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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Its...its weird, is what I've sort of landed on. I don't have a good answer for it, other than people were energized by Trump and I don't know what Wisconsin Democrats actually want

I also think a good takeaway from 2016 for maybe Kay Hagan in 2020 is that people don't necessarily like comeback candidates.
That sounds like bad news for Kay Hagan.


Also this made me lol. New Hampshire's 1st is a MESS



No Scrubs

Also this made me lol. New Hampshire's 1st is a MESS


New Hampshire's 1st is goddamned bipolar or something. How do you even explain that?

EDIT: I know how you explain it, Shea-Porter only wins in years with a general election while Guinta wins in off-years. Basically most of the damn district is lazy as fuck and can't be bothered to get off their asses.
Is New Hampshire a nice place? It seems like it would be politically the most fun state, between the early primary and the comically large state legislature and the lolbertarians.
I thought they mirrored his picture for some reason, but then I noticed the flag and pin weren't mirrored and I kind of laughed. He wore the same tie and made the same face, just leaned slightly different lol
Anne Kuster has that shit locked down in the 2nd. Carol Shea-Porter and Frank Guinta are fucking Bionis and Mechonis in an ETERNAL BATTLE IN THE SEA.
Everyone keeps bringing up Feingold as the main example of running behind Hillary even though he only got 2k less votes, which is much closer than most of the senate candidates in competitive races. The real story there is Johnson running ahead of Trump, which is kind of weird in comparison to Toomey. I think Burr also outran Trump but by a smaller margin than Burr.

Bayh is sort of a weird exception because he's really popular from Indiana before and is sort of a pseudo-incumbent and Kander is a specific phenomenon that everyone else is trying to figure out and see if there's anything from it we can universalize. Most of the meaningful other races are close to the same as Feingold, including the wins (Hassan, CCM) and the losses (McGinty, Ross).

But he's right that there is no indication that nationally going further left would help and he's especially right that for democrats to win we need to focus more on state and local level.

It's a little odd how Bayh was able to be viewed as basically an incumbent, but not Feingold though.

Probably because Bayh simply "retired" his seat in 2010.
Anne Kuster has that shit locked down in the 2nd. Carol Shea-Porter and Frank Guinta are fucking Bionis and Mechonis in an ETERNAL BATTLE IN THE SEA.

Honestly I doubt that Guinta is going to retake that seat in 2018. Parts like Multonborough are heavy red but Campton is not going to be happy with Chris Sununu as governor.
Honestly I doubt that Guinta is going to retake that seat in 2018. Parts like Multonborough are heavy red but Campton is not going to be happy with Chris Sununu as governor.

These are words to me.

He had the name recognition and fundraising advantages that come with incumbency without the weaknesses of being a loser and his opponent was a nobody (I think?)

Not quite the same but he was closer to that than Feingold imo

Nah, Young was a congressman. He was pretty well-known.


No Scrubs
Anne Kuster has that shit locked down in the 2nd. Carol Shea-Porter and Frank Guinta are fucking Bionis and Mechonis in an ETERNAL BATTLE IN THE SEA.

The entire situation is just amazing.

Honestly I doubt that Guinta is going to retake that seat in 2018. Parts like Multonborough are heavy red but Campton is not going to be happy with Chris Sununu as governor.

Well, at the very least it was funny while it lasted.
Pam Bondi joining the Trump team!

Adding in Florida's swamp to the mix!

OK I know the report thing was debates and debunked but come on. I mean didn't she also take a bribe to not investigate him. God this election was terrible. The GOP cares about party over country and the left can't be bother to vote unless the candidate is thrilling rather than realizing "gee if the GOP wins, everything I care for will be potentially reversed and/or gone so I should vote for the top of the ticket" (3rd party doesnt count as they will never win).


No Scrubs
OK I know the report thing was debates and debunked but come on. I mean didn't she also take a bribe to not investigate him. God this election was terrible. The GOP cares about party over country and the left can't be bother to vote unless the candidate is thrilling rather than realizing "gee if the GOP wins, everything I care for will be potentially reversed and/or gone so I should vote for the top of the ticket" (3rd party doesnt count as they will never win).

Yes Bondi, took a bride to stop investigating Trump University.


One Republican senator says he's fed up with the Antiquities Act following President Barack Obama's designation last month of two more national monuments in Western states.

The century-old law gives presidents the the power to designate land as a national monument through executive action. Obama's use of the law has won him praise from environmental groups, but also has drawn the ire of Republicans in Western states who view the President's action through the prism of a land grab.

"You know I understand why Teddy Roosevelt had this in place and it seems to me that recently presidents have gone way beyond the original intent," Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) told TPM on Thursday. "At some point you you say 'enough' and I'm at that point right now."

Fuck yo protected national monument land.
Comrades at the Jacobin, after over a year of bashing Dems for not being nice enough to white male Christian racists, gleefully posted a picture of Lenin at Christmas.


(Lenin committed genocide against Christians)


aka andydumi
Fuck yo protected national monument land.

Not sure if you heard the NPR story on this earlier:

It was interesting to me in several aspects, one being that transferring ownership to states might appear benign at first, until you realize they do not have the budget to maintain them. States would need to sell/lease the lands or parts of the lands out to generate enough revenue. And to top it off, without federal ownership, there's no federal disaster management like wildfire protection. So while it appears benign it's really a veiled eventual transfer to private hands/access followed by begging for federal disaster funds on a regular basis.

And I though it was interesting the hunting business is a multi-million affair. I would imagine tourism lobbies would be against this too.
My letter with other moderate Democrats asking GOP to abandon rush to repeal the #ACA and #MakeAmericaSickAgain


Said moderates, and one stuck out:

Sen. Tim Kaine
Sen. Michael Bennet
Sen. Tom Carper
Sen. Chris Coons
Sen. Joe Donnelly
Sen. Maggie Hassan
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp
Sen. Angus King
Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Sen. Claire McCaskill
Sen. Gary Peters
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
Sen. Mark Warner

Klo... bu... char...???

Also man, why does the Delaware Senate delegation suck so much for such a Dem state?
Texas pushing for "bathroom bills" to "protect women" after they supported a serial assaulter for president is really something.

Like, when Dan Patrick says "I'm all about protecting women," can someone shout at him "Donald Trump assaulted over a dozen women and raped his wife!"


I wonder if the Democratic party will ever adopt consequentialism in the same fashion that the republicans have. I don't see how we could ever compete against individuals who strive to afflict pain on people who gleefully accept punishment believing that their side is winning and that is all that matters.
McConnell doesn't have the votes to do this reconciliation bill, not sure what Ryan is thinking claiming that he can defund PP alongside the ACA when two Republican Senators have promised to vote against a reconciliation bill like that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
McConnell doesn't have the votes to do this reconciliation bill, not sure what Ryan is thinking claiming that he can defund PP alongside the ACA when two Republican Senators have promised to vote against a reconciliation bill like that.

I never trust what any GOP member says until the vote actually happens.
I wonder if the Democratic party will ever adopt consequentialism in the same fashion that the republicans have. I don't see how we could ever compete against individuals who strive to afflict pain on people who gleefully accept punishment believing that their side is winning and that is all that matters.
I'm not sure I want a government that has no ability to do anything at all unless a side has a super majority in every branch of government.

I know that's where we are now and it's only going to get worse, but I really don't want it like that. I don't really know what the Democrats can or should do about it.
There's a difference between diehards and politically naive/illiterate/stupid. Though whether it's worth targeting the latter group is debatable - how much time/effort/money for how large a group and all that.

I think what isn't debatable in this line of conversation is that knowing how to deal with the diehards - knowing how to spin a narrative that shuts them up, makes them feel stupid, makes them feel embarrassed to raise Trump with their friends/relatives/coworkers - is something that's needed. Control the narrative enough that you shut-down the diehard's easy comebacks, and you have a more manageable situation. For example, saying to someone who's wearing a "Grope This" shirt that someone you know was raped/sexually assaulted means they can't (easily) say that "It's just locker-room talk". They can still argue the point, sure, but at that point they come across as awful human beings, especially if you're a "normal looking" white guy, middle-aged/old. Trump supporters thrive on the perception that they're normal, and everyone else is "wrong" in some way - if you come across as just as normal as they are, they have less to work with.

I would normally agree with you, but Trump's base has repeatedly shown that they can warp reality to suit their own worldview even when confronted with actual proof that it is wrong.

When you view ipso facto evidence and you still go "nu uh", that's when the battle is lost for that person.


Professional Schmuck
At some point we need to talk about MSNBC's place in the capitulation to right-wing norms.

Between Joe & Mika's obvious behavior around Trump, Andrea Mitchell's clear obsession and normalization of the Hillary email story, Chuck Todd's obsessive both-sides-ism-look-at-me-i'm-independent GOTCHA!, literally telecasting an empty Trump podium for hours and hours and hours of the past year (Hardball was a clear loser here), [many, many things i'm forgetting] .. and now NBC wants to play with Megyn Kelly and MSBNC is giving Greta a fucking prime time slot?

When THIS is the liberal answer to FoxNews, well. No words.


Texas pushing for "bathroom bills" to "protect women" after they supported a serial assaulter for president is really something.

Like, when Dan Patrick says "I'm all about protecting women," can someone shout at him "Donald Trump assaulted over a dozen women and raped his wife!"

And only against transgendered women the bathroom. Nothing about transgendered men because "men can protect themselves"

I swear, some of these people have never seen what an average transgender woman looks like that. Not all of them transitioned late in life like Catelyn.
There is no liberal answer to Fox News. Informing people of facts and information doesn't draw viewers and money as well as craziness and scaring people.

When you make people believe the country is on fire and everything is one bad day away from total collapse, people tune into your station.


No Scrubs
There is no liberal answer to Fox News. Informing people of facts and information doesn't draw viewers and money as well as craziness and scaring people.

When you make people believe the country is on fire and everything is one bad day away from total collapse, people tune into your station.

The bold shouldn't be too hard to do for the next few years.
The bold shouldn't be too hard to do for the next few years.

The next four years Fox News will just be a daily list of new jobs Trump created.

"14 new jobs were created in Cowpie Tennessee today thanks to the efforts of President Trump"

Along with pointing out every trivial minor issue in liberal countries

"Riots across Canada as a puppy is accidentally stepped on by a member of local government (actual story: Three kids threw eggs at his house)"

Reinforce you need Trump for your jobs and liberal countries are falling apart.

Edit: Also lots and lots and lots of constant footage of conflict in the Middle East
What's scary is talking to normal/moderate Republicans and hearing how worried they are about what is happening. I've heard so many variations of the following story it's ridiculous.

Moderate republican at some function hears someone claim "Obama is declaring martial law / Pizzagate / liberal false flag Conspiracy / etc". Moderate R asks them where they got their information and the response is always some crazy ass site.

So Moderate looks up the site on their phone and shows them that the site is not a legitimate news site through examples of stories like "Lizard people rising from underground / Chemtrails turn you gay / Buy our tarot cards to stop the illuminati".

90% of the time the person then complains that the Moderate Republican must be a Rino/liberal because why else would they be so focused on trying to debunk conservative reporting. Or they defend the story with circular logic, "You know it's real because the liberal media isn't reporting it / you can't prove it's not true / just because they publish weird stuff doesn't mean they don't report real stuff / etc."

It's bad out there.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Is Trump literally going to keep using the @realdonaldtrump account after Jan.20? I thought the diarrhea would just come from the @POTUS account then.

We are facing the very real possibility of Trump say, being in a diplomatic meeting with China and tweeting "Stupid China reps, don't get it, VERY overrated, should fire and replace with new guy!"

And the Chinese representatives reading this in real time as Trump sits across from the table telling them they're the best, just amazing, we're working so great together.


What's scary is talking to normal/moderate Republicans and hearing how worried they are about what is happening. I've heard so many variations of the following story it's ridiculous.

Moderate republican at some function hears someone claim "Obama is declaring martial law / Pizzagate / liberal false flag Conspiracy / etc". Moderate R asks them where they got their information and the response is always some crazy ass site.

So Moderate looks up the site on their phone and shows them that the site is not a legitimate news site through examples of stories like "Lizard people rising from underground / Chemtrails turn you gay / Buy our tarot cards to stop the illuminati".

90% of the time the person then complains that the Moderate Republican must be a Rino/liberal because why else would they be so focused on trying to debunk conservative reporting. Or they defend the story with circular logic, "You know it's real because the liberal media isn't reporting it / you can't prove it's not true / just because they publish weird stuff doesn't mean they don't report real stuff / etc."

It's bad out there.

There are moderate republicans left? I wish they'd speak out more. Even the so called Log Cabin Republicans have lost their damn minds.
so with Rand paul saying No to voting on obamacare "repeal", here comes tom cotton:

Tom Cotton tells @chucktodd he doesn't want to vote for O-care repeal w/out specifying replacement plan. calls repeal/delay "kick the can"

you're gonna be waiting a while for this unicorn to apppear
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