I was going to post exactly this but couldn't get the words right.
The USA is the worlds largest single economy. It is also, for better or for worse, the leader of the West and the worlds only remaining superpower. Culturally it impacts on the world everyday in ways we can't even imagine.
It's not going to shift to universal income before someone else does. It would be wrong for it to do so - supposing it didn't work, at all? The world can't *afford* for the USA to be leaping off into the dark with untested policies, no matter how great we think they are.
The USA isn't Denmark may sound trite, but for something like universal income I'm afraid it's true. We need to see how it works elsewhere before we potentially blow up the single most important in the world.
I can understand that, but it would also appear that the Obama administration wants to get ahead of this train, which leaves us in a pickle. Sitting and thinking this will be an issue for the next generation is now assuming it's further down the road that it may actually be. We kind of cannot go halfway about it now, for that will still be prone for a disaster. So what do we do? Lead from behind? Be worldwide failures like we are with health "care" or social inequality? I prefer Obama's stance is we work with what we have while building the floor for where we're moving; it's not an either/or, but an and approach. I didn't get that sense of direction from Clinton's answers. It spoke more status quo, patching the boat as it's sinking sort of thing. Patch the boat and get a new one is what the game should be.
The Chief of Staff Denis McDonough outright stated the United States should lead the world by example with responses to automation, both in the domain of jobs and their insecurity, but also with their concerns applied to weaponry, but that's a topic I'm not too familiar on. He even stated just this week that a basic income program is a serious thing we need to consider in the next decade or so, not 50 years down the road. I find it very contrasting, and perhaps alarming, that Obama is on his way out and has been absolutely on point here, but Hillary kind of isn't. Again, she's worked with people while being Secretary of State who have made the same arguments the administration is now making, and the fact she's not in line with them is startling.
You know the American Way™ will be we seriously consider it in 150 years, because we will only act neck-deep in a problem before saying "uh oh" about it...
And I do believe another country absolutely will be the first to fire before America. I think Canada makes the best present-day reasons for the program, for they focus on mental health and present poverty.