A lot.how much of Bill's ability to get away with scandals was actually his own charisma?
A lot.how much of Bill's ability to get away with scandals was actually his own charisma?
how much of Bill's ability to get away with scandals was actually his own charisma?
I don't see it as the burden of world's failures falling on USA' shoulders. But rather the massive influence US has in the world stage not being used to correct the wrong. Trump is going to use this influence to fuck the Palestinians over. I would say US was "Lawful Evil" on Israel-Palestine issue (biased toward Israel). But under Trump it will be Chaotic Evil.Look at it this wayit's a failure of the entire world that it requires the US to give a rats' ass about Israel and Palestine to actually do something about it. Trump ain't gonna' help, but as much as people bellyache about the US being the world's police they really don't do shit besides complain about us.
Flip the ticket and you've got my full support. Not sure of Booker could survive a Trump negativity machine intact, where Franken could easily laugh that stuff off.I like Booker. I think a Booker/Franken ticket has some potential.
I don't see it as the burden of world's failures falling on USA' shoulders. But rather the massive influence US has in the world stage not being used to correct the wrong. Trump is going to use this influence to fuck the Palestinians over. I would say US was "Lawful Evil" on Israel-Palestine issue (biased toward Israel). But under Trump it will be Chaotic Evil.
Yeah because scandals prevented Trump from winning...I'm a little wary of Booker eventhough he's got charisma as hot as the sun. I guess I'll rather play it safe with someone that has little to no scandals.
Yeah because scandals prevented Trump from winning...
Yeah because scandals prevented Trump from winning...
There was an anecdote in a podcast about Clinton when Gingrinch went into the Oval Office to talk with Clinton and then somewhere along the line he stuck his head out and begged someone to help him, that he was helpless in there against Clinton's charm.how much of Bill's ability to get away with scandals was actually his own charisma?
She also has her progressive resume bona fides shored up beforehand - she doesn't have to actually defend anything for the most part, so she can play to the center immediately.Our base is the one that gets pissy over stuff like this. Not theirs. Their base knows how to get shit done.
It's why I'm tentatively on the Kamala train. She's new so she doesn't have a record of compromise, and she has that as an excuse for why she has no real successes on her resume. Clinton failed the former, and Sanders failed the latter. Kamala has cover with the youths.
Wall Street
Charter schools
Easy to attack as self serving due to his PR antics
Progressives will hate him and it will turn into Clinton v Sanders Pt. II
Do they though?Our base is the one that gets pissy over stuff like this. Not theirs. Their base knows how to get shit done.
It's why I'm tentatively on the Kamala train. She's new so she doesn't have a record of compromise, and she has that as an excuse for why she has no real successes on her resume. Clinton failed the former, and Sanders failed the latter. Kamala has cover with the youths.
There was an anecdote in a podcast about Clinton when Gingrinch went into the Oval Office to talk with Clinton and then somewhere along the line he stuck his head out and begged someone to help him, that he was helpless in there against Clinton's charm.
It's not that he supports charter schools, it's that he bungled large amounts of money for them when he was mayor of Newark.
Data show Trump..strengthening US recovery
How can anyone vote against the most pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-family plan put forth perhaps in the history of our country? Not looking good for the democrats I tell you what
I'm aboard the Kamala train as well. Dig up my post history from 2009 and I was ready to board the Kamala tain in 2016 back then.
But I think the landscape has changed since then. She will face an even steeper uphill battle than Hillary faced on account of her being biracial AND a woman. Trump has ionized the racists by removing all the importing thing and focusing only on race politic. It will be hard to bring these activated ions back into the grand, ideal "Obama Coalition". Besides, she might get labeled as part of "establishment" by Bernie wing.
Yet she is a smart person personally approved by Obama. Her credentials are mindblowing. I am sure she will learn from where Hillary faltered.
Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: "In my opinion, it is humiliating. One must be able to lose with dignity." So true!
My shitty hot take:
Obama would have lost a lot of the same Rust Belt counties Clinton did if he had run for a third term against Trump. Black Lives Matter spooked a lot of white people in those communities and they were only ok with a Black President so long as Black people in general weren't actively asserting their lives were worth something.
Trump aching to fuck Palestinians over is what got me most depressed lately. I mean he's already going to fuck the minorites in US and ride the growing Obama economy. That's already depressing as it is. But screwing over that part of the land will be the easiest recruitment ISIS and lone wolf types will ever dream to have.
Has anyone looked at rand paul Twitter?
I got quite a chuckle
I got my master's earlier this year. It's more complicated than this. So, pretty much every economist will agree that free trade boosts GDP per capita for developed nations that have proper protections for emergent industries and anti-competitive practices. But GDP per capita isn't the end of the story. If you remove the government from the picture, trade has winners and losers. You're a loser if you belong to an industry a country has a comparative disadvantage in, and a winner if you belong to an industry a country has a comparative advantage in. If you add the winner's gain to the loser's losses, you'll get a positive number - that is, GDP per capita goes up. But the winner still won, and the loser definitely still lost - they're worse off than if there wasn't free trade. So while on average everyone wins, not every individual wins. The average American can get richer while the poorest American gets poorer - these are not contradictions.
So economists have the caveat: free trade is better than no free trade if the losers are compensated with some of the winners' gains. If you can do that, you have a Pareto improvement. Everyone is at least as well off as they were before, some better off. So free trade is good. And this is a really basic principle of economics, understood at some level since Ricardo.
But in political terms, those caveats get ignored. The transfer system from capital (something America has a comparative advantage in) to labour, especially unskilled labour (something America has a comparative disadvantage in) has got weaken over time - not stronger. Instead, you get politicians saying that free trade is good in and of itself for everyone. This isn't true; it has to be harnessed appropriately. As it is, it is probably true that reducing free trade in some specific markets and industries would actually be better for the American poor than the status quo. Less good than keeping free trade and improving redistribution, but better than free trade without redistribution.
Now, I am strongly in favour of {free trade, redistribution}. But if redistribution is not feasible, then I would prefer {no free trade, no redistribution} to {free trade, no redistribution}. So for me to back the free trade candidate, I need to be persuaded they actually care about the American poor. Normally I am persuaded, although I'm not always convinced my faith is rewarded. But that caveat has to be made clear.
The government has a program where the Dept of Labor retrain and relocated workers that lose their job from trade called the Trade Adjustment Assistance Enhancement Act, which got renewed through 2021 last year and had a budget of $664 million for 2016.
Unfortunately, a lot of people fall through the cracks and don't get in the program, and the ones that do on average make less than they would otherwise. The Herritage Foundation and many republicans want to use that fact to get rid of it altogether. Meanwhile, a lot of free trade liberals like to talk up the program like it solves all the problems with trade.
It's a difficult problem to sort out.
I was going to respond to this with an article from the Atlantic that mostly reiterates what Crab explained but I can't find it at all and now I'm in a complete psychological tailspin. Am I being gaslighted? Did The Atlantic take the article down under corporate pressure? How can I ever trust institutions again now that I am through the looking glass and tumbling out the overton window?
My shitty hot take:
Obama would have lost a lot of the same Rust Belt counties Clinton did if he had run for a third term against Trump. Black Lives Matter spooked a lot of white people in those communities and they were only ok with a Black President so long as Black people in general weren't actively asserting their lives were worth something.
The fact that Obama's approval rating is above 50 and Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes would go along with this, too, I think.
The exit polls also show all of the signs that Mr. Trump was winning over Obama voters. Perhaps most strikingly, Mr. Trump won 19 percent of white voters without a degree who approved of Mr. Obamas performance, including 8 percent of those who strongly approved of Mr. Obamas performance and 10 percent of white working-class voters who wanted to continue Mr. Obamas policies.
Mr. Trump won 20 percent of self-identified liberal white working-class voters, according to the exit polls, and 38 percent of those who wanted policies that were more liberal than Mr. Obamas.
But the preliminary Upshot analysis of voting returns, census and pre-election polling data suggests that Mrs. Clinton was stronger among well-educated white and nonwhite voters than the exit polls imply.
It is important to emphasize that these estimates are preliminary. They will change over the next few years with more data from the Census Bureau and additional polling. But it nonetheless paints an alternative picture thats more consistent with the actual results, pre-election polls and the consensus of academics and campaign analysts on the electorate.
The Upshot estimates suggest that Mrs. Clinton really might have become the first Democrat to win white voters with a college degree (although it is very possible that Mr. Obama did so in 2008 as well).
I'm aboard the Kamala train as well. Dig up my post history from 2009 and I was ready to board the Kamala tain in 2016 back then.
But I think the landscape has changed since then. She will face an even steeper uphill battle than Hillary faced on account of her being biracial AND a woman. Trump has ionized the racists by removing all the importing thing and focusing only on race politic. It will be hard to bring these activated ions back into the grand, ideal "Obama Coalition". Besides, she might get labeled as part of "establishment" by Bernie wing.
Yet she is a smart person personally approved by Obama. Her credentials are mindblowing. I am sure she will learn from where Hillary faltered.
Yeah sounds about rightSo according to that nyt article the best way for democrats to win the 2020 presidential election is to strengthen their hold on the voters they gained in this election, get weaker trump supporters to vote for the next presidential candidate and to attract the AA voters and other minorities that did not vote for hilary in this election.
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: "In my opinion, it is humiliating. One must be able to lose with dignity." So true!
7:13 PM · Dec 23, 2016
Also, wow at what carl paladino did recently
So according to that nyt article the best way for democrats to win the 2020 presidential election is to strengthen their hold on the voters they gained in this election, get weaker trump supporters to vote for the next presidential candidate and to attract the AA voters and other minorities that did not vote for hilary in this election.
It's not clear to me that they can necessarily hold all of their votes now and appeal to weaker Trump voters and appeal to minorities, all at the same time. All of those groups want different things.
It's not clear to me that they can necessarily hold all of their votes now and appeal to weaker Trump voters and appeal to minorities, all at the same time. All of those groups want different things.
So according to that nyt article the best way for democrats to win the 2020 presidential election is to strengthen their hold on the voters they gained in this election, get weaker trump supporters to vote for the next presidential candidate and to attract the AA voters and other minorities that did not vote for hilary in this election.
Obama did it?
It's not clear to me that they can necessarily hold all of their votes now and appeal to weaker Trump voters and appeal to minorities, all at the same time. All of those groups want different things.
If the black guy accused of being a Muslim can do it, then it's definitely possible.
I do think you're underestimating how popular a trade war would make Trump. If it becomes a trade 'war' against China, people are going to want the big strongman who can protect them. They're not going to want to roll over for the yellow bastards like those pussy Democrats want to. And it'll be justified along exactly the same lines as Brexit - oh, it'll be tough for a few years, but in the future lie mystical golden days.
Well, if it hurts them in the long run, would they still support him...
It's all obamas fault
No - as the article points out, Clinton made gains with wealthy Republicans over Obama. I don't think you can appeal to them and minorities and poor whites all at the same time. Like, if you have poor whites, minorities, and rich whites, I think by and large you can only ever win 2 at any given time.
I'm not sure how much he'll be able to get away from that.