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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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He has kinda droopy eyes I suppose? Unless you're wondering what prompted it in the first place. I assume Todd was a meanie about something

Yeah, I mean, all you have to do is make a bad comment about Trump and you get an ad hominem attack, it's just what he does. See: Kareem.


FGC Waterboy
Haven't they already done the latter and use it as a good excuse to raise tuition fees for their students? Making centers and the like even their own students don't want in places?

That's probably a big issue at the more famed institutions.

I mean, we don't have the total plan yet, but her debt free college plan did tackle a lot of the things you're talking about. In fact, that was one of her biggest criticisms of Bernie's plan, that there was no form of cost control on the colleges/universities. From a quick read through on Huff Post, it looks like her plan gets rid of in-state tuition for those making under $125k. I'm sure there would be something for those making more than $125k, although current assistance is limited to Loans.

5 and 6 seem nebulous and impossible to enforce. Outside of maybe law school, you can't enforce outcomes unless colleges can control the global economy. But there's some decent stuff there. Skeptical about state contributions as well.

The college question is one that's a bit more complicated than just free tuition. I think state funding going to crap raised the tuition of state schools, which were serving as a control on private school tuition. Add in the corporate mentality in the last two decades and boom - you have a recipe for disaster. Hell, if you want to have some fun, threaten to tax endowments over a set number unless that money is committed to being spent on students or professors.

Yeah I don't think some voters on the right realize how much the ACA has helped people.

Pure and unrestricted capitalism being applied to healthcare is pretty disgusting, but maybe they just don't get it until it affects them or someone close to them.

There's an older hispanic lady in my group therapy who was in tears yesterday talking about how she can't afford an important operation, and we talked to her about some options she has that can *likely* get her the surgery she needs, but those wouldn't be possible without the ACA. I think we still have a long way to go, particularly on making these disability assistance programs more clear to people (RE: Obama forgiving student loan debt for people on disability because some were still paying it, not realizing they could get out of it), but I'm really proud of what we've accomplished in Obama's presidency. I'm glad that even though I was skeptical of government healthcare programs in 2008 I decided to vote for the man I thought was more intellectual and more compassionate. I was a dumb kid lol.

Some folks would rather have lower taxes and leave people who need healthcare to rot? It's like, oneofadamsnopedraggifs.gif

Health care doesn't work with unfettered capitalism. I'm a pretty strong believer in single payer national health care with price controls ala Europe.

Anyone been listening to the 538 kitchen table podcasts? Been definitely enjoying those. Also, the Sunday Long Read email done by Don Van Natta Jr.


remember me
This is so weird.


Donald Trump revives one of his oldest Twitter nicknames to mock 'Sleepy Eyes' Chuck Todd

During a Wednesday appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Todd said he was "stunned at how badly Donald Trump is botching" a "gift" from FBI director James Comey, who delivered a stern statement Tuesday on condemning Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system as secretary of state.

Including his pair of Wednesday tweets, Trump has called Todd "Sleepy Eyes" a total of 16 times since 2012.

So now we are at

15$ minimum wage

In state public college free to families making under 125k

modern version of the glass steagall act..

All part of the dem platform now. And yet.. "these are "moderate" concessions, still not liberal enough. Why should I believe them? Not doing enough to earn my vote!"

This is these people. This is exactly what they look like.


They did lose things like Israel-Palestine conflict plan, opposing the TPP, carbon tax, and single-payer. There is also a chance that some of things will be voted down in the convention I think. Although, many of these people want it to be completely be about Bernie's idea.


New Republic: There Will Be Blood

They’ve got murder on their minds now.

At the previous Donald Trump rally I’d attended, in Greensboro, North Carolina, Hillary Clinton was called a “bitch” more times that I could count. “Trump That Bitch” was the most common refrain. They shouted it from the rafters, wore T-shirts emblazoned with it. But at a rally in Raleigh on Tuesday night, a new cry rang out:

“Hang that bitch!”

The anger among Trump supporters toward the presumptive Democratic nominee apparently had escalated in the past month, perhaps especially so after FBI Director James Comey announced on Tuesday morning that he would not seek criminal charges against Clinton over her email scandal. This was a travesty against justice, obvious proof of corruption. As Trump said on stage, “Today is the best evidence ever, that we’ve seen, that our system is absolutely, totally rigged.”

Clinton might have escaped criminal justice, but this mob had a different kind of justice in mind. Trumping that bitch was no longer good enough. Now they wanted her dead.


I didn't. I pointed out he'd go until the convention. I also predicted back in December Sanders would win more than 16 states. A significant number of people here thought he'd only win Vermont, and very few thought any more than Vermont and New Hampshire.

We should all hand our analyst badges in.
But did you predict Leave


Oh, I'm so torn....

On one hand, I don't appreciate anyone going after someone's looks. On the other hand....man, fuck Chuck Todd.

I've only ever seen a few minutes of Meet the Press, so I don't know much about him - is he like Wolf Blitzer, Morning Joe, or Don Lemon levels of bad?


I didn't. I pointed out he'd go until the convention. I also predicted back in December Sanders would win more than 16 states. A significant number of people here thought he'd only win Vermont, and very few thought any more than Vermont and New Hampshire.

We should all hand our analyst badges in.

I kept saying as early as last summer if Bernie won Iowa or New Hampshire (preferably both) the race would go to June. I didn't say the race would necessarily be competitive into June, just that it would go into June. I was heavily mocked.


That was when he was the main man on top of delegate math during the democratic primary. Afterwords he just proved to be another dopey newsguy.
And electoral math. We'd get excited when he brought out the inkboard to shuffle states around. Now he's more of a conventional pundit, so the shine has come off.

Seems like Kornacki has the numbers job nowadays..


Yeah, everyone is better when they're just a correspondent and not a person behind the chair. I don't like Todd as much as most of the other Sunday folk (Dickerson, Zakaria, Tapper), but he has had some solid correspondents come out of his tenure.

Hell, Katy Tur has been one of my personal new MVPs this election cycle, largely coming from Todd's team. (also Katy is bae)


H. A. Goodman ‏@HAGOODMANAUTHOR 2h2 hours ago

BERNIE SANDERS STILL RUNNING AND HAS NOT CONCEDED ANYTHING frightened Hillary Bot. Get ready for Comey at Congress. Public corruption next.

And there is the next string of tweets until November.
I've only ever seen a few minutes of Meet the Press, so I don't know much about him - is he like Wolf Blitzer, Morning Joe, or Don Lemon levels of bad?

I just...I can't stand him. Never could. I'd say he's a blend of Wolf Blitzer and Morning Joe....just annoying as all fuck. He wears his bias like I wear a diamond tiara and six inch nails and a boa that one time I had too much to drink and ....wait, what?

He ruined MTP for me.


Politico: Sanders endorsement talks heat up

Hopefully this pans out and he does endorse before the Republican convention. Sure, it's not necessary to defeat Trump, but I think it would be helpful if Bernie was part of the convention and gave a good speech for Hillary.

I do hope this college plan announcement soothes some of the more fervent Sanders supporters. Obviously we'll never get the full-crazy ones, but I'd love to see good party unity going into the DNC.

But did you predict Leave



Honestly, I can barely remember the David Gregory Meet the Press era at this point. Todd is an improvement for me.

Go listen to him on Keepin it 1600 or WTF with Marc Maron. Dude became way more likable to me after I heard him off camera.

Edit: Wait, people think Chuck Todd is conservative? Wut?
He's mean to Hillary and the Democrats and sympathizes with the Republican view point? I don't know.

From MTP Daily and MTP at least with Trump it's almost a mocking attitude.

He's more of a hard news guy, not like Maddow or Hayes.

He can't be partial if he wants to be host of MTP.
I know that there is a minuscule chance of Hillary's education plan getting passed.

However, if they pass without including any relief for people who already have loans I will rage.
What's with the Chuck Todd hate?

He's one of the better commentators on all networks.

He's always dooming and glooming the left. But, more than that...I just don't like him. Like, he rubs me the wrong way. It's a combination of things. It's not totally logical. I just don't care for him. Same thing with Dr. Nancy Synderman before she "left" NBC News.

Best commentators, IMO, are Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, Melissa Harris-Perry (I had a sad when they let her go...) and Anderson Cooper.
I just...I can't stand him. Never could. I'd say he's a blend of Wolf Blitzer and Morning Joe....just annoying as all fuck. He wears his bias like I wear a diamond tiara and six inch nails and a boa that one time I had too much to drink and ....wait, what?

He ruined MTP for me.

It's funny that you see his bias as obvious and I would have a hard time pinning it down at all. Perspectives and all that. To me, Todd is a super by the book newsman. Not really exceptional in any way.
It's funny that you see his bias as obvious and I would have a hard time pinning it down at all. Perspectives and all that. To me, Todd is a super by the book newsman. Not really exceptional in any way.

I think someone else mentioned it. He tries too hard. Like, he goes too far trying to appear non-biased, and it just comes off as forced and annoying.

But, like I said, it's mostly just a visceral dislike of him.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) once claimed that he “never voted for a [government] shutdown and never will.” But Issa is so angry the FBI recommended Hillary Clinton not be indicted for using a private server for her email that he suggested on Wednesday that he is rethinking his promise. He proposed that now might be a good time for the Republican leadership to shut down the federal government, in protest of what he called “an imperial president” who will not “enforce criminal charges against a criminal.”

In an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily, Issa blasted FBI Director James Comey’s decision as “simply choosing to ignore a law.”

“We should be willing to shut down the government if the president won’t limit his power,” he said, noting that his party had repeatedly been “willing to shut down the government over ending Obamacare and these other things.” Those things, according to Issa, are “small points compared to the actual balance of our republic.”



Chuck Todd is like the announcer who is calling a game between his old team and a rival. They overcorrect over fear of bias and end up just sucking


RNC already cut an ad with Comey's words.

Also, I love how Ryan is saying the Clinton's are above the law, when most of the Bush admin got away with a ton of shit and Cheney literally shot someone in the face.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

My favorite part of this is all of these republican politicians thinking they're A) acquainted with every little detail of what happened here and B) masters of the law involved.
He's always dooming and glooming the left. But, more than that...I just don't like him. Like, he rubs me the wrong way. It's a combination of things. It's not totally logical. I just don't care for him. Same thing with Dr. Nancy Synderman before she "left" NBC News.

Best commentators, IMO, are Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, Melissa Harris-Perry (I had a sad when they let her go...) and Anderson Cooper.

Fair enough, but I do tend to find him probably the most informative of the "hard news" hosts.

Like yesterday he had the main Petraeus prosecutor on to comment.

I think he just wants to be above the fray.


I'm just curious who they will get to moderate the possible 3 Presidential debates?

I'm almost certain my dawg John Dickerson will get one. For CNN, let's pray they give it to Anderson Cooper. And then some other random PBS person? Is Jim Lehrer even still working?

That would remain consistent with the last few years' CBS, PBS & ABC/CNN lineups.


No Scrubs
I'm just curious who they will get to moderate the possible 3 Presidential debates?

I'm almost certain my dawg John Dickerson will get one. For CNN, let's pray they give it to Anderson Cooper. And then some other random PBS person? Is Jim Lehrer even still working?

That would remain consistent with the last few years' CBS, PBS & ABC/CNN lineups.

No way does the GOP agree to allow Anderson Cooper within 300 miles of a debate.

Coops would probably kill Trump on national TV and it would be glorious.

This is why.
I'm just curious who they will get to moderate the possible 3 Presidential debates?

I'm almost certain my dawg John Dickerson will get one. For CNN, let's pray they give it to Anderson Cooper. And then some other random PBS person? Is Jim Lehrer even still working?

That would remain consistent with the last few years' CBS, PBS & ABC/CNN lineups.

For CNN, it's probably Tapper.
For PBS, it's Gwen and Jill.
For CBS, doubt they'll get Bob Schieffer and go with Dickerson.
ABC got Muir and Stephanopoulos.

NBC News will certainly not be in the equation.

DNC will laugh Fox News out of the discussion.


What's PoliGAF's take on Hillary's tuition plan? I have a 3yo and basically gave up the idea of being able to pay, substantially, for her college, if she goes.
Why is CNN so shit?

They're talking about Trumps fundraising numbers, failing to mention the $51 million isn't all his. Then they round Clinton's total down to $60 million.


I'm fine with those choices. Tapper has done some decent work lately and most of those others aren't too dreadful.

Honestly, each of those moderator teams have their work cut out for them this year. Trying to figure out how you confront Trump when he directly lies on stage without coming across as a bully. Crowley correcting Romney was seen as too far and it was barely a correction.

Do they cut to a tape when he says he was against Iraq? Or just read a quote? I do not envy any of those teams.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Why is CNN so shit?

They're talking about Trumps fundraising numbers, failing to mention the $51 million isn't all his. Then they round Clinton's total down to $60 million.

"Dead heat" journalism. Gotta keep that narrative going.
nature boy said:
For CNN, it's probably Tapper.
For PBS, it's Gwen and Jill.
For CBS, doubt they'll get Bob Schieffer and go with Dickerson.
ABC got Mehr and Stephanopoulos.

NBC News will certainly not be in the equation.

DNC will laugh Fox News out of the discussion.

As sad as it is to type this, Fox News had by far the best moderators for the GOP primaries.
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