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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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I really wonder what the GOP is even going to do about Obamacare. Their base obviously wants them to get rid of it so badly, but there's a clear unwillingness to do it with a lot of them who realize how bad it would get if they did it. Do these people get primaried in 2018 if they don't do it? Or will their base forgot about it?

Tough situation. Couldn't happen to nicer people.



Also this made me lol. New Hampshire's 1st is a MESS


At least it's better then one person or political party governing a place for 20, 30 or even 40+ years(i.e. Alberta and Ontario in Canada).
Running on the "dog chasing cars" strategy is prettttty good for getting elected but pretttty not good for getting re-elected when you catch the car and have no idea what to do with it.


I mean you would think during all this time they've calling Ocare a disgrace that they'd have some sort of plan to replace it right?

lmaoo I find it all funny. Now everyone will see how the GOP truly looks like when they need to govern instead of being obstructionists.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I really wonder what the GOP is even going to do about Obamacare. Their base obviously wants them to get rid of it so badly, but there's a clear unwillingness to do it with a lot of them who realize how bad it would get if they did it. Do these people get primaried in 2018 if they don't do it? Or will their base forgot about it?

Tough situation. Couldn't happen to nicer people.

They will get thrown a small bone in the form of a tax refund right before 2018 elections and will still vote republican.


so with Rand paul saying No to voting on obamacare "repeal", here comes tom cotton:

you're gonna be waiting a while for this unicorn to apppear

Especially in the Senate, where they can't be sheltered by gerrymandering, enough of them get that when the entire insurance industry flies apart at the seams and folks start literally dying that they may not be sheltered.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
People need to stop getting hopes up about them not repealing. They'll all cave. It's gone.
Biden Chides Trump Over Tweets: 'Grow Up, Donald...Time To Be An Adult'

“Grow up, Donald, grow up. Time to be an adult, you’re president,” Biden said in an interview with PBS NewHour. “You’ve got to do something. Show us what you have. You’re going to propose legislation, we’re going to get to debate it. Let the public decide. Let them vote in Congress. Let’s see what happens.”
Biden was responding to a question posed by NewsHour host Judy Woodruff, who asked about the “new reality” of Trump’s Twitter use as a method of communication.
Have now read 75 "why safe spaces on campuses caused Donald Trump" articles and 0 "why banning BDS on campus caused the Orlando nightclub shooting" stories for some reason even though both takes have the same amount of evidence.
And if the government shuts down, it will be the Democrat's fault.
Eh I feel like it'd be reeeeeally hard for them to pull that off. Shut down the government and make it look like the Democrats' fault.

I mean yes, they would certainly try and probably succeed with the same people who blame the Demmycrats for everything. But I think most people would blame Trump.


Reposting from OT.

Washington (CNN)US intelligence has identified the go-betweens the Russians used to provide stolen emails to WikiLeaks, according to US officials familiar with the classified intelligence review that was presented to President Barack Obama on Thursday.

In a Fox News interview earlier this week, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denied that Russia was the source of leaked Democratic emails that roiled the 2016 election to the detriment of President-elect Donald Trump's rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Developing story - more to come
Trump has been trying to write part 2 of this tweet for 8 fucking minutes.

The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia......


Also, it gets the story completely backwards.

WASHINGTON — The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers, BuzzFeed News has learned.
Six months after the FBI first said it was investigating the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s computer network, the bureau has still not requested access to the hacked servers, a DNC spokesman said. No US government entity has run an independent forensic analysis on the system, one US intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.
“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (DC) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,” Eric Walker, the DNC’s deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News in an email.
The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.
“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

Not trying to get too far ahead of things, but, dare I say, we're almost approaching a level where Trump might think he was wrong about a thing, and/or the media holds him accountable for being wrong? He generally doesn't sweat this much over shit that he's completely convinced himself is true.


Not trying to get too far ahead of things, but, dare I say, we're almost approaching a level where Trump might think he was wrong about a thing, and/or the media holds him accountable for being wrong? He generally doesn't sweat this much over shit that he's completely convinced himself is true.

The thing is. You'd think he wouldn't be so stuck on this Russia issue and constantly tweeting about it. Like everyone says. It makes him look like a stooge. It's almost like he's getting a bit nervous. His tweets aren't even making sense.

I'm curious to see what he'll say after that briefing tomorrow.
The thing is. You'd think he wouldn't be so stuck on this Russia issue and constantly tweeting about it. Like everyone says. It makes him look like a stooge. It's almost like he's getting a bit nervous. His tweets aren't even making sense.

I'm curious to see what he'll say after that briefing tomorrow.

He's close to the kind of meltdown that causes a four or five point jump in the polls for Hillary. If she can just hang on to that for a little while wait shit the election's over and he's gonna be president in two weeks


You guys are putting too much stock into Trump simply dismissing reality and going about his merry way denying it. He only seems to admit he's wrong in the most backhanded way possible. He can't do it without throwing a few people under the bus before he goes, even when he does it's half hearted then never brought up again. My bet is he drops the issue and tells his group to stop answering questions when they can about Russia post Friday.
lol, #tbt

Sinema first ran for the Arizona House of Representatives in 2002, as an independent affiliated with the Arizona Green Party.[15] She finished in last place in a five candidate field, receiving 8% of the vote.[16]

According to National Journal's 2013 Vote Ratings, Sinema's votes place her near the center of their liberal-conservative scale.[49] In early 2014, Sinema joined the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate Democrats who work with moderate Republicans to craft bipartisan policy.[50] On February 16, 2013, she announced she was part of an emerging effort, called the United Solutions Caucus, to end partisan gridlock in Congress.[51]
Trump's people realize that Mexico won't pay for the wall so they're threatening a government shutdown to pay for the wall.


I really wonder who the Republicans mentioned in the article that think they'll win the PR battle here

They've got control of all both houses and the White House and they think people are gonna blame the Democrats? They're getting too cocky. It's shit like that that will cause them to lose big in the midterms.

Rebel Leader

Rachel maddow is going on the national enquire and i never know about their secret list of traitors or trumps tax return


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I got bashed for it in here before but I'll say it again:

All Trump's picks will be confirmed. GOP will run circles around democrats again with misleading/dishonest/unethical scheduling and actions, democrats won't fight back, republicans will all fall in line, and all will be confirmed.
I got bashed for it in here before but I'll say it again:

All Trump's picks will be confirmed. GOP will run circles around democrats again with misleading/dishonest/unethical scheduling and actions, democrats won't fight back, republicans will all fall in line, and all will be confirmed.

They have the numbers to confirm the nominees, so why wouldn't they get confirmed?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They have the numbers to confirm the nominees, so why wouldn't they get confirmed?

Several in here were telling me how republicans wouldn't let guys like Tillerson through.


No Scrubs
I got bashed for it in here before but I'll say it again:

All Trump's picks will be confirmed. GOP will run circles around democrats again with misleading/dishonest/unethical scheduling and actions, democrats won't fight back, republicans will all fall in line, and all will be confirmed.

I mean, the only nominee the Dems can fight against is Mattis and that's because he needs the waiver. Short of a public outcry, which the GOP has headed off at the pass, there's nothing the Dems can really do.

Several in here were telling me how republicans wouldn't let guys like Tillerson through.

If enough Republicans jump then yea, a nominee can be blocked. I believe McCain and a few others have indicated Tillerson is a no-go and that's where this comes from.
The thing is. You'd think he wouldn't be so stuck on this Russia issue and constantly tweeting about it. Like everyone says. It makes him look like a stooge. It's almost like he's getting a bit nervous. His tweets aren't even making sense.

I'm curious to see what he'll say after that briefing tomorrow.
With any luck a seed will be planted where he ponders if he only won because of Russia. Then things will get truly fun as he cycles between denial and ego on Twitter.

Damn, I went cold turkey on cable news after election night and been 100% faithful to it so far, but I sorta want to watch the trainwreck that'll be his press conference Friday.
I got bashed for it in here before but I'll say it again:

All Trump's picks will be confirmed. GOP will run circles around democrats again with misleading/dishonest/unethical scheduling and actions, democrats won't fight back, republicans will all fall in line, and all will be confirmed.

Why are you blaming democrats/framing it as if this is democrats being outsmarted? Republicans have the numbers to confirm his cabinet. I've never been a fan of obstructing cabinet members. Except for Sessions...I'd turn that into a fight. Everyone else? The president gets to choose his cabinet, he won, etc etc. There will be fuckery but ultimately they'll be confirmed.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Why are you blaming democrats/framing it as if this is democrats being outsmarted? Republicans have the numbers to confirm his cabinet. I've never been a fan of obstructing cabinet members. Except for Sessions...I'd turn that into a fight. Everyone else? The president gets to choose his cabinet, he won, etc etc. There will be fuckery but ultimately they'll be confirmed.

I'm not "blaming democrats." Plus, if you look at the planned scheudling with six hearings in one day--the day where Obama's final conference will dominate the airwaves--you'll see that they actually are being outsmarted here. It's a great example of why I've been saying for years that the democrats need to start playing dirty. Nice guys finish last, sadly, and we are seeing it now.

Some on here were pretty adamant Tillerson and others were not happening and I just didn't understand it. Every single one of these people will get these people in.
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