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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Besides, the FBI is going to indict and cuff her on the night of the convention, then Bernie will come out on a chariot carried by birds, he will win the nom, beat Trump by a bazillion points and the US will become a liberal, socialist utopia.


How dare you almost ruin Cinderella for me. GOAT Disney movie. I will hear nothing against it.

Also, I think the timing of the firing was intentional.

This is the best thing they can come up with to try and control the news cycle. This is LITERALLY the best they can hope for.


I know I'm probably not the first person to think of this issue, but I've never heard it addressed:

How is/was Bernie Sanders going to fund his General Election campaign, if he became the Democratic nominee? He has staunchly refused to take corporate money, but there's no way he can raise enough in individual donations to fund a full-length presidential campaign. In the primaries he was only pulling in like 30 million per month? Obviously he would get money from the DNC, but a lot of that is corporate/WallStreet donations.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I know I'm probably not the first person to think of this issue, but I've never heard it addressed:

How is/was Bernie Sanders going to fund his General Election campaign, if he became the Democratic nominee? He has staunchly refused to take corporate money, but there's no way he can raise enough in individual donations to fund a full-length presidential campaign. In the primaries he was only pulling in like 30 million per month? Obviously he would get money from the DNC, but a lot of that is corporate/WallStreet donations.

His plan is for Trump to be the nominee and then not have to do anything


urghhh, I answered the phone because my mom has been updating me on my dad's heart surgery today and I was afraid the caller id was getting messed up and it turns out it was the democratic senate committee. They were saying that if I gave right then they would get a match for three times the amount, but I really don't like giving money over the phone because I never know who I am really talking to so I said I have given online to both Hillary and DNC and would likely be giving more and that is just the way I like to handle it. But this woman just keeps going on and on and I'm like, "believe me, I totally understand what is at stake, but you need to let me support in the way I am most comfortable supporting." And then she keeps going on and on about the Supreme court etc and I'm like, "you don't have to convince me of the stakes, you just have to allow me to support in the way I choose and making me angry is not helping," and I was even laughing a bit while saying this so it wasn't so bad, but she keeps going on and on and I had to repeat myself and I finally got her to stop.

That's not helpful.
We could do a lot of good shit with then money we spend on worthless things, but good luck getting congress to do anything.

Let's start by means testing Congresscritters. Republicans love the idea of tying a teacher's salary to standardized test scores....I say we tie their pay to how many bills they actually pass in a session.

Also, Lindsay Graham today said:

“The next president, whoever he or she — most likely she — is going to be, needs to get these defense cuts set aside,” Graham said at the Center for a New American Security’s annual conference.

I know he's a terrible person....but I could totally see my self having a kiki with her. We'd be drunk, snarky, southern belles


I worry about him.


He is just rabidly anti-Hillary. That link has a good write-up on him. He's a lot like certain Gaffers: Anyone but Hillary.

Let's start by means testing Congresscritters. Republicans love the idea of tying a teacher's salary to standardized test scores....I say we tie their pay to how many bills they actually pass in a session.

Also, Lindsay Graham today said:

I know he's a terrible person....but I could totally see my self having a kiki with her. We'd be drunk, snarky, southern belles

I mean, I don't hate Louise Graham. He is one of our least offensive Republican congressmen next to Tim Scott. It's our house Republicans that are complete and utter garbage.


I worry about him.

What is up with H.A. Goodman's Twitter account? Why does he spam the same videos and articles like 10 times in a span of 4 hours? I've never seen anyone do that on Twitter.

It's like he heard the old adage about "repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it" and decided to take it completely literally.
This new anti-Strickland ad is so fucking Ohio.

They managed to get the Shoe in there. And, they managed to say "...He lost jobs to Kentucky, Indiana...and even Michigan."



Los Angeles Times: Sanders' delegates in California cling to their dream, unfazed by math

Clinton has about 500 more delegates than the 2,383 needed to claim the nomination, including the superdelegates, while Sanders is about 500 short. She also beat Sanders in the popular vote and the number of states won.

But many of Sanders’ delegates here refuse to accept that, arguing that the race was fixed, that superdelegates backing Clinton could change their minds, or that new revelations in Clinton’s email scandal could force her to leave the race.

And although Sanders’ campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, said publicly several days ago that the campaign no longer is trying to change superdelegates’ minds, officials with Sanders’ campaign, addressing their delegates during a standing-room-only meeting here Sunday, did nothing to quell such thoughts.

“If there's a chance, we want to be in a position to go for it,” said Javier Gonzalez, Sanders’ Western states deputy field director.


During a tense environmental caucus gathering Friday evening, as Sanders delegates urged the crowd to remain true to the insurgent candidate, chairwoman R.L. Miller told the crowd that Clinton’s nomination was inevitable.

“I’m a supporter of Bernie Sanders, but I’m also a realist,” she said. “There’s a point we have to accept what’s happening…. Bernie Sanders is not going to walk out of the convention as the winner.”

The crowd booed and people walked out as others screamed, “Why?” and “You don’t know that!”

It was a constant throughout the state Democrats’ three-day gathering. During Saturday’s general session, as vice chair Alex Rooker called for party unity, a man in the crowd yelled out, “There’s no nominee yet!” Rooker responded that it was a big deal, using an expletive.


Despite polling that shows most of the senator’s supporters will vote for Clinton in the fall, nearly every delegate interviewed here demurred or said they would not.

Asked if she would support Clinton, Shawnee Badger, a community college student and actress, changed the subject and said she had set up a GoFundMe fundraising account to raise the thousands of dollars the trip to Philadelphia will cost.

“I just really want to get Bernie the nomination, and that’s why I’m going to the convention,” said the 22-year-old Valencia resident. “I also want to shed light on the nominating process that disenfranchises voters and push for a progressive platform.”


Needs more labels doe.

bernie is alright but why do I always see so many bad hillarys? even if the artist finds her unattractive or aged it just doesn't go that well with how they exaggerate her

Take her hair off and texture her and she would be a wooden puppet

, beries hair needs work for sure

I like the idea and I appreciate it for what ti is though, not a bad idea overall to me


What is up with H.A. Goodman's Twitter account? Why does he spam the same videos and articles like 10 times in a span of 4 hours? I've never seen anyone do that on Twitter.

It's like he heard the old adage about "repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it" and decided to take it completely literally.

To be fair in a lot of twitter clients you can set it up to repeat a tweet over and over. For promotion and shit. I hope he isn't doing it manually.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is HA Goodman planning to stump for Trump when Hilldawg gets the nom?
No. He'll switch to Jill Stein or Gary johnson.

Omg blue wine coming to America.

Why would I want blue wine? I'm very picky about my alcohol preferences...and blue wine seems so uncivilized.

I made cocktails with dinner. Pineapple vodka and passion fruit nectar with just a hint of lime and squirt.


Why would I want blue wine? I'm very picky about my alcohol preferences...and blue wine seems so uncivilized.

I made cocktails with dinner. Pineapple vodka and passion fruit nectar with just a hint of lime and squirt.


*whisper* that's not pee, it's squirt.
I'm posting a lot at the moment. Sorry.

Anyway some interesting things in the Monmouth poll:

half of all voters (49%) say it is very important to them to make sure Trump is not elected president,compared to 31% who say this is not at all important.

Currently, 21% of voters support and 70% oppose a ban on all Muslims entering the U.S., which Trump first proposed after the San Bernardino attack. Opinion on this proposal back then was a similar 27% support and 65% oppose.

Turning to the issue of gun control, voters are more likely to back a ban on the sale of assault weapons like the kind used in the Orlando shooting, with 52% supporting such a ban and 43% opposing it.


urghhh, I answered the phone because my mom has been updating me on my dad's heart surgery today and I was afraid the caller id was getting messed up and it turns out it was the democratic senate committee.

Had a similar experience with them and it's why I haven't answered "Unknown" calls in months.

Unfortunately there is no way to block them on iPhone. (Don't try to find one, you'll waste your time.)


Had a similar experience with them and it's why I haven't answered "Unknown" calls in months.

Unfortunately there is no way to block them on iPhone. (Don't try to find one, you'll waste your time.)

It was a landline call. I rarely give out my cell phone number due to this kind of thing. If I need to I can block them via my cable company interface because it has an actual phone number.
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