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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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can someone explain to me why the Mid-West is cold to Trump?
I'm ignorent about the Mid-West so I don't know much about them.

But the entire East Coast, the North-East, he South. I get it

But the Mid-West? I don't get it. Please explain it to me

My guess is that they're more traditional conservatives as in they don't like to rock the boat. Unlike the Southerners. Trump is too unstable for this group, so Cruz is a better choice.
Scott Walker was literally dumber than Ben Carson with regards to foreign policy and that's the second biggest issue people care about other than the economy.

I mean, it's going to be pretty much over when everyone starts talking about how Walker compared teacher's unions to ISIS. That's hugely anti-labor and absurdly naive at once and probably a campaign ender. Hillary will drown him.

Anyway, this dude is an actual college professor:


*Bernie wins deep red states only because there are only white people in those states*

"Hillary in trouble once we leave the south!"

I wonder if Hillary fucking up Bernie in Michigan will finally put this "Hillary can only win the South!" narrative, that only extremely stupid people believe, to rest.

Massachusetts and Nevada should've killed that narrative. These people will delude themselves all the way to the convention, always with an excuse.


can someone explain to me why the Mid-West is cold to Trump?
I'm ignorent about the Mid-West so I don't know much about them.

But the entire East Coast, the North-East, he South. I get it

But the Mid-West? I don't get it. Please explain it to me



Great Plains/Upper Midwest is less racist than the eastern half of the country.
can someone explain to me why the Mid-West is cold to Trump?
I'm ignorent about the Mid-West so I don't know much about them.

But the entire East Coast, the North-East, he South. I get it

But the Mid-West? I don't get it. Please explain it to me

One thing to keep in mind is that we've only had a couple of Midwestern caucuses. The picture may look very different once the large Midwestern states have their primaries.


I've also noticed that Trump seems to do worse with evangelicals in the midwest.

I wonder if Southern evangelicals are more likely to be able to deal with his bombast while those in the midwest consider it a deal breaker.
1. Amid all the accusations that Hillary Clinton is not an honest or authentic politician, that she’s an endless shape-shifter who says whatever works to get her to the next primary, it’s important not to lose sight of the one truth she’s been telling, and will continue to tell, the voters: things will not get better. Ever. At first, I thought this was just an electoral ploy against Sanders: don’t listen to the guy promising the moon. No such thing as a free lunch and all that. But it goes deeper. The American ruling class has been trying to figure out for years, if not decades, how to manage decline, how to get Americans to get used to diminished expectations, how to adapt to the notion that life for the next generation will be worse than for the previous generation, and now, how to accept (as Alex Gourevitch reminded me tonight) low to zero growth rates as the new economic normal. Clinton’s campaign message isn’t just for Bernie voters; it’s for everyone. Expect little, deserve less, ask for nothing. When the leading candidate of the more left of the two parties is saying that — and getting the majority of its voters to embrace that message — the work of the American ruling class is done.

Remember kids, people this stupid can become college professors.


Hrm. That looked vaguely familiar, so i went and looked something up.

don't know why, exactly, im surprised that people that are more likely to see black folk are more likely to be racist.

Well I mean the only thing that's basing itself off is racially charged searches on the Internet. I assume racists would be more likely to search racist things if they're seeing the people they hate every day.
Donald Trump receives a shocking 37% of the Kentucky Democratic primary vote in a hypothetical contest against Clinton, and 38% against Sanders.

In another notable finding, nearly one in five likely voters in the Democratic primary do not believe a woman is capable of being an effective Commander-in-Chief. But the numbers are even worse for an atheist and socialist candidate: 68% of Kentucky Democrats believe that an atheist cannot be an effective president with 9% unsure, and 41% believe that a socialist cannot be an effective president with 21% unsure.

The demographic breakdowns tell a story familiar to observers of the Democratic primary. Senator Sanders has a slight lead among white voters, but Clinton’s overall margin is fueled by an overwhelming 60-point lead among African-Americans. There are also significant divides by age and gender: Clinton carries women by 17 points, while Sanders has a 9-point edge among men. Sanders also has a double-digit lead among voters 45 and younger, but that is dwarfed by Clinton’s 43-point advantage among voters 65 and older.

Notably, 10% of Democratic women felt that a woman could not be an effective Commander-in-Chief.

Strikingly, there was not a large disparity (given margins of error) between white and black crossover voting for Trump: while 38% of whites said they would vote for Trump over Clinton, 31% of blacks also said they would vote Trump over Clinton.

What in the fuck is up with Kentucky?

As I understand it though, a lot of reliable Republican voters are still registered Democrats in Kentucky (and their state house is still half Democrat)

User 406

can someone explain to me why the Mid-West is cold to Trump?
I'm ignorent about the Mid-West so I don't know much about them.

But the entire East Coast, the North-East, he South. I get it

But the Mid-West? I don't get it. Please explain it to me


That whole "New York values" line of attack? These are the people who it resonates with.

don't know why, exactly, im surprised that people that are more likely to see black folk are more likely to be racist.

It's not so much that they're more likely to be racist, just more likely to express their racism.


What in the fuck is up with Kentucky?

As I understand it though, a lot of reliable Republican voters are still registered Democrats in Kentucky (and their state house is still half Democrat)

You didn't even bold the most WTF part of that thing.

31% of black Democrats cross over for Trump? Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.


What in the fuck is up with Kentucky?

As I understand it though, a lot of reliable Republican voters are still registered Democrats in Kentucky (and their state house is still half Democrat)
Weeeeell, a lot of people in Kentucky, especially in rural Kentucky and Coal country where Trump overperformed last night, are......uh........stuck in the past, let's say.
You didn't even bold the most WTF part of that thing.

31% of black Democrats cross over for Trump? Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.

Some of these numbers are hard to believe but Kentucky has one of the worst economies in the country and Clinton is running on the status quo. Its a bad combo.
LMAO in 2012, Obama only got 57% of the Democratic Primary vote in Kentucky. (Similar margins in Arkansas and West Virginia)

That furthers my point.


She won almost all of the city, but Hillary winning my neighborhood was pleasing. I walked around with the dog this morning, getting a silly little grin on my face whenever I'd see a political bumper sticker or sign. Silent, real-life majority, indeed.

Still feel pretty good about Trump. Yesterday was pretty friendly terrain for Cruz. And even if it does end-up being Cruz, that's fantastic - talk about alienating moderates and motivating Dem turnout! I'm incredibly relieved that Kasich and Rubio are stuck in a ditch, with no real authority to claim with a straight face that they deserve a brokered nomination.
So I had an exchange with a friend on Facebook today who called yesterday a win for Bernie, and I explained to him the margins and delegate counts and how if Bernie can't improve his margins of wins in the states he beats Hillary he won't be able to overcome her. Especially if Hillary continues winning certain states by the percentages she is

He told me to stop "trolling"

And I said " so I am trolling you with math? Who do you think I am? A villain from Cyber Chase?"

... Atleast I think I'm funny.
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