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So now there is a standstill on an issue if 3 emails were marked appropriately , if she understood they should have been classified and then subsequently lied when "caught"


there is a procedural error at hand at the State Department.

I mean, obviously Republicans won't be willing to entertain the fact that saying something that wasn't true isn't necessarily lying.


So basically her not knowing the truth was contrary to what she believed, means she was lying beyond a reasonable doubt?
So basically her not knowing the truth was contrary to what she believed, means she was lying beyond a reasonable doubt?

Lying is saying something with intent to deceive. If she didn't know what she was saying was false, then the intent is missing from the equation.


Bloomberg: Sanders Says He’ll Do Everything Possible to Help Elect Clinton

Bernie Sanders signaled a formal endorsement of Hillary Clinton is imminent, saying in an interview that Republican Donald Trump is “a pathological liar” and that he’ll throw his full support behind electing his rival for the Democratic nomination as president.

“We have got to do everything that we can to defeat Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton,” the Vermont senator said in an interview Thursday with Bloomberg’s Albert R. Hunt for PBS’s “Charlie Rose” program. “I don’t honestly know how we would survive four years of a Donald Trump” as president.

The endorsement, which may come as soon as next week, would provide a long-awaited unity moment for party members frustrated by Sanders’ lingering campaign. Sanders has spent the weeks since Clinton clinched the nomination in early June working to influence the party’s governing agenda.

Sanders expressed satisfaction with the progress of policy and party platform talks between his campaign and Clinton’s, even as some positions on issues such as trade and fracking remain unresolved. "At the end of the day we’re going to be united," he said.


Sanders declined to say whether he could embrace Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, whom many Sanders supporters see as too accommodating of Wall Street, if Clinton taps Kaine as her running mate. “I know Tim; Tim is a very decent guy,” Sanders said.

“I happen to believe that we should have as our vice presidential nominee a very strong progressive voice, somebody who has a history of standing up to big money interests, somebody who is gonna fight for the working families of this country and who has a history of doing that,” Sanders said. He declined to say whether Kaine meets that test. “I don’t want to comment on Tim Kaine.”

Sanders didn’t hesitate when asked if another potential Clinton running mate, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, meets the test.

“I would be pleased” if Clinton chooses Warren, Sanders said, calling her “one of the outstanding members of the United States Senate.”


Sanders indicated he would discourage his supporters from voting for a third-party candidate, be it Jill Stein of the Green Party or Libertarian Gary Johnson. “What I’m going to say to them is, this country faces enormous crises” and Trump would be a disaster as president.
That Pew Poll has an amazing number in it that seems to be defining why Trump is losing badly in the polls so far.

Sure, as we know, Trump is getting obliterated by minorities. So that's one part of it.

But the other is he's losing college educated whites. But that really doesn't tell the whole story as the men aren't as elastic.

It's white, non-hispanic college educated WOMEN that are changing course at a ridiculous pace.


At this point in 2012 according to Pew, Romney was "losing" White NH College grad women 49-48.

As of right now, it's 62-31 in Hillary over Trump. Like, this is a staggering change.

Trump's support among NH college educated men hasn't changed much (and Hillary's hasn't really grown here).

non-hispanic college educated women are fleeing the Republican Party this election. Or at least at the Presidential level.

A 30 point swing is fucking massive for such a large voting bloc!


No Scrubs
That Pew Poll has an amazing number in it that seems to be defining why Trump is losing badly in the polls so far.

Sure, as we know, Trump is getting obliterated by minorities. So that's one part of it.

But the other is he's losing college educated whites. But that really doesn't tell the whole story as the men aren't as elastic.

It's white, non-hispanic college educated WOMEN that are changing course at a ridiculous pace.


At this point in 2012 according to Pew, Romney was "losing" White NH College grad women 49-48.

As of right now, it's 62-31 in Hillary over Trump. Like, this is a staggering change.

Trump's support among NH college educated men hasn't changed much (and Hillary's hasn't really grown here).

non-hispanic college educated women are fleeing the Republican Party this election. Or at least at the Presidential level.

A 30 point swing is fucking massive for such a large voting bloc!

If he really does pick Newt even more women will jump ship. He's literally seen as a disgusting troll by that demo. And I mean literally in the literal sense.


Been listening to hearings. So did I hear that right? They found inappropriately transmitted classified emails with Powell? And same for Rice's staff?


The Autumn Wind
I mean that's what I thought, just kinda strange they would bring it up now
They've got to keep the clown car going somehow.

Been listening to hearings. So did I hear that right? They found classified emails from Powell? And same for Rice's staff?
Powell and Rice had the same setup Clinton did in that they did not use their State Dept. email addresses.


No Scrubs
Been listening to hearings. So did I hear that right? They found classified emails from Powell? And same for Rice's staff?

Yup. She isn't the first SoS to have done the sort of thing she's done. Hell, she's not even the first person to do it. The idea that an indictment was ever going to happen was madness.
If he really does pick Newt even more women will jump ship. He's literally seen as a disgusting troll by that demo. And I mean literally in the literal sense.


From what I can gather from the Pew poll, Hillary has 3 objectives in this campaign.

1. Drive home minorities. This one is obvious and I think we're going to see higher turnout among a lot of minorities, especially Hispanics, Muslims, Asians, and Jews (and hopefully African Americans reach their Obama levels).

2. Bring home Bernie supporters that normally vote D. It's mostly been done but there's some holdouts based on my reading, mostly male Democrat voters.

3. Grind away at Trump's unfavorables among college educated suburban white women. Basically, I think the most important aspect of her campaign is attacking Trump's sexism and lack of compassion. Talk about how he insults the disabled. Repeat his sexism and racism. Repeat his general disgusting nature.

If she can get Trump to make fun of someone who is autistic, then I feel like the game is fucking over (not that the autistic should be made fun of mind you, but Trump is the kind of piece of shit that would do such a thing).


Powell and Rice had the same setup Clinton did in that they did not use their State Dept. email addresses.

Yup. She isn't the first SoS to have done the sort of thing she's done. Hell, she's not even the first person to do it. The idea that an indictment was ever going to happen was madness.

Well, I knew they had similar setups, but afaik it wasn't known that they had confirmed classified information transmitted on those systems.


so what happens if he doesn't?

I mean... wouldn't SCOTUS just laugh and declare Clinton the victor if it's a wide enough margin?

The electoral college will vote and Clinton will be declared Preisdent. The loser doesn't have to admit they lost so that the winner can officially win.


Junior Member
I don't think he'll conceed, but it will be the single most salty event in human history.

we will need a special bottle of Trump Tears that night, GOP bottle won't be enough.

Trump Tears "Making Salt Great Again" "MY tears are the saltiest you've ever tasted. the saltiest"


Junior Member
Those wily Brits are trying to steal our thunder. Here we are, getting ready to elect our first woman President, and they can look down their nose at us and say, "Oh, how delightfully quaint. We had our first 37 years ago, you know; we're up to two now. But congratulations on jumping feet first into the 20th Century. Cheery bye!"
They can't talk about the jump into the 20th century since they started their racism and anti immigrant plan.

What's that, a jump into 20th century Alabama?
Pew pew pew.

Pew was by far the best pollster in 2012 and the gold standard, they were the biggest national pollster to not fall for the stupid "Blacks and Hispanics hate Obama so they're not going to turn out, whee" fallacy that other pollsters (namely Gallup) did.

Bernie about to endorse plus the conventions coming up, Hilly about to start rocking 10-point leads.


Well, I knew they had similar setups, but afaik it wasn't known that they had confirmed classified information transmitted on those systems.

I think the State Department IG's report said Powell had 10+ emails that had classified information in them.


The Autumn Wind
Pew pew pew.

Pew was by far the best pollster in 2012 and the gold standard, they were the biggest national pollster to not fall for the stupid "Blacks and Hispanics hate Obama so they're not going to turn out, whee" fallacy that other pollsters (namely Gallup) did.

Bernie about to endorse plus the conventions coming up, Hilly about to start rocking 10-point leads.
About to? She's already been rocking double-digit leads.
Seems like Sanders wanted at least one big concession and the education plan gave him that. He can now rest easy with his "legacy" intact.

I'd rather they not start a public battle with the president over TPP when he's so popular.
Pew pew pew.

Pew was by far the best pollster in 2012 and the gold standard, they were the biggest national pollster to not fall for the stupid "Blacks and Hispanics hate Obama so they're not going to turn out, whee" fallacy that other pollsters (namely Gallup) did.

Bernie about to endorse plus the conventions coming up, Hilly about to start rocking 10-point leads.

Gallup's problem, which I pointed out at the time, was oversampling the South.

Like, the South accounted for 1/3 of their vote totals after adjustments. It made no fucking sense.
The perjury thing won't go anywhere. But it's not about if it goes anywhere, it's about is Hillary Clinton under investigation.

The director of the FBI said that there wasn't enough evidence in his opinion to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that Clinton knowingly sent and received classified information on her private e-mail server.

So how the hell could she have been guilty of perjury for saying she didn't?

She can't. But it's not about that.


I think the State Department IG's report said Powell had 10+ emails that had classified information in them.

Additionally, there seems to be some that were reportedly marked incorrectly classified, others requested to be resent as non-classified but sent to her as classified anyways, and the State Department's policies are on what emails are marked classified and why (and whether other departments - like the FBI - would consider them as such even if the SD doesn't).


CNN: Clinton narrowing VP choice, waiting for Trump

Hillary Clinton is spending a rare day away from the campaign trail and the fundraising circuit, arriving at her Washington home on Thursday to pour through reams of research about potential running mates before she begins a final series of interviews and appearances with her top vice presidential choices.

The list of contenders Clinton is seriously weighing is believed to be fewer than five, several Democrats familiar with the process say, and all contenders are not on equal footing. She has a preferred candidate or two in mind, CNN has learned, but intends to keep her options open until Donald Trump reveals his selection.

Clinton is leaning toward announcing her decision immediately after the Republican convention ends on July 21. But aides say she is leaving open the possibility of waiting until Democrats are already gathering for their convention in Philadelphia the following week to disclose her selection, hoping to stoke drama and build interest in the Democratic ticket.


Tim Kaine, the Virginia senator -- who Clinton has invited to campaign with her next Thursday in his critical battleground state -- is seen as a leading contender, several Democrats familiar with the process believe.


Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts senator, once seen as an unlikely choice, is getting a more thorough review in the wake of rising populist sentiment in the electorate and Trump's harsh critique against Clinton on trade.

Warren's stock inside the campaign rose significantly after her appearance with Clinton last week in Cincinnati, according to aides. Noticing the response to their events was electric both inside and outside the room, aides believe Warren would provide an infusion of excitement to the campaign, especially with Sanders supporters.


Two members of President Barack Obama's cabinet are also in the mix: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, a former two-term governor of Iowa, and Tom Perez, the Labor secretary, whose biggest shortcoming is not holding elected federal or state office.

Vilsack would not upset the balance of power in the Senate and is seen as a steady choice, but Clinton is particularly fond of Perez for his willingness to throw a punch at Trump and his ability to relate to Latino voters.


Housing Secretary Julian Castro and Rep. Xavier Beccera, whose names were on a broader list, are no longer thought to be in serious contention, several Democrats close to the process believe.


Clinton's top considerations, aides tell CNN, is someone who does not harm her chances against Trump, a partner who gets along well with her and is credible at stepping into the presidency should anything happen. Economic issues and an ability to raise money for the campaign are also key attributes.

While aides deny the Justice Department's decision not to indict Clinton for her use of a private email server does not factor in the decision, people close to Clinton believe the campaign must pick someone who Republicans will be unable to attack on questions of trust and honesty.

Sorry for the long quote, but there's a lot of good stuff in this article.

Sorry Emarv, looks like it's the end of the line for people like us who bet on Beccera! I'm glad that it's not going to be Castro, at least - he's just too inexperienced. I'd say Warren is my favourite from the remaining contenders. Perez would be nice, I'm just somewhat concerned about his lack of elected experience. And Kaine should be fine, though I'm a little worried how the recent revelations about the gifts he received would play out in the election.
I also forgot to point out that in the Pew Poll, Clinton is +8 among those over $100k per year compared to Obama's -8 4 years ago (a 16 point swing).

I'm entirely of the belief this is driving by the NH CE white women shift.

Like, I can't get over the size of that swing. Please focus on this group Hillary Campaign. PLEASE!


The perjury thing won't go anywhere. But it's not about if it goes anywhere, it's about is Hillary Clinton under investigation.

The director of the FBI said that there wasn't enough evidence in his opinion to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that Clinton knowingly sent and received classified information on her private e-mail server.

So how the hell could she have been guilty of perjury for saying she didn't?

She can't. But it's not about that.

Well duh, all you have to do is ACCUSE her of being a witch. Then we see if she floats or not to determine innocence.


CNN: Clinton narrowing VP choice, waiting for Trump

Sorry for the long quote, but there's a lot of good stuff in this article.

Sorry Emarv, looks like it's the end of the line for people like us who bet on Beccera! I'm glad that it's not going to be Castro, at least - he's just too inexperienced. I'd say Warren is my favourite from the remaining contenders. Perez would be nice, I'm just a little concerned about his lack of elected experience. And Kaine should be fine, though I'm a little concerned how the recent revelations about the gifts he received would play out in the election.

Yeah, I agree with everything you said.


I also forgot to point out that in the Pew Poll, Clinton is +8 among those over $100k per year compared to Obama's -8 4 years ago (a 16 point swing).

I'm entirely of the belief this is driving by the NH CE white women shift.

Like, I can't get over the size of that swing. Please focus on this group Hillary Campaign. PLEASE!
It's why doubling down on the W-card w/ Warren makes sense.


CNN: Clinton narrowing VP choice, waiting for Trump

Sorry for the long quote, but there's a lot of good stuff in this article.

Sorry Emarv, looks like it's the end of the line for people like us who bet on Beccera! I'm glad that it's not going to be Castro, at least - he's just too inexperienced. I'd say Warren is my favourite from the remaining contenders.

Despite the statement that Kaine is considered the leading candidate, the last line about choosing someone who can't be attacked for being dishonest or shady would seem to rule him out. Tom Vilsack would be a much "safer" pick than Kaine after his Politico story. Again, I think looking at all of the choices and all of their respective pros and cons, Perez unequivocally comes out on top. His only detriment is his lack of elected office but, oh my god, the Republican candidate has never been elected either and Perez has years more governmental experience.
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