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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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It's terrible that these shootings are happening more in Europe now, but I will say it is notable that the more serious gun control regimes have not apparently been sufficient to prevent them from happening.

The main thing that seems to have happened is that homogeneity has dropped in Europe recently, while it's been pretty low in America all along.

One thing to note is that the only major terror attack in the UK recently used a gun that was apparently homemade. Given the border controls between Britain and the continent, that suggests that the problem may be guns entering Europe and then moving around freely within the continent.


I don't care how it looks. Kaine needs to spend at least 5 minutes of his VP Convention speech talking in Spanish. Hype up the Hispanic base and let the GOP go crazy that he's not talking "American".


I don't care how it looks. Kaine needs to spend at least 5 minutes of his VP Convention speech talking in Spanish. Hype up the Hispanic base and let the GOP go crazy that he's not talking "American".

Agreed. I said it yesterday, but he had better be on Univision, Telemundo, and Fusion every single week just dominating the coverage.
I don't care how it looks. Kaine needs to spend at least 5 minutes of his VP Convention speech talking in Spanish. Hype up the Hispanic base and let the GOP go crazy that he's not talking "American".

That will be decent bait too. Trump and others will likely be questioned about there thoughts on him doing that and they will likely give a horrible answer.
This bank & finance talk makes me remember a question I had earlier, what can realistically be done about the citizens united case after Hillary's in office? Is it just "appoint liberal justices and wait for a campaign finance case to be brought up so the supreme court can repeal it?"

You don't need to "wait" on a traditional sense. Just find an incident, pay the lawyers & push to get it to the SCJ. That's how conservatives target affirmative actions & others laws they don't like.


The climate was different 8 years ago. We were coming off of 8 years of a republican, not a democrat. So picking a centrist Dem like Biden was not as off-putting to much of the democratic base that it might possibly be today. A guy who ran as a socialist came in second this cycle, because people are desperate and want bigger change and feel the need that the government has to push through massive legislation. Bernie would have gotten less votes than Ron Paul if he ran 8 years ago.

Yes, hopefully this position isn't actually used and doesn't come into play but the choice here is assuming something does. There has unquestionably been energy on both sides to "break from the norm" or push farther, either right or left. I don't have faith that Kaine will be a guy anyone is happy with should he actually get the call and become President.
And then we got 8 years of the 10->18 years old growing up under Obama and thinking this is the norm, when it's very much not.


Regarding the Kennedy assassination stuff:

andrew kaczynskiVerified account
If a person on the subway sitting next to you said that to you you would move to a new seat.

He's not wrong.
It's terrible that these shootings are happening more in Europe now, but I will say it is notable that the more serious gun control regimes have not apparently been sufficient to prevent them from happening.

The main thing that seems to have happened is that homogeneity has dropped in Europe recently, while it's been pretty low in America all along.

I say it has more do with enforcement and security then the anything else with regards to guns.

If it is a terror attack, than they are smuggling in guns. Europeans probably need much better security.


Also the next time I hear somebody complain about Democrats and "identity politics" I will have some sort of rage aneurysm.
So, I'm both curious whether companies are doing this regularly, without cause.

And whether people think that foreign investors should be left without any legal recourse, particularly in places with poor institutions?

There are "horror stories", often exaggerated a la Veolia story.

Argentina is the country that's had the most cases put to the ICSID.

That's a bit of goalpost moving. I wasn't addressing the validity of the complaint (as I haven't investigated it properly), but rather the notion that Americans shouldn't care if it would be only negatively affecting other countries. I think there's a strong case to be made that we ought to make trade deals in which we think we haven't given abusive leverage to US companies, especially considering the historic abuses by large US companies around the globe.

Is that's what's happening? I dunno. It's what's being asserted as a criticism of the TPP, and I don't think it gets dismissed just because the suggested problem happens to non-Americans.
Should just link them to Bernie's Twitter. (Unless that's been taking over by Hillary's servers!)

The only fb friends I have that are in the #stillBernie camp are at the "The DNC is coercing Bernie and they burned all the ballots in CA and now we have to act like idiots at the convention to release him" kind of mode.


Despite the fact that crime is going down, in the US and even Europe, the media's reporting of crime has absolutely changed and definitely is influencing the way people are viewing the world.

Random shootings, or stories of a cop killing an unarmed black man, was not national news that the networks focused on or covered all day when it happened.

So I am not sure exactly how to handle this. But I don't know if Obama's telling everyone that murder and crime are at historic lows really will work with anyone because watching the news this year it legitimately looks like the world is falling apart.

Someone has to be the voice of reason. If he just lets the network news dominate the narrative of how your life, culture, and country are under constant threat, the fear mongers will win.

I don't expect everyone to believe Obama when he lets people know this stuff, but I'm glad someone in a position of authority is doing it. The more people cool their jets, the better.

I've come to kind of liken western (white) society to stages of development. For centuries, we've been going through childhood where you have no meaningful understanding of ethics or anything outside of the self. If someone has something you want, you just take it. If someone says something you don't like, you just scream at them until they shut up or attack them. You are always right because there is nothing that can be contained within your understanding of the world but yourself.

Only very recently has our growth in understanding matured via the vastly increased gaze each individual now possesses thanks to technology. We have taken awkward steps into adolescence, where everyone is looking around with a slightly more mature gaze. Not mature enough to think in shades of gray, mind you. Just mature enough to realize some of the things we're doing might be bad. Still in black and white thinking, that makes us horrible monsters with even more horrible monsters surrounding us. Our governing body is changing and gangly and awkward. Everything in the world feels hostile and everyone feels misunderstood. Melodrama is everywhere. Everything is the end of the world.

Should that metaphor actually carry through, it would seem to me that it is the duty of every kind hearted, clear eyed, careful thinking individual to keep the body as calm and as reasonable as we can though this necessary period of growth till we can eventually reach an adult society at long last.


Sorry, that was probably TL:DR and needlessly naval-gazy. Just something that's been on my mind lately.
I don't care how it looks. Kaine needs to spend at least 5 minutes of his VP Convention speech talking in Spanish. Hype up the Hispanic base and let the GOP go crazy that he's not talking "American".

I think him saying mid-speech "I'd like to take a moment to speak directly to our citizens of Mexican and South American heritage" and then talking in Spanish about how important they are to the economy and recognizing their struggle followed by going off on how Trump doesn't respect their hard work, thinks they're criminals, etc. ... and knows so little about their culture that he would choose to eat a taco bowl instead of a tostada (as this end note would not need translation for non-spanish speakers) would rile up the GOP like nothing else.
Is that's what's happening? I dunno. It's what's being asserted as a criticism of the TPP, and I don't think it gets dismissed just because the suggested problem happens to non-Americans.
Yes, so instead I'm dismissing it, at least to the extent that it's such a big bad deal end of the world that the protectionist left thinks, by asking to what extent people are actually aware of how these things actually function in practice.


I think him saying mid-speech "I'd like to take a moment to speak directly to our citizens of Mexican and South American heritage" and then talking in Spanish about how important they are to the economy and recognizing their struggle followed by going off on how Trump doesn't respect their hard work, thinks they're criminals, etc. ... and knows so little about their culture that he would choose to eat a taco bowl instead of a tostada (as this end note would not need translation for non-spanish speakers) would rile up the GOP like nothing else.

I'd hope they'd have the presence of mind to have the video feeds have exceedingly correct sub-titles ready for that part of the speech. I think the only thing that would drive the GOP even more bonkers than not understanding the speech is having to read it in subtitles.
I'd hope they'd have the presence of mind to have the video feeds have exceedingly correct sub-titles ready for that part of the speech. I think the only thing that would drive the GOP even more bonkers than not understanding the speech is having to read it in subtitles.

There was someone at the GOP convention that spoke spanish with no subtitles. He didn't even repeat what he said in English. It was also bullshit.

He said basically democrats are like the corrupt leaders in latin america you left
I'd hope they'd have the presence of mind to have the video feeds have exceedingly correct sub-titles ready for that part of the speech. I think the only thing that would drive the GOP even more bonkers than not understanding the speech is having to read it in subtitles.

I would like it more if they didn't and he really went to town. Force all the talking heads to repeat the speech for the public as it wasn't translated originally.


I heard that Clinton is having a press conference at 4:30? It'd be weird to announce a running mate at a press conference and not even have them there. The optics!
Yes, so instead I'm dismissing it, at least to the extent that it's such a big bad deal end of the world that the protectionist left thinks, by asking to what extent people are actually aware of how these things actually function in practice.

For which I am grateful.

I still think Sangreal's comment was BS though. We have a moral obligation to enter into deals that are fair to our partners even if they decided to sign on anyway.


I heard that Clinton is having a press conference at 4:30? It'd be weird to announce a running mate at a press conference and not even have them there. The optics!
She's not announcing it there, it's going out over text/email sometime this evening to pre-empt leaks.


Josh Marshall is really going in on Trump's weird Russia ties. It's a series of Twitter posts and I'm on mobile, but here's the first. It really is bizarrely under covered, but that Baltic/NATO statement is bound to breathe new life into this line of investigation.


Along similar lines:

Found this article linked in his twitter

A globe-trotting American investment banker who's built a career on deals with Russia and its state-run gas company, Carter Page says his business has suffered directly from the U.S. economic sanctions imposed after Russia's escalating involvement in the Ukraine. When Donald Trump named him last week as one of his foreign-policy advisers, Page says his e-mail inbox filled up with positive notes from Russian contacts. “So many people who I know and have worked with have been so adversely affected by the sanctions policy,” Page said in a two-hour interview last week. “There's a lot of excitement in terms of the possibilities for creating a better situation.”

In Russia, Page developed relationships with executives at Gazprom, the former Soviet gas ministry that was partially privatized in the 1990s. By the time Page arrived, Putin was consolidating his grip on the country's economy, and in 2005 the government boosted its stake so that it again owned a majority of the stock.

Page says he advised Gazprom on its largest deals during this period, such as buying of a stake in the Sakhalin oil and gas field in the Sea of Okhotsk. He also helped the company court Western investors, assisting in setting up the first regular meetings with shareholders in New York and London. Before he moved back to New York in 2007, he says, many of its top officials showed up at his going-away party, at a restaurant near the Kremlin.

Page gets mixed reviews from former bosses. Bernie Sucher, Merrill’s country head in that era, said Page “has a nuanced and subtle appreciation of the interplay of politics and energy.” But Sergey Aleksashenko, another top Merrill executive in Russia at the time and now an outspoken Kremlin critic, described him as a junior banker with little understanding of the country. “I could not imagine Carter as an adviser on foreign policy,” Aleksashenko said. “It's really surprising.”




I heard that Clinton is having a press conference at 4:30? It'd be weird to announce a running mate at a press conference and not even have them there. The optics!

Source? Maybe a preemptive call for calm, especially after the show Trump put on.
Alex WeprinVerified account
An average of 29.9 million people watched Donald trump accept GOP nomination during 10 PM hour last night on broadcast, CNN, FNC, MSNBC

Dylan ByersVerified account
‏@DylanByers Dylan Byers Retweeted Alex Weprin
DNC '12 (final night): 35.7m
RNC '12 (final night): 30.3m
DNC '08 (final night): 38.4m
RNC '08 (final night): 38.9m



If I donate to hillary while providing my address is she going to mail me things? Actual serious question. My parents would flip shit.


Billing address is the mailing address.
Well they wouldn't mail anything to a billing address. Did you also separately input your mailing address or check a box that said "mailing address is same as billing address"? It's possible that it could be stickers/magnets/buttons that they would send you if they want your mailing address, like lyrick said.


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