Seriously, I think we've learned a lot about how maddeningly insane the left can be this election season.... And this beef with Kaine over absolutely nothing is a prime example of that. Are these liberals gonna shit all over Obama/Biden/Clinton and god knows how many Dems too who probably feel the same way about abortion? These purity-first progressives are oftentimes no better than the Ted Cruz's and tea party of the right. And it rubs me the wrong way because there are millions of Catholic/religious Dems who believe the exact same thing. Are you gonna kick all them out too?
And then you have idiots blasting him as some super moderate when they have no idea who/what he's really for or against. Who to believe? His friends/cohorts who all cast him as a good, genuine person/progressive? Or idiots like Michael Moore who shit on everything for no good reason?
Do people know he boycotted the Netanyahu speech and was a early backer of the Iran deal? 100% from Planned Parenthood and a F from the NRA? Is that a super moderate corporate driven Dem? Or just a progressive pragmatist that actually gets things done to shift the state/country leftward in the same vein as Obama/Clinton?
FWIW, I think most rational people have been on board and/or warmed up to the pick after initial trepidation.
Al Giordano also tweeted out some good thoughts about the pick that are well worth the read