Oh, god, not again....
Oh, god, not again....
Trump having to spend time in Utah during the general? Beautiful.Republicans in Utah are starting to panic about the general election.
Given Clinton and Trump aren't super popular, anyone think that Johnson and/or Stein could siphon votes away from both? They're both going to be in the ballot in all 50 states, right?Monmouth foursome:
Clinton (D) 44% (+7)
Trump (R) 37%
Johnson (L) 9%
Stein (G) 4%
P.S.: Morning Consult is all over the place.
Given Clinton and Trump aren't super popular, anyone think that Johnson and/or Stein could siphon votes away from both? They're both going to be in the ballot in all 50 states, right?
Leahy and Bernie took the same flight back to Washington.
Leahy went coach. Bernie went First Class.
Oh, god, not again....
Bernie still has secret service protection. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt that's why.
Given Clinton and Trump aren't super popular, anyone think that Johnson and/or Stein could siphon votes away from both? They're both going to be in the ballot in all 50 states, right?
Given Clinton and Trump aren't super popular, anyone think that Johnson and/or Stein could siphon votes away from both? They're both going to be in the ballot in all 50 states, right?
I'm gonna go ahead and say that every gun bill fails in the senate today. The GOP is far more interested in being on their knees with their mouths wide open for that sweet, sweet NRA money.
There's no doubt they're going to fail. The reason for the filibuster was to force a vote so Republicans would once again have to vote against common sense regulations that an overwhelming majority of the country supports. This is about having ammo against them in November. (No pun intended.)I'm gonna go ahead and say that every gun bill fails in the senate today. The GOP is far more interested in being on their knees with their mouths wide open for that sweet, sweet NRA money.
Is this referring to how apparent their biases are? Because Amicus is on a decently consistent schedule and mainly opinions, on a relatively narrow subject. Not sure why it belongs on that graph or why it belongs in that location.Can someone speak to the accuracy of this graphic?
A political scientist was arguing that early political ads are useful because they help poll numbers in the short-run, but these early ads have no other impact.... But, is a short-term poll boost helpful at all? The media will just publish stories about your lead dropping the week you stop running these ads.
Early ads seem useless other than for experimentation.
2011-2015 demonstrated if we want real, substantial legislative reforms we need the House too, unfortunately.They probably will, but it's a bad look for the GOP since 80%+ people want gun reform.
It will help us make attack ads for November, and then hopefully when we take the Senate back we can get some actual legislation passed.
Don't worry, two rallies right before they vote will sort it out.
I'm still in a "I'll believe it when I see it" state of mind with Trump and the general election. It all seems too good to be true.I CANNOT BELIEVE TRUMP HAS TO CAMPAIGN IN UTAH
"I regret sending out a tweet today alluding to the firing of Corey Lewandowski. In hindsight, that was too exuberant a reaction to this personnel move. I know this is a distraction from the kind of campaign you want to run, so I'm resigning my position as director of communications for caucus operations at the 2016 Republican Convention. Let's make this immediate," Caputo wrote in a letter to campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, according to a copy obtained by CNN.
The Trump adviser that sent the tweet celebrating Lewandowski's firing just resigned:
First on CNN: Trump adviser resigns after mocking Lewandowski on Twitter
Right. Sandersforpres people and Bernieorbust people are not regular Democratic voters. They are probably Ron Paul voters (ayyy lmao Retro wassup) and didn't vote for Obama anyway.
I really wish we had data on that, supporting Bernie vs Hillary and who they voted for in 2012/2008 if eligible, and if they voted in midterms if eligible
So you were literally "not woke". lolRon Paul's shitty opinions re: abortions and the minimum wage ruined any chance of getting my vote. Just because he is the father of an actual good candidate doesn't mean I automatically like him. I was going to vote for Obama in '12 but woke up too late.
The presumptive GOP nominee is being massively outspent on television airwaves: Between Tuesday and Election Day, Trump has reserved zero dollars in television advertising, compared to $117 million from Hillary Clinton and her allies, according to data from the ad tracking firm Kantar Media/CMAG.
Trump, on the other hand, hasn't bought any television advertising since early May, when he spent a small amount for ads in Indiana and Nebraska. A super PAC supporting him did spend $1.7 million on an ad critical of Clinton this month. That buy was on national cable and didn't focus on the key states that typically decide the November election.
The difference in what viewers see is stark: In the first week of the general election, Clinton and her super PAC ran nearly 4,000 more spots on broadcast and national cable TV than Trump and his allies, according to the Kantar Media data.
Regardless of how much he invests in his own advertising, Trump can be expected to respond to Clinton's ads.
"Believe me folks, they're false ads," he recently told supporters in California. "They are so false. Ah, some of them aren't so false. Mostly."
A political scientist was arguing that early political ads are useful because they help poll numbers in the short-run, but these early ads have no other impact.... But, is a short-term poll boost helpful at all? The media will just publish stories about your lead dropping the week you stop running these ads. This isn't the primary when going from 10% to 15% for a week can be important.
Early ads seem useless other than for experimentation.
This is my favorite stuff to read. We talk about Trump needing to campaign in Utah, but what does that actually mean for him besides hold a couple of rallies? He has no marketing game, no ground game, no state infrastructure.
Early ads are useful for labeling your opponent and framing the narrative around them like you want it. Obama ran summer ads to help label Romney as an out of touch millionaire businessman before the general even really started. Those early ads are just reaching millions of voters for the first time, many never paying attention to the primaries or Trump's comments.A political scientist was arguing that early political ads are useful because they help poll numbers in the short-run, but these early ads have no other impact.... But, is a short-term poll boost helpful at all? The media will just publish stories about your lead dropping the week you stop running these ads. This isn't the primary when going from 10% to 15% for a week can be important.
Early ads seem useless other than for experimentation.
In the poll's demographics, 40% of respondents said they were Democrats compared to just 33% who were Republicans. This 7% Democrat advantage is almost assuredly about 6% above where it should be meaning Clinton's narrow 2% lead should likely be upward of at least a 4% deficit behind Trump.
So you were literally "not woke". lol
At around 9:30 Monday morning, Donald Trump and his adult children gathered for a regular strategy meeting at Trump Tower. Also present were senior staff, including Corey Lewandowski, the campaign's embattled manager. With Trump coming off one of the worst weeks of his campaign a stretch that included racist attacks on a federal judge, renewed calls in the wake of the Orlando massacre to ban Muslim immigrants, and sinking poll numbers the candidate's children, who have been involved in strategy from the beginning, saw an opening to achieve a shared goal: Fire Lewandowski.
According to two sources briefed on the events, the meeting was a setup. Shortly after it began, the children peppered Lewandowski with questions, asking him to explain the campaign's lack of infrastructure. "They went through the punch list. 'Where are we with staffing? Where are we with getting the infrastructure built?'" one source explained. Their father grew visibly upset as he heard the list of failures. Finally, he turned to Lewandowski and said, "What's your plan here?"
Lewandowski responded that he wanted to leak Trump's vice-president pick.
And with that, Lewandowski was out. Trump has long viewed announcing his running mate at the GOP convention next month as a valuable card to play. He was shocked that Lewandowski didn't have any other ideas. Shortly after the meeting, Lewandowski was escorted out of the building by Trump security.
Lewandowski did not respond to calls for comment. Trump's spokesperson, Hope Hicks, did not provide additional details behind the campaign's press release.
Lewandowskis dismissal has been in the works for weeks, and it marks the culmination of an intense lobbying campaign by Trumps three oldest children Ivanka, Eric, and Don Jr. as well as allies of campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who eclipsed Lewandowski to some extent when Trump brought him on earlier this year. For most of the campaign, Trump remained loyal to Lewandowski even during his many scandals, such as the battery charge for allegedly roughing up a female Breitbart News reporter. But in recent weeks, according to sources, Lewandowski crossed lines that ultimately gave his detractors enough ammunition to convince Trump to dump him.
Guys, they haven't even started yet. The campaign doesn't start until after thetire fireconvention. Hillary won't know what hit her.
How Lewandowski was fired:
"The investigation into the State Department email matter is going to be handled like any other matter. We've got career agents and lawyers looking at that. They will follow the facts and follow the evidence wherever it leads and come to a conclusion," Lynch said on "Fox News Sunday."