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FGC Waterboy
False equivalency; wealth inequality is getting worse, but that's not because the poor are getting poorer (generally) but because the rich are getting richer. 2/3 of the vanishing American middle class is moving UP out of the bracket. The 1/3 is a problem, to be sure, but treating wealth inequality as the be-all end-all is missing the point, largely. The refrigerator image gets rightly mocked, but at the same time, if standard of living is going up it's going up.

Now, all that isn't to say that we don't have a wealth distribution issue. That 1/3 of the middle class departures going downwards is largely due to eroded worker rights and the demise of pro-worker culture in the States, but that doesn't require a radical departure from capitalism to fix, it needs stronger unions.

But, again, fighting to solve or reduce inequality is not the same as "screw the rich." Wealth isn't finite. You can make the poor richer without making the rich poorer, or at least, not significantly poorer. This is demonstrated by the effects of globalization on real-world poverty statistics. The worker's rights issues presented are admittedly pretty goddamn far from ideal, but it still beats starving to death, and it opens up the possibility of the transition to something better.

99% sure the bolded isn't true.


In 2013, the median income of U.S. households was $51,939, down substantially from $55,562 in 2001 (figures in 2013 dollars).


The definition here starts at $35,000 — which is about 50 percent higher than the official poverty level for a family of four — and ends at the six-figure mark. Although many Americans in households making more than $100,000 consider themselves middle class, particularly those living in expensive regions like the Northeast and Pacific Coast, they have substantially more money than most people.

Even as the American middle class has shrunk, it has gone through a transformation. The 53 million households that remain in the middle class — about 43 percent of all households — look considerably different from their middle-class predecessors of a previous generation, according to a New York Times analysis of census data.

In recent years, the fastest-growing component of the new middle class has been households headed by people 65 and older. Today’s seniors have better retirement benefits than previous generations. Also, older Americans are increasingly working past traditional retirement age. More than eight million, or 19 percent, were in the labor force in 2013, nearly twice as many as in 2000.

As a result, while median household income, on average, has fallen 9 percent since the turn of the century, it has jumped 14 percent among households headed by older adults.

“In the Great Recession, we lost a lot of middle-income jobs and we gained a lot of low-paying jobs,” said Michael R. Strain, resident scholar at the right-of-center American Enterprise Institute. “That’s a slower-burning thing, but it increased in ferocity during the recession, and people are feeling it.”

For more than two decades, John D’Amanda, 54, earned about $30,000 a year running a window-washing service in Oakland, Calif. He had a car and an apartment. Then, in 2009, the calls stopped coming in. His customers no longer had the luxury of paying for someone to wash their windows.

Mr. D’Amanda got a job at a McDonald’s, where he has worked ever since, now earning 25 cents above the state’s new minimum wage of $9. He pays $350 a month in rent to share a small bedroom with a roommate.

According to a New York Times poll in December, 60 percent of people who call themselves middle class think that if they work hard they will get rich. But the evidence suggests that goal is increasingly out of reach. When middle class people look up, they see the rich getting richer while they spin their wheels.

“The middle has basically stayed the same; it hasn’t improved,” said Lawrence F. Katz, an economist at Harvard University. “You’ve got an iPhone now and a better TV, but your median income hasn’t changed. What’s really changed is the penthouse has become supernice.”

It's my main disagreement with Clinton's economic polices - there is a push towards upper middle class. The pie is getting bigger overall but certain groups are getting a bigger and bigger percentage of said pie.


This eliminates Kaine from the running, as far as I'm concerned.

As much as I hate to admit it, Hillary needs to pick the cleanest candidate in the running. Because Comey just gave the GOP enough ammo to drag out this email crap for months.

And nobody will be able to convince that wasn't the entire point.

This is part of why I wanted to switch my prediction to Warren. Team Clinton is almost assuredly keenly aware that one of her biggest issues with convinceable voters is the Trust factor. She needs to mitigate that somehow, and the VP pick is one of her biggest decisions of the cycle. Warren is quite clean on her image as an elected official.


Been getting anime girl ads forced upon me by neogaf lately. The other one showed an Asian cartoon character evolving larger breasts as she leveled up from 1 to 5 to 10.


This is all very dignified

Can't wait for the mountain dew and fleshlight ads in the future

What are CVS and why would you need 200 of them

Hold on, I been watching a senran kagura let's play on YouTube


Should this post be considered modern art?


remember me
Even Trump's friends won't speak at his convention. Sad!

Report: Tom Brady won’t attend Republican National Convention

Though rumors have swirled about a possible Tom Brady appearance at the Republican National Convention, it appears that the Patriots quarterback won’t be in attendance after all.

According to a report from ESPN’s Adam Schefter, Brady won’t fulfill the vague promises made by presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. In June, Trump alluded to getting “great sports people” to speak at the RNC, which will take place in Cleveland July 18-21.
This eliminates Kaine from the running, as far as I'm concerned.

As much as I hate to admit it, Hillary needs to pick the cleanest candidate in the running. Because Comey just gave the GOP enough ammo to drag out this email crap for months.

And nobody will be able to convince that wasn't the entire point.

Yeah Comey comes off as someone who is, likely for political reasons, pissed that he actually couldn't find anything to charge her with.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Yeah Comey comes off as someone who is, likely for political reasons, pissed that he actually couldn't find anything to charge her with.

Yep, that's the obvious explanation as to why he broke all decorum with the announcement. I'm actually a bit disappointed, I expected better, but everything is politicized now.


A Good Citizen
Been getting anime girl ads forced upon me by neogaf lately. The other one showed an Asian cartoon character evolving larger breasts as she leveled up from 1 to 5 to 10.


This is all very dignified

Can't wait for the mountain dew and fleshlight ads in the future

What are CVS and why would you need 200 of them

Hold on, I been watching a senran kagura let's play on YouTube

CV = character voice(s)

Another term for voice actor/actresses.


remember me
This guy. The times had a piece about how old his planes are, so it's hilarious that he would bring this up.

Other topics explored included: Obama’s carbon footprint for flying in an “old” plane (Air Force One), Trump’s ability to phone into televisions shows, Obama’s golf schedule and proof that Trump did indeed have real hair.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...ama-plane-saddam-hussein-225148#ixzz4DblWCyFR

A close look at Mr. Trump’s two airplanes — the 757 and a smaller jet used on the campaign trail — and three helicopters, however, suggests that their value rests chiefly in their marketing potential, with the Trump stamp of status masking the fleet’s age.

Four of the five aircraft are more than 20 years old, a rarity for most billionaires



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Near the end of his speech, Trump, smiling broadly, entertained the crowd with the readout of a hypothetical future phone call with him, the governor and lieutenant governor of North Carolina — state leaders whom he singled out for extensive praise over the course of his remarks.

In this call, the state leaders would beg Trump to stop all of America’s “winning” because North Carolina residents were so sick of it. In response, Trump said he would have to decline, regretfully informing the pair that he would keep America on its winning ways.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...ama-plane-saddam-hussein-225148#ixzz4Dbopwnbu
It scares me that there are adults who are excited by this inane fantasy.


So let's recap.
Comey hands Trump a slam dunk while everyone from the GOP is dismayed there's no actual indictment. We can still kick Clinton while she's down. Go get her Donny.

Trump uses these fine talking points to extol the virtues of murdering your own citizens instead. 5D chess and all, pivot.gif

Meanwhile the GOP is already prepping the bus to throw Comey under while Bams and Clinton get the show going. Was busy, did I miss anything else?


Been getting anime girl ads forced upon me by neogaf lately. The other one showed an Asian cartoon character evolving larger breasts as she leveled up from 1 to 5 to 10.


This is all very dignified

Can't wait for the mountain dew and fleshlight ads in the future

What are CVS and why would you need 200 of them

Hold on, I been watching a senran kagura let's play on YouTube


I am glad all the ninja girls are well qualified and have good CVs. It's important to make sure you are attractive to potential employers.
GOP congress investigating Hillary Clinton? What else is new?
A Clinton isn't even in office and the 90's started! Just goes to show that Clinton Derangement Syndrome was real before Obama took over. This is exactly how the next 8 years are going to play out. Time for a special prosecutor to investigate why the previous investigation into the fbi investigation of Clinton emails turned nothing. Just to be sure that we didn't overlook anything, might as well do another Benghazi hearing!


Yeah Comey comes off as someone who is, likely for political reasons, pissed that he actually couldn't find anything to charge her with.

Honestly I read that statement as more of a CYA than anything else. He knows as soon as his statement comes out the GOP is going to call for firing and investigating him. He needs to do everything possible to make clear exactly what was done and what the conclusions were. Like, he can't afford to say "Hillary didn't delete any classified emails." He has to say "there were some deleted emails, and some were recovered, and of them two were classified, and we have no reason to believe the ones that were deleted that we didn't recover were deleted with malicious intent." Otherwise it'll immediately be a topic at the Congressional hearing.


-Lawl Ryan trying to hold hearings on the FBI investigation? Just what does he think he is going to accomplish here? The Benghazi hearings did fuck all for them so now I guess they're just going to defy the FBI? I think that by keeping Hillary in the spotlight over some kind of investigation or hearing, it helps keep her negatives up. Seriously though, what are they going to do? Call in people who worked with Comey and grill them on how they came to their conclusion? Who is to say the FBI would even comply with those requests?

-What the hell, Bernie? You lost. Please drop out and endorse. Even if Bernie isn't running as an independent, his unwillingness to endorse could really hurt Hillary if this election is even closer than anticipated. Remember, we will have two third party candidates, one who will be on the ballot in all 50 states. A Sanders endorsement is really important.

-Young people who really hate Hillary and feel like they have nowhere else to go are extremely frustrating. Their inability to realize the alternative reality that is a Donald Trump Presidency is utterly pathetic. Sanders will never be President, please get over it and come back to reality, or else Trump will be our President. Thank you.

Seriously, bringing up #Dexit, #Bernieorbust, etc. on Twitter really confirms that we have a left-wing Tea Party and it's just depressing as hell. It's just an echo chamber that gets nothing done -- kind of like Bernie.


Well, Sanders won't be speaking at the convention. What a fuckwit.

I almost have built up the frustration to go back and collect a list of all the people who said this would not happen.
As I recall, I was told I was getting worried over nothing. Sanders would endorse after the primaries were over, etc, etc.

I'll eat crow. I was so sure he'd drop out and endorse after DC at the latest. He's not being a rational actor so I give up predicting anything he's going to do

But, I don't think this will matter in the end anyway.

: wags finger in your general direction :

I got u bro



I have a lot of free time these days.

I love you


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That report from the UK sure makes the Hillary email story seem so petty.
It's also going to take up some of the news cycle this evening, it's too well connected to US Politics.


Sidhe / PikPok
What the hell, Bernie? You lost. Please drop out and endorse. Even if Bernie isn't running as an independent, his unwillingness to endorse could really hurt Hillary if this election is even closer than anticipated. Remember, we will have two third party candidates, one who will be on the ballot in all 50 states. A Sanders endorsement is really important.

Seems he wasn't being genuine when he repeatedly said he'd do everything possible to help defeat Trump. Apparently, taking your ball and going home is more important.


That report from the UK sure makes the Hillary email story seem so petty.
It's also going to take up some of the news cycle this evening, it's too well connected to US Politics.

I was going to say, although it's focused on the UK government and its failings, there's a lot here that doesn't reflect well on the Bush administration (especially the findings about the Joint Intelligence Committee)


Seems he wasn't being genuine when he repeatedly said he'd do everything possible to help defeat Trump. Apparently, taking your ball and going home is more important.
What's he going to do at his "victory" rally? That's what I want to know.

Morning Joe is up in arms about Hillary. I feel like im watching Fox.

If the "above the law" narrative sticks this could hurt Hillary. But it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. An indictment would have ended her campaign.


He could have decided that the best way to endorse with his supporters is outside the convention - which will be an entirely HIllary party at this point, and where a lot of his supporters won't be able to go.

He'll get prime time coverage for it in the hope that he does something inflammatory.


Sidhe / PikPok
Bernie isn't going to tank Clinton, relax it'll be fine.

Opting out of the convention pretty much ensures he is no longer a factor.

An endorsement would have helped. A positive, unifying speech at the convention would have helped.

But with Obama, Biden, Warren, and Bill behind Hillary, she doesn't need his support and whatever message he still has will be lucky to get any airtime.
Sanders doesn't matter, nor do the 15-20% of his supporters who wouldn't vote for Hillary regardless. The party has moved on and is nearly unified. Warren and now Obama have turned the page on Sanders completely...

If he wants to pretend to be a candidate for a few more weeks, go ahead. He's not hurting anyone and at this point has lost his leverage. At this time, having seen Trump implode for weeks, I can't imagine why anyone would be worried about Bernie Sanders. It's over, let him have his run by himself.


Fox is saying Comey could testify as early as tomorrow. Hope he schools them and doesn't play politics.

He spent 14 minutes criticsicing her and then one minute at the end saying "Nevermind that, not going to inditet". Even Politico has an article up saying he went a lot further than any previous FBI director in politiscing this. I absolutely agree with the earlier poster who said this felt more like him giving as much room and space as possible for Republcian attacks.

He's not going to school anyone in a hearing, he'll just do the same spiel where he criticises her for ages, and then at the end says it's not prosecutable.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I still think this Comey/House investigation hurts Hillary more than people think. It's going to create multiple commercials of an official sitting in front of Congress openly criticizing a presidential candidate, calling her careless and stating she obviously didn'the care about secrecy or safety. The optics of this are damaging.
I still think this Comey/House investigation hurts Hillary more than people think. It's going to create multiple commercials of an official sitting in front of Congress openly criticizing a presidential candidate, calling her careless and stating she obviously didn'the care about secrecy or safety. The optics of this are damaging.

I agree, this has the risk of sticking to Clinton until election day.

But then people go "do I vote for Trump"?


I still think this Comey/House investigation hurts Hillary more than people think. It's going to create multiple commercials of an official sitting in front of Congress openly criticizing a presidential candidate, calling her careless and stating she obviously didn'the care about secrecy or safety. The optics of this are damaging.
What's the alternative? Hillary gets indicted and that's even worse.

I agree though. The optics are bad. Really bad.


What's the alternative? Hillary gets indicted and that's even worse.

I agree though. The optics are bad. Really bad.

The alternative was the FBI director doesn't use his post as a partisan platform to attack a candidate, even though there's no room at all for a prosecution. Like I said, when even Politico puts a story up saying "This is unprecedented, this is not how you normally do these things" something is up.
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