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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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There will be a bunch of empty chairs present at the convention. He or his surrogates will be talking to a bunch of empty chairs at the RNC.

Phantom faces at the window
Phantom shadows on the floor
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will meet no more.


In other news trump mentioned another conspiracy theory at one of his recent rally.

Hint: It involves the FBI and Bernie.
I can't stand his speaking style. It's like he's lecturing children. So repetitive and self-aggrandizing.


Why are you live blogging your date on PoliGAF? Your date will believe you're weird...er than he initially gauged.


He was buying tokens for the batting cages at the time. Which, those things are terrifying. Balls flying at you at like 50 miles per hour? Not for me. I didn't hit anything. :(

And, yassss, Trump, talk EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Every night. Please. This is your time to be magical and amazing and awesome. That's what the people want.



He was buying tokens for the batting cages at the time. Which, those things are terrifying. Balls flying at you at like 50 miles per hour? Not for me. I didn't hit anything. :(

And, yassss, Trump, talk EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Every night. Please. This is your time to be magical and amazing and awesome. That's what the people want.

I'd pay to have some balls fly at me right now. :(


Bernie Supporters Practice Getting Arrested At The Democratic Convention

The big question this weekend in Chicago is how to turn the Bernie Sanders movement into a lasting element of Democratic politics.

For some of the Sanders faithful on Saturday afternoon, the answer was locking arms on a civic center floor and struggling as “police officers” pulled them apart and “arrested” them.


In the basement of the Lakeside Center, where the Summit was held, some of those younger Sanders supporters prepared for what they called “direct action” — loud, consistent, and perhaps disruptive protest outside the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Several dozen of them attended a training on how to march, how to follow a chant, how to defy police orders to disperse by sitting and locking arms in what’s called a “human chain,” and how to conduct themselves when the police stepped in and physically removed them.

Trainers wearing fake badges waded among the chanting and human-chained “protesters,” pulling them apart, putting their hands behind their backs, and leading them away.


remember me
Veep on why Clinton won't pick Warren

"Are you trying to blow up the universe now? Who's going to go for two women on the ticket? We could all eat pussy all day long!"


Yea, I'm not too concerned about them anymore

They don't even seem to know what they're even protesting about anymore. They just want to protest for the sake of protesting and that sort of stuff doesn't really attract big crowds.

I assume it's something about FRAUD, and how Superdelegates can't melt steel beams.


The Yahoo front page is really garbage. They pull some really shady articles front and center and people probably don't realize it what the sources are.


So even my "moderate" friend hates Trump now. His tripling down was too much for him. I told him what the hell did he expect?

Oh and those Bernie protestors will be a non factor, like grilled cheese on a monday.

Anyway...looking forward to playing Minecraft on Wii U right now, seems like a really fun game, Mario and star wars skins yay.


I enjoyed the spontaneous Bernie chants at the New Hampshire state Democratic thingamajig where Warren was laying down the law. By the time the convention rolls around, we're going to be down to Tobias never nude numbers for Bernie delegate protesters.

Not really a bad idea of one that has no campaign. Use a heavily spectated event to draw attention to himself and lay out his proposals. Use the media to talk about his ideas. Most likely his ideas won't have much substance, it'll just be crazy and stupid ideas, or it'll be incredibly safe and boring with some contradictions. Likely to be all three.


The Autumn Wind
Not really a bad idea of one that has no campaign. Use a heavily spectated event to draw attention to himself and lay out his proposals. Use the media to talk about his ideas. Most likely his ideas won't have much substance, it'll just be crazy and stupid ideas, or it'll be incredibly safe and boring with some contradictions. Likely to be all three.
Yes, because that strategy has worked brilliantly for him so far in the general election.



So they're roleplaying being oppressed. They want to feel important, so they want to pretend that they're worth the effort to arrest. Because they're revolutionaries! Or something.

It fits in with all the other stuff... playing up their "political revolution" as being on the same level as the Civil Rights movement, hyping Bernie into this hero (what a hero! he launched a failed presidential bid! also he named two post offices as a senator!), conspiracies about "the man oh I mean the establishment" keeping them down...

They just want so desperately to feel like a part of something bigger than themselves, so they latched onto Bernie's campaign, rode the bandwagon, and now want to go down screaming with the sinking ship. But, here's the thing... nobody cares. Nobody will hear you. Nobody really wants to.

So have fun, I guess. I'm sure the protests will go great! I look forward to you staying home on election day and not ACTUALLY being a part of something bigger than yourselves.


Superdelegates can save the party from an extreme nominee

Yeah, I bet the Republicans wish they had that this year. But consider what would happen if they did: Republican superdelegates – the elites of the party – swoop in at the convention and throw it to Ted Cruz or someone else, despite Trump’s significant lead in votes. The Trump voters might very well riot, or at least not vote for the Republican nominee.

It would be a disaster. Yes, Trump as the nominee is a disaster in and of itself, but you’d just be replacing it with a different type of disaster.

Bottom line: if your party has gone so far off the rails that you’re nominating someone so crazy that the party’s leaders have to step in and effectively overturn the will of the people, you’re pretty screwed anyway. May as well just let the person take over, crash the party in one election, and then use that as a cautionary tale to elect a more balanced nominee next time. Subverting the popular vote will likely just prolong the internal problem you’re having.

They just want so desperately to feel like a part of something bigger than themselves, so they latched onto Bernie's campaign, rode the bandwagon, and now want to go down screaming with the sinking ship. But, here's the thing... nobody cares. Nobody will hear you. Nobody really wants to.
When you think you are trying to save the world, even a windmill becomes a firebreathing dragon. In other words, its a quixotic campaign.
I'm reading a Communist argue that Twitter should not be allowed to ban NeoNazis because they're restricting the speech of NeoNazis because all social media is speech that should be protected and my mind is full of fuck.

They're basically arguing that GameFAQs should be unable to ban any users because that would be cutting off their ability to produce speech also.
The next person to blame "mental illness" for the club shooter or the Nazi assassin is the person who will inspire me to scream.

Hate is not mental illness. Lack of empathy and bigotry is extremely normal. Like 20-40% of men are willing to commit assault or rape if they think they'd get away with it.

Was the entire Confederacy just a long demonstration of mental illness? Come on.
Yes, because that strategy has worked brilliantly for him so far in the general election.

Pretty sure it won't work well like I said.

The 50 state strategy needs to happen It needs to happen if the Dems want to gain control over the government, but it might happen over time when demographics start to change. Although, an issue can come up that southern more conservative Dems might slow progress. Hopefully, the right people gets picked. The Dems needs to be a bigger tent, but it comes at a price. As it can cause dysfunction within the party like that of the Republican Party. I think the Democrats should continue with focusing on social progressivism, but make their economic progressive policies more loud and clear. I don't think Bernie supporters and people that have the similar ideology is the future of the party, but it does tap in a certain group that are considered about income equality and the wealthy.


Do you think there is actually damning stuff in the TPP emails?

I don't really see what could be in there. We know she supported the TPP and now she claims to not support it. I am mad at her about that but I assume she's lying and still supports it, to be honest.

But since we know she supported it when she was SoS since she negotiated it as SoS, I mean, the emails are probably just going to reveal that she supported it as SoS. People might point to it as evidence of her flip-flopping but they were going to do that anyway.


So one thing to note is that the period where Hillary and Trump were close in the polls wasn't actually driven by Trump gaining in polls. You can see from HuffPost Pollster that he stayed static and is now starting to drop hard. Hillary just took a dive at the beginning of May and is slowly starting to recover.

So that polling dip may always have been basically fake, because that drop in Hillary's polls is probably driven by Bernie voters. She's likely to get back to 47% pretty soon while Trump stays mired at 35% or so.


So one thing to note is that the period where Hillary and Trump were close in the polls wasn't actually driven by Trump gaining in polls. You can see from HuffPost Pollster that he stayed static and is now starting to drop hard. Hillary just took a dive at the beginning of May and is slowly starting to recover.

So that polling dip may always have been basically fake, because that drop in Hillary's polls is probably driven by Bernie voters. She's likely to get back to 47% pretty soon while Trump stays mired at 35% or so.

He was technically polling in the low fourties and maxed out at around 41.6% when he was competitive with hilary.Technically he only went up like 2% from like March 30 to the middle of may where he peaked. He has dropped like 4% since his peak in the middle of may while Hilary has gained like 3%. He's probably going to stay at around 35% or so for the next few months while hilary climbs closer to 50% or higher than that.I wouldn't be surprised if he started polling below 35% soon.The republican leadership will panicking soon anyway if his poll numbers don't start to improve significantly and he starts polling closer to 35% or lower than that.
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