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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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They'd have to change the convention rules to enable a Romney candidacy and scrap any provision requiring preexisting support from pledged delegates. It'd make the optics even worse.

They're going to have to change some of the rules anyway. The rules committee meets on the first day, doesn't it? I'm sure it'll be stacked with Establishment people so they can set it up quietly.
Source, please.

It's rule 40.


Oh shit. Trump is the only one that will have a majority. Everyone else has pluralities.
Cruz has majorities in 3 states.
Couldn't recall another thing to reference within the sphere of pop culture that would have allowed me to have a witty comeback
If im remembering right, hacker never even used math, he would just do some evil dickery and math would naturally occur in the obstacles the heroes would face in their quest to foil him. That he's bad at math even got joked about in the show.
Obama's the one who loves death panels.

Holy shit. So much for the "shadow" campaign.
Seems like it was done just in case of a brokered convention? Romney would be kicking himself later if it comes to that and he pissed it away for lack of being prepared.
They'd have to change the convention rules to enable a Romney candidacy and scrap any provision requiring preexisting support from pledged delegates. It'd make the optics even worse. And I'm not sure how Romney would get this done as I doubt his organization has been working to plant his people in the rules committee.

If they're facing a Trump candidacy, the optics would be least of their concerns especially when they're fully cognizant of the fact that an open revolt is inevitable. Why not go down swinging?
I'm pretty sure when your explicit goal is to fuck over Trump and Cruz, you aren't going to care what your actual rules say.

Hmm, I could see Cruz throwing his delegates to Trump to get all of the anti-Establishment back to his side.

"Listen, I've had disagreements with Donald Trump. We've fought over the campaign trail. But I don't want to see the will of voters subverted like this."

I don't think it will come down to a brokered convention though because Trump and Cruz will end up with >90% of the delegates all together and one will probably end up with a majority.
welcome. You might be able to help us answer this. It seems like Cruz is surging. Is it enough to take Drumpf in MS or the open primary will probably save him?

I think Trump is fine here. I actually even see supporters of his around the college, and the rural folks seem on board as well. The only thing is that I'd expect a Cruz bump on election day, but not nearly as bad as a caucus since people do seem to be ashamed to vote Trump. Secretly voting helps, but I think there will be people backing out at the last minute.


I'm hoping that the more Cruz gets popular, the more people hate him. A sort of: "this is actually happening... Ew" kind of reaction. Maybe we'll see Rubiomentum in Florida, but I think Trump will take it still by double digit percentage points.
I'm pretty sure when your explicit goal is to fuck over Trump and Cruz, you aren't going to care what your actual rules say.

Hmm, I could see Cruz throwing his delegates to Trump to get all of the anti-Establishment back to his side.

"Listen, I've had disagreements with Donald Trump. We've fought over the campaign trail. But I don't want to see the will of voters subverted like this."

I don't think it will come down to a brokered convention though because Trump and Cruz will end up with >90% of the delegates all together and one will probably end up with a majority.
Bolded my point as well. Sacrifices have to be made. FOR THE PARTY.
Anyway.. What kind of backlash are we looking at if this goes to a convention and the party hands it to Romney? I mean, how are conservative voters even going to handle that? That would be completely unprecedented in modern politics for a party to just ignore votes and hand it to someone who didn't even run wouldn't it?


Anyway.. What kind of backlash are we looking at if this goes to a convention and the party hands it to Romney? I mean, how are conservative voters even going to handle that? That would be completely unprecedented in modern politics for a party to just ignore votes and hand it to someone who didn't even run wouldn't it?
Define modern. It's happened a few times in my grandparents' lifetimes.


They changed it in 2012. You can't be nominated unless you have the majority of delegates in 8 states.

Oh my God, I didn't realize this. They can't even win a brokered convention without rewriting the rules on the day. There is zero possible way to make it look reasonable.


Oh my God, I didn't realize this. They can't even win a brokered convention without rewriting the rules on the day. There is zero possible way to make it look reasonable.
Greatest primary of our lifetimes. First rule change would need to be prohibiting media from attending convention.
I know a brokered convention is literally the only way that the GOPe could salvage the party, but let's analyze how fucking stupid this: They're going to have to rely on Ted fucking Cruz doing what's best for the party and sending his delegates to Romney

The Establishment is going to have to rely on Cruz doing what's best for the party rather than himself and rely on Cruz being willing to support a squish for nominee. Because Cruz and Trump will have essentially all of the delegates by Cleveland and they'll need Cruz's support to actually pull off this screwjob.
If Rmoney is behind this, he's not doing it to setup a primary challenge. It's only so that if he gets it at a brokered convention he has something in place to help him. He's not on the ballot anywhere, so he can't jump into the primary.

I think he's hoping that he can be a compromise candidate. Like I said, though, I don't know how you get from Trump to Cruz to Rmoney.


Ron Paul, like his old followers, seems to like Trump and Bernie.

Former Rep. Ron Paul is lashing out at Ted Cruz, calling the GOP presidential contender too close to Wall Street.

“People are liking Cruz. They think he’s for the free market, and he’s owned by Goldman Sachs,” the former Texas lawmaker said on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company,” according to Politico.

“I mean, he and [Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton] have more in common than we would have with either Cruz or [Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump] or any of them so I just don’t think there is much picking,” Paul added.

Ron Paul also praised Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

“On occasion, Bernie comes up with libertarian views when he talks about taking away the cronyism on Wall Street, so in essence he’s right, and occasionally he voted against war,” Paul added.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Still waiting on Nate to show me the "Cruz nomination" map with the rest of the states left.

That "Romney for President" thing was filed more than a month ago.
I think he's hoping that he can be a compromise candidate. Like I said, though, I don't know how you get from Trump to Cruz to Rmoney.

I think the Buckleyite faction which loves free markets and abhors social safety nets is going to go ahead and tank this election and rip the party apart to hold onto it. Those folks are scared that the GOP will get taken away from them and turned into a white, nationalist, extreme Christian party that embraces economically populist ideals.

They will punt SCOTUS for a generation to save their party and smack the Trumpistas (Trumpites? Trumpeters?) back into their place.


Unconfirmed Member
Going by those 538 targets, Cruz is still 151 delegates behind his target, and will fall to 302 delegates behind his target with the likely scenario he loses Ohio and Florida.

It seems to me like his only hope to reach 1,237 is with Rubio's delegates, either by him releasing them when he drops out or through a contested convention, with Cruz wanting Rubio to gain a few more delegates before releasing them. Cruz may beat Trump in a straight 1v1 match, but it's too late for that, and map is too much against Cruz going forward. They basically need to 2v1 Trump in order for Trump to lose.

I'm just not sure what Rubio will do when he's clearly a distant third but is looking at a good chance to force a contested convention if he wants to.


I think Rubio's collapse yesterday killed the Romney dream. It only made sense if Cruz and Rubio were splitting just enough delegates to block trump.


I think the Buckleyite faction which loves free markets and abhors social safety nets is going to go ahead and tank this election and rip the party apart to hold onto it. Those folks are scared that the GOP will get taken away from them and turned into a white, nationalist, extreme Christian party that embraces economically populist ideals.

They will punt SCOTUS for a generation to save their party and smack the Trumpistas (Trumpites? Trumpeters?) back into their place.
I think they're just going to slowly sort into the Democrats since the Republican platform will include protectionism going forward.


Wow. I just found out I lost 15 pounds in a month. I don't feel much thinner but seeing that number go down so much is incredible.

You might want to see your doctor if you weren't actively dieting. Rapid unexpected weight loss can be a symptom of a whole bunch of things.
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