Jorah doesn't work though.
I'm leaning towards "Grey (Haired) Worm", because Khaleesi was thought to be a sellout in Astopor, but instead ended up getting Unsullied support by taking a progressive platform on slavery.
Thats my hope. I was a Bernie fan but no way I'm voting for Trump and I try to move people away from him (carefully) when I can. I just honestly dont like this growing support. It is indeed white folks. Also I notice theres this strong negative association between Hillary and military (nothing new and most know why). This seems to be one of the talking points the Trump supporters really like to stand on while ignoring everything else.
I forgot to mention these are past Obama voters which is what really has been making me take notice.
If you are having trouble with Obama voters, just focus on these things:
- Obama has endorsed Hillary and will be actively campaigning for her (and a popular sitting president doing that hasn't happened for a long time).
- Trump isn't just pretending to be a racist, but has been a racist since at least the 80s (inform them on the Central Park Five).
- Challenge them by asking if they are willing to tell minority groups to their face that they are voting for Trump. Basically, make them acknowledge that they know deep down inside they are giving the finger to minority groups by voting Trump.
For the ones that weren't Obama voters, don't focus on trying to convince them to vote Hillary. Focus on just convincing them to vote for Johnson. That's what I successfully did with my conservative mother.