was that Hillary was more electable than Bernie. It is horseshit. He has just about the highest approval rating among US politicians to this day.

That was done when the votes weren't done being counted. From the look of it this election will have more turnout than 2012.
Just because I feel like venting: some random guy yelled "grab em by the pussy" at my wife the other day while she was walking down the street carrying our infant baby. This was in Louisville. Trump is bringing out something monstrous in our fellow Americans.


What needed to be sold to rust belt voters was ANY FUCKING PLAN. Hillary failed to do provide anything but more of the same. Obama 2.0. Trump didn't win as much as Hillary lost:

Trump didn't usher in a ton of racists or sexists out of nowhere. Hillary was simply a shitty, establishment candidate to run in the current political environment, and she was backed by all the talking heads on liberal media. The narrative, that is still being spread here, was that Hillary was more electable than Bernie. It is horseshit. He has just about the highest approval rating among US politicians to this day.

Hillary promised a massive infrastructure bill for them. Hillary promised to fight the heroin epidemic facing them. They didn't care about the plan.

And if you truly think they would get behind a plan that would involve raising their taxes, I don't know what to say. That is more tone-deaf and out of touch with middle America than anyone could ever accuse Hillary of being.
giving up on gun control is going to be a tough pill to swallow but it might have to be necessary.

In this election cycle, didn't all but one gun-control ballot measure, as well as the last election cycle, pass? Hell, wasn't it the same for marijuana, minimum wage, and tax increases too?

I think while Democrats rebuild a coalition of minority intersectionalty with the white working class, they need to pass their stuff via referendums too.

Didn't many of the liberal ballot initiatives pass in both 2014 and this election cycle? It's not that hard to get stuff on the ballot when voter turnout is low.


What needed to be sold to rust belt voters was ANY FUCKING PLAN. Hillary failed to do provide anything but more of the same. Obama 2.0. Trump didn't win as much as Hillary lost:

Trump didn't usher in a ton of racists or sexists out of nowhere. Hillary was simply a shitty, establishment candidate to run in the current political environment, and she was backed by all the talking heads on liberal media. The narrative, that is still being spread here, was that Hillary was more electable than Bernie. It is horseshit. He has just about the highest approval rating among US politicians to this day.

False data point. Bernie was known, sure, but not widely known throughout the nation. You can't compare approval ratings when one candidate fell out during the Primary process, and the other has been a target of political and media attacks for 25+ years.

As an example, Bernie didn't reveal his tax returns during the Primary. The media didn't care, because he was beaten by Hillary, but if he'd won, it would've been an issue, as would his house he bought not long after the Primary finished. Both of these things would've altered his approval rating.

Just because I feel like venting: some random guy yelled "grab em by the pussy" at my wife the other day while she was walking down the street carrying our infant baby. This was in Louisville. Trump is bringing out something monstrous in our fellow Americans.

That's awful. :(


I'm really thinking about Kander for the presidency at this point. My ideal would be Kamala Harris but seeing the background checks video really hit home how he could be an effective politician.

I guess, we need a Obama-Biden relationship though. I really want to have the DNC dispell the worry that we're going to sweep minorities under the rug.
That was done when the votes weren't done being counted. From the look of it this election will have more turnout than 2012.

This graph doesn't account for blank president votes or third parties.

Enough people left the president bubble blank in MI to win Hillary the state and the election.


Hillary promised a massive infrastructure bill for them. Hillary promised to fight the heroin epidemic facing them. They didn't care about the plan.

And if you truly think they would get behind a plan that would involve raising their taxes, I don't know what to say. That is more tone-deaf and out of touch with middle America than anyone could ever accuse Hillary of being.

You're talking about that Vox tax calculator that Ezra Klein put out. A guy with proven ties to the HRC campaign. Yeah, it was bullshit. It added payroll taxes into the result.
lednerg, you are not making very (any?) good points.

Erza Klein is not a tool of the Hillary campaign.

Payroll taxes are passed on the worker based on literally every economic study ever run.

Hillary is going to get 63m votes.
In this election cycle, didn't all but one gun-control ballot measure, as well as the last election cycle, pass? Hell, wasn't it the same for marijuana, minimum wage, and tax increases too?
Where were those ballot initiatives for gun control? Did any of them not happen in liberal urban hubs?
And I'll post that graph when it comes in and it will spell the same thing. Dem voters stayed home.

Because dem voters cant see the forest for the trees and rather abstain from voting and hope for the best than republicans who understand the stakes that not voting means a chance that the party that best aligns with your views, that best has a chance of the white house, will not win and the other party will. Kudos to those who thought a silent protest over the candidate and not voting was the best approach to ensuring progressive/liberal gains over the last few decades stay in place and cant be expanded in the future.


I'm really thinking about Kander for the presidency at this point. My ideal would be Kamala Harris but seeing the background checks video really hit home how he could be an effective politician.

I guess, we need a Obama-Biden relationship though. I really want to have the DNC dispell the worry that we're going to sweep minorities under the rug.

You following Kander on Twitter? I'm following a bunch of Dems now, seeing what they're saying and doing.

Also, a Kander/Kamala ticket? Charisma off the fucking charts with that.


We tried to warn you, but you kept at it with the identity politics and so on.

There's this thing I hear every once in a while from some non-Democrat, where they say that they don't see why minorities (usually black people) always back the Democrats, because by having that constituency so undyingly tied to them, they never have to work for their support.

You're really trying to prove their point here.


Hillary just wasn't that alluring in her propasals and policies. She was actually trying to be TOO honest with her approach.

I think there's a little overthinking this a little. Just bring back Axelrod and the tough critics with a candidate that's willing to listen to harsh criticism. I understand why Hillary might be sensitive to it given to her history but we need the right canddate regardless of sympathy.


You following Kander on Twitter? I'm following a bunch of Dems now, seeing what they're saying and doing.

Also, a Kander/Kamala ticket? Charisma off the fucking charts with that.

i followed Ellison, Warren and Kamala. I will probably follow Kander but I wasn't paying as much attention to him until now.
Hillary just wasn't that alluring in her propasals and policies. She was actually trying to be TOO honest with her approach.

I think there's a little overthinking this a little. Just bring back Axelrod and the tough critics with a candidate that's willing to listen to harsh criticism. I understand why Hillary might be sensitive to it given to her history but we need the right canddate regardless of sympathy.

When polls were saying people trusted Trump more than Hillary we shouldn't have just said "those people are nuts, what the hell" and actually sat down and tried to figure out how Hillary could look more honest.

Because it's not hard to see how people think Hillary is shady. She's super paranoid about everything. She hides stuff all the time and never releases them even when there's no point not to. Trump just says whatever is on his mind. And if you already believe him, when he says he can't share his taxes due to an audit, you believe him because you already think he's honest.


There's this thing I hear every once in a while from some non-Democrat, where they say that they don't see why minorities (usually black people) always back the Democrats, because by having that constituency so undyingly tied to them, they never have to work for their support.

You're really trying to prove their point here.

Hillary being a woman didn't magically make her platform better for women compared to Bernie. She wasn't arguing for paid maternal leave like Sanders was. In fact, fucking Trump ended up doing that. Trump was able to attack Hillary from the left on issues like that and Iraq and the TPP because she's a milquetoast centrist.


Clinton lost millenials to Sanders and women to Trump...
In a contest between Hillary and Trump, she shouldn't have lost millennials to Trump.

The reason why she did, was because Sanders spread the anti-establishment poison in among millennials.

In terms of women, the only demographic she lost was white, non college-educated women. She won every other female demographic. Beyond race, the division is in education.

Because we don't follow the dogmatic believe that the US is special snowflake where stuff that works everywhere else doesn't work.

Just because minorities and Europe aren't always distinguishable by a single phenotypical trait(skin color) doesn't mean Europe isn't diverse.

The priority is to do whats best for the community. The "Fuck you, got mine" sentiment is way less apparent in Europe.
Thats why Europe has universal healthcare for everyone without notable differences in quality of care, no matter whether you are rich or poor.
Thats why Europe has a free or almost free education system, where everyone gets the same opportunities regardless of financial situation.
Thats why europeans are fine with paying up to over 50% in taxes so the government can give 36 months of unemployment benefits followed by an unconditional base payment called "Sozialhilfe - "Social support".
The reason why you don't have the "Fuck you, got mine" sentiment was because you guys were more white overall to begin with. You didn't have to see the 'foreigners' when you walked out on the street. Now that Europe is getting more diverse, exactly what happened? The rise of the right wing. Brexit. Exactly the "fuck you, got mine" sentiment that you say is 'way less apparent' is becoming more apparent when diversity in Europe is becoming more apparent.

Why do you think Germany leaves minorities behind and ignores them?
To be honest I rarely get what the perceived problem with minorities in Germany is for americans. We don't have systemic racism like we see it in the US.
It seems like you are criticizing more the fact that black people are such a small minority in Germany than the way they are treated in Germany.
You don't have systemic racism because Germany went for a much longer time with a much less diverse population than the US. You don't have the history...because you didn't have the history of racial diversity.

I don't get this argument.
If they weren't a sizable chuck, that would mean if they weren't 42 million people.
So lets say they were less than 1 million people, would that change anything?
What you're not understanding here is that for the history of this nation, non-white populations have either been killed, enslaved, or treated as second-class citizens.

The harping on "Sanders is the solution!" and "Democratic socialism!" ignores that back when 'democratic socialism' was implemented in the country in the form of things like the New Deal (1940s), the Great Society (1960s) and so on, they were implemented in discriminatory ways. Screaming "fuck this" "fuck that" "my way or the highway" is, more or less, abandoning minority population to pursue 'economic populism' promoted to whites, which is bound to treat minorities as second class again. If you are going to move forward, you have to include minorities, and the rush to pander to the white working class ignores the fact that you're presenting:

Economic betterment + equality for non-white people

Versus what the Republicans are presenting:

Economic betterment + inequality with you (whites) on top

Which do you think the white working class would choose, really.

All the more reason for democrats to push for an education reform so that everyone gets the same education opportunities.

Its about not taking money from special interest groups.
Do you really believe Wall Street poured money on Clinton and didn't expect anything in return?
Its fucking bankers, the calculate return on investment in their sleep. Thats literally all they do.
What can they push if they do the Labour strat and lose everything in favor of party purity?

Hillary was going to try and get Citizens United overturned, which was a case about her to begin with. So what if she was getting paid by Wall Street? People are so eager to say money shouldn't be speech, but then they treat it like it is speech. Yes, they expected returns. But here we are again, people saying we should play by the rules the electoral system and gun for white working class in the rust belt, but they don't think about how they fucking need money to compete and win elections. Democrats got trashed in 2010 and 2014 because they didn't play so well under the system as changed by Citizens.

If you're low on the ballot and don't accept the money, you're going to lose. So what was all that about needing to win elections?

Racists are racists no matter what, but politicians have to be smart and look at the reasons for the racism. People don't just become openly racist, its usually problems they face and demagogues who are telling them to blame minorities for it.

Thats what Michael Moores point was. Yes they are assholes, but if want to be their president you need to also be willing to address their problems and not just shrug them off as the racist assholes they are.

I don't know much about UK politics, but I don't know how that connects to the US.
Sanders would have definitely won against Trump, his idealism wouldn't have weakened the party against Trump.
His selfishness is what weakened the party. The Democratic party was weakened by his campaign's narrative of 'rigged primaries' and the scorched earth manner in which he dragged out his campaign.

In 2008, Hillary conceded right away to Obama, acknowledged his historical win, and worked hard to bring her people back in the fold. And her supporters were apparently reasonable enough that they lined up behind Obama and supported him.

In 2016, Sanders shouted establishment establishment establishment against the first female candidate who had to fight and suffer so much more than him to make it this far. He did not afford her the same courtesy she gave Obama, and Sanders did not concede right away and acknowledge the historic win of a female candidate. He poisoned his supporters with the rigged narrative. And they didn't turn out for Hillary.

Yes, he weakened the party because of his selfishness and idealism. He broke one of the pillars of the coalition with his indignation about not being chosen over a candidate who worked much harder than him, accomplished much more than him, appealed to more people than him, and compromised with white people long before he even remembered to appeal to black people.

No, he wouldn't have won, because he doesn't have equivalent minority support. He only had the millennial minority support, and that was narrow in the primaries.

"B-but minorities would have lined up behind Sanders against Trump!" Don't tell Hillary's campaign they needed to work for Sanders supporters' votes when Sanders wouldn't have worked for the minority vote, because he would be busy pandering to whites. He's not Obama.

Because the centrist approach gave us Trump now, while the left approach is what works like a charm in Scandinavia and other places.

Shifting ones principles based on inside reconsideration resonates more with voters than shifting positions on topics according to poll numbers.
There is no 'centrist approach'.

Hillary ran on the most progressive platform in decades. She promoted intersectionality. She proposed higher minimum wage. She defended women's rights. She was talking about criminal justice reform and drastic response climate change. She worked with the Sanders campaign to include some of his requests into the platform.

She was "too progressive" for the rust belt. Pretending she was centrist in her campaign is revisionist history.

As long as he doesn't have to meet special interest groups.
I mean, if the 2 million dollars from Pfizer would get them the same influence as the 10 dollars gave 40 year old Mary from Minnesota, then Pfizer wouldn't give the 2 million dollars.
Money buying influence is the problem.
The candidates who have the money to buy ads, pay staff, run operations, collection more information...They're going to win.

You cannot reasonably expect that these poor people that we supposedly want to help should cough up every little cent they have so you can run against a guy who has much more money and manpower than you. This isn't going to happen for downticket races.

Yeah oddly enough Sanders appealed the the left and independents, while Hillary appealed to the centrist part of the democrats.
In the primaries his group was smaller than Hillarys, but in the general election these independents even some of the far left went to Trump, leaving Clinton with only the cetrist part of the democrats.
Sanders however would have had the left, the centrists and the independents, because if Hillary had lost the primaries, her voters would have never supported Trump.
Or in short: Sanders appeal was actually broader than Clintons.
Hillary appealed to quite a lot of liberals. She was just not appealing to people who placed their moral purity above the necessity of preserving Obama's progress, repudiating Trump, and keeping the ship of progress steady on the trip.

They were not 'independents' or 'left', they were conceited people who could only vote for a false idol instead of for progressive policy. Sanders's appeal was not broad, it was just concentrated on people who find it easier to have a savior than to have to go out and vote every two years.

Like I said, Sanders wouldn't be working for the 'centrist' vote. So why would you expect them to line up behind him. Oh right, because they are less selfish than Sanders supporters.

Keita Takahashi, who cooked up the crazy game known as Katamari Damacy, as usual has his eccentric ideas related to the moment.

DEV696 Idea for new border wall between USA and Mexico. #BorderWall #greatAmerican #Playground
He had a more somber message later.
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