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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Monmouth national:

Clinton (D) 44% (+7)
Trump (R) 37%
Johnson (L) 9%
Stein (G) 4%

2 way:

Clinton (D) 49% (+8)
Trump (R) 41%

(the 2 way numbers are actually better for Trump than they were in March but only by 2)
Monmouth national:

Clinton (D) 44% (+7)
Trump (R) 37%
Johnson (L) 9%
Stein (G) 4%

2 way:

Clinton (D) 49% (+8)
Trump (R) 41%

(the 2 way numbers are actually better for Trump than they were in March but only by 2)
Another case where Clinton's lead expands in a likely voter screen. It's only 47-40 among RVs.


Also, Uncle Joe is set to speak soon on Donald's policies.
“But if we turn inward, undermine our most important relationships, or seek sound bite solutions in a world defined by complexity,” Biden will say. “If we forget who we are, betray our values, and embrace intolerance. We will squander all of our hard-earned progress.”

In his prepared remarks, Biden says building a border wall would “disrespect our neighbors” and heighten anti-American feelings in the Western hemisphere. On China, a nation with which Trump said the U.S. makes bad deals, Biden will say cooperation is essential and to resort to confrontation would make life harder for billions of people.
Biden has especially harsh words for Trump’s terrorism policy proposals and his plan to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States. He plans to call the presumptive Republican nominee’s vow to resume the practice of waterboarding “deeply damaging to our security” and mirrored Obama’s refrain that the U.S. must be careful not to disaffect the world’s Muslims while combating extremism.

“Alienating 1.5 billion Muslims, the vast, vast majority of whom, at home and abroad, are peace-loving, will only make the problem worse. It plays into the narrative of extremists,” Biden will say. “We shouldn’t give them what they want. We are so much better than that."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/joe-biden-trump-foreign-policy-224531#ixzz4C8tLOW3D


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It boggles my mind that 40% of Americans would legitimately vote for Trump. That makes me sick to my stomach.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
He is playing nice on this CNN interview.

Fun fact: I was actually an extra in this movie! The debate took place and was filmed at my school so they had students walking around in the background during some parts. I saw Ryan Gosling on set but he was getting mobbed by like 20 girls so I didn't bother getting a picture or anything.

I think this might make sense to a point. I think similar things happened during the primary. The bad polls during the primaries usually had whites weighed higher and during the California primary Hillary over-performed because many of the polls did not poll the Spanish-speaking Hispanics.

Trump was probably was going to have a toned down rhetoric at some point anyway. It will most likely have the "everything is fucked up and I have the solutions" campaign still , but he'll be less bombastic. He'll still be crappy at it and most of the solutions will lack much substance, and depth to it to make it look good. Trumpisms will still plague the campaign I would imagine and lots of his current stances won't be backed away at least not too much. The stances will just have less intensity about them with Trump suggesting them, than instead of going all out making it seem like the stances a very central to his policies. Paul will try to get Trump to calm down and redo the imagine of the campaign and get actual stuff going, like getting money flowing, but that task will be very difficult.

I think this might make sense to a point. I think similar things happened during the primary. The bad polls during the primaries usually had whites weighed higher and during the California primary Hillary over-performed because many of the polls did not poll the Spanish-speaking Hispanics.

Trump was probably was going to have a toned down rhetoric at some point anyway. It will most likely have the "everything is fucked up and I have the solutions" campaign still , but he'll be less bombastic. He'll still be crappy at it and most of the solutions will lack much substance, and depth to it to make it look good. Trumpisms will still plague the campaign I would imagine and lots of his current stances won't be backed away at least not too much. The stances will just have less intensity about them with Trump suggesting them, than instead of going all out making it seem like the stances a very central to his policies. Paul will try to get Trump to calm down and redo the imagine of the campaign and get actual stuff going, like getting money flowing, but that task will be very difficult.
We need to get better spanish pollsters. Its not that difficult. I mean hire latinos who live and work and know that community!
Lewandowski, "The campaign is now moving in the right direction". Talk about falling on your sword, his argument is the campaign is now better now that he's fired
Moody's Analysis: Trump's Policy Plans Would Trigger A 'Lengthy Recession'

Donald Trump's proposed plans to cut taxes, engage in trade wars, and deport millions of undocumented immigrants would hurt the U.S. economy and send the country into a recession, according to new report by Moody's Analytics.

Economists reviewed Trump's proposed tax cuts for individuals and businesses, his calls to deport undocumented immigrants and build a southern border wall, and his threats to impose large tariffs on goods imported from China and Mexico.

The analysis found that if all of Trump's proposals were implemented, "the economy suffers a lengthy recession and is smaller at the end of his four-year term than when he took office."

"The upshot of Mr. Trump’s economic policy positions under almost any scenario is that the U.S. economy will be more isolated and diminished," the report reads.


I mean , any lead of 5+ points equals a comfortable victory, if not a total landslide in the electoral college. At this point we're just predicting degrees of victory until something changes.


lewandowski said his strategy is to "let trump be trump", and he's still utterly clueless as to why he got fired right before the general election


Lewandowski, "The campaign is now moving in the right direction". Talk about falling on your sword, his argument is the campaign is now better now that he's fired

i mean, post-primary it is


The Trumpster fire is burning out of control. I'm getting worried he may not last until November.

Hold through July, you racist, orange bigot. HOLD, damn you. HOLD.

As far as I'm concerned, he can implode after the convention. The GOPs fate is officially sealed after the convention.

Even if he combusts prior to the convention I think the GOP's fate is sealed. Imagine starting from July, fresh, with a General Election campaign after your party "stole" the nomination


The Autumn Wind
Another reason the media is useless trash, all the news channels discussing the 911 transcripts for the Orlando shooting, and they're all like, "He mentioned ISIS, but nothing about hating gay people. Guess it really was radicalization and not a hate crime!"

I mean... if he really was using ISIS to cover up his own self-hating homosexuality, of course that's what he's going to say to police. Am I alone here in the land of common sense?


Politico: Wall Street donors seek to block Warren VP pick

Big Wall Street donors have a message for Hillary Clinton: Keep Elizabeth Warren off the ticket or risk losing millions of dollars in contributions.

In a dozen interviews, major Democratic donors in the financial services industry said they saw little chance that Clinton would pick the liberal firebrand as her vice presidential nominee. These donors despise Warren’s attacks on the financial industry. But they also think her selection would be damaging to the economy. And they warned that if Clinton surprises them and taps Warren, big donations from the industry could vanish.

“If Clinton picked Warren, her whole base on Wall Street would leave her,” said one top Democratic donor who has helped raise millions for Clinton. “They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.’”


People close to the Clinton campaign say that while Warren might not wind up as the vice-presidential selection, Wall Street executives are dead wrong to think that it couldn’t happen.

They say Warren is very high on the list of possible vice presidential candidates along with Sens. Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Cory Booker of New Jersey; Labor Secretary Tom Perez; Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro; and Rep. Xavier Becerra of California, among others. “We are not at the point of ruling anyone in or out,” a person close to the process said.


“There is going to be a lot to deal with in the first 100 days, and I’m not sure going left and picking Warren would be particularly helpful,” said a top financial services lobbyist in Washington.

This Democrat, along with several Wall Street donors mentioned Kaine as the ideal vice-presidential pick. The Virginia Democrat comes from a key swing state, is fluent in Spanish, sits on the Armed Services Committee and is generally palatable to both progressives and more business-friendly Democrats.

“He checks every box,” the moderate Washington Democrat with close ties to the banking industry said. “You could see him step in as president, he is credible with the base of the party, and he’s also comfortable spending time with the rich people you need to raise money from.”


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Now that Clinton is rising even without consolidating Bernie stans, I'm off the Warren VP train. She doesn't offer anything we need. The Democratic flank is nailed down.

The issue I can't reconcile is how to be respectful of the minority communities that support Hillary with someone that appeals to white men. I don't think I can square this circle. Is it Tom Perez?



So this doesn't really surprise me but I'm annoyed because this is already creating a framing that if Hillary doesn't pick Warren it's because she's corporate.

There are lots of reasons why Hillary might not want to pick Warren as VP!

Now that Clinton is rising even without consolidating Bernie stans, I'm off the Warren VP train. She doesn't offer anything we need. The Democratic flank is nailed down.

The issue I can't reconcile is how to be respectful of the minority communities that support Hillary with someone that appeals to white men. I don't think I can square this circle. Is it Tom Perez?

The correct solution is to blow off white men, they are the worst.


Now that Clinton is rising even without consolidating Bernie stans, I'm off the Warren VP train. She doesn't offer anything we need. The Democratic flank is nailed down.

The issue I can't reconcile is how to be respectful of the minority communities that support Hillary with someone that appeals to white men. I don't think I can square this circle. Is it Tom Perez?
Join the Becerra train.

Choo choo, motherfucker!!
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