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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Meh. I'm no Trump supporter, but the star complaints are a bit stupid to me. Its a 6 pointed star. Not every 6 pointed star means "Jew" let alone "I'm a nazi". In fact, every representation I've ever seen shows the Star of David as two actual triangles. They're not really the same thing. It reeks of the usual disgusting internet bullying to me.

In fact, it reeks of the same "politically correct bullshit" he's usually railing on, I'm surprised he didn't just turn it to that to rally his base around. "I can't even draw a star without these people getting upset now. If I draw a 5 pointed one, I'm sure I'll get letters about me worshiping Satan."

Not a Trump supporter, but you managed to hit all the talking points, and then to claim that really it's Trump who is the victim of internet bullying. Ignoring that this image originated from Neonazi sites, and that he's been retweeting white supremacist bullshit the entire campaign. It's fitting, as Gamergate originated in the same place.

Also note that "these people" you mentioned above include Jews.
The stars used by Nazi Germany to identify Jews were filled in...

It was lifted by a neo nazi website, I don't really get where the argument about what the star represents is coming from. It wasn't used on accident.



Yeah, I'd say a filled in Jewish star still counts as Jewish, especially on this neo-Nazi site that Trump pulled this image from.


By the way, I'm pretty sure the Twitter user this was lifted from posts a bunch of racist memes; at least that's what the Mic report found.

By continuing to talk about this the campaign is just digging themselves further into a hole, just as Trump did with his attacks on the "Mexican" judge.


How does this even happen? Is somebody just like, "this looks good, boss"

Or is Trump personally searching for memes to retweet
I don't think Trump is a neo Nazi or has neo Nazi sympathizers on his social media team. However I think Trump and his entire campaign are like a delusional uncle or granddad who fowards every conspiracy theory email he comes across, plus some blatantly racist stories about how the media won't talk about black on white violence.

So basically...he's a dumb racist surrounded by dumb racists. Maybe "classic racist" is a better term. Blacks are lazy, Hispanics are violent, Jews have money, Asians rip you off, etc. Give him a couple bourbons and he'll talk shit about Polish people too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Unlike the Curiel thing, this is not public enough to blow up. Like Trump is not up there attacking Sheriffs. lol


Sidhe / PikPok
Not a Trump supporter, but you managed to hit all the talking points, and then to claim that really it's Trump who is the victim of internet bullying. Ignoring that this image originated from Neonazi sites, and that he's been retweeting white supremacist bullshit the entire campaign. It's fitting, as Gamergate originated in the same place.

Not to mention that the overall image itself, not even including the "star" aspect, is over the top "bullying" rhetoric insomuch that it is unfairly besmirching her character.

Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever? Please. Trump's statement here and tactics are schoolyard level.


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I remember everybody here Diablosing after he got 3rd place in Iowa. People are silly.

If not for Trump, I think there's a good chance he could have won the nomination. Hell, Rubio might have been the most competitive candidate versus Hillary. Even if he's somewhat dopey, he's young and charismatic in ways that she isn't. A hypothetical Rubio campaign high on slogans and low on ideology could have kept a lot of young and Hispanic voters from slipping out of the Republican camp.


If not for Trump, I think there's a good chance he could have won the nomination. Hell, Rubio might have been the most competitive candidate versus Hillary. Even if he's somewhat dopey, he's young and charismatic in ways that she isn't. A hypothetical Rubio campaign high on slogans and low on ideology could have kept a lot of young and Hispanic voters from slipping out of the Republican camp.

I'm not sure he could have won a general. Look at how poorly he did in the Florida primary, his own state. He's one of those guys who really embodies the worst things about politicians, saying whatever he has to at that moment, and he is basically anti-charisma and kinda crazy about his religious beliefs.

His immigration stance being reasonable would make the Hispanic vote share more split though.
everything is just lol to me now

Every week it's something else. Says congrats to the Scots for voting Leave! Making a speech in front of a literal wall of garbage! Doubling down on star of David misuse!



Trump will be campaigning with Bob Corker tomorrow. Did anyone pick Bob Corker for VP?

Is Bob Corker ready to be asked about anti-Semitic memes?


Yeah, I don't agree with everything but it's overall a good package of ideas.

we've been so overwhelmingly pathetic on antitrust shit for the last few decades that its embarrassing. It's good that someone is actually interested in not bowing down to the almighty US tech industry by letting them run roughshod over smaller competitors because people like them


There are about eight people here who were incredibly vicious and hateful toward any Sanders supporters here. I think sometimes people forget that there are actual people behind the forum posts and those people -- for the most part -- believe the same things you do. I can only hope that the eight I mentioned are not working for the Clinton campaign in any official capacity because that vitriol is not the way to win votes.

Eight people? PoliGaf has some bad apples but eight?
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