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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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If Rmoney is behind this, he's not doing it to setup a primary challenge. It's only so that if he gets it at a brokered convention he has something in place to help him. He's not on the ballot anywhere, so he can't jump into the primary.

I think he's hoping that he can be a compromise candidate. Like I said, though, I don't know how you get from Trump to Cruz to Rmoney.

Bad choices and brown liquor?
I think the Buckleyite faction which loves free markets and abhors social safety nets is going to go ahead and tank this election and rip the party apart to hold onto it. Those folks are scared that the GOP will get taken away from them and turned into a white, nationalist, extreme Christian party that embraces economically populist ideals.

They will punt SCOTUS for a generation to save their party and smack the Trumpistas (Trumpites? Trumpeters?) back into their place.
Is it really possible to put the Trump genie back in the bottle? I don't know that there is a way to conceivably do it.
You might want to see your doctor if you weren't actively dieting. Rapid unexpected weight loss can be a symptom of a whole bunch of things.
Oh my doctor and I knew this was coming. I'm on new medication (for ADHD) that completely kills my appetite. I now don't snack, my portions are mild etc. I forgot what hunger feels like.

Thanks Obama (no seriously without the ACA I couldn't afford the medication)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My perspective on the Trump/Cruz thing is this: Trump had no business sweeping the south (and he did). If anything, you'd figure his appeal would be in the Northeast and far West (California). That he swept the south before he cratered is a GREAT result. It effectively stopped Cruz.

Now maybe Trump can fall off now in Mississippi, Missouri, whatever, but Cruz has no shot up north as we saw in MA, NH, VT, etc. I'm not worried about Cruz getting the nomination. I am however somewhat concerned about RUBIIOOOOOO continuing to get air time just to piss me off.


Unconfirmed Member
My perspective on the Trump/Cruz thing is this: Trump had no business sweeping the south (and he did). If anything, you'd figure his appeal would be in the Northeast and far West (California). That he swept the south before he cratered is a GREAT result. It effectively stopped Cruz.

Now maybe Trump can fall off now in Mississippi, Missouri, whatever, but Cruz has no shot up north as we saw in MA, NH, VT, etc. I'm not worried about Cruz getting the nomination. I am however somewhat concerned about RUBIIOOOOOO continuing to get air time just to piss me off.
Rubio advisor: "Marco I think it's time to throw in the towel."

Marco: "No. A mod at NeoGAF, a video game forum on the Internet, must be made to suffer."

Edit: a friend of mine has dedicated his morning on IRC to telling me about a "documentary" he is watching how the clintons had disloyal bodyguards killed at Waco, and that a drug/gun running operation they spear head was used to buy the guns in the Paris terrorist attacks :/


My perspective on the Trump/Cruz thing is this: Trump had no business sweeping the south (and he did). If anything, you'd figure his appeal would be in the Northeast and far West (California). That he swept the south before he cratered is a GREAT result. It effectively stopped Cruz.

Now maybe Trump can fall off now in Mississippi, Missouri, whatever, but Cruz has no shot up north as we saw in MA, NH, VT, etc. I'm not worried about Cruz getting the nomination. I am however somewhat concerned about RUBIIOOOOOO continuing to get air time just to piss me off.

I think there are legitimate signs that trump might be falling off. Still, if you told me a year ago that Cruz might be the nominee, I'd have taken it in a heartbeat. And Cruz after eight months of rolling in the mud with trump is even better.


Unconfirmed Member
I know a brokered convention is literally the only way that the GOPe could salvage the party, but let's analyze how fucking stupid this: They're going to have to rely on Ted fucking Cruz doing what's best for the party and sending his delegates to Romney

The Establishment is going to have to rely on Cruz doing what's best for the party rather than himself and rely on Cruz being willing to support a squish for nominee. Because Cruz and Trump will have essentially all of the delegates by Cleveland and they'll need Cruz's support to actually pull off this screwjob.

I know how delegates are picked in caucuses like Iowa, but how are delegates generally picked for primaries? Can it be generally assumed that the delegates are generally very loyal to the candidate they're bound to?

In any case, it seems the only way they can save the party from being killed by a brokered convention is if they allow the delegate and popular vote leader to win, which very likely going to be either Trump or Cruz.

Why would they want to otherwise fracture the party like that? Only reason I can think of is if they prefer the quick death of the party over the slow death of demographic changes.
Is it really possible to put the Trump genie back in the bottle? I don't know that there is a way to conceivably do it.

That's the big question. I think Trump has already done irreparable damage to the GOP in the short-term because now the nationalist/populist/nativist core that the GOP attracted via the Southern Strategy want to fully take the controls of the party. There is going to be some serious infighting over the next four to eight years as they try to shove out the free-market, small government true believers who are struggling to keep their place as the heads of the party.

It's pretty amazing to read National Review, for example, and see the utter contempt that the old guard has for the nationalists/populists/nativists, and in turn, the anger from that latter group at being ignored and talked down to.

It's not rocket science to assess that political parties find a way to retain control and keep their coalition together, but this is one of those times, like 1964/1968, where a rupture is going to happen. It's too late for the GOP to head it off because they courted this sort of behavior post-Obama election in 2008 to try and control the Senate/House without understanding that it would produce people like Ted Cruz who have no interest in working within the framework of the old GOP.


Same here. And I was almost done with Republican debates but they find ways to make them even more ridiculous so I keep watching. Only the first hour though tbh.
Same lol.

After last thurs, I was like cool that's that. Now I kinda wanna see how team Rubio responds to his free fall.


I know how delegates are picked in caucuses like Iowa, but how are delegates generally picked for primaries? Can it be generally assumed that the delegates are generally very loyal to the candidate they're bound to?

In any case, it seems the only way they can save the party from being killed by a brokered convention is if they allow the delegate and popular vote leader to win, which very likely going to be either Trump or Cruz.

Why would they want to otherwise fracture the party like that? Only reason I can think of is if they prefer the quick death of the party over the slow death of demographic changes.

that's what I argue should happen but I guess they have it set to a magic number for a reason.

Trump has to win OH and FL to avoid a convention fight. He cant allow either of those two to win their states.

If Trump vs. Cruz after March 15th, Trump will take basically all of the delegates in April.

Wisconsin (WTA), both struggle in north.
Connecticut (backdoor WTA), Trump's turf.
New York (proportional), Trump will crush here
Maryland (WTA), still Trump territory
Pennsylvania (WTA), maybe Trump's strongest state other than West Virginia.
Rhode Island (proportional), still strong Trump area.

How could the race not be over after Trump beats the shit out of Cruz for all of April? Trump will easily hit the backdoor winner take all threshold (50%) in Connecticut with only one competitor and there's no way Ted "New York Values" Cruz is draws significant votes in New York.


Dem debates are an utter waste of time at this point.

I consider modern debates to be entirely free of substance, but at least the GOP debates embrace that lack of substance. GOP debates are like political rap battles without the rhymes.





Dem debates are an utter waste of time at this point.

I consider modern debates to be entirely free of substance, but at least the GOP debates embrace that lack of substance. GOP debates are like political rap battles without the rhymes.
Now I imaginging debates with hype men as backup. Jeffrey Lord with a huge clock around his neck.

I hope Hillary doesn't engage with him at all. There's 0 point anymore and we need to focus on the GE.

Engage with what? we all know he can't go off stump.


well, i've submitted my vote in the florida republican primary and done my part to contribute to the fracturing of the republican party

time to wash my hands for the next three days
Dem debates are an utter waste of time at this point.

I consider modern debates to be entirely free of substance, but at least the GOP debates embrace that lack of substance. GOP debates are like political rap battles without the rhymes.
Every Dem debate goes the exact same.

Moderators: Welcome Hillary and Bernie
Hillary: (amazing liberal statement)
Bernie: (amazing liberal statement)
Moderators: Hillary what do you have to say about your connections to Wall Street
Moderators: Bernie what is your approach in regards to foreign policy
Moderators: Closing statements?
Hillary: (amazing liberal statement)
Bernie: (amazing liberal statement)

Hillary and Bernie are too civil and cordial to ever really go there like the Republicans do on a constant basis.


Every Dem debate goes the exact same.

Moderators: Welcome Hillary and Bernie
Hillary: (amazing liberal statement)
Bernie: (amazing liberal statement)
Moderators: Hillary what do you have to say about your connections to Wall Street
Moderators: Bernie what is your approach in regards to foreign policy
Moderators: Closing statements?
Hillary: (amazing liberal statement)
Bernie: (amazing liberal statement)

Hillary and Bernie are too civil and cordial to ever really go there like the Republicans do on a constant basis.
Agreed but you left out the part of every debate where each candidate goes RIGHT UP TO the third rail of outright mudslinging and then pulls back.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh good, saves me time from watching the next debate ;p

so who of PoliGAF hasn't voted yet?

I can't in Florida since they don't let independents vote.
I should probably change my registration to Dem.
I hope Hillary doesn't engage with him at all. There's 0 point anymore and we need to focus on the GE.

At the Michigan Democratic Party meeting last night, both Bernie and Hillary made speeches. She did not attack him at all, he attacked her on trade. I mean, that's what the underdog does but it shows you the mentality her campaign is at right now.

I have not voted. May 3rd, if it's even contested at that point. I'll vote anyway.


so who of PoliGAF hasn't voted yet?

Coming up Tuesday. Hillary will be coronated the great Queen of Michigan on the strength of my vote, proving once and for all that she can only win in southern red states and that the map is highly favorable to Bernie Sanders going forward.


Unconfirmed Member
that's what I argue should happen but I guess they have it set to a magic number for a reason.

Trump has to win OH and FL to avoid a convention fight. He cant allow either of those two to win their states.


I was thinking the magic number could be reached if Rubio's delegates vote for the candidate with the mandate from the voters, but I guess if Rubio wants to save the party he could probably avoid the convention fight altogether by just releasing his delegates long before the convention happens.
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