Trump is doubling down.
The Manafort era is a flop. Sad!
Trump is doubling down.
Lol perfect.And then whatever he answers, just say "how PC of you."
I don't know why Hillary would dredge this up actually. Jews overwhelmingly will support her. Just seems to be opening herself up to angry press releases by shithead!
Yeah... I don't think he knows how bad this could get for him. Up until now the broader internet has just been happy to mock and laugh at Trump over countless available topics to choose from. Once it starts to actually matter for power and global stability, where attacks are often done straight to his face? Differently handled. The Clinton campaign opened up just a sample of this material in the past few weeks and he really didn't take it well.This amounts to a whole lot of "wah wah stop bullying me!"
Get use to it, Donald.
does he write his own press releases? Kinda reads like it
Did Hillary's people ever mention it though? I thought it was the media and other twitter people.
Donald Trumps use of a blatantly anti-Semitic image from racist websites to promote his campaign would be disturbing enough, but the fact that its a part of a pattern should give voters major cause for concern, said Sarah Bard, Clintons director of Jewish outreach, in a statement. Now, not only won't he apologize for it, he's peddling lies and blaming others.
I don't think her team even brought it up, Trump might just buy into the idea that she's got the media around her little finger though. If she did though, well played. Keeps it in the news cycle for another few days and Trump on the back foot.
I think John Miller writes Trump's press releases, Trump's publicist.
Oh, also. I upheld my civic duty today.
Hillary herself hasn't mentioned it as far as I know, but someone from her campaign did:
He just put all the circles on top of each other and messed up the scale.Sheriff's badges have circles on the ends of the points:![]()
He can't though. He's unable to let anything go. It's insane.God this whole star thing is so stupid. You swiped some anti Semitic shit off 8 chan Trump. Take the L and move on.
does he write his own press releases? Kinda reads like it
God this whole star thing is so stupid. You swiped some anti Semitic shit off 8 chan Trump. Take the L and move on.
This Lewandowski shit is truly disgusting, by the way. It's so absurd that CNN hired him. I honestly think they needed somebody to take a pro-Trump position to make their talking head panels seem more balanced and couldn't find anybody else.
The funny thing is, it was the internet that called him out on it first, not Hillary. This amounts to a whole lot of "wah wah stop bullying me!"
Get use to it, Donald.
Did they get rid of Jeff Lord?This Lewandowski shit is truly disgusting, by the way. It's so absurd that CNN hired him. I honestly think they needed somebody to take a pro-Trump position to make their talking head panels seem more balanced and couldn't find anybody else.
I want to know why he's still pro Trump! You got embarrassed and fired and you are still going to stan? Guy is like Rihanna post Chris Brown.
I participated in that discussion and this simply isn't accurate. It was remarked that a lot of the most vocal Sanders supporters--especially online--were younger white males that often feel marginalized by society. A lot of Trump supporters are the same, too! It's not limited to either party or a specific candidate.
Also, I remember talking about how a lot of the stereotypical "Bernie Bro," "Berniesplaining," and levels of Twitter harassment looked a whole lot like the Gamergate brigading style. That doesn't make them supporters. It's just a remark on their methods.Also this.
This Lewandowski shit is truly disgusting, by the way. It's so absurd that CNN hired him. I honestly think they needed somebody to take a pro-Trump position to make their talking head panels seem more balanced and couldn't find anybody else.
This Lewandowski shit is truly disgusting, by the way. It's so absurd that CNN hired him. I honestly think they needed somebody to take a pro-Trump position to make their talking head panels seem more balanced and couldn't find anybody else.
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro is being vetted as a potential running mate for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, according to a Democratic source familiar with the process.
Castro, 41, would be the first Hispanic candidate on a presidential ticket. His selection could help Clinton energize Hispanic voters and sharpen her contrast with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has courted controversy with his anti-immigrant proposals and incendiary rhetoric.
The inclusion of Castro on the list of potential vice presidential candidates is not unexpected. The Associated Press first reported on June 21 that he was being vetted by the Clinton campaign, along with Warren and Kaine.
As the Clinton campaign reviews his professional and personal records, Castro has continued to play coy.
At the Texas Democratic Convention last month, he told reporters he was not being vetted and downplayed the likelihood of his nomination.
This Lewandowski shit is truly disgusting, by the way. It's so absurd that CNN hired him. I honestly think they needed somebody to take a pro-Trump position to make their talking head panels seem more balanced and couldn't find anybody else.
Right, but whoever had the Tom Perez avatar made more than one post explicating that a vote for Bernie was "a vote for Gamergate".
Meh. I'm no Trump supporter, but the star complaints are a bit stupid to me. Its a 6 pointed star. Not every 6 pointed star means "Jew" let alone "I'm a nazi". In fact, every representation I've ever seen shows the Star of David as two actual triangles. They're not really the same thing. It reeks of the usual disgusting internet bullying to me.God this whole star thing is so stupid. You swiped some anti Semitic shit off 8 chan Trump. Take the L and move on.
Meh. I'm no Trump supporter, but the star complaints are a bit stupid to me. Its a 6 pointed star. Not every 6 pointed star means "Jew" let alone "I'm a nazi". In fact, every representation I've ever seen shows the Star of David as two actual triangles. They're not really the same thing. It reeks of the usual disgusting internet bullying to me.
In fact, it reeks of the same "politically correct bullshit" he's usually railing on, I'm surprised he didn't just turn it to that to rally his base around. "I can't even draw a star without these people getting upset now. If I draw a 5 pointed one, I'm sure I'll get letters about me worshiping Satan."
But I agree, this "No, it was a sheriff star!" shit .... yeah that's just dumb.
Meh. I'm no Trump supporter, but the star complaints are a bit stupid to me. Its a 6 pointed star. Not every 6 pointed star means "Jew" let alone "I'm a nazi". In fact, every representation I've ever seen shows the Star of David as two actual triangles. They're not really the same thing. It reeks of the usual disgusting internet bullying to me.
In fact, it reeks of the same "politically correct bullshit" he's usually railing on, I'm surprised he didn't just turn it to that to rally his base around. "I can't even draw a star without these people getting upset now. If I draw a 5 pointed one, I'm sure I'll get letters about me worshiping Satan."
But I agree, this "No, it was a sheriff star!" shit .... yeah that's just dumb.
Right, but whoever had the Tom Perez avatar made more than one post explicating that a vote for Bernie was "a vote for Gamergate".
The foe-to-friend story will be at the center of the Obama-Clinton show in Charlotte, North Carolina, aides to both say. In his remarks, the president will act as a character witness for his former secretary of state, who is struggling to convince voters of her trustworthiness and honesty. There is no better politician to testify on her behalf, many Democrats believe, than the man who once counted himself among the Clinton skeptics but came around to be one of her biggest boosters.
Obama and Clinton originally planned to make their first campaign appearance together in Wisconsin, a Democratic-leaning state where Clinton struggled in her primary fight with Bernie Sanders. Campaign aides viewed the rally as a way to forge Democratic unity after the bruising primary and consolidate the partys voters in a state Clinton needs to carry in November.
But the June 15 rally was postponed due to the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub. By the time the campaign and White House got around to rescheduling, Clinton aides said the landscape had shifted they are now far less worried about bringing along Bernie Sanders voters and more interested in using the president to rallying voters in one of the most divided general election battlegrounds.
In fact, every representation I've ever seen shows the Star of David as two actual triangles. They're not really the same thing. It reeks of the usual disgusting internet bullying to me.
It was lifted from a chan or something. Hardly neo-nazi, just post-ironically right.The stars used by Nazi Germany to identify Jews were filled in...
It was lifted by a neo nazi website, I don't really get where the argument about what the star represents is coming from. It wasn't used on accident.
It was lifted from a chan or something. Hardly neo-nazi, just post-ironically right.
/pol/ and its offshoots haven't been ironic for years. Pretty much just imageboard Stormfront.It was lifted from a chan or something. Hardly neo-nazi, just post-ironically right.
There are about eight people here who were incredibly vicious and hateful toward any Sanders supporters here. I think sometimes people forget that there are actual people behind the forum posts and those people -- for the most part -- believe the same things you do. I can only hope that the eight I mentioned are not working for the Clinton campaign in any official capacity because that vitriol is not the way to win votes.
The user that Makai is talking about is still posting in this thread. I have him on ignore.