That Kaine/Pence debate is setting up to be the worst debate of all time.
Kaine is reasonably progressive, what's the beef?
It makes a lot of sense. I've not commented much...
But among the choices, Kaine was the best choice in case something happens to Hillary.
The only other choice I saw was Perez. As much as I like Warren...what is her foreign policy positions? No way Hillary was going to pick someone who knew so little on foreign policy in this election much like Obama picked Biden (over Kaine) and was looking t experience in this area.
It's a safe pick. It's a good pick. It won't get people super excited but it was probably the right pick for her. I'm fine with it.
I've become a fan of Kaine so I'm happy. Would have loved Elizabeth but that's okay.
yeah :
I just have this terrible, sick feeling about all of this...
barely been eating, hard to get out of bed...
Hope this works out for the best. Definitely a good, safe pick. I guess the admiral wasn't completely on board.
Hope this works out for the best. Definitely a good, safe pick. I guess the admiral wasn't completely on board.
Her website is updated. Signs and stuff are available.
The campaign went through 30 candidate binders to make a selection. That's such a Hillary thing.
This could do a lot to sour Clinton's image with younger voters and minorities. I'm really worried Kaine could depress turnout.
This could do a lot to sour Clinton's image with younger voters and minorities. I'm really worried Kaine could depress turnout.
This could do a lot to sour Clinton's image with younger voters and minorities. I'm really worried Kaine could depress turnout.
This could do a lot to sour Clinton's image with younger voters and minorities. I'm really worried Kaine could depress turnout.
No complaint from me.STAHP
He is a VP my god people.This could do a lot to sour Clinton's image with younger voters and minorities. I'm really worried Kaine could depress turnout.
He is a VP my god people.
Really annoyed about Tim Kaine being announced. Does he really bring more to the table than Perez?
Really annoyed about Tim Kaine being announced. Does he really bring more to the table than Perez?
This could do a lot to sour Clinton's image with younger voters and minorities. I'm really worried Kaine could depress turnout.
Vice-presidential selections dont usually make much of a difference to the overall results. But there is pretty clear evidence that they can deliver a bonus in their home state. Its often modest, but any help at all could be significant to Mrs. Clinton in a state as important as Virginia.
On average, the ticket tends to do about two percentage points better in a vice-presidents home state than it does in the surrounding area.
Over the long run, though, the ticket holds up a bit better in a vice presidents home state. The effect tends to be largest in years without an incumbent and if the candidate held statewide office. It may also be bigger in less populous states like Alaska or Delaware, where voters may feel more pride about one of their own being selected to the second-highest office in the country.
By these measures, Mr. Kaine would seem to stand a real chance of helping Mrs. Clinton.
Hes a statewide official running when there isnt an incumbent president on the ballot. Virginia is not an especially small state, but its not huge either, and the Commonwealth does have a distinctive sense of identity.
I'm going to play Symphony of the Night today to celebrate the vanquishing of backwards-Dracula from GAF.
And Kaine! Celebrating that too, I think!
So, I know very little about Kaine. Why is he a good choice?
Anyone who says "fuck it" because the VP pick doesn't get their nips hard wasn't going to vote anyway.
Yes, considering Perez has no executive or legislative experience really.
all the talk of boring is a bit disappointing.
This shows hillary doesn't view politics as a show or something to make yourself feel better. It shows she cares about one thing. Governing.
Isn't that why we supported her?