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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I could draft longer bills too that build on past failed bills if I had a bunch of aides and interns to do grunt work.

What can't really be easily replicated is more innate intellectual curiosity, interest in policy and details and actual governance.

What you said applies to literally every congressman/congresswoman and senator. None of them draft up these large pieces of legislation without help.

However, if your main issue is whether or not Bernie possesses the ability to meticulously articulate his policies (perhaps in a similar fashion to Hillary) then you'll need to pay more attention to his proposals in congressional hearings (they've been transcribed on the congress website), as he doesn't take that approach when speaking to the general public.
I'm referring to his seeming lack of interest in doing so, which initially I pegged as trying to maintain a simplistic message. But have gradually come to consider is actually the extent of his understanding of certain issues. Among them international trade, the finance system, racial issues, foreign policy. A lack of interest in the actual work of governance.

Gotchaye explains this evolution of thought better.


March donations and spending. In millions.

		Raised	Spent	Cash On-Hand	Raised/Spent
Clinton		27	29	29		107%
Sanders		46	46	17		99%
Trump		15	14	2		95%
Cruz		13	12	9		94%
Kasich		4	5	1		102%
Time to get money out of politics.
I'm referring to his seeming lack of interest in doing so, which initially I pegged as trying to maintain a simplistic message. But have gradually come to consider is actually the extent of his understanding of certain issues. Among them international trade, the finance system, racial issues, foreign policy. A lack of interest in the actual work of governance.


March donations and spending. In millions.

		Raised	Spent	Cash On-Hand	Raised/Spent
Clinton		27	29	29	107%
Sanders		46	46	17	99%
Trump		15	14	2	95%
Cruz	13		12	9	94%
Kasich		4	5	1	102%
Time to get money out of politics.

To add some perspective, the one person in the world that probably knows Bernie better than anyone else in the world (Jane), when prompted to draw contrast between herself and Bernie, says that Bernie is distinctively policy oriented, while she's more people oriented.

You can't really speak of his personal interests as if you personally know the guy. As I've said before, he tailors his speeches differently when introducing legislation compared to when he's speaking to the general public.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So, he is either terrible at communicating said policy when asked about it, or terrible at policy. Which one is it?
So, he is either terrible at communicating said policy when asked about it, or terrible at policy. Which one is it?

I'd say that he's being very opportunistic with trying to incorporate his stump speech into every millisecond of exposure that he gets. He didn't have this problem when he wasn't running for president.
I don't particularly care whether Jane Sanders thinks he's relatively more policy driven than she is.

I'm not speaking to his hobbies or pet peeves or personal tastes.

I'm not claiming to know Sanders in any personal fashion.

But he has displayed no particular aptitude or inclination towards detailed policy during the campaign. He regularly fails to articulate policy, he regularly chooses not to when given the opportunity, he enters debates often utterly unprepared, and even setting that aside many of the policy prescriptions he has adopted and promotes as his Presidential platform are facile.

If he doesn't want people to conclude a disinterest in detailed and practical policy, then he's doing it wrong.
I don't particularly care whether Jane Sanders thinks he's relatively more policy driven than she is.

I'm not speaking to his hobbies or pet peeves or personal tastes.

I'm not claiming to know Sanders in any personal fashion.

But he has displayed no particular aptitude or inclination towards detailed policy during the campaign. He regularly fails to articulate policy, and even setting that aside many of the policy prescriptions he has adopted and promotes as his Presidential platform are facile.

I agree with everything you just said. I'm just saying that there's more to Bernie than that. Unfortunately, he's too focused on campaigning, and is failing at dispelling that notion as a result.

If he doesn't want people to conclude a disinterest in detailed and practical policy, then he's doing it wrong.

I honestly think he doesn't care about that. He'd probably rather have people see him as a motivational speaker. But that's just my personal opinion.


So Ted Cruz is bed fellows with pastors who want to kill gays and Trump is bed fellows with people who are pretty racist.

Oh boy.


— Saying he’d transform some New York prisons into dormitories for welfare recipients, where they could work in state-sponsored jobs, get employment training and take lessons in “personal hygiene.”

“Instead of handing out the welfare checks, we’ll teach people how to earn their check. We’ll teach them personal hygiene… the personal things they don’t get when they come from dysfunctional homes,” he said.

— Forwarding emails containing racial messages about President Obama, birther claims, pornography, and bestiality. When confronted about his emails, Paladino blamed Democrats.

This fucking country. I Swear.
Why is Cruz's team the only team making actual non-conventional political ads instead of *deep voiced man spouts terrible facts about other candidate* or the usual positive ad with clips of supporters?


Why is Cruz's team the only team making actual non-conventional political ads instead of *deep voiced man spouts terrible facts about other candidate* or the usual positive ad with clips of supporters?

Why pay a disembodied voice to spew bullshit for you when you are perfectly capable of doing it yourself?


Ted Cruz seems to be collapsing some. His recent somewhat heated exchange with Hannity didn't look good for him. Especially since he is on tape numerous times saying Kasich is mathematically eliminated and is just a spoiler. Now that Ted is also mathematically eliminated, he is getting very testy when asked about why it's ok now for him to stay in.

Plus his every answer seems to include Trump. Not only Trump, but also the actual voters of Trump which seems politically stupid.

Cruz kept saying yesterday that it's no surprise Trump will win liberal NE states in the primary. It makes Cruz look idiotic since he lost every single SEC state to Trump. Kind of surprised a journalist hasn't asked him why he did so poorly in the South when he keeps repeating the Trump only does well in liberal states in interviews. Maybe Cruz thinks Alabama and Mississippi are liberal now.


So there's supposed to be another Democratic debate in May.

Do you think they bother?

Doubtful. I imagine Bernie will suspend before then.

Speaking of debates, Preibus two days ago said the RNC will be talking about adding more debates soon. I'm sure Trump will basically tell them to Fuck off and why should he debate two people who can't win on the first ballot decided by the voters.
So there's supposed to be another Democratic debate in May.

Do you think they bother?

If next Tuesday goes as polls show, Bernie will either drop out or he'll be completely ignored by Hillary and excoriated by the media for staying in. Every conversation will be "how come you haven't dropped out"

How is Kasich raising money? At all? WTF?
I'd imagine it's a lot of stop trump people who don't want Cruz to lose head to head against trump
How is Kasich raising money? At all? WTF?
Makes little sense to donate to him even if you support him. He just plans to show up to the convention and get handed the nomination. Don't really need money to do that

Maybe he should fund raise for a plane ticket to Cleveland and a bus ride to the convention
this whole money thing has been kind of a disaster.

Just axe Jackson, stick Tubman on the 20 and change some of the art on the 5 and be done with it.

They're just making everything worse here trying to compromise.


So Ted Cruz is bed fellows with pastors who want to kill gays and Trump is bed fellows with people who are pretty racist.

Oh boy.


This fucking country. I Swear.

The funny part is, I don't necessarily disagree with his idea, at a very high level. Keep in mind when I say that, you would remove the silly racist elements (hygene, come the fuck on, unless they ask for help). And make maybe a more intensive version that is strictly voluntary and would be something like a six to eight week program that could act as a bootcamp for people needing serious guidance.

The TANF program has four stated program goals, mostly dealing with better families, parenting, and less children born/born out of wedlock. When people enroll in TANF, there are typically a large number of associated program referrals they can get for everything for parental education, money management, employment skills, education, and much more.

Also, I think converting prisons would send the wrong message. They should be something like halfway houses where people would come and go, but would be responsible for meeting the program requirements to retain eligibility (TANF has many allowable activities to meet the work requirement).

User 406

Ben Carson saying Harriet Tubman should be on the $2 bill


At least he didn't say a $12 bill.

I love it.


Man, adam would be all over this.

I love how she doesn't look at all worried about Cruz with that smile as she closes the folder. I guess Ted doesn't want people to know the Clinton camp called him their preferred opponent. Heh.

At least one of my Facebook friends has dumped Bernie after his loss and after him saying he will stay Democrat and support Clinton if she wins and is now supporting Jill Stein. Because my Facebook friends are about the worst.

All we've seen though is a proliferation of tax deductions for varied interest groups. There's also something to be said for simplicity in the tax code itself.

Give me point of sale rebates on electric cars and other green initiatives first and then we can talk.
speaking of facebook, i just unfriended someone for still harping on about the "hot sauce pander" and generally just being unreasonably salty (like, i know people who have literally vowed they'd never vote for clinton who are less salty)

which basically means that most of the political posts i see are now from intentional shitposters rather than accidental shitposters
I wonder if the people saying they're voting for Jill Stein even know some of the Green party's anti-science nonsense like anti-flouride in water and GMOs and stuff.


Speaking of debates, Preibus two days ago said the RNC will be talking about adding more debates soon. I'm sure Trump will basically tell them to Fuck off and why should he debate two people who can't win on the first ballot decided by the voters.

So Prince wants to hold a debate between the GOP's sworn frenemy candidate and the remaining "candidates" that are already mathematically eliminated but just not dropping out hoping for Convention shenanigans? What a great look for him.

I wonder if the people saying they're voting for Jill Stein even know some of the Green party's anti-science nonsense like anti-flouride in water and GMOs and stuff.

Doubtful, I just got around to listening to the post NY primary Diane Rehm Show, and some 27 year old Bernie supporter called in saying he could never vote for Hillary because "I've seen all her flip-flops and bad stuff on Facebook."


While I definitely praise the move to put Tubman on the 20, I'm personally in favor of moving to these for our currency:


It removes individuals from our currency completely and shifts to the essence of what America is: the geography and our scientific and economic accomplishments. Plus, it looks badass.
So Prince wants to hold a debate between the GOP's sworn frenemy candidate and the remaining "candidates" that are already mathematically eliminated but just not dropping out hoping for Convention shenanigans? What a great look for him

Maybe he is putting Baileys in his cereal lol


By the time we make further changes to currency we're going to be a cashless society anyway. $20s will barely be in use in 2030.
Doubtful, I just got around to listening to the post NY primary Diane Rehm Show, and some 27 year old Bernie supporter called in saying he could never vote for Hillary because "I've seen all her flip-flops and bad stuff on Facebook."

Someone I know who hasn't voted in her entire life said she wasn't going to vote for Hillary on my Facebook.

So at least I get some ease from noticing that nearly all of the Bernie or Bust people either never voted or voted for Ron Paul, so their lack of a vote doesn't really seem like it'll matter.
I mean the other question is what on earth is Kasich spending all that money on? Is he even still actively campaigning, wasting money on ad buys?
While I definitely praise the move to put Tubman on the 20, I'm personally in favor of moving to these for our currency:


It removes individuals from our currency completely and shifts to the essence of what America is: the geography and our scientific and economic accomplishments. Plus, it looks badass.

Hell naw. This is just another one of those designs from graphic artists that will look silly in 10 years.
I wouldn't mind if we kept George, but made the rest of the money different colored.

The one dollar bill is just too iconic to change. It's basically the official "money" icon.


I wonder if the people saying they're voting for Jill Stein even know some of the Green party's anti-science nonsense like anti-flouride in water and GMOs and stuff.

Why would they read the platform? That's something an informed voter would do, and an informed voter would likely be aware of the lack of value in a third party vote.

Bernie is anti-GMO too lol. And anti-nuclear, guy is a joke.
Why would they read the platform? That's something an informed voter would do, and an informed voter would likely be aware of the lack of value in a third party vote.

Bernie is anti-GMO too lol. And anti-nuclear, guy is a joke.

Bernie is anti-GMO?

Ugh. Probably going to spawn a bunch of young people who will stubbornly be against GMOs now in the future. Thanks Bernie.


Of course, Trump has much worse favorables than Clinton, and Cruz is only a smidge better than Clinton. So once again Lyin' Ted earning his stupid nickname.


While I definitely praise the move to put Tubman on the 20, I'm personally in favor of moving to these for our currency:


It removes individuals from our currency completely and shifts to the essence of what America is: the geography and our scientific and economic accomplishments. Plus, it looks badass.
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