nature boy
Finally a poll the media can use to say "close race"!.
Finally a poll the media can use to say "close race"!.
Trump's Operation Flip visits Maine today. lol.
How nice, they're waving at Bernie!
b-b-but PA is gonna flipYooooo
Battleground bloodbath: Clinton leads Trump in 7 swing states
b-b-but PA is gonna flip
Why are so many poligaffers thinking that Pennsylvania is actually going to flip or be a close race
I do worry generally speaking that because Clinton is also a rather polarizing figure, that voters might just get turned off and vote Johnson or Stein neck, enough to have an impact on the electoral map if enough people would be inclined to vote that way
Fuck no. PA is true blue.Brexit tanking the economy could flip it pretty quick, but I don't think that's realistic.
Because there are a lot of white people in Pennsylvania. It and Ohio are his best chances. Doesn't mean they're great but he has a shot. Just like there's a chance a lion will eat me for breakfast. It's not completely likely, but within the realm of possible.b-b-but PA is gonna flip
Why are so many poligaffers thinking that Pennsylvania is actually going to flip or be a close race
I do worry generally speaking that because Clinton is also a rather polarizing figure, that voters might just get turned off and vote Johnson or Stein, enough to have an impact on the electoral map if enough people would be inclined to vote that way
ME-2 pool had him ahead by one.
Battleground bloodbath: Clinton leads Trump in 7 swing states
NY1 News ‏@NY1 10h10 hours ago
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tells @GeoffRBennett that #Trump is not yet a "serious and credible" candidate
The White House is weeks away from finalizing the convention speech that aides know will be Obamas last big speech with the full political spotlight on him. Planning the fall campaign calendar is further off than that, with the needs of the Clinton campaign and Senate candidates still uncertain.
Its persuasion and turnout. Hes the guy who can do it, said Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, where Obamas expected to spend a significant amount of time into the fall, though adding, Dont discount Bill either.
...but let's give him the honor of nominating Scalia's replacement if he wins in November.Wow.
I mean, you joke, but I feel like if she does get picked as Veep, that is effectively why. Watching the Ohio rally, you do feel pretty hyped for the ticket. Maybe what Warren adds to the equation is enthusiasm. That's something people are always saying team Clinton lacks right now. Plus, it does signal to the far left that Clinton will take their views seriously in a way. Whether that signaling is genuine or perceived as genuine, I have no idea, but yeah. I wasn't immediately taken with the idea at first, but this feels like a really good move. Especially given how insane Warren makes Trump.
I can't stand Hillary (I don't like Bernie, either) but I'll give her campaign money if she puts out some Elizabeth Warren merchandise for sale.
Battleground State Ad Spending (In June)
Colorado: Team Clinton $2.9 million, Team Trump $0
Florida: Team Clinton $7.3 million, Team Trump $0
Iowa: Team Clinton $1.6 million, Team Trump $0
North Carolina: Team Clinton $2.3 million, Team Trump $0
New Hampshire: Team Clinton $1.2 million, Team Trump $0
Nevada: Team Clinton $2.5 million, Team Trump $0
Ohio: Team Clinton $5.6 million, Team Trump $0
Virginia: Team Clinton $2.4 million, Team Trump $0
Total: Team Clinton $25.8 million, Team Trump $0
Battleground State Ad Spending (To Date + Reserved Time)
Total Team Clinton: $140 million
Total Team Trump: $0
Hillary has already given more than any previous winner of the primary process, despite winning by a large margin in every measure able sense. Why is it she always has to come crawling to Bernie?
Bernie's going to end up leading the anti-administration forces in the 2018 midterms under some foolish guise of trying to push Hillary further left.Bernie will tepidly endorse Hillary on January 21, 2017. It should probably sink in at that point that he will not be the Democratic nominee. Well, at least until he tries to primary her in 2020.
Has she offered him the nomination yet? That might make him be quiet. Maybe.Yep.
What more could he possibly want? They've already bent over backwards for him. You don't get the ENTIRE platform when you've lost.
His reasoning for staying in no longer makes sense. Anything to keep from admitting you lost, I guess.
Battleground bloodbath: Clinton leads Trump in 7 swing states
Bernie's going to end up leading the anti-administration forces in the 2018 midterms under some foolish guise of trying to push Hillary further left.
His convention speech is gonna be one for the books. I'm legit hyped for it. All of the others I'm sure will be fine and good, but i think Obama's will be the one to watch.
Until his Farewell Address in January.
Yeah but numbers don't help me feel better, ya know? The only number I see is "Press 2 for Spanish" and that's a number I don't like!Britain and America have a 5% unemployment rate and we're blaming the rising fascism in both countries on neo-liberalism and a "failed economy"?
what utter nonsense.
Battleground bloodbath: Clinton leads Trump in 7 swing states
This doesn't seem like great news to be honest...he gets way too much support by just doing nothing.
Obama and Clinton will make their first joint campaign appearance in Charlotte, NC next Tuesday.
Q poll internals
Men: Trump 47-34
Women: Clinton 50-33
White: DT 47-34
Black: HC 91-1
Hispanic: HC 50-33
18-34: HC 48-23
>65: DT 51-35
Obama and Clinton will make their first joint campaign appearance in Charlotte, NC next Tuesday.
It's not often you see a politician hype up a poll they're losing in