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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Does she not know how to use Google? Also relevant comic from Twitter:


I hate this man so much

Probably a good idea but still........*cringe*

Those sorts are threads are good for letting you know who are legit Trump supporters and thus making mental shit lists.

This might have been funnier if Trump hadn't retweeted a rare pepe
He's not the candidate. And there's a fuller slate in 8 years.

Also he's not the candidate.

And did I mention he's not the candidate.

I don't get why everyone wants a running mate that will potentially overshadow the candidate.

Haven't you seen Veep.

Also anything that adam thinks is a good idea is probably a bad one. And vice versa.

He will be if something happens to Hillary. It doesn't even need to be 8 years from now. Picking a VP we need to assume something does.

Can he be a leader of the party, country, etc?

I don't think so.

Also there isn't anyone we can put on the ticket that would overshadow Hillary. Warren isn't going to do that.


Robert Costa ‏@costareports 42m42 minutes ago
RT @Acosta Spotted in NY: Pence climbed off plane at Teterboro and got in black SUV with police escort


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Anyway trump picking so conservative should give Hillary license to be a little risky. If not Warren then at least someone else.


He's not the candidate. And there's a fuller slate in 8 years.

Also he's not the candidate.

And did I mention he's not the candidate.

I don't get why everyone wants a running mate that will potentially overshadow the candidate.

Haven't you seen Veep.

My problem with Kaine is that I like the idea of a well-rounded ticket. Kaine does not accomplish this.

So what Kaine "gets the job done." Hillary already has that box checked. And, as much as I love my girl, there's no denying that she's as dull as dishwater (it's part of her charm). So she's got the "boring, but presidential" box checked too.

But somehow with Kaine she's managed to go find the one politician even more boring than she is! Not to mention they had ZERO chemistry on that stage (admittedly, I'm at work and didn't watch the whole thing, but I watched enough). He made Hillary look awkward just standing next to him. Completely corny. And with Trump already sucking all the oxygen out of the room just by running, a Clinton/Kaine pairing would just be the Ambien ticket.

And I would hope that Hillary would realize after last week that she needs to start giving the media reasons to tune into her besides the latest R manufactured scandal. Kaine does not help with this.

Even if it's not Warren, Hillary needs a running mate that will infuse some energy into her campaign. Someone that she has visible chemistry with, even if it's not real.


Updated thread assignments
2016 Republican National Convention-b-dubs
2016 Democratic National Convention- ebay Huckster

1st Presidential Debate-b-dubs
Vice Presidential Debate-pigeon
2nd Presidential Debate-kingkitty
3rd Presidential Debate-Holmes

General Election 2016-Aaron Strife

Inauguration Day 2017- TBD


Yup. You have a growing population of people coming further west from New Jersey and New York City. My family original came from NYC and I've seen the area we're in and the surrounding areas just grow and grow. A lot PA is red but a lot of those areas also are low in population compared to the east. There are also people that wouldn't vote for Obama for obvious reasons but might vote for Hillary.
Western PA was much kinder to Kerry. But honestly, the demographics have changed so much that I don't think Hillary being white will help her over here.

73 dead and surely rising. Fuck. This is just awful.


I haven't been following Kaine well enough to have a strong opinion but people put way too much on a nebulous sense of "excitement" for my tastes. Is this person smart, intellectually-curious, experienced, able to do the job, have policies and a record that align with what I think the the correct direction for our country to go, etc. should be the pressing questions, not if they can get me hard with their charisma. I don't understand the mentality of "I can't decide between Trump and Clinton but Kaine seems boring so I'll vote for Trump" or "I want liberal policies and think it would be a disaster for the Republicans to control all branches of government but Kaine is boring so I won't vote!" At this stage in the game, with two clear choices I feel like this guy:


“Only the results in this world, only the results matter!"

Ignore the fact that this guy is a villain :p
This might have been funnier if Trump hadn't retweeted a rare pepe

Don't mistake that comic as any sort of praise for Trump.I mostly just thought it was funnt :p


Is this the new normal? Most pre-planned events being delayed at least once because of another awful mass murder?

Things are so insane right now, it feels like every other campaign event needs to be cancelled due to tragedy. I was going to go to the Obama/Hillary rally in Wisconsin that was cancelled after the Orlando shooting.

Sad times.
I don't mean to be insensitive but we're not France and the fact that a presidental candidate decides to postpone things is really because of that is messed up and shows said person just isn't prepared for the job. Being president means you're going to have to deal with these things. Not run around scared and postponing things for more opportune times.

If this happened in the states I would understand.
GOP convention underfunded by $6 million so because sponsors pulled out due to Trump and the RNC sent a letter to Sheldon Anderson asking if he'd pick up the bill.

Amazing. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...-million-to-cover-convention-shortfall-225571

Fucking hell about France. More and more. You have to be just slightly fearful to be in any crowd in Europe...shit or anywhere, these days...

I don't mean to be insensitive but we're not France and the fact that a presidental candidate decides to postpone things is really because of that is messed up and shows said person just isn't prepared for the job. Being president means you're going to have to deal with these things. Not run around scared and postponing things for more opportune times.

If this happened in the states I would understand.

Trump would have been criticized if he didn't postpone, though. This is one time I can't go at him. Announcing the VP pick isn't some "tough decision."
Is this the new normal? Most pre-planned events being delayed at least once because of another awful mass murder?
I've talked about this with a number of people the past few years. The sheer number of entirely awful things happening in the world has always been higher than we see in the West. Between a combination of the Information Age spreading any incident anywhere on the planet to several billion people in a matter of minutes, plus even a (relatively) low number of attacks in the West vs what other areas might deal with, it just looks far worse.

Yeah, I've seen the chart with global terror deaths. Most of that is internal conflicts. If we canceled things for every car bomb or suicide attack anywhere in the world we'd never have a clean news cycle to try to get anything productive done. We'd never not officially be in mourning over something. TLDR; 1 dead Westerner = 10+ anywhere else for media coverage. Once the majority of the victims are Caucasian the narrative changes.
I don't mean to be insensitive but we're not France and the fact that a presidental candidate decides to postpone things is really because of that is messed up and shows said person just isn't prepared for the job. Being president means you're going to have to deal with these things. Not run around scared and postponing things for more opportune times.
Yeah, this is a good application of what I'm trying to say.
Trump would have been criticized if he didn't postpone, though. This is one time I can't go at him. Announcing the VP pick isn't some "tough decision."


I don't mean to be insensitive but we're not France and the fact that a presidental candidate decides to postpone things is really because of that is messed up and shows said person just isn't prepared for the job. Being president means you're going to have to deal with these things. Not run around scared and postponing things for more opportune times.

If this happened in the states I would understand.

A Vice Presidential pick would be a celebration and could be construed as insensitive.

Since we are hearing about divisions within the Trump family about the pick, it's possible there are ulterior motives involved.


I haven't been following Kaine well enough to have a strong opinion but people put way too much on a nebulous sense of "excitement" for my tastes. Is this person smart, intellectually-curious, experienced, able to do the job, have policies and a record that align with what I think the the correct direction for our country to go, etc. should be the pressing questions, not if they can get me hard with their charisma. I don't understand the mentality of "I can't decide between Trump and Clinton but Kaine seems boring so I'll vote for Trump" or "I want liberal policies and think it would be a disaster for the Republicans to control all branches of government but Kaine is boring so I won't vote!" At this stage in the game, with two clear choices I feel like this guy:

The thing is these ideas aren't mutually exclusive. You can have a VP candidate who is smart, experienced and prepared who ALSO doesn't have a personality as flat and flimsy as the 2-ply I just wiped my ass with 10 minutes ago.

Part of winning elections is getting the attention of the electorate. Democrats lose up and down the ballot when they FORGET this and cling smugly to their qualifications.

Hillary's got the boring vote on lock. Give the people a reason to be excited for what your campaign is going to do next, and not just the next faux scandal you're going to get slammed with.

Granted, I don't think a boring Veep choice is going to make Hillary lose. But I would love to see Hillary win with as big a margin as possible so we can take back as many seats as possible. Kaine does not motivate the base.


No Scrubs
I just saw the thing in Nice is up to 73 dead. That number might keep going up for a bit, really hoping we don't hit triple digits.
A Vice Presidential pick would be a celebration and could be construed as insensitive.

Since we are hearing about divisions within the Trump family about the pick, it's possible there are ulterior motives involved.

Trump isn't delaying because of sensitivity, he is delaying because he wants to be the center of media attention


I've talked about this with a number of people the past few years. The sheer number of entirely awful things happening in the world has always been higher than we see in the West. Between a combination of the Information Age spreading any incident anywhere on the planet to several billion people in a matter of minutes, plus even a (relatively) low number of attacks in the West vs what other areas might deal with, it just looks far worse.

Yeah, I've seen the chart with global terror deaths. Most of that is internal conflicts. If we canceled things for every car bomb or suicide attack anywhere in the world we'd never have a clean news cycle to try to get anything productive done. We'd never not officially be in mourning over something. TLDR; 1 dead Westerner = 10+ anywhere else for media coverage. Once the majority of the victims are Caucasian the narrative changes.

That's true, attacks that happen outside of western countries don't register nearly as much. It is a little odd that Trump's postponing the VP event because of something that wasn't even in the US.


GOP convention underfunded by $6 million so because sponsors pulled out due to Trump and the RNC sent a letter to Sheldon Anderson asking if he'd pick up the bill.

Amazing. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...-million-to-cover-convention-shortfall-225571

Fucking hell about France. More and more. You have to be just slightly fearful to be in any crowd in Europe...shit or anywhere, these days...

Trump would have been criticized if he didn't postpone, though. This is one time I can't go at him. Announcing the VP pick isn't some "tough decision."
Trump continuing to do the right things.

There is so much hate and violence in the world right now for so many different reasons. It's getting quite disturbing.
I don't mean to be insensitive but we're not France and the fact that a presidental candidate decides to postpone things is really because of that is messed up and shows said person just isn't prepared for the job. Being president means you're going to have to deal with these things. Not run around scared and postponing things for more opportune times.

If this happened in the states I would understand.

I wouldn't want Hilary to announce her VP tomorrow morning as the wreckage is still be sorted out. I mean don't get me wrong Trump is an unprepared idiot, but both the optics and timing are bad campaign wise
A Vice Presidential pick would be a celebration and could be construed as insensitive.

Since we are hearing about divisions within the Trump family about the pick, it's possible there are ulterior motives involved.
We're not France. Why should we stop everything for every tragedy in the world? It's a recipe for inaction.

These events are tragic and suck but they aren't an excuse to pretend we can't live our lives.

The convention is in 4 days. He's not doing it tomorrow and won't over the weekend? So day one of the convention?

This shows how Trump literally can't handle the job and managing crisis.
Trump isn't delaying because of sensitivity, he is delaying because he wants to be the center of media attention
This is pretty dark comment, though I can't say I 100% disagree. Campaign people had to sit down and discuss if it was "worth" the official reveal tomorrow or not, which is depressing to think about. Even I refuse to believe Trump is so soulless that he'd be doing it for ONLY media reasons.
We're not France. Why should we stop everything for every tragedy in the world? It's a recipe for inaction.

These events are tragic and suck but they aren't an excuse to pretend we can't live our lives.
Yup. We'd never not be in mourning over one thing or another, and it's simultaneously infuriating and depressing.


There are probably plenty of reasons Trump is delaying the pick. The most obvious would be because the events that just transpired.
I wouldn't want Hilary to announce her VP tomorrow morning as the wreckage is still be sorted out.
I don't typically like these arguments but we didn't stop everything for 200 people dying in Baghdad.

France has had multiple attacks. We can't stop our governance for everything. It's an excuse.

(Though to be fair I agree I wouldn't want clinton, because of how things would be twisted not because I feel she's doesn't morn of feel for the dead)

We've seen this with Benghazi and Romney. Republicans are incapable of responding rationally to these incidents. They freak out and take rash actions. The party has lost the ability to think things through they're acting on pure emotion and id now.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can someone explain to me what the benefit is of picking Mike Pence of all people? If you're going to pick an outwardly boring appearing candidate, why not go for John Kasich, since that would probably help in Ohio.


Can someone explain to me what the benefit is of picking Mike Pence of all people? If you're going to pick an outwardly boring appearing candidate, why not go for John Kasich, since that would probably help in Ohio.
Because John Kasich would never do it since he, you know, actually has a future in politics.
Can someone explain to me what the benefit is of picking Mike Pence of all people? If you're going to pick an outwardly boring appearing candidate, why not go for John Kasich, since that would probably help in Ohio.

Kasich said no.

Trump doesn't get to pick whomever he wants. The other person has to be complicit.
Can someone explain to me what the benefit is of picking Mike Pence of all people? If you're going to pick an outwardly boring appearing candidate, why not go for John Kasich, since that would probably help in Ohio.

Kasich doesn't want to be on board a sinking ship. Neither do quite a lot of GOP candidates that would otherwise be intriguing choices. Trump's options are limited.
Can someone explain to me what the benefit is of picking Mike Pence of all people? If you're going to pick an outwardly boring appearing candidate, why not go for John Kasich, since that would probably help in Ohio.

Because whatever John Kasich is, he's not an idiot. He knows not to tie himself to Trump. There's actually genuine dislike between the two. (But there's dislike between Kasich and everyone to be honest).

If you want a conservative, elected Republican, who will actually agree to take it....Pence is one of the few.


Kasich doesn't want to be on board a sinking ship. Neither do quite a lot of GOP candidates that would otherwise be intriguing choices. Trump's options are limited.

This and if they actually felt that Trump had a chance here they might be thinking differently but it's interesting they haven't been having a change of heart. For everyone going crazy, and I admit I've been feeling that concern, this might be important to pay attention to.
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