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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Hologram George Washington would be amazing.

I'd love hologram Abraham Lincoln too. And then, in the middle, the Hologram becomes self-aware and is all "Wait, this is the Republican Party today? What the fuck? Fuck this, I'm going to the DNC instead."



Found an image of "George Washington"


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm eagerly waiting to see how many Sanders stans are going to call him a sellout shill.


Robert Costa ‏@costareports 6m 6 minutes ago

Newt Gingrich tells me that he encouraged Trump to keep up Star defense as they flew back to NYC last night

please, please pick newt


Hologram George Washington would be amazing.

I'd love hologram Abraham Lincoln too. And then, in the middle, the Hologram becomes self-aware and is all "Wait, this is the Republican Party today? What the fuck? Fuck this, I'm going to the DNC instead."
This made me laugh. This has reached such absurd depths.

on the stump this summer vs.


Man. Good luck.
Clinton might pick Warren as VP if only to make convention scheduling easier.

I'm not sure how they're going to be able to fit Hillary, Bill, Obama, the VP, Sanders, Biden, Warren, Michelle and the keynote all in primetime. And I'm sure Sanders getting a primetime slot is part of his endorsement deal with the Clinton campaign.


i can see your pov from a party pov, that is the GOP agenda and all, but I can't help but think or wonder if there is a discrepancy between what the party's agenda is and what the party's registered voters think. I guess my question is, is it safe to conflate the politicians with the voters' pov?

Are you asking me if it's safe to assume that Republican voters don't like Hillary Clinton and that she knows that there's nothing she can do to change that? If so, yes, that's safe to assume.

Clinton was a more liberal senator than Obama was. She isn't going to become a Republican.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 1m1 minute ago Washington, DC
The Rasmussen poll, which has Trump up by 2, has Trump up 3 with non-black minorites (Hispanic/Asian/etc) and has C at 69% of black voters


How does Ras get work?

edit: Honestly, I think Ras shouldn't be included in aggregates. They are not outliers, they are a propaganda outfit.


The Autumn Wind
I'm eagerly waiting to see how many Sanders stans are going to call him a sellout shill.
They're already doing that in response to his tweet praising Hlllary for her college tuition proposal. They're going to have full-on meltdowns when he actually endorses her.



Sounds like I missed out on something glorious today.

I tried to skim through everything so if there's anything I missed I hope someone posts it:

Question: "Would a reasonable person know this is classified information? A first lady? A senator? A Secretary of State?""

Comey: "I'm not so sure of that answer after this investigation."

Question: "So you're saying she's not sophisticated enough?"​

Comey: "That may be a conclusion a reasonable person may draw but it may not be accurate." | "The reasonable-person test is not what you would look at for perjury or negligence."​


Congressman: "I've prosecuted cases with flimsier evidence than this."

Question: "Do you believe that the Clintons are exempt from the same laws as others?"
Comey: "It's not true, but I've heard it a lot."​

Comey: "No way. Had it been John Doe or Hillary Clinton, no one would be prosecuted in a hundred years for this case."​



"No basis for concluding that she was dishonest to us."
"I don't think the agents assessed she was evasive."
"We concluded there was not adequate evidence of willful conduct [to break the law]."​


Question: How are there consequences levered?

Comey: I want people to understand I'm only responsible for the FBI. From disciplinary action to being reprimanded. The reasons this isn't one of those is because it's just not fair. This would be treating someone unfairly because of their celebrity status. It's not fair to prosecute that person based on these facts."​


Q: Were the emails that were marked containing classified information... Were those properly marked?

Comey: No.


Congressman: [Paraphrased]Have you seen Hamilton? I haven't. Do you know Choreography? Have you heard about Bill and Lynch? [states conspiracy] I would like a copy of Hillary's interview transcripts with the FBI."


Mica trying to leave that question on a cliffhanger so that Comey seems untrustworthy. Tried to be slick until Comey followed up:

Comey: "I hope that what you tell the folks in the cafe. I did not coordinate with anyone. No one outside the FBI knew what I was going to announce."​

Comey said, when a Congressman tried to imply that Hillary was devoid of consequence because she testified under no oath: "No, she did not swear under oath but lying to the FBI is still breaking the law."


lol comparing emails to murder


Congressman: "Do you know this case?"
Comey: "I'm very familiar. They're not similar. If you want me to go through to details, I will."
Congressman: "I read they're very similar."​

And here's another quote from Comey calling this: "Celebrity hunting"


Congressman: "Everything you said implied she committed a crime until you said 'however.' We finally got one here."

[edit] Also, he did say everyone wanted a certain outcome and that his opening statements indicated that that's what he was going to do. [indict her]

He essentially whined that he didn't get what he wanted.


Question: "Why did you do what you did? What my interpretation of the FBI is supposed to be doing..."

Comey: "Everything I did, we do privately. What I decided to do is offer transparency to the people for the why of what I do...because this is an unprecedented situation."


Comey clarifying that the deletion of these supposed incriminating emails was actually state department directed, that they went through the 60k emails in review to determine what should be kept. Then IT asked her, if she would like to keep any of her personal emails and she said no.

So, in other words, this perception that Clinton ominously hovered over her private server commanding her minions to wipe it clean is now no longer in play.


GOP still trying that angle of getting Comey to declare her inadequate to trust presidential secrets by asking if they were in Hillary's shoes, how would they be prosecuted. Comey repeatedly replies that it would need to go under robust investigation in order to determine the security lapse and that you cannot make a judgment simply based off of that information.

[edit] The public now apparently "demands" her to suffer consequences, so I guess we must punish her regardless of what Comey's investigation uncovered.


Comey clarifies that even those who worked with Clinton, the FBI does not recommend to the DoJ to press any charges either.

I stopped the stream so I don't know if they're back from recess.


Robert Costa ‏@costareports 5m5 minutes ago
Newt to WaPo: Trump "has concluded that you guys in the media will kill him unless he destroys your credibility"

Yeah, he needs to make everyone think that facts are not facts.


I'm eagerly waiting to see how many Sanders stans are going to call him a sellout shill.

Go on twitter and look at his comments when he praised Clinton about her platform on education. They pretty much stopped short of calling him one. I can only imagine what some will do when he officially endorses.

That just shows me that those people. Not all his supporters of course. Don't give a damn about his ideals or his platform. Or else they should be excited Clinton adopted them. They just care about the man.
I think Bernie just got tired of Trump invoking his name during stump speeches.

Unrelated but hilarious (or sad):
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn
The Rasmussen poll, which has Trump up by 2, has Trump up 3 with non-black minorites (Hispanic/Asian/etc) and has C at 69% of black voters


Yeah, he needs to make everyone think that facts are not facts.

I love this. CNN also reporting Newt is egging him on to take on the media as a campaign strategy this fall.

Newt saying all the right things to Trump to be co-pilot and fly it straight into the ground. Love it.

TRENTON — It is highly unlikely that Gov. Chris Christie will be Donald Trump's running mate, according to two sources who are advising the Trump campaign and who requested to remain anonymous.

Instead, the sources said that former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich is "the likely pick" to be the tycoon's choice for vice president.

The sources, who have been privy to some of the selection process, have insisted on anonymity because they are not authorized to speak for the campaign.

The people who've been pushing the Christie narrative are Christie people, said one of the sources, who has heard Gingrich is the likely pick. However, "it's Trump — I doubt anyone really fully knows what he's going to do."


The source added that Christie's stout defense of Trump and unwillingness to criticize him may have backfired, saying, "You want someone who's willing to be a Devil's advocate at times."

Last month, Gingrich had called Trump's use of racial remarks to attack the integrity of a federal judge "inexcusable" and called for the mogul to "move his game up to the level of being a potential leader."


Trump looks like a fucking idiot he's totally clueless out there. I might not vote after all ugh.

I mean, have you been following Trump at all?

If you really hate Hillary and don't care about the Supreme Court you should at least vote third party instead of Trump.

And how do you have an animated avatar? I've seen other animated avatar that's Canada related too. I blame stumpokapow he must be involved
The fact that the campaign described Christie as getting a "courtesy vet" makes me fucking LIVE LIFE YASSSSS.

Oh please let it be Newt. PLEASE.

Interesting anecdote:

We went out for my mom's birthday today. (It's next week, but people could come today so whatever) and a member of my sister's family is a lovely woman. Republican as fucking hell, but lovely. Shes voting Hillary....and she went on a pretty nice rant how the FBI and the GOP was only doing this because Hillary was a woman. My jaw was on the floor.


a child left behind
I mean, have you been following Trump at all?

If you really hate Hillary and don't care about the Supreme Court you should at least vote third party instead of Trump.

And how do you have an animated avatar? I've seen other animated avatar that's Canada related too. I blame stumpokapow he must be involved

I don't know how I got this avatar exactly it was just given to me. Clinton is going to get nothing done the house isn't going to change much and the gop is only going to lose about 2 or 3 Senate races if that.


Ari Melber MSNBCVerified account
JUST IN: Chaffetz office confirms to msnbc he's asking FBI for a NEW investigation of Clinton, on if she lied to Congress about email.

This time they'll get her!
I don't know how I got this avatar exactly it was just given to me. Clinton is going to get nothing done the house isn't going to change much and the gop is only going to lose about 2 or 3 Senate races if that.

So your answer to that is vote Trump?

I'm not being shady here. If we don't take back the House...no, she's not going to get a lot done. But, she will be naming 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justices. She will be able to use the veto pen to stop whatever bullshit the GOP tries to pull. She'll be able to use the bully pulpit far more effectively than Obama, in my opinion. She'll use Executive Orders to protect the gains we've fought for.

Even if you think she won't be able to make drastic progress...my god, at least she'll be able to prevent millions of people from having their lives fucked over by the GOP.

You don't have to love her. You don't have to even like her. But, you have to admit, at the end of the day, any Democrat in the White House is better than Donald Freaking Trump!


I love this. CNN also reporting Newt is egging him on to take on the media as a campaign strategy this fall.

Newt saying all the right things to Trump to be co-pilot and fly it straight into the ground. Love it.

The moon.

Fly it straight into the moon.


Clinton is going to get nothing done the house isn't going to change much and the gop is only going to lose about 2 or 3 Senate races if that.

Who would you rather have nominate the next THREE Supreme Court judges:

Someone who in many ways is even further left of Obama and has a progressive voting record that matched Bernie Sanders own record 97% of the time.

or Donald. Fucking. Trump.

Those are your two choices. Who would you rather have in charge of deciding what direction the Supreme Court will take for the next *thirty years*.
And how do you have an animated avatar? I've seen other animated avatar that's Canada related too. I blame stumpokapow he must be involved
Two or three members were "punished" by a mod/mods by given that animated avatar. I forget the reason why. One of the mods had changed one of the member's username, and the avatar can't be changed by the users.
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