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lmao what did Romney do to get what seems to be the floor of Latino support?

Just wanted to point out, I think Pew is the only poll that's had his Latino support that high. Not questioning their methodology, but it was the one thing in that poll that really stood out to me. I think most have it around 10-17% if I'm remembering correctly.

Maybe those were state polls though....


Ok the comparison is with another Pew poll.

Trump July 2016 24%
Romney Oct 2012 21%
Romney 2012 exits 27% (probably a bit high)

Not only within MOE but months apart.

To be fair this comparison was made by Pew, the Hill just regurgitated and sensationalized it a bit.

Off the top of my head, him getting a spray tan for that Univision interview and talking about self-deportation are the only things I can think of - I'm sure there's more.
I mean but is that really anywhere near as bad as anything trump has done? The tan thing wasn't even that widespread.


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Off the top of my head, him getting a spray tan for that Univision interview and talking about self-deportation are the only things I can think of - I'm sure there's more.

He didn't make a meaningful effort to engage Latino voters. The brownface was embarassing, but his lack of interest in the community was worse. George W. Bush, to his credit, made a very concerted effort to appeal to potential Hispanic Republicans. He posited himself in 2004 as a friend to the working class in comparison to the more apparently bourgeois Kerry, and ran commercials specifically targeting small business owners and strong Catholics within the Mexican American community.

Romney addressed all Hispanics as a block and was the richer, whiter guy in comparison to Obama.


Unconfirmed Member
But do lizard people still like Newt?
Newt is an amphibian, lizard people still hold lots of prejudices against the amphibimans

God help us if the realize there is more that unites them, like being ectothermic, than divides them, like metamorphosis.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If the Curiel stuff doesn't damage your standing with...well, everyone, then what can you do really. lol.
I forgot to mention that out of the three conservatives I met the other night (all small business owners), absolutely none wanted to vote for Trump. So the damage is pretty real and I think pidgeon is right when he says that if you run on racism alone, you get like 39% of the vote and then you're done.
lmao what did Romney do to get what seems to be the floor of Latino support?

It wasn't what Romney did so much as what all the other republicans did, such as:

- Blocking immigration reform
- Focussing on "Building a Wall" long before Trump said it
- Claiming that Obama hasn't deported enough people when Hispanics of all people are going to know the truth based on how many of their friends and family get deported
- Supporting conservative views in general (at least I'm pretty sure there was a study back in 2012 showing that Hispanics were becoming increasingly liberal)
- All the reprehensible opinions stated in 2012 that would turn off any sane voters (such as letting uninsured people die)
General Michael Flynn would be disgusting to moderates because he's an insane racist, but he would wildly offend Cruz's people also.

“I think women have to be able to choose…sort of, the right of choice.” said Flynn, adding, “They are the ones that have to make the decision because they're the ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not.”

On same-sex marriage, Flynn also veered from the GOP platform.

“What people do in their private lives, these are not big issues that our country’s dealing with,” said Flynn, while not commenting directly on marriage.



So now some Bernouts are mad that there was an amendment proposal to the platform which mentioned Hillary next to some of her proposals (AND THANKED BERNIE FOR EXPANDING THE PARTY). It was shot down via chants of "withdraw!"

Obama was mentioned 8 times in the 2008 democratic platform


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Americans who are not African-American "will never fully understand" the experiences that many protesting police brutality vocalize.

"Those of us who are not African-American will never fully understand the experience of being black in America," the former presidential candidate said Friday at news conference in Doral, Florida. "But we should all understand why our fellow Americans in the black community are angry at the images of an African-American man with no criminal background who was pulled over for a busted taillight who was slumped over in a car seat dying while his 4-year-old daughter watches from the backseat."

Rubio was referring to the death of Philando Castile, who was fatally shot by a police officer after a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.

"All of us should be troubled by these images and all of us need to acknowledge that this is about more than just one or two recent incidents," Rubio said. "The fact is that there are communities in America that are telling us they fear interacting with local law enforcement. How they feel is a reality that we cannot and should not ignore. And as we work through this, it will require us to ask and answer some very difficult and uncomfortable questions."

The best thing Marco Rubio's said?
Michael Flynn would not be legally allowed to be on the Florida ballot because he's a registered Democrat.

So if Trump picked him, we could have Trump as president and Warren as VP and then it's time to work impeachment as hard as possible.

(Flynn won't be picked as VP and Trump won't win the presidency).



With Newt, Rubio, Red State, etc. speaking in actual logical terms about police violence against African Americans now, I wonder if the party realignment is finally starting at the earliest levels in some fashion. Obviously Trump screwed up everything for them and now the base will be rabidly nationalistic and fascists for a while but once Trump loses they'll be able to blame the loss on him and say he didn't represent their values, etc.
Trump wants General McChrystal to be his VP.

Note that General McChrystal hates non-military people and Trump received roughly 72 deferments from Vietnam.

Also, General McChrystal is likely a registered Democrat and is also not legally eligible to be on the ballot in Florida.

And McChrystal wants an assault weapons ban which might be a bit of a sticking point for Republicans...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I really think that if the Dallas thing had not happened, we'd be seeing real movement on police reform like this session.

Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but seeing even non-Rand-Paul republicans acknowledge the police issue we have in this country seems like a very good sign that police reform on the federal level could happen within the next 5 years. Even if you take the cynical angle of "oh they are just doing it to look good" that tells you that moderate republicans are feeling the pressure to support fixing these issues because they are convinced that not doing so would ruin them.

I am not saying that absolute perfect police reform would get through, but like, for example, the repeal of DADT, moderate republicans will probably support at least some kind of reform even if only for the cynical reason of protecting their seats.

I really think that if the Dallas thing had not happened, we'd be seeing real movement on police reform like this session.

The fact that even with the events in Dallas you still have a significant number of conservatives willing to acknowledge the police problems tells me that Dallas, at worst, only delayed the inevitable slightly and at best can actually be talked in ways that encourage support for BLM. Any far right conservative that brings up Dallas as justification for blocking police criticism can easily be countered by bringing up that it is disrespectful to politicize the tragedy in Dallas for the purposes of demonizing a group that the Dallas PD supported.


Hillary lied to the Trey Gowdy/Ben G. Hazi circlejerk bukkake committee?


ve heard from a number of Latino Americans, Muslim Americans, Native Americans, Jewish Americans, African Americans, all expressing concern about some of the things Donald Trump has said,” CNN’s Jake Tapper told the governor.
“I think he is trying to campaign as a racial healer,” Fallin said.
I think that has been part of his message. If you watch what he’s said this week, he talks abut how devestating this was for Dallas, how we need to respect our law enforcement, how we need to pray for those who were killed and those who were injured. I think that is his intent, I trust him with his words and I think we all need to move towards being compassionate, understanding, healing, but also respecting our law enforcement.


So VP Trump by end of week or Monday. Hillary VP announcement possibly next week Friday or convention week. I guess the speaker's list for her will be next week sometime.


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If Rubio hadn't had to run in the GOP primary, he totally could have beaten Hillary. Thank fuck he had to appeal to the crazies. Amen.

Oh yeah, I think both Rubio and Jeb would have been very competitive against Hillary. Rubio especially has his youth, looks, and "charisma".


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hillary is lucky she gets to go second. I don't think I'd pick Warren if he picks a crazy ass general.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

The media is so dishonest. If I make a statement, they twist it and turn it to make it sound bad or foolish.They think the public is stupid!

No, Donald. We just think you're stupid.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

I heard that the underachieving John King of @CNN on Inside Politics was one hour of lies. Happily, few people are watching - dead network!

Hillary is lucky she gets to go second. I don't think I'd pick Warren if he picks a crazy ass general.
They'll talk about foreign policy until November which Warren has even stated she doesn't have much interest in. I guess she'd maybe have to go with Kaine then. I don't really know who's good in that arena.
I really think that if the Dallas thing had not happened, we'd be seeing real movement on police reform like this session.

I'm not sure we'd see it either way but a lot of these statements came out post Dallas. It really feels like it might have been an horrific but sobering thing for some GOP people


Unconfirmed Member
Jeb wasn't a particularly great choice for them either thanks to the Bush name being trash. He's better than Trump, and would have given Hillary an even race, but Rubio or Walker or Kasich would probably be leading her right now.

I think the fact that Jeb and Hillary were the clear choices of party elites going into the primary really shows how party insiders don't really care about electability as much as they say they do. It's more about who had the most connections than who had the best chance of winning the general.

I personally like Hillary a lot more than Biden, but Biden really would have a much easier time in the general. Doesn't matter if Hillary's untrustworthiness is well deserved, or a result of an unfair decade long targeted campaign, or a result of sexism, that perception is there and it can't be undone.
My recent FB comments have irked my 80+ yr old Step-Grandmother. A person I've seen like 5 times in my life and not since my grandfather passed away 20 years ago.

She's a Trumper. She wants to send me links to her reputable sources to let me in on the truth of what's really going on.

I've told her she unfriend me anytime.
Jeb wasn't a particularly great choice for them either thanks to the Bush name being trash. He's better than Trump, and would have given Hillary an even race, but Rubio or Walker or Kasich would probably be leading her right now.

I think the fact that Jeb and Hillary were the clear choices of party elites going into the primary really shows how party insiders don't really care about electability as much as they say they do. It's more about who had the most connections than who had the best chance of winning the general.

I personally like Hillary a lot more than Biden, but Biden really would have a much easier time in the general. Doesn't matter if Hillary's untrustworthiness is well deserved, or a result of an unfair decade long targeted campaign, or a result of sexism, that perception is there and it can't be undone.

Disagree on Walker. There's a reason he flamed out so early. Constantly going up against terrible competition in Wisconsin hid just how much of a lightweight he is.

Kasich was the name from the primary that scared me the most, largely because he's a conservative with a moderate reputation and being from Ohio certainly doesn't hurt his cause. I think what would give Clinton a chance against him would be the combination of his temper and his sexism. Still, I'm pretty happy not to have to find out how that hypothetical election would turn out.


Yeah, Kasich was terrifying because of his perception of being so likeable and reasonable too despite his flaws. He would have been by far the most difficult and competent GOP candidate to beat, even more so than Rubio.
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